768 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Fee Structure and Expense Ratios of U.S. Equity Mutual Funds

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    3rd place in the Business Solutions in the Global Economy category at the Denman ForumA plethora of research exists showing the relationship between a mutual fund's performance, in the form of its percentage return to investors, and a fund's expense ratio. Existing research, by Hooks (1996), Haslem, Baker, and Smith (2008), and Bello and Frank (2010), show across different samples and controls that funds with higher than average expenses under-perform compared to those with a lower ratio. With this being the case, how do mutual funds justify having a higher than average expense ratio and what are the actual factors of a fund that determine this ratio? This is a major gap in mutual fund research and although some findings do exist on the determinants of these expenses, this paper hopes to add to those findings through analysis of additional variables and controls. To do this, data was collected via the independent mutual fund database Morningstar. A screening was used to control the data set so that the results of this research would be most applicable to casual investors who are most susceptible to high expense ratios. From this screening both a year to date cross sectional set of data and a time series dataset of annual data from 2013 to 2017. A regression analysis was conducted on the cross-sectional data set and results show that both the year to date absolute return percentile and the rank percentile of the funds are both significant in determining the expense ratio. Four multiple-regression models adapted from previous research by Ferris and Chance (1987) were used to come up with results from the time-series data set. These models resulted in coefficients of determination between 50%-60%, with the size of the fund, additional load fees, and the use of a 12-b1 plan being the most significant variables.No embargoAcademic Major: Financ

    Deletion of the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit gene (Atp1a1) does not prevent cavitation of the preimplantation mouse embryo.

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    Increases in Na/K-ATPase activity occur concurrently with the onset of cavitation and are associated with increases in Na(+)-pump subunit mRNA and protein expression. We have hypothesized that the alpha1-isozyme of the Na/K-ATPase is required to mediate blastocyst formation. We have tested this hypothesis by characterizing preimplantation development in mice with a targeted disruption of the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit (Atp1a1) using embryos acquired from matings between Atp1a1 heterozygous mice. Mouse embryos homozygous for a null mutation in the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit gene are able to undergo compaction and cavitation. These findings demonstrate that trophectoderm transport mechanisms are maintained in the absence of the predominant isozyme of the Na(+)-pump that has previously been localized to the basolateral membranes of mammalian trophectoderm cells. The presence of multiple isoforms of Na/K-ATPase alpha- and beta-subunits at the time of cavitation suggests that there may be a degree of genetic redundancy amongst isoforms of the catalytic alpha-subunit that allows blastocyst formation to progress in the absence of the alpha1-subunit

    Characterisation of Na/K-ATPase, its isoforms, and the inotropic response to ouabain in isolated failing human hearts

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    Objective: The aim was to determine whether failing human hearts have increased sensitivity to the inotropic and toxic effects of ouabain, and to examine alterations in Na/K-ATPase that might explain the observed higher ouabain sensitivity. Methods: For contractility studies, a total of 57 trabeculae were isolated from two non- failing (death from head injury) and 10 terminally failing, explanted human hearts. After the experiment, each trabecula was inspected under the light microscope for morphological alterations consistent with heart failure. Samples for biochemical and molecular studies were obtained from five non-failing and 13 failing hearts. Total Na/K-ATPase was measured in desoxycholate treated homogenates and expressed per unit of tissue wet or dry weight, DNA, protein, or myosin. Interference from residual bound digoxin due to previous therapy was excluded. The expression of the three α isoforms was studied at both the mRNA level using northern blots and the protein level by analysis of dissociation kinetics of the [3H]ouabain-enzyme complex. Results: Trabeculae showing morphological alterations and decreased contractility were sensitive to lower concentrations of ouabain (3-100 nM) than control trabeculae (100-1000 nM); the inotropic EC50 and the minimum toxic concentration were both reduced. [3H]Ouabain binding was significantly lower (p≪0.001) in failing than in non-failing hearts, at 293(SD 74) v 507(48) pmol·g−1 wet weight. No significant change was observed in maximum ATPase turnover rate, or in sensitivities to Na+, K+, vanadate, and dihydro-ouabain. All three α isoforms were expressed at the mRNA level in both normal and failing hearts. Conclusions: This study shows conclusively, for the first time, that failing human hearts are more sensitive to ouabain. This may be at least partly due to a mean reduction of 42% (95% confidence interval, 26 to 56%) in the concentration of Na/K-ATPase (decrease in Na,K pump reserve), but not to an alteration in its catalytic properties or in its isoform composition. Cardiovascular Research 1993;27:2229-223

    Reduction of Na/K-ATPase potentiates marinobufagenin-induced cardiac dysfunction and myocyte apoptosis

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    Background: Na/K-ATPase decrease has been reported in patients with heart failure and is related to cardiac dysfunction. Results: Reducing Na/K-ATPase activates caspase 9 and induces cardiac dilation when treated with marinobufagenin. Conclusion: Reduction of Na/K-ATPase potentiates marinobufagenin-induced cardiac myocyte apoptosis. Significance: Decreased Na/K-ATPase content together with increased cardiotonic steroids levels is a novel mechanism that may account for cardiac dysfunction

    Regulation of expression of Na+,K+-ATPase in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer

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    The β1-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase was isolated and identified as an androgen down-regulated gene. Expression was observed at high levels in androgen-independent as compared to androgen-dependent (responsive) human prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts when grown in the presence of androgens. Down-regulation of the β1-subunit was initiated at concentrations between 0.01 nM and 0.03 nM of the synthetic androgen R1881 after relatively long incubation times (> 24 h). Using polyclonal antibodies, the concentration of β1-subunit protein, but not of the α1-subunit protein, was markedly reduced in androgen-dependent human prostate cancer cells (LNCaP-FGC) cultured in the presence of androgens. In line with these observations it was found that the protein expression of total Na+,K+-ATPase in the membrane (measured by 3H-ouabain binding) was also markedly decreased. The main function of Na+,K+-ATPase is to maintain sodium and potassium homeostasis in animal cells. The resulting electrochemical gradient is facilitative for transport of several compounds over the cell membrane (for example cisplatin, a chemotherapeutic agent experimentally used in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer). Here we observed that a ouabain-induced decrease of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in LNCaP-FGC cells results in reduced sensitivity of these cells to cisplatin-treatment. Surprisingly, androgen-induced decrease of Na+,K+-ATPase expression, did not result in significant protection against the chemotherapeutic agent. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    C-Peptide Increases Na,K-ATPase Expression via PKC- and MAP Kinase-Dependent Activation of Transcription Factor ZEB in Human Renal Tubular Cells

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    Replacement of proinsulin C-peptide in type 1 diabetes ameliorates nerve and kidney dysfunction, conditions which are associated with a decrease in Na,K-ATPase activity. We determined the molecular mechanism by which long term exposure to C-peptide stimulates Na,K-ATPase expression and activity in primary human renal tubular cells (HRTC) in control and hyperglycemic conditions.HRTC were cultured from the outer cortex obtained from patients undergoing elective nephrectomy. Ouabain-sensitive rubidium ((86)Rb(+)) uptake and Na,K-ATPase activity were determined. Abundance of Na,K-ATPase was determined by Western blotting in intact cells or isolated basolateral membranes (BLM). DNA binding activity was determined by electrical mobility shift assay (EMSA). Culturing of HRTCs for 5 days with 1 nM, but not 10 nM of human C-peptide leads to increase in Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit protein expression, accompanied with increase in (86)Rb(+) uptake, both in normal- and hyperglycemic conditions. Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit expression and Na,K-ATPase activity were reduced in BLM isolated from cells cultured in presence of high glucose. Exposure to1 nM, but not 10 nM of C-peptide increased PKCε phosphorylation as well as phosphorylation and abundance of nuclear ERK1/2 regardless of glucose concentration. Exposure to 1 nM of C-peptide increased DNA binding activity of transcription factor ZEB (AREB6), concomitant with Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit mRNA expression. Effects of 1 nM C-peptide on Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit expression and/or ZEB DNA binding activity in HRTC were abolished by incubation with PKC or MEK1/2 inhibitors and ZEB siRNA silencing.Despite activation of ERK1/2 and PKC by hyperglycemia, a distinct pool of PKCs and ERK1/2 is involved in regulation of Na,K-ATPase expression and activity by C-peptide. Most likely C-peptide stimulates sodium pump expression via activation of ZEB, a transcription factor that has not been previously implicated in C-peptide-mediated signaling. Importantly, only physiological concentrations of C-peptide elicit this effect
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