246 research outputs found

    Geometric and Extra-Geometric Spatial Conceptualisation: A cross-linguistic and non-verbal perspective

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    Almost all past empirical work exploring the Functional Geometric Framework (FGF) proposed by Coventry and Garrod (2004) for spatial language use has been based on a single language - English. Therefore the extent to which the framework applies across languages has not been established. The current thesis investigated whether geometric and extra-geometric factors affect production and comprehension of spatial language across three languages; English, Finnish and Spanish. Eight cross-linguistic appropriateness rating studies identified similarities and differences in the factors that underlie our verbal conceptualisation of space across three classes of spatial relations/terms: 1) topological relations (e.g., in/on), 2) vertical axis projective terms (e.g., above/below), and 3) horizontal axis projective terms (e.g., in front of/behind) and their Finnish and Spanish counterparts. There was support for the FGF crosslinguistically, and many of the results were in line with what has been previously discovered in research on English, although extra-geometric factors, such as conceptual knowledge and dynamic kinematic-routines, were revealed to often have different weightings in different languages. Given the importance of extra-geometric factors across languages, the second part of the thesis asks whether extra-geometric factors also influence (non-linguistic) memory for spatial object relations. This question was addressed by two non-verbal spatial memory experiments which revealed that this was the case in some circumstances. Horizontal shifts in position by a potentially horizontally mobile object were more accurately remembered in specific conditions, i.e. when the located object was positioned along the diagonal axes of the reference object rather than cardinal axes, and when the movement was against the direction of expected movement of the located object. However, location memory for vertical shifts of position, was not affected in such a way by potentially vertically mobile objects in any circumstances. In the closing chapter of the thesis the generalisability of the FGF for crosslinguistic and non-linguistic relations is discussed

    Kultur för regional utveckling

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    Thrips tabaci (Lind.) (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), another vector for tomato spotted wilt virus in Finland

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    Populations of Thrips tabaci transmitted the isolate of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) from infected china asters to healthy china asters in laboratory experiments. Great variation was observed among absorbance values between thrips infested china asters. The highest absorbance values were obtained from stems of thrips inoculated plants. According to our results, T. tabaci seems to be a noteworthy TSWV vector in Finland, where it is the only naturally occurring TSWV vector species. It is also one of the main pests on greenhouse crops in addition to Frankliniella occidentalis, the primary vector of TSWV

    MAATTI-tietokantojen sisältöopas tallentajille ja tiedonhakijoille

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    vokMTT Tietopalveluyksikkö. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Variations an α-Tocopherol and β-Carotene Concentrations in Forage Legumes and Grasses Harvested at Different Sites and Maturity Stages

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    Forage is a major source of natural α-tocopherol and β-carotene for dairy cows. This study examined vitamin concentrations of birdsfoot trefoil (Bft), red clover (Rc), timothy (Ti) and meadow fescue (Mf) at different sites, years and cutting dates. Mixtures of Bft+Ti, Rc+Ti and Rc+Mf were established at Skara (58°21’N; 13°08’E) and Umeå (63°45’N; 20°17’E) in Sweden. First-year leys were cut on three occasions in spring (Umeå 2005, Skara 2005 and 2007); one week before heading of timothy, at heading and one week after heading. Birdsfoot trefoil had higher α-tocopherol concentration at Skara than at Umeå in the first two cuts in 2005 (66 vs. 27 and 50 vs. 36 mg/kg DM, respectively) and had generally higher concentration than Rc. α-Tocopherol concentrations of Bft and Rc were 32 vs. 17 and 50 vs. 25 mg/kg DM at Umeå and Skara 2005, respectively, averaged over cuts. At Skara, α-tocopherol concentration decreased with later cutting date of Bft and grasses (P \u3c 0.01). Birdsfoot trefoil had higher β-carotene concentration at Skara than at Umeå in 2005 (70 vs. 55 mg/kg DM) and higher concentration than Rc at Skara, when averaged over cuts (70 vs. 46 mg/kg DM in 2005 and 82 vs. 52 in 2007; P = 0.037). Grasses had higher α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations at Skara than at Umeå in 2005, when averaged over cuts (56 vs. 33 and 46 vs. 23 mg/kg DM; P \u3c 0.001). Interactions between site, species and cutting date affected α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations in forages

    Tillskott av hösilage i ett inhysningssystem med elektronisk utfodring (ESF) av dräktiga suggor

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    I Sverige ökar intresset för inhysningssystem med elektronisk foderutmatning (ESF) till dräktiga suggor i grupp. Användningen av ESF-system ger flera fördelar såsom individuell utfodring av djuren (djuren identifieras via örontranspondrar) och utrymmesbesparing eftersom suggorna inhyses i stora grupper. Det senare är särskilt relevant efter de senaste ändringarna i de svenska djurskyddsföreskrifterna. I föreskrifter från Jordbruksverket anges att varje sugga måste ha tillgång till minst 2,05 m2när suggor hålls i grupper om 40 eller fler (SJVFS 2017: 25 Saknr L 106). Som jämförelse kräver ett system med individuella ätbås och gemensam liggyta respektive gödselyta (3-rumssystem) minst 2,9 m2 per sugga och system med individuella utfodringsbås och djupströ minst 3,5 m2

    The influence of the NOD Nss1/Idd5 loci on sialadenitis and gene expression in salivary glands of congenic mice

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    The nonobese diabetic (NOD) Nss1 and Idd5 loci have been associated with sialadenitis development in mice. In this study the NOD Nss1 and Idd5 loci were backcrossed onto the healthy control strain B10.Q by using the speed congenic breeding strategy, resulting in three congenic strains: B10.Q.Nss1, B10.Q.Nss1/Idd5 heterozygous and B10.Q.Nss1/Idd5 homozygous. We investigated the effects of the Nss1 and Idd5 loci on sialadenitis and gene expression in NOD congenic mice. One submandibular salivary gland from each mouse was used for histological analysis of sialadenitis, whereas the contralateral salivary gland was used for gene expression profiling with the Applied Biosystems Mouse Genome Survey chip v.1.0. The results were validated using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. The NOD Nss1 and Idd5 loci had clear influence on the onset and progression of sialadenitis in congenic mice. Double congenic mice exhibited the most severe phenotype. We successfully identified several genes that are located in the NOD congenic regions to be differentially expressed between the congenic strains and the control strain. Several of these were found to be co-regulated, such as Stat1, complement component C1q genes and Tlr12. Also, a vast contingency of interferon-regulated genes (such as Ltb, Irf7 and Irf8) and cytokine and chemokine genes (such as Ccr7 and Ccl19) were differentially expressed between the congenic strains and the control strain. Over-representation of inflammatory signalling pathways was observed among the differentially expressed genes. We have found that the introgression of the NOD loci Nss1 and Idd5 on a healthy background caused sialadenitis in NOD congenic mouse strains, and we propose that genes within these loci are important factors in the pathogenesis. Furthermore, gene expression profiling has revealed several differentially expressed genes within and outside the NOD loci that are similar to genes found to be differentially expressed in patients with Sjögren's syndrome, and as such are interesting candidates for investigation to enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms and to develop future therapies

    Nordic agriculture air and climate

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    This report constitutes the main outputs of the project “Pathways to a Nordic food system that contributes to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants”. The overall goals are to present the baseline data regarding the Nordic agricultural sector, its greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions, the regulatory framework and support systems, and conflicts of interest. The report aims to describe pathways to a Nordic food system that contributes to achieving the climate target of below 2 (or 1.5) degrees of warming and the air pollution target of zero exceedance of critical loads and critical levels regarding ammonia emissions. The Nordic region has diverse geological and climatic conditions that make certain types of agricultural production more vulnerable than others. The policy recommendations aim to serve as input to different policies at EU, Nordic and national level