2,741 research outputs found

    Bath-induced decay of Stark many-body localization

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    We investigate the relaxation dynamics of an interacting Stark-localized system coupled to a dephasing bath, and compare its behavior to the conventional disorder-induced many body localized system. Specifically, we study the dynamics of population imbalance between even and odd sites, and the growth of the von Neumann entropy. For a large potential gradient, the imbalance is found to decay on a time scale that grows quadratically with the Wannier-Stark tilt. For the non-interacting system, it shows an exponential decay, which becomes a stretched exponential decay in the presence of finite interactions. This is different from a system with disorder-induced localization, where the imbalance exhibits a stretched exponential decay also for vanishing interactions. As another clear qualitative difference, we do not find a logarithmically slow growth of the von-Neumann entropy as it is found for the disordered system. Our findings can immediately be tested experimentally with ultracold atoms in optical lattices

    Dielectric Elastomer Sensors

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    Dielectric elastomers (DEs) represent a class of electroactive polymers (EAPs) that exhibit a significant electromechanical effect, which has made them very attractive over the last several decades for use as soft actuators, sensors and generators. Based on the principle of a plane‐parallel capacitor, dielectric elastomer sensors consist of a flexible and stretchable dielectric polymer sandwiched between two compliant electrodes. With the development of elastic polymers and stretchable conductors, flexible and sensitive dielectric elastomer tactile sensors, similar to human skin, have been used for measuring mechanical deformations, such as pressure, strain, shear and torsion. For high sensitivity and fast response, air gaps and microstructural dielectric layers are employed in pressure sensors or multiaxial force sensors. Multimodal dielectric elastomer sensors have been reported that can detect mechanical deformation but can also sense temperature, humidity, as well as chemical and biological stimulation in human‐activity monitoring and personal healthcare. Hence, dielectric elastomer sensors have great potential for applications in soft robotics, wearable devices, medical diagnostic and structural health monitoring, because of their large deformation, low cost, ease of fabrication and ease of integration into monitored structures

    Mirroring Mobile Phone in the Clouds

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    This paper presents a framework of Mirroring Mobile Phone in the Clouds (MMPC) to speed up data/computing intensive applications on a mobile phone by taking full advantage of the super computing power of the clouds. An application on the mobile phone is dynamically partitioned in such a way that the heavy-weighted part is always running on a mirrored server in the clouds while the light-weighted part remains on the mobile phone. A performance improvement (an energy consumption reduction of 70% and a speed-up of 15x) is achieved at the cost of the communication overhead between the mobile phone and the clouds (to transfer the application codes and intermediate results) of a desired application. Our original contributions include a dynamic profiler and a dynamic partitioning algorithm compared with traditional approaches of either statically partitioning a mobile application or modifying a mobile application to support the required partitioning

    CloudJet4BigData: Streamlining Big Data via an Accelerated Socket Interface

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    Big data needs to feed users with fresh processing results and cloud platforms can be used to speed up big data applications. This paper describes a new data communication protocol (CloudJet) for long distance and large volume big data accessing operations to alleviate the large latencies encountered in sharing big data resources in the clouds. It encapsulates a dynamic multi-stream/multi-path engine at the socket level, which conforms to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) and thereby can accelerate any POSIX-compatible applications across IP based networks. It was demonstrated that CloudJet accelerates typical big data applications such as very large database (VLDB), data mining, media streaming and office applications by up to tenfold in real-world tests

    Prethermal memory loss in interacting quantum systems coupled to thermal baths

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of an extended Fermi-Hubbard chain with a strong Wannier-Stark potential tilt coupled to a bath. When the system is subjected to dephasing noise, starting from a pure initial state the system's total von Neumann entropy is found to grow monotonously. The scenario becomes rather different when the system is coupled to a thermal bath of finite temperature. Here, for sufficiently large field gradients and initial energies, the entropy peaks in time and almost reaches its largest possible value (corresponding to the maximally mixed state), long before the system relaxes to thermal equilibrium. This entropy peak signals a prethermal memory loss and, relative to the time where it occurs, the system is found to exhibit a simple scaling behavior in space and time. By comparing the system's dynamics to that of a simplified model, the underlying mechanism is found to be related to the localization property of the Wannier-Stark system, which favors dissipative coupling between eigenstates that are close in energy

    Heat transport in an optical lattice via Markovian feedback control

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    Ultracold atoms offer a unique opportunity to study many-body physics in a clean and well-controlled environment. However, the isolated nature of quantum gases makes it difficult to study transport properties of the system, which are among the key observables in condensed matter physics. In this work, we employ Markovian feedback control to synthesize two effective thermal baths that couple to the boundaries of a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard chain. This allows for the realization of a heat-current-carrying state. We investigate the steady-state heat current, including its scaling with system size and its response to disorder. In order to study large systems, we use semi-classical Monte-Carlo simulation and kinetic theory. The numerical results from both approaches show, as expected, that for non- and weakly interacting systems with and without disorder one finds the same scaling of the heat current with respect to the system size as it is found for systems coupled to thermal baths. Finally, we propose and test a scheme for measuring the energy flow. Thus, we provide a route for the quantum simulation of heat-current-carrying steady states of matter in atomic quantum gases
