263 research outputs found

    Matching small β\beta functions using centroid jitter and two beam position monitors

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    Matching to small beta functions is required to preserve emittance in plasma accelerators. The plasma wake provides strong focusing fields, which typically require beta functions on the mm-scale, comparable to those found in the final focusing of a linear collider. Such beams can be time consuming to experimentally produce and diagnose. We present a simple, fast, and noninvasive method to measure Twiss parameters in a linac using two beam position monitors only, relying on the similarity of the beam phase space and the jitter phase space. By benchmarking against conventional quadrupole scans, the viability of this technique was experimentally demonstrated at the FLASHForward plasma-accelerator facility.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Sink i ferskvann - kjemi, tilførsler og biologiske effekter

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    Det er laget en kunnskapsstatus for betydningen av sink i ferskvann med særlig vekt på tilførsler fra gruveavrenning. I tillegg ble det utført en undersøkelse av biologiske effekter i et vassdrag. Sveselva, med sink-belastning, men få andre metaller. Alle levende organismer har behov for sink, men det er begrensede kunnskaper om mekanismene bak giftigheten til metallet. Effekt-grenser for akvatiske organismer varier fra 10 til over 1000 µg/l. Blant de mest følsomme organismene er enkelte alger, planktoniske krepsdyr og utviklingsstadier hos fisk. I Sveselva var det tilsynelatende effekter på vegetasjon (begroing) allerede ved 20-30 µg/l, men det er usikkert om dette var det reelle belastningsnivået. Både vegetasjon og bunndyr var klart påvirket på stasjoner med konsentrasjoner i området 250-670 µg/l. Kadmium og sink akkumulerte i gjellene til utplassert dammusling på alle stasjoner nedenfor tilførslene og førte til noe forhøyede konsentrasjoner av metallotionein. Dammusling med høye metall-nivåer i gjellene filtrerte mindre alger og hadde høyere respirasjon enn dammusling med lavere metall-nivåer i gjellene. Resultatene viser at det er viktig å benytte flere mål for biologiske effekter i overvåking av effektene av metall-forurensning og å integrere kjemisk og biologisk overvåking

    Upper estimate of martingale dimension for self-similar fractals

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    We study upper estimates of the martingale dimension dmd_m of diffusion processes associated with strong local Dirichlet forms. By applying a general strategy to self-similar Dirichlet forms on self-similar fractals, we prove that dm=1d_m=1 for natural diffusions on post-critically finite self-similar sets and that dmd_m is dominated by the spectral dimension for the Brownian motion on Sierpinski carpets.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figures; minor revision with adding a referenc

    Ecosystem effects of thermal manipulation of a whole lake, Lake Breisjøen, southern Norway (THERMOS project)

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    International audienceWe conducted a 3-year artificial deepening of the thermocline in the dimictic Lake Breisjøen, southern Norway, by means of a large submerged propeller. An adjacent lake served as untreated reference. The manipulation increased thermocline depth from 6 to 20 m, caused a significant increase in the heat content, and delayed ice-on by about 20 days. There were only minor changes in water chemistry. Concentrations of sulphate declined, perhaps due to greater reduction of sulphate at the sediment-water interface. Concentrations of particulate carbon and nitrogen decreased, perhaps due to increased sedimentation velocity. Water transparency increased. There was no significant change in concentration of phosphorus, the growth-limiting nutrient. There were few significant changes in principal biological components. Phytoplankton biomass and productivity did not change, although the chlorophyll-a concentration showed a small decrease. Phytoplankton species richness increased, and the species composition shifted. Growth of periphyton increased. There was no change in the macrophyte community. The manipulation did not affect the zooplankton biodiversity, but caused a significant shift in the relative abundance (measured as biomass) in the two major copepod species. The manipulation did not affect the individual density, but appeared to have changed the vertical distribution of zoobenthos. Fish populations were not affected. The lake is oligotrophic and clearwater and the manipulation did not change the supply of phosphorus, and thus there were only minor changes in lake chemistry and biology. Effects might be larger in eutrophic and dystrophic lakes in which internal processes are stronger

    Novel assessment of the variation in cervical inter-vertebral motor control in a healthy pain-free population

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    Spinal control at intervertebral levels is dependent on interactions between the active, passive and neural control elements. However, this has never been quantifiable, and has therefore been outside the reach of clinical assessments and research. This study used fluoroscopy during repeated unconstrained flexion and return neck movements to calculate intersegmental motor control (MC), defined as the difference and variation in repeated continuous angular motion from its average path. The study aimed to determine control values for MC at individual levels and its variability. Twenty male volunteers aged 19 to 29 received fluoroscopic screening of their cervical spines during 4 repetitions of neutral to full flexion and return motion. Moving vertebral images from C0-C1 to C6-C7 were tracked using cross-correlation codes written in Matlab. MC for each level was defined as the mean of the absolute differences between each repetition’s angular path and their mean and its variability as represented by the SD. 1-way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparisons were used to identify significant contrasts between levels. The mean MC differences and SDs were highest at C1-2, suggesting that this level has the least control and the most variability. Results at this level alone were highly significant (F-ratio 10.88 and 9.79 P<0.0001). Significant contrasts were only found between C1-C2 and all other levels. The mean MC difference for summed C1-6 levels was 3.4o (0.7-6.1). This study is the first to quantify intervertebral MC in the cervical spine in asymptomatic people. Studies of neck pain patients are now merited

    Emittance preservation in a plasma-wakefield accelerator

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    Radio-frequency particle accelerators are engines of discovery, powering high-energy physics and photon science, but are also large and expensive due to their limited accelerating fields. Plasma-wakefield accelerators (PWFAs) provide orders-of-magnitude stronger fields in the charge-density wave behind a particle bunch travelling in a plasma, promising particle accelerators of greatly reduced size and cost. However, PWFAs can easily degrade the beam quality of the bunches they accelerate. Emittance, which determines how tightly beams can be focused, is a critical beam quality in for instance colliders and free-electron lasers, but is particularly prone to degradation. We demonstrate, for the first time, emittance preservation in a high-gradient and high-efficiency PWFA while simultaneously preserving charge and energy spread. This establishes that PWFAs can accelerate without degradation—an essential step toward energy boosters in photon science and multistage facilities for compact high-energy particle colliders

    Tunable and precise two-bunch generation at FLASHForward

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    Beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration based on external injection has the potential to significantly reduce the size of future accelerators. Stability and quality of the acceleration process substantially depends on the incoming bunch parameters. Precise control of the current profile is essential for optimising energy-transfer efficiency and preserving energy spread. At the FLASHForward facility, driver--witness bunch pairs of adjustable bunch length and separation are generated by a set of collimators in a dispersive section, which enables fs-level control of the longitudinal bunch profile. The design of the collimator apparatus and its commissioning is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the 4th European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, 15-21 September 2019, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    Energy-Spread Preservation and High Efficiency in a Plasma-Wakefield Accelerator

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    Energy-efficient plasma-wakefield acceleration of particle bunches with low energy spread is a promising path to realizing compact free-electron lasers and particle colliders. High efficiency and low energy spread can be achieved simultaneously by strong beam loading of plasma wakefields when accelerating bunches with carefully tailored current profiles [M. Tzoufras et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 145002 (2008)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.101.145002]. We experimentally demonstrate such optimal beam loading in a nonlinear electron-driven plasma accelerator. Bunches with an initial energy of 1 GeV were accelerated by 45 MeV with an energy-transfer efficiency of (42±4)% at a gradient of 1.3  GV/m while preserving per-mille energy spreads with full charge coupling, demonstrating wakefield flattening at the few-percent level

    Identifying seasonal distribution patterns of fin whales across the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula region using a novel approach combining habitat suitability models and ensemble learning methods

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    Following their near extirpation by industrial whaling of the 20th century, the population status of Southern Hemisphere fin whales (SHFW) remains unknown. Systematic surveys estimating fin whale abundance in the Southern Ocean are not yet available. Records of fin whale sightings have been collected by a variety of organisations over the past few decades, incorporating both opportunistic data and dedicated survey data. Together, these isolated data sets represent a potentially valuable source of information on the seasonality, distribution and abundance of SHFW. We compiled records across 40 years from the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea from multiple sources and used a novel approach combining ensemble learning and a maximum entropy model to estimate abundance and distribution of SHFW in this region. Our results show a seasonal distribution pattern with pronounced centres of distribution from January-March along the West Antarctic Peninsula. Our new approach allowed us to estimate abundance of SHFW for discrete areas from a mixed data set of mainly opportunistic presence only data.publishedVersio