3,311 research outputs found

    Intra-industry trade and labour market adjustment: A reassessment using data on individual workers

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    We re-examine the relationship between intra-industry trade and labour reallocation, using individual-level data on manufacturing worker moves in the United Kingdom. The contribution of this analysis is twofold. First, we estimate the impact of intra-industry trade on worker moves between occupations as well as between industries. Second, we run individual-level regressions that allow us to control for worker heterogeneity. Our results suggest that intra-industry trade does have the stipulated attenuating effect on worker moves, both between occupations and between industries, but that this effect is relatively small compared to other determinants of labour reallocation

    Cosmological Constraints from Primordial Black Holes

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    Primordial black holes may form in the early Universe, for example from the collapse of large amplitude density perturbations predicted in some inflationary models. Light black holes undergo Hawking evaporation, the energy injection from which is constrained both at the epoch of nucleosynthesis and at the present. The failure as yet to unambiguously detect primordial black holes places important constraints. In this article, we are particularly concerned with the dependence of these constraints on the model for the complete cosmological history, from the time of formation to the present. Black holes presently give the strongest constraint on the spectral index nn of density perturbations, though this constraint does require nn to be constant over a very wide range of scales.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX file, using elsart.sty, with three figures incorporated using epsf. To appear, proceedings of DM98, Los Angeles (ed D Cline, Elsevier

    Harold Jeffreys's Theory of Probability Revisited

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    Published exactly seventy years ago, Jeffreys's Theory of Probability (1939) has had a unique impact on the Bayesian community and is now considered to be one of the main classics in Bayesian Statistics as well as the initiator of the objective Bayes school. In particular, its advances on the derivation of noninformative priors as well as on the scaling of Bayes factors have had a lasting impact on the field. However, the book reflects the characteristics of the time, especially in terms of mathematical rigor. In this paper we point out the fundamental aspects of this reference work, especially the thorough coverage of testing problems and the construction of both estimation and testing noninformative priors based on functional divergences. Our major aim here is to help modern readers in navigating in this difficult text and in concentrating on passages that are still relevant today.Comment: This paper commented in: [arXiv:1001.2967], [arXiv:1001.2968], [arXiv:1001.2970], [arXiv:1001.2975], [arXiv:1001.2985], [arXiv:1001.3073]. Rejoinder in [arXiv:0909.1008]. Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS284 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Pilot study : can inspiratory muscle training relieve symptoms ff dyspnoea and improve quality of life for advanced cancer patients ?: 1872 Board #24 June 2, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM.

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    Dyspnoea is a common symptom of advanced cancer patients, and impacts upon physical, social and psychological wellbeing. Currently opioids are recommended for those suffering with chronic dyspnoea, despite an association with longer term health issues. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) promotes chronic adaptations within the inspiratory musculature and has consistently been shown to reduce dyspnoea and improve lung mechanics, functional exercise capacity and quality of life in a variety of clinical populations, however this has yet to be tested in patients with cancer.N/

    Regional and Global Left Ventricular Function Following a Simulated 5 km Race in Sports-Trained Adolescents

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    The effects of a short, high-intensity bout of exercise on cardiac systolic and diastolic function are not well understood in adolescent athletes. Consequently, the aims of the study were to evaluate global left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function, as well as segmental wall motion responses (cardiac strain), prior to as well as 45 and 225 min following a simulated 5 km cross-country race. Twenty trained, adolescent males (age: 15.2 ± 0.7 years) volunteered for exercise testing. LV fractional shortening and the ratio of early (E) and late (A) peak flow velocities reflected global systolic and diastolic function, respectively. Peak longitudinal mitral annular septal tissue velocities were also determined during systole and diastole. Longitudinal strain (ε) and strain rates were determined across the LV. LV fractional shortening was significantly (P < 0.05) higher at 225 min post-race (37.6 ± 5.8%) compared to pre-race (34.5 ± 4.7%) and 45 min post-race (34.9 ± 5.4 %). This difference was abolished after adjusting for post-race heart rates. There was a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the E:A ratio at both 45 min (2.04 ± 0.57) and 225 min post-race (2.20 ± 0.66) compared to the pre-race value (2.80 ± 0.68). When these data were adjusted for post-race heart rates, these pre-post-race differences in E:A ratio were abolished. There were no significant alterations in either tissue Doppler velocities or longitudinal ε. The evidence suggests that a 5 km race does not lead to any significant post-exercise attenuation in global or regional LV systolic and diastolic function in trained adolescents

    Health-Related Fitness and Energy Expenditure in Recreational Youth Rock Climbers 8-16 Years of Age

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(2): 174-183, 2015. Information on the characteristics of youth rock climbers is minimal. The purpose was to 1) Determine the influence of a three-month program of bouldering and vertical rock climbing on the anthropometry and health-related physical fitness of relatively novice youth climbers, and 2) determine whether rock climbing and bouldering in novice youth climbers can provide adequate levels of moderate to vigourous physical activity (US DHHS, 2008). Fifteen participants (11 males and 4 females; mean age = 11.5 ± 2.3 years) from a newly established youth climbing team were assessed twice weekly during their normal two-hour training sessions at a local rock gym. Body composition, flexibility, grip strength, and anthropometric estimates of somatotype were measured in August and November. Heart rate (HR) monitors recorded average activity heart rate (AHR), peak heart rate (HRpeak), and estimated energy expended (EE-kcals) during each climbing session. Basic descriptive statistics were run; repeat measure ANOVAs were used to assess changes between times. Estimated percent body fat did not change, but individual skinfolds (biceps and supraspinale) decreased significantly (

    Hybrid Session Verification through Endpoint API Generation

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    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.This paper proposes a new hybrid session verification methodology for applying session types directly to mainstream languages, based on generating protocol-specific endpoint APIs from multiparty session types. The API generation promotes static type checking of the behavioural aspect of the source protocol by mapping the state space of an endpoint in the protocol to a family of channel types in the target language. This is supplemented by very light run-time checks in the generated API that enforce a linear usage discipline on instances of the channel types. The resulting hybrid verification guarantees the absence of protocol violation errors during the execution of the session. We implement our methodology for Java as an extension to the Scribble framework, and use it to specify and implement compliant clients and servers for real-world protocols such as HTTP and SMTP

    The Impact of a Graded Maximal Exercise Protocol on Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds:A Pilot Study

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    Exhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are of interest due to their minimally invasive sampling procedure. Previous studies have investigated the impact of exercise, with evidence suggesting that breath VOCs reflect exercise-induced metabolic activity. However, these studies have yet to investigate the impact of maximal exercise to exhaustion on breath VOCs, which was the main aim of this study. Two-litre breath samples were collected onto thermal desorption tubes using a portable breath collection unit. Samples were collected pre-exercise, and at 10 and 60 min following a maximal exercise test (VO2MAX). Breath VOCs were analysed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a non-targeted approach. Data showed a tendency for reduced isoprene in samples at 10 min post-exercise, with a return to baseline by 60 min. However, inter-individual variation meant differences between baseline and 10 min could not be confirmed, although the 10 and 60 min timepoints were different (p = 0.041). In addition, baseline samples showed a tendency for both acetone and isoprene to be reduced in those with higher absolute VO2MAX scores (mL(O2)/min), although with restricted statistical power. Baseline samples could not differentiate between relative VO2MAX scores (mL(O2)/kg/min). In conclusion, these data support that isoprene levels are dynamic in response to exercise.</p

    Dark matter and non-Newtonian gravity from General Relativity coupled to a fluid of strings

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    An exact solution of Einstein's field equations for a point mass surrounded by a static, spherically symmetric fluid of strings is presented. The solution is singular at the origin. Near the string cloud limit there is a 1/r1/r correction to Newton's force law. It is noted that at large distances and small accelerations, this law coincides with the phenomenological force law invented by Milgrom in order to explain the flat rotation curves of galaxies without introducing dark matter. When interpreted in the context of a cosmological model with a string fluid, the new solution naturally explains why the critical acceleration of Milgrom is of the same order of magnitude as the Hubble parameter.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, no figure