52 research outputs found

    Economic Impact of a Rotavirus Vaccine in Brazil

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    The study was done to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a national rotavirus vaccination programme in Brazilian children from the healthcare system perspective. A hypothetical annual birth-cohort was followed for a five-year period. Published and national administrative data were incorporated into a model to quantify the consequences of vaccination versus no vaccination. Main outcome measures included the reduction in disease burden, lives saved, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) averted. A rotavirus vaccinationprogramme in Brazil would prevent an estimated 1,804 deaths associated with gastroenteritis due to rotavirus, 91,127 hospitalizations, and 550,198 outpatient visits. Vaccination is likely to reduce 76% of the overall healthcare burden of rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis in Brazil. At a vaccine price of US7−8perdose,thecost−effectivenessratiowouldbeUS 7-8 per dose, the cost-effectiveness ratio would be US 643 per DALY averted. Rotavirus vaccination can reduce the burden of gastroenteritis due to rotavirus at a reasonable cost-effectiveness ratio

    Estudos epidemiológicos entre grupos indígenas de Rondônia: IV. Inquérito sorológico para rotavírus entre os Suruí e Karitiána Epidemiological studies among Amerindians of Rondônia: IV. Note of serological survey for rotavirus antibodies among Suruí and Karitiána

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    São apresentados os dados de um inquérito soro epidemiológico para anticorpos anti-rotavírus conduzido entre os Suruí e Karitiána, dois grupos indígenas de Rondônia, Brasil. Os resultados indicam que as porcentagens de soropositividade são elevadas (67,8% para os Suruí e 77,4% para os Karitiána, através da técnica ELISA, e 45,5% para os Suruí e 56,7% para os Karitiána, através de imunofluorescência indireta). Testes de qui-quadrado indicam não haver associação estatisticamente significante entre grupo e positividade sorológica. São discutidos os resultados à luz de outros estudos conduzidos com grupos indígenas brasileiros.<br>The authors present the results of a sero-epidemiological survey for rotavirus antibodies conducted among the Suruí and Kantiána, two amerindian groups of Rondônia, Brazilian Amazonia. The results indicate high percentages of seropositivity for both groups (67.8% among the Surui and 77.4% among the Kantiana using ELISA and 45.5% for the Suruí and 56.7% for the Karitiána using indirect immunofluorescence). Chi square tests indicated no statistically significant association between group and seropositivity. The results are discussed in the light of other studies conducted among Brazilian amerindian groups

    The Value Of Pcr-rflp Molecular Markers For The Differentiation Of Immature Stages Of Two Necrophagous Flies (diptera: Calliphoridae) Of Potential Forensic Importance [o Valor De Marcadores Moleculares Do Tipo Pcr-rflp Para A Diferenciação De Estágios Imaturos De Duas Moscas Necrófagas (diptera: Calliphoridae) De Potencial Importância Forense]

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    The identification of insect species involved in corpses decomposition is of particular importance in estimating the post-mortem interval (PMI) in forensic science, since the PMI is based on information about the life cycle of necrophagous insects. However, the identification of some insect species, especially in their immature stages, may be complicated by many factors, even for experienced taxonomists. Species of the same genus such as Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) and H. semidiaphana (Rondani) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are morphologically and behaviorally very similar, but differ in their growth and maturation rates. These species are abundant in forests, exclusively necrophagous and, therefore, are of potential medicolegal importance for estimating the PMI in criminal events that would take place in those areas. In this study, we assessed the usefulness of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in the differentiation of these two species. Two specific regions of mitochondrial DNA, the Cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the control region (CR), were amplified by PCR and digested using restriction endonucleases. The cleavage patterns generated by the endonucleases DraI and SspI were suitable for differentiating the two Hemilucilia species. This method can be helpful for the forensic entomologist in estimating the PMI because it provides a fast identification, also making possible the use of the insect at any life stage, including immature specimens, regardless of the conditions of preservation (dead or live specimens).345777783Amorim, J.A., Ribeiro, O.B., Distinction among the puparia of three blowfly species (Diptera: Calliphoridae) frequently found on unburied corpses (2001) Mem. Inst. 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