44 research outputs found

    The meaning of some common terms used in sampling toxic phytoplankton

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    The author explains some aspects of sampling phytoplankton blooms and the evaluation of results obtained from different methods. Qualitative and quantitative sampling is covered as well as filtration, freeze-drying and toxin separation


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    Blooms of toxic cyanobacteria were frequently observed in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs in Finland in the 1980s. Both neurotoxic and hepatotoxic species were documented and sometimes suspected as the cause of mortality among fish and domestic animals. Neurotoxicity usually occurred in association with blooms of Anabaena flos-aquae and A. circinalis. Important hepatotoxic species were Anabaena spp., Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria agardhii. Hepatotoxic blooms of Nodularia spumigena were observed in the Baltic Sea.ArticleäżĄć·žć€§ć­Šç†ć­Šéƒšä»˜ć±žè«èšȘ臚æč–ćźŸéš“æ‰€ć ±ć‘Š 7: 65-72(1991)departmental bulletin pape


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    In our present-day shrinking world of abundant and irrevocable cultural diversity our cultural divides may be bridged – yet not adulterated – if people everywhere in the world embrace human rights. In this paper I shall defend the view that we need, to this end, elaborate a plurality of differing but culturally well-grounded endorsements of universally applicable human rights; or briefly, we should embrace plural justification of human rights.En el mundo actual, en el que se está reduciendo la abundancia y la inalterabilidad de la diversidad cultural, nuestras barreras culturales se pueden salvar —aunque no adulterar— si todo el mundo en todas partes se acoge a los derechos humanos. En el presente artículo intento defender la idea de que, para conseguirlo, tenemos que elaborar una pluralidad de aprobaciones de los derechos humanos universalmente aplicables que sea diversa pero bien cimentada culturalmente; en resumidas cuentas, deberíamos adoptar una justificación plural de los derechos humanos

    The meaning of some common terms used in sampling toxic phytoplankton

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    Newspapers, radio and television keep us informed about the suddenappearance of phytoplankton blooms, consisting of cyanobacteria (bluegreenalgae) and other microalgae, emphasising their harmful effects andthe need for care and vigilance. Biologists who are directly involved inthe study of these blooms talk about phytoplankters with unfamiliarnames and refer to toxic samples, toxicity tests and peculiar toxins. Forthose who have to respond to this information, but have little or noexperience in field studies or work related to these nuisance organisms, itis often hard to understand not only the dimensions and distribution ofblooms but also the kind and significance of the samples and tests beingused. In this brief note I shall try to explain some aspects of samplingphytoplankton blooms and the evaluation of results obtained fromdifferent methods. However, I shall not attempt to cover the entire field ofblooms and methods of sampling that are available. Rather, mycomments reflect some of the problems which I have encountered duringfield work and in the laboratory, when dealing with the public andnewspapers, and, of course, when discussing matters with colleagueswho have a background different from mine. Hopefully, some of thesecomments will be of use to the general reader and, perhaps, stimulatefurther discussion

    Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp

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    Utilities, such as steam and cooling water, are often shared by several production areas at an industrial site. In order to minimize the loss of revenue due to disturbances in the supply of utilities, the optimal supply of utilities to different areas has to be determined. It is not evident how utility resources should be divided, as both buffer tank levels, the connections between areas, and the profitability of different products must be considered. This paper presents a case study at Perstorp, the objectives of which were to identify the utilities causing the greatest revenue losses at the site, and suggest strategies for reducing this loss using an on/off modeling approach including buffer tanks between areas

    Phytoplankton dynamics in a shallow lake dominated by common water milfoil

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    Phytoplankton temporal fluctuation and vertical distribution were studied by seasonal and close interval siphon sampling (May-Sep) in a shallow lake dominated by common water milfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum). Factors potentially regulating phytoplankton primary production were investigated in situ in 2 enrichment bioassays. The results suggest that the macrophyte vegetation provided an unfavourable habitat for large colonial chlorophytes. Small species, mainly cryptophytes but also small chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, characterised the summer phytoplankton. Phytoplankton abundance as well as primary production were considerable and remained in the mesotrophic range. The total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratio during the growth season, and the enrichment bioassays, showed that phosphorus was a significant regulator of primary production. Small-celled species had competitive advantages in the dense vegetation, and the canopy structure created by dense stands of common water milfoil allowed phytoplankton growth. Hence, although the macrophytes altered the physical and chemical conditions in the lake, coexistence of small-celled algae and macrophytes was possible

    400 Är pÄ SjÀlö

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    400 Ă„r pĂ„ SjĂ€lö InnehĂ„llsförteckning – FrĂ„n spetĂ€lska till havsforskning under 400 Ă„r pĂ„ SjĂ€lö av Pia Prost – Nytt inom skĂ€rgĂ„rdspolitiken av Nina Söderlund – En vandring över ön av Charlotte von Haartman – Vad berĂ€ttar arkeologin om 1600-talets SjĂ€löbor? av Mikko Helminen – Folk pĂ„ SjĂ€lö under fem Ă„rhundraden av Ilppo Vuorinen – En uppsyningsmans dokument frĂ„n hospitalet av Pia Prost – Kvinnorna pĂ„ SjĂ€lö hospital 1889–1944 av Jutta Ahlbeck – Författaren som förvaltare eller utnyttjare? av Johanna Holmström – Samhörighet pĂ„ 1930-talets SjĂ€lö av Nina Söderlund – Eila och Heikki Ă€r dagens SjĂ€löbor av Julia Ajanko – Pro Seili-SjĂ€lö vĂ€rnar om sjukhusöns kultur av Anne Wilenius – Forststyrelsens roll pĂ„ SjĂ€lö av Mikael Nordström – Turismen pĂ„ SjĂ€lö av Gustav Ramberg – LĂ„ngtidsuppföljningen Ă€r en av forskningsinstitutet styrkor av Jari HĂ€nninen – SjĂ€löforskning kring klimatförĂ€ndringen av Jari HĂ€nninen – Marjut Rajasilta – snart 50 Ă„r med strömmingsforskning pĂ„ SjĂ€lö av Julia Ajanko – Minnen frĂ„n tvĂ„ ÅA-kurser pĂ„ SjĂ€lö pĂ„ 1970-talet av Tore Lindholm – FramstĂ„ende fĂ€stingforskning pĂ„ ön av Julia Ajanko – FĂ€ltstationer i Finland – SkĂ€rinytt – Sista bilde

    Sött och salt

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    Sött och salt – InnehĂ„llsförteckning: – Inledaren: PĂ„ tröskeln till havets decennium / Cecilia Lundberg – Om vatten pĂ„ öar / Christian Pleijel – Grundvattnet i skĂ€rgĂ„rden / Egon Nordström – Utö gör sitt eget vatten / Erik Sjöberg – Att mĂ€ta vatten – Finlands havsplan skapar förutsĂ€ttningar för en livskraftig skĂ€rgĂ„rd / Marie Sjölind – Mareld gör havet till stjĂ€rnhimmel / Conny Sjöqvist – I Aura Ă„ mellan broarna / Tore Lindholm – Kan havtorn bidra till att rĂ€dda SkĂ€rgĂ„rdshavet? / Heikki Kallio – SkĂ€rgĂ„rden i klĂ€m mellan övergödning och klimatförĂ€ndring / Camilla Gustafsson, Joanna Norkko och Alf Norkko – Landhöjningen – eller historien om vattnet som försvann / Liselott Nyström ForsĂ©n – SkĂ€rgĂ„rd och Ă„ngare skapade familjeföretag / Thure Malmberg – ”Min Ă¶â€ Ă€r artikelserien för alla nesofiler / Pia Prost – Min ö Björkö / Siv Fagerlund – Hur bobar Ă€r din ö? / Christian Pleijel – SkĂ€rgĂ„rds prenumerantkontakt Anita sĂ€ger hej dĂ„! / Mia Henriksson – SkĂ€rinytt – Sista bilde

    Vinter och is

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    Vinter och is – Inledaren: Och vad gör ni pĂ„ vintern dĂ„? av Pia Prost – Vinterupplevelser i skĂ€rgĂ„rdsnatur av Sanna-Mari Kunttu – HĂ„ll i er! av Alice Björklöf – Iskallt men inte dött av Tore Lindholm – Vinterlycka pĂ„ en ö av Nina Söderlund – Vintertankar frĂ„n Nötö av Ida Wulff – En isvinter Ă€r efterlĂ€ngtad av Clara Lindqvist – Med sopsĂ€ckar mot vĂ€der och vind av Nina Söderlund – Vinterfiske i Österbotten av Jessica Sundman – Ett rikt liv under isen pĂ„ Antarktis av Joanna Norkko – Nya idĂ©er i HoutskĂ€r av Ulla Mattsson-WiklĂ©n – Iskarta som kulturminne av Kristin Mattsson – Kreativa Korpo av Micaela Jansson – RĂ„gskĂ€r krigsvintern 1940 av Tuva-Stina LindĂ©n – Vinter i vilda och vackra Varanger av Tiia Kalske – Ett skepp kommer lastat med nya arter – vad sker sen? av Heidi Herlevi – En eftermiddag vid Jungfrusund av Anders Moliis-Mellberg – SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsfotograf Erik Saanila av Pia Prost – SkĂ€rinytt SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsseminarier – Bokhörnan: Aboa Mare 200 Ă„r – Sista bilde