15 research outputs found

    Reduction of FENO by tap water and carbonated water mouthwashes : magnitude and time course

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    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (F-ENO) assesses eosinophilic inflammation of the airways, but F-ENO values are also influenced by oral nitric oxide (NO). The aim of this pilot study was to measure F-ENO and compare the effect of two different mouthwashes on F-ENO and analyse the duration of the effect. F-ENO was measured in 12 randomized volunteers (healthy or asthmatic subjects) with a NIOX VERO (R) analyser at an expiratory flow rate of 50mL/s. After a baseline measurement, a mouthwash was performed either with tap water or carbonated water and was measured during 20min in 2min intervals. The procedure was repeated with the other mouthwash. We found that both mouthwashes reduced F-ENO immediately at the beginning compared to the baseline (pPeer reviewe

    Monitoring of water quality with HPLSEC and fluorescence method in the ozonated recirculating aquaculture system

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    In recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), it is important to monitor the water quality to keep the fish healthy. Especially in water treatment with oxidizing agents, for example, ozone (O3) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the monitoring of the quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water is advisable to keep track of the treatment’s effect. Previously in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) studied, HPLSEC and fluorescence method for monitoring and characterization of organic matter was used here to track the effect of oxidative treatments; 5 duplicated treatments (2 × O3, 1 × O3 + H2O2, 1 × H2O2, 1 × control) were performed for four months with weekly samplings. Systems that contained O3 injection reduced fluorescence on average over 90%, except tyrosine-like fluorescence with removal of 80%. Combined O3 + H2O2 treatment did not bring any advantages over pure O3 treatment, and H2O2 had no significant effect on fluorescence. Humic and fulvic compounds were detected to largely be derived from inlet lake water, while large protein-like structures were mostly created in RAS. A peak of benzoic acid-like molecules was also detected in all RAS waters. Treatments did not change the molecular weight profile of DOM systems and inlet water, having most of their fluorescence coming from medium-sized (108–1322 Da) molecules. DOC was lower in O3 treatments, but the linear connection between DOC and fluorescence was not observed, although this was proposed in earlier studies. Most likely, the oxidizing treatments induce change to DOM in a way that such comparison becomes inaccurate, although this must be studied further in the future

    Brain structural deficits and working memory fMRI dysfunction in young adults who were diagnosed with ADHD in adolescence.

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    When adolescents with ADHD enter adulthood, some no longer meet disorder diagnostic criteria but it is unknown if biological and cognitive abnorma lities persist. We tested the hypothesis that people diagnosed with ADHD during adolescence present residual brain abnormalities both in brain structure and in working memory brain function. 83 young adults (aged 20-24 years) from the Northern Finland 1986 Birth Cohort were classified as diagnosed with ADHD in adolescence (adolescence ADHD, n = 49) or a control group (n = 34). Only one patient had received medication for ADHD. T1-weighted brain scans were acquired and processed in a voxel-based analysis using permutation-based statistics. A sub-sample of both groups (ADHD, n = 21; controls n = 23) also performed a Sternberg working memory task whilst acquiring fMRI data. Areas of structural difference were used as a region of interest to evaluate the implications that structural abnormalities found in the ADHD group might have on working memory function. There was lower grey matter volume bilaterally in adolescence ADHD participants in the caudate (p < 0.05 FWE corrected across the whole brain) at age 20-24. Working memory was poorer in adolescence ADHD participants, with associated failure to show normal load-dependent caudate activation. Young adults diagnosed with ADHD in adolescence have structural and functional deficits in the caudate associated with abnormal working memory function. These findings are not secondary to stimulant treatment, and emphasise the importance of taking a wider perspective on ADHD outcomes than simply whether or not a particular patient meets diagnostic criteria at any given point in time.This work was supported by an Academy of Finland Award to Dr Veijola; a Sigrid Juselius Foundation grant to Dr Moilanen; a Medical Research Council fellowship to Dr Murray (G0701911); a NARSAD, the Brain and Behavior Research Fund independent investigator award to Dr Miettunen; an Oon Khye Beng Ch'Hia Tsio Studentships in Preventative Medicine awarded by Downing College, Cambridge to Dr Roman-Urrestarazu together with a Becas Chile Doctoral Grant awarded by CONICYT, an Academy of Finland grant and Finnish Medical Foundation grant to Dr Kiviniemi, and an award from the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, Finland, to Dr Mäki.. The work was partially conducted with the University of Cambridge Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Centre, supported by a joint award from the Medical Research Council (G1000183) and Wellcome Trust (093875/Z/10Z).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00787-015-0755-

    Satuhierontaprojekti Kokkolan päiväkotiin

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    Satuhierontaprojektin tilaajana oli Kokkolan kaupungin varhaiskasvatustoimi. Toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin elokuussa 2015 Kokkolan kaupungin päiväkodissa. Interventioita toteutettiin yhteensä seitsemän. Lasten kuusi toiminnallista osuutta sisälsivät kädentaitoja, leikkejä, satuja ja satuhierontoja. Ryhmän henkilökunnalle toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin satuhierontaperehdytyksenä. Satuhierontaprojektin tavoitteina oli satuhierontamenetelmän tuominen osaksi päiväkodin toimintaa ja lasten mielipiteiden selvittäminen satuhierontahetkistä. Tarkoituksena oli lisätä lasten hyvinvointia satuhieronnan avulla. Satuhierontaprojektin aikana tehtiin kaksikielinen satuhierontaopas, mikä jaettiin sekä päiväkotiin että vanhemmille. Satuhierontaopas sisältää tietoa satuhieronnasta, sen positiivisistä vaikutuksista ja toteutuksesta sekä satuja hierontaohjeineen. Palautetta kerättiin pienryhmän lapsilta suullisesti ja ryhmän henkilökunnalta kirjallisesti. Satuhierontaprojektista saatujen palautteiden ja omien havaintojemme perusteella voidaan todeta toiminnallisen osuuden olleen mielekäs lapsille ja tarpeellinen henkilökunnalle. Henkilökunnan palautteiden perusteella satuhieronta jäi jollain muotoa käyttöön lapsiryhmässä.The fairy tale massage project was ordered by the department of Early Childhood Education and Care of the Town of Kokkola. The functional part of the fairy tale massage project was implemented in August 2015 at one Kindergarten in Kokkola. There was a total of seven interventions, of which one intervention was the training of fairy tale massage to the personnel of the kindergarten group, and six interventions were carried out among the group of children. The children’s functional portions consisted of handicraft, reading, playing and fairy tale massage. The aims of the fairy tale massage project were to implement the method of fairy tale massage as a part of activities of the kindergarten, and to sort out the opinions of the children about the fairy tale massage sessions. The aim of the project was to increase the well-being of the children by fairy tale massage. A guide to fairy tale massage, which was in two languages, Finish and Swedish, was handed out during the project, both to the kindergarten and to the parents. Guide includes information of fairy tale massage and its positive influence, implementation and fairy tales with massage instructions. Feedback was collected orally from the children in the small groups and in writing from the personnel. According to the feedback of this fairy tale massage project and our own observations we can state that the fairy tale massage project added meaningfulness among the children and it was useful for the personnel. According to the feedback from the personnel fairy tale massage will remain as a form of activity at the testgroup.Beställare för sagomassageprojektet var tjänsterna inom småbarnsfostran i Karleby stad. Den funktionella delen genomfördes i augusti 2015 vid ett daghem i Karleby. Samman-lagt genomfördes sju interventioner. De sex interventioner som hölls för barnen innehöll hantverk, leker, sagor och sagomassage. I interventionen som hölls för personalen informerades hur man praktiskt genomför en sagomassagestund. Syftet med sagomassageprojektet var att införa sagomassagemetoden som en del av verksamheten vid daghem, samt att undersöka barnens åsikter om sagomassagestunderna. Syftet var att öka barnens välmående med hjälp av sagomassage. Under sagomassageprojektet utformades en tvåspråkig guide om sagomassage till både daghemmet och barnens föräldrar. Sagomassageguiden innehåller information om sagomassage, dess positiva inverkan på barnen, hur sagomassagen praktiskt genomförs samt sagor med instruktioner om massagerörelser. Muntlig respons insamlades av barnen i smågruppen och skriftligt av gruppens personal. Utgående från utvärderingen av sagomassageprojektet och våra egna observationer kan konstateras, att sagomassageprojektet togs väl emot av barnen och att det också var nyttigt för personalen. Enligt personalens respons kommer sagomassage att användas som ett handlingssätt i testgruppen

    Keski-ikäisen liikunnanopettajan työssä jaksaminen ja selviytymiskeinot

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    Liikunnanopettajan työ ja tehtävät ovat erilaiset eri oppilaitosmuodoissa. Opetuksen lisäksi myös muilla työtehtävillä on keskeinen rooli monipuolisessa toimenkuvassa. Tänä päivänä koulut elä-vät jatkuvassa muutoksessa ja teknologia lisääntyy. Nämä kaikki yhdessä tuovat haasteita ikään-tyvälle liikunnanopettajalle. Suomen hallitusohjelman keskeisiä tavoitteita on työurien pidentä-minen. Pidentäminen onnistuu vain työelämän laatua kehittämällä, johtamista parantamalla ja eri verkostoja hyödyntämällä. Liikunnanopettajilla on työssään paljon eri verkostoja ja hänen työnsä arvostus tulee esille oppilaitoksen strategiassa siinä, miten paljon työhyvinvointiin panostetaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa määrittelen keski-ikäisen liikunnanopettajan yli 50-vuotiaaksi. Tutkin haas-tattelemalla kuutta yli 50- vuotiasta liikunnanopettajaa, kolmea miestä ja kolmea naista, jotka kaikki työskentelivät eri oppilaitosmuodoissa. Tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää, miten liikunnan-opettaja selviytyy työstään, kun yli 50-vuotiaana oma fyysinen työkyky alkaa väistämättä hei-kentyä ja työelämän haasteet kuormittavat myös psyykkistä jaksamista. Laadullisen haastattelu-aineiston analysoinnissa käytin sisällönanalyysia, joka perustuu tutkimuskohteesta saadun koke-muksen kuvaamiseen, pohdintaan ja reflektointiin. Litteroitua aineistoa kertyi yhteensä 50 sivua, fonttikoolla 12 ja 1,5 rivivälillä. Kaikki tutkimukseeni osallistuvat liikunnanopettajat pitivät työstään ja halusivat jatkaa liikun-nanopetusta eläkeikään asti. Eniten fyysisiä ongelmia olivat aiheuttaneet erilaiset sairaudet ja nivelten kulumat, jotka rajoittivat omaa fyysistä osallistumista tunneille. Psyykkistä rasitusta aiheuttivat liian suuret ryhmäkoot, oppilaiden käytös, erityisoppilaiden integrointi ryhmään, esi-miesten arvostuksen puute ja työtehtävien muutokset. Haastateltavat kuvasivat, että koulumaailmassa tapahtuu opetuksen lisäksi inhimillisiä tapahtu-mia, kuten onnettomuuksia ja sairastumisia. Traagisten tapahtumien käsittelyä ei ole vielä osattu ottaa huomioon koulutuksessa. Opettajan persoona on tärkeä osa kasvatusta ja asioiden käsitte-lyä. Siitä syystä tutkimuksen haastateltavat toivoivat, että näihin asioihin kiinnitettäisiinkin entis-tä enemmän huomiota liikunnanopettajakoulutuksessa. Tutkimustuloksissani työyhteisön merkitys korostui merkittävästi, kun selvitin positiivisia keino-ja työmotivaation ylläpitämiseksi. Ikääntyvien liikunnanopettajien omat selvityimiskeinot työssä jaksamiseen olivat 1) omaehtoinen liikkuminen niin oppituntien aikana kuin omalla vapaa-ajalla 2) rentoutuminen perheen ja ystävien kanssa sekä harrasten puutarhanhoitoa, mökkeilyä, kalas-tusta, luontoliikuntaa, kulttuuria, musiikkia ja käsitöitä 3) työn arvostus omassa organisaatiossa sekä 4) täydennyskoulutus ja ammatillisen kehittymisen tukeminen yhteiskunnan muutosten vaa-timusten mukaisesti

    Converting FENO by different flows to standard flow FENO

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    In clinical practice, assessment of expiratory nitric oxide (F-ENO) may reveal eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic and other pulmonary diseases. Currently, measuring of F-ENO is standardized to exhaled flow level of 50 ml s(-1), since the expiratory flow rate affects the F-ENO results. To enable the comparison of F-ENO measured with different expiratory flows, we firstly aimed to establish a conversion model to estimate F-ENO at the standard flow level, and secondly, validate it in five external populations. F-ENO measurements were obtained from 30 volunteers (mixed adult population) at the following multiple expiratory flow rates: 50, 30, 100 and 300 ml s(-1), after different mouthwash settings, and a conversion model was developed. We tested the conversion model in five populations: healthy adults, healthy children, and patients with COPD, asthma and alveolitis. F-ENO conversions in the mixed adult population, in healthy adults and in children, showed the lowest deviation between estimated FENO from 100 ml s(-1) and measured F-ENO at 50 mL s(-1): -0 center dot 28 ppb, -0 center dot 44 ppb and 0 center dot 27 ppb, respectively. In patients with COPD, asthma and alveolitis, the deviation was -1 center dot 16 ppb, -1 center dot 68 ppb and 1 center dot 47 ppb, respectively. We proposed a valid model to convert F-ENO in healthy or mixed populations, as well as in subjects with obstructive pulmonary diseases and found it suitable for converting F-ENO measured with different expiratory flows to the standard flow in large epidemiological data, but not on individual level. In conclusion, a model to convert F-ENO from different flows to the standard flow was established and validated.Peer reviewe

    Influence of mouthwashes on extended exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) analysis

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    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (F-ENO) is used to assess eosinophilic inflammation of the airways. F-ENO values are influenced by the expiratory flow rate and orally produced NO. We measured F-ENO at four different expiratory flow levels after two different mouthwashes: tap water and carbonated water. Further, we compared the alveolar NO concentration (C-ANO), maximum airway NO flux (J(awNO)) and airway NO diffusion (D-awNO) after these two mouthwashes. F-ENO was measured in 30 volunteers (healthy or asthmatic) with a chemiluminescence NO-analyser at flow rates of 30, 50, 100 and 300mL/s. A mouthwash was performed before the measurement at every flow rate. The carbonated water mouthwash significantly reduced F-ENO compared to the tap water mouthwash at all expiratory flows: 50mL/s (pPeer reviewe

    Exploitation of Microtubule Cytoskeleton and Dynein during Parvoviral Traffic toward the Nucleus

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    Canine parvovirus (CPV), a model virus for the study of parvoviral entry, enters host cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis, escapes from endosomal vesicles to the cytosol, and then replicates in the nucleus. We examined the role of the microtubule (MT)-mediated cytoplasmic trafficking of viral particles toward the nucleus. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy showed that capsids were transported through the cytoplasm into the nucleus after cytoplasmic microinjection but that in the presence of MT-depolymerizing agents, viral capsids were unable to reach the nucleus. The nuclear accumulation of capsids was also reduced by microinjection of an anti-dynein antibody. Moreover, electron microscopy and light microscopy experiments demonstrated that viral capsids associate with tubulin and dynein in vitro. Coprecipitation studies indicated that viral capsids interact with dynein. When the cytoplasmic transport process was studied in living cells by microinjecting fluorescently labeled capsids into the cytoplasm of cells containing fluorescent tubulin, capsids were found in close contact with MTs. These results suggest that intact MTs and the motor protein dynein are required for the cytoplasmic transport of CPV capsids and contribute to the accumulation of the capsid in the nucleus