25 research outputs found

    Bacteriophage and Its Potential Application in Wastewater Treatment

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    Bakteriofag merupakan virus yang secara spesifik menginfeksi organisme Prokariota, baik Eubakteria maupun Arkhaea. Bakteriofag memiliki sejarah yang cukup panjang sejak pertama kali ditemukan sampai sekarang ini. Perhatian terhadap bakteriofag dalam dunia riset boleh dikatakan mengalami pasang surut dalam kurun waktu tersebut. Dengan meningkatnya fenomena resistensi antimikrobial pada banyak bakteri patogen, telah membuka kembali minat dan perhatian peneliti untuk menggali potensi bakteriofag sebagai agen antimikrobial alternatif. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk mengupas secara ringkas tentang perkembangan riset dan aplikasi bakteriofag dalam kehidupan, dengan fokus utama aplikasi pada pengolahan limbah. Aplikasi fag dalam pengolahan limbah telah dilakukan dalam upaya untuk mereduksi cemaran bakteri patogen pada air dan lumpur,  sampai mengatasi reduksi buih pada air limbah.Bacteriophages are viruses that specifically infect prokaryotic organisms, both eubacteria and archaea. Bacteriophages have quite a long history since they were first discovered until now. Attention to bacteriophages in the world of research can be said to have experienced ups and downs during this period. Due to the growing problem of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, researchers are once again focusing on investigating how bacteriophages could be used as alternative antimicrobial treatments. This article aimed to provide a concise overview of the evolution of bacteriophage research and its various applications in life sciences, particularly emphasizing its use in wastewater treatment. The utilization of phages in wastewater treatment endeavors to minimize pathogenic bacterial presence in water and sludge while addressing foam reduction in wastewater

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles via Cratoxylum glaucum Leaf Extract Loaded Polyvinyl Alcohol and Its Antibacterial Acitvity

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    In this study, green synthesis of silver nanoparticles via Cratoxylum glaucum leaf extracts loaded with polyvinyl alcohol and its bacterial activity were tested. Nanosilver from ‘Pucuk Idat’ leaves has a non-uniform size and tends to agglomerate, making the nanoparticle size unstable and challenging to apply further. Therefore, so that nanoparticles do not aggregate, efforts are made to add stabilizers. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a polymer that can be used as a stabilizer because it can prevent unwanted aggregation and oxidation processes. UV-Vis analysis results show that PVA as a stabilizer can avoid an increase in wavelength shift. Based on the results of this XRD analysis, it can be concluded that in this research sample, the silver nanoparticle is formed with a cubic crystal system, and it can be observed that the smallest average particle size is in the 0.75% Ag/PVA sample of 10.32 nm. Furthermore, based on the antibacterial test against E. coli and S. aureus, it can be explained that the 0.75% PVA-modified nanosilver sample showed weak to medium antibacterial activity.


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    A number of water quality indicators in the tin post-mined pond of a certain age indicate that the water condition is acidic, low dissolved oxygen content, low cation exchange capacity, and polluted by heavy metals. Restoration of the water quality of post-tin mining pond can use microorganisms as bioremediation agents. Microorganisms live by forming microbial community structures called biofilms. The aims of this study was to identify and find out the optimal pH of biofilm formation biofilm-forming bacteria from post-tin mining pond. The steps of research method was the isolation of bacteria by the spread plate technique, the biofilm formation test by the crystal violet technique, and the identification of bacteria macroscopically, microscopically, and physiologically. The isolation results showed that the highest bacterial density was at station 3 with a total of 8.1x103 cfu/ml. The results of the visualization of biofilm formation find out the A8 isolate at pH 5 with the most concentrated staining, while the highest Optical Density (OD) value for each pH was 0.11245 (pH 3) for A8 bacteria, 0.1901 (pH 5) for I1 bacteria and 0.1901 (pH 5) for A8 bacteria of 0.08945 (pH 7). There were 14 isolated bacterial belonging to the Genus Branhamella, Bacteroides, Aeromonas, Bacillus and Clostridium 08945 (pH 7). Based on identification results, biofilm-forming bacterial isolates from the tin-mining pond of Rebo Village there were 14 isolated bacterial belonging to the Genus Branhamella, Bacteroides, Aeromonas, Bacillus and Clostridium 08945 (pH 7). There were 14 isolated bacterial belonging to the Genus Branhamella, Bacteroides, Aeromonas, Bacillus and Clostridium


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    The ecological impacts of tin mining activities in the Bangka island is the presence of heavy metal contamination that accumulated in the environment. One of the heavy metals that was often found in post-tin mining areas is lead (Pb). Mycoremediation is a method that can be used to reduce lead pollution in post-tin mining areas. This study aimedto isolate, resistance test and identify to Pb-resistant soil fungi (rhizosphere) in the post-tin area of Bangka. The research methods included isolation, test of fungal resistance to Pb metal (Control, 150ppm, 250ppm, 350ppm, 500ppm, 1,000ppm, 5,000ppm and 10,000ppm), macroscopic and microscopic identification. The results showed that 9 isolates tested, there were 6 isolates that were resistant to Pb up to the concentration of 5,000 ppm, namely isolates I1(Rhizoctonia), I2(Penicilllium sp1), I5(Papulaspora), I6(Penicillium sp2), I7(Penicillium sp3) and I9 (Sclerotium). Three isolates of soil fungus were not resistant to Pb up to a concentration of 5,000 ppm, namely isolates I4 (Sclerotium), I8(Microsporum), and I10(Cladosporium). All isolates did not grow anymore at a concentration of 10,000 ppm of Pb


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    The improvement of egg production efficiency and health remains a challenge in the cultivation of native chickens. The production of feed on farms requires significant costs, which can account for 60-70% of the total production expenses, making it essential to optimize feed efficiency in the chicken's digestive system. Furthermore, the traditional free-range farming of native chickens Merawang in Bangka Belitung, where they are allowed to roam freely in the backyard or garden, makes it difficult to control their development and health. To address these issues, efforts can be made by harnessing the potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) present in the digestive system of native chickens to be used as probiotics. The objective of this research was to obtain potential isolates of lactic acid bacteria from native chickens Merawang as probiotic candidates. The study was carried out experimentally in four stages, namely isolation, characterization, confirmation test, and probiotic potential test. The research results indicate that there were 6 isolates with potential as probiotics, namely AM3, AM7, AM12, AM14, AM20, and AM25. These six isolates showed potential as probiotic bacteria because their lactic acid content in a medium meets the applicable standards, ranging from 0.79% to 1.84%. The isolates that performed the best as candidate probiotic bacteria were AM14, AM20, and AM25. The identified bacteria in the digestive system of native chickens belong to the Genus Lactobacillus

    Penerapan blue economy dengan budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    This research was conducted from December 2021 to February 2022 in Balunijuk Village, Merawang District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The method used primary and secondary data which was analyzed with a qualitative descriptive approach to policy and vaname shrimp culture. The results showed that designing sustainable development must follow the vision, mission, goals, policies, strategies, programs, to the implementation of activities. One of the priority policies related to food and nutrition action plans or food security was by utilizing marine resources. Food security by utilizing resources from the sea was known as the blue economy concept. Sustainable marine development policies required political effectiveness for the benefit of communities and ecosystems. The application of the blue economy concept with vaname shrimp cultivation in biofloc tarpaulin ponds technically required the measurement of standard parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonia (NH3), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), TDS, brightness, depth, water temperature, salinity, and water pH. Water quality data showed that it could still be tolerated, did not exceed its carrying capacity, and was still in standard water conditions for aquaculture. The implementation of vaname shrimp cultivation in biofloc tarpaulin ponds could increase economic benefits in a sustainable manner, increase healthy products with environmentally friendly technological innovations using Probio_FmUBB probiotics, provide access to small-scale artisanal fisheries, and open market access.Potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan laut seperti perikanan tangkap dan budidaya laut perlu digali dan dikembangkan dengan konsep blue economy. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menerapkan konsep blue economy dengan mengimplementasikan budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) pada kolam terpal bioflok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2021 hingga Februari 2022 di Desa Balunijuk Kecamatan Merawang Kabupaten Bangka Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Metode dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang dianalisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif terhadap kebijakan dan budidaya udang vaname skala rumah tangga. Hasil menunjukan bahwa merancang pembangunan berkelanjutan harus mengikuti visi, misi, tujuan, kebijakan, strategi, program, hingga implementasi kegiatan. Kebijakan yang prioritas terkait rencana aksi pangan dan gizi atau ketahanan pangan salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya dari laut. Ketahanan pangan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya dari laut dikenal dengan konsep blue economy. Kebijakan pembangunan laut yang berkelanjutan membutuhkan efektivitas politik untuk kepentingan komunitas dan ekosistem. Penerapan konsep blue economy dengan budidaya udang vaname pada kolam terpal bioflok, secara teknis membutuhkan pengukuran parameter standar seperti oksigen terlarut (DO), amonia (NH3), nitrit (NO2), nitrat (NO3), phospat (PO4), TDS, kecerahan, kedalaman, suhu perairan, salinitas, dan pH perairan. Data kualitas perairan menunjukan masih dapat ditoleransi, tidak melampaui daya dukungnya, dan masih dalam kondisi standar perairan untuk budidaya. Pelaksanaan budidaya udang vaname pada kolam terpal bioflok dapat meningkatkan manfaat ekonomi secara berkelanjutan, meningkatkan produk sehat dengan inovasi teknologi ramah lingkungan menggunakan probiotik Probio_FmUBB, menyediakan akses usaha skala rumah tangga (small-scale artisanal fisheries), dan membuka akses pasar

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Asal Sumber Air Panas Non-Vulkanik

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    This study aims to isolate and characterize bacteria that live in hot springs on Bangka Island. The research methods used include bacterial isolation; morphological characterization, Gram group determination and biochemical tests; identification; and thermophilic bacteria temperature resistance test. Hot water samples were obtained from 2 locations, namely Pemali Village and Permis Village. The hot water temperature range at both locations is between 38ºC to 52ºC. The results showed that 22 pure isolates were consisting of 9 isolates from Permis Village and 13 isolates from Pemali Village. In conclusion, the characterization results showed that all bacterial isolates were gram-negative bacteria with various biochemical characteristics. Keywords: Thermophilic Bacteria, Non-Volcanic, Bangka Islan


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    Studi banding dapat mendorong peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat (inklusi social) sehingga terjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui kegiatan bisnis perikanan. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) adalah alih pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan potensi udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) melalui studi banding UMKM STC Agro Bangka Belitung ke Poktan Biotirta Tasikmalaya. Kegiatan PKM ini dilaksanakan bulan Juli 2022. Alih pengetahuan kegiatan studi banding bertempat di rumah makan lesehan Biotirta Kecamatan Cisayong Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Metode dengan pendekatan Riset Berbasis Komunitas atau Community Based Research (CBR). Hasil yang diperoleh dimana pendampingan akademisi terhadap STC Agro membuka peluang untuk dapat menerapkan konsep blue economy dalam pembesaran udang galah di Poktan Biotirta untuk menunjang wirausaha perikanan. Alih pengetahuan mengenai budidaya udang galah harus mengetahui dasar-dasar dari persiapan lahan budidaya, pada kolam yang dominan tanah liat dan lahan yang ada sumber air mengalir; konstruksi kolam, harus dibuat dengan kemiringan tertentu dan semakin dalam ke arah saluran pembuangan air dengan kedalaman ideal 0,8 m; pematang, dengan lebar antara 1-2 m akan lebih baik jika dibuat secara permanen dari tembok beton; kualitas air, sebaiknya ada pengontrolan minimal parameter suhu, DO, dan pH; benur, harus kualitas yang baik dengan padat tebar benur 50 ekor/m2; dosis pakan, sekitar 5% dari bobot masa/hari, dari mulai benur 0,2 gram/ekor; panen bertahap, dilakukan agar udang dapat disortir hingga total pembesaran selama 6 bulan; pemasaran, akan lebih efektif jika pembudidaya sekaligus menyediakan rumah makan sehingga memiliki nilai tambah. Kegiatan wirausaha oleh Poktan Biotirta merupakan inovasi yang dapat ditiru oleh poktan atau pokdakan di Indonesia

    Synthesis of Calcium Phosphate from Cockle Shell Loaded by Silver Nanoparticle and Its Antibacterial Activity Evaluation

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    This study aimed to synthesize calcium phosphate loaded with silver nanoparticles and evaluate its antibacterial activity. We used cockle shells waste as raw material to prepare calcium phosphate. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the constituent phases of calcium phosphate consist of hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). The incorporation process of silver nanoparticles on calcium phosphate was carried out in colloidal silver nanoparticles via the green-synthesis method using Citrus x microcarpa Bunge peel extract. The presence of colloidal silver nanoparticles through the green synthesis method was identified using UV-Vis spectrophotometer by the peak of the absorption band that occurred at 468 nm. The incorporation of silver nanoparticles into calcium phosphate did not significantly change the crystalline properties of HA and β-TCP. Evaluation of the antibacterial activity showed the silver nanoparticles had a strong antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, which also occurs in calcium phosphate loaded by silver nanoparticles. After being incorporated with silver nanoparticles, Calcium phosphate generally has no antibacterial effect. After being incorporated with silver nanoparticles, an inhibition zone with a diameter of about 9.8 mm can form. These results indicated that the method proposed in this study could be an alternative for developing calcium phosphate, which requires self-sterilization properties


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    Fungus is one of the main biotics component in ecosystem, included forest. The played a significant role in organic material decomposition. The present study aimed to obtained the presence of macroscopic fungus in TWA Permisan. We explored the presence of macroscopic fungus using exploration method. We found 23 species of macroscopic fungus divided into two Phylla i.e. Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. There were 13 species of macroscopic fungi which were live in dead wood and 10 species live on the ground and litter. Data on fungus biodiversity is very usefull for management and conservation effort of forest resources