65 research outputs found

    PitkÀaikaiset ilmastonvaihtelut Lapin mÀntykronologioiden mukaan.

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    Tieteen tori: Ilmastonmuutos ja kasvunvaihtel

    Joukkolainat osana suomalaisyritysten rahoitusrakennetta

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Intraocular Lens Power, Myopia, and the Risk of Nd:YAG Capsulotomy after 15,375 Cataract Surgeries

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    The present study estimated the 5-year cumulative probability of Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy according to the diopter power of implanted hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses (IOLs). Data were retrospectively collected of 15,375 eyes having cataract surgery and in-the-bag implantation of hydrophobic acrylic monofocal IOLs at the Ophthalmology Unit of Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Kotka, Finland between the years 2007 and 2016. The cumulative probability of Nd:YAG capsulotomy was calculated by Kaplan–Meier estimates, and potential risk factors were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazards model. The 5-year cumulative probability of Nd:YAG capsulotomy after cataract surgery was 27.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 22.9–32.6%) for low-diopter (5–16.5 D) IOLs, 14.6% (13.8–15.5%) for mid-diopter (17–24.5 D) IOLs, and 13.6% (11.7–15.6%) for high-diopter (25–30 D) IOLs. A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that low-diopter IOLs (HR 1.76; 95% CI 1.38–2.25; p < 0.001) were associated with an increased risk of Nd:YAG capsulotomy compared to mid-diopter IOLs over the follow-up period after accounting for other predictors. Real-world evidence shows that low-diopter IOLs are associated with significantly higher risk of Nd:YAG capsulotomy within five years following implantation. Estimation should help in evaluating the risks of cataract surgery in myopic eyes

    Intraocular Lens Power, Myopia, and the Risk of Nd:YAG Capsulotomy after 15,375 Cataract Surgeries

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    The present study estimated the 5-year cumulative probability of Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy according to the diopter power of implanted hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses (IOLs). Data were retrospectively collected of 15,375 eyes having cataract surgery and in-the-bag implantation of hydrophobic acrylic monofocal IOLs at the Ophthalmology Unit of Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Kotka, Finland between the years 2007 and 2016. The cumulative probability of Nd:YAG capsulotomy was calculated by Kaplan–Meier estimates, and potential risk factors were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazards model. The 5-year cumulative probability of Nd:YAG capsulotomy after cataract surgery was 27.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 22.9–32.6%) for low-diopter (5–16.5 D) IOLs, 14.6% (13.8–15.5%) for mid-diopter (17–24.5 D) IOLs, and 13.6% (11.7–15.6%) for high-diopter (25–30 D) IOLs. A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that low-diopter IOLs (HR 1.76; 95% CI 1.38–2.25; p < 0.001) were associated with an increased risk of Nd:YAG capsulotomy compared to mid-diopter IOLs over the follow-up period after accounting for other predictors. Real-world evidence shows that low-diopter IOLs are associated with significantly higher risk of Nd:YAG capsulotomy within five years following implantation. Estimation should help in evaluating the risks of cataract surgery in myopic eyes

    Poor glycemic control as a risk factor for pseudophakic cystoid macular edema in patients with diabetes

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    Purpose: To specify the risk factors for pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (CME) in patients with diabetes. Setting: Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Unit of Ophthalmology, Kotka, Finland. Design: Prospective case series. Methods: Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes having routine cataract surgery were evaluated. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography imaging was performed before surgery and 1 month postoperatively. Results: The study comprised 93 patients (95 eyes). The central retinal thickness increase was 9.7 mu m 1.7 (SEM) in diabetic patients with no retinopathy, 22.7 +/- 8.6 mu m in those who had nonproliferative retinopathy, and 73.8 +/- 37.4 mu m in those who had proliferative retinopathy (P Conclusions: Young patient age and poor glycemic control were risk factors for postoperative central retinal thickness increase. This study showed it is necessary to identify, effectively treat, and followup with patients with diabetes who are at a greater risk for pseudophakic CME. (C) 2017 ASCRS and ESCRSPeer reviewe

    What do experts and stakeholders think about chemical risks and uncertainties? – An Internet survey

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    This report presents results from a web-based explorative survey on integrated risk assessment. The survey was conducted in the EU-funded project NoMiracle (Novel Methods for Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe) which develops methods for assessing cumulative risks from combined exposures to multiple stressors. The objectives of the survey were to give a general picture of perceptions and views among experts and stakeholders concerning risks, risk assessment and risk management. The survey focused on chemicals with an emphasis on information related to complex risks and uncertainties in a management context. The methodology of the survey combined traditional multiple choice questions and a novel approach that charted the importance of different types of information in two-dimensional graphs describing simultaneously use in regulatory procedures and public discussion. Another part was linked to new methods of presenting risks and explored the ranking of separate and cumulative risks in map grids. The survey was e-mailed to 952 recipients representing researchers, national and EU level administrators, enterprises, NGOs and international organizations, and most EU member states and some other countries. The response rate (26 %) can be considered acceptable but limits the possibilities to make quantitative claims concerning the views held by different groups although it gives an overview of the types of views one encounter among experts. A key finding was the pronounced variability of concepts and views regarding risks and uncertainties, and regarding information and knowledge about these. Opinions on risks and risk assessment, particularly on integrated risk assessment, on related principles, and on the role of experts are genuinely variable. They cannot be reduced to any simple model, and cannot (and need not) be dispelled in a forced manner. The observations should be taken into account in the development and application of novel methods for risk assessment by ensuring the transparency of the methods and by communication between actors

    YmpÀristön tila Suomessa 2013

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    TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on tiivis yleistajuinen katsaus Suomen ympĂ€ristön tilaan vuonna 2013. Siihen on koottu tĂ€rkeimpiĂ€ indikaattoreita, joiden perusteella voi arvioida Suomen ympĂ€ristön tilaa, sen kehityssuuntia ja suojelutoimien riittĂ€vyyttĂ€. Indikaattorit edustavat kahdeksaa eri teemaa: Luonnonvarat, Ilmastonmuutos ja energia, Yhdyskuntarakenne, Ilman epĂ€puhtaudet, Makea vesi ja meri, Luonnon monimuotoisuus, Kemikaalit ja haitalliset aineet sekĂ€ VihreĂ€ talous. Moni julkaisun indikaattoreista osoittaa, ettĂ€ Suomen ympĂ€ristön tila on menossa parempaan suuntaan. Esimerkiksi pÀÀstöt ilmaan ja vesiin ovat vĂ€hentyneet selvĂ€sti viime vuosikymmeninĂ€. Monet kuormitukselle asetetuista tavoitteista on joko jo saavutettu tai saavuttaminen vaikuttaa mahdolliselta tavoitevuoteen mennessĂ€. MyönteistĂ€ kuvaa synkentÀÀ se, ettĂ€ kaikkein vakavimmat ongelmat – ilmastonmuutos ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden vĂ€heneminen – ovat yhĂ€ ratkaisematta. NĂ€iden osalta on myös suurimmat ongelmat tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Suomen luonnon köyhtymisen pysĂ€yttĂ€minen on ollut pyrkimyksenĂ€ jo useana vuotena, mutta toistaiseksi tavoitetta on aina jouduttu siirtĂ€mÀÀn eteenpĂ€in. Ilmastonmuutokseen liittyen tavoitteena on ollut, ettĂ€ maapallon keskilĂ€mpötila nousisi korkeintaan kaksi astetta vuoteen 2100 mennessĂ€. NykyisillĂ€ toimilla tĂ€mĂ€n tavoitteen saavuttaminen vaikuttaa mahdottomalta. Viime vuosina ympĂ€ristön tilaan on vaikuttanut vuonna 2008 alkanut talouskriisien jatkumo. Vaikutukset ovat olleet sekĂ€ myönteisiĂ€ ettĂ€ kielteisiĂ€; samalla kun taantuma on vĂ€hentĂ€nyt luonnonvarojen kĂ€yttöÀ ja muuta ympĂ€ristön kuormitusta, se on myös hidastanut monia ympĂ€ristöpolitiikan prosesseja, kuten kansainvĂ€listĂ€ ilmastonsuojelua. Euroopan unionin ympĂ€ristötietodirektiivi velvoittaa jĂ€senmaat tarjoamaan kansalaisille tietoa ympĂ€ristön tilasta. TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on osa tuon velvoitteen tĂ€yttĂ€mistĂ€.Den hĂ€r publikationen Ă€r en kompakt översikt över miljöns tillstĂ„nd i Finland 2013. Den bestĂ„r av en mĂ€ngd indikatorer, med hjĂ€lp av vilka var och en kan bedöma miljöns tillstĂ„nd, trender och effekten av miljöskyddsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Indikatorerna representerar Ă„tta olika teman: Naturresurser, KlimatförĂ€ndring och energi, SamhĂ€llsstruktur, Luftföroreningar, Sötvatten och havet, Naturens mĂ„ngfald, Kemikalier och skadliga Ă€mnen samt Grön ekonomi. Flera av indikatorerna visar, att miljöns tillstĂ„nd i Finland Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g mot en positiv riktning. Till exempel utslĂ€ppen i luft och vatten har minskat betydligt under de senaste Ă„rtionden. MĂ„nga mĂ„l som man stĂ€llt till förminskningar av miljöbelastningar har antingen redan nĂ„tts eller det verkar fullt möjligt att nĂ„ dem vid de mĂ„lsatta Ă„ren. Den positiva bilden skyms av det faktum att de allvarligaste problemen – klimatförĂ€ndringen och förlusten av biologisk mĂ„ngfald – Ă€r fortfarande olösta. Med dem har man ocksĂ„ de största svĂ„righeterna att nĂ„ tillsĂ€tta miljömĂ„l. I flera Ă„r har man strĂ€vat efter att stoppa utarmningen av den finska naturen, men tillsvidare har man varit tvungen att alltid skjuta upp pĂ„ den mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen. AngĂ„ende klimatförĂ€ndringen har man faststĂ€llt som ett globalt mĂ„l, att jordens medeltemperatur inte borde fĂ„ stiga mer Ă€n tvĂ„ grader fram till Ă„r 2100. Den mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen verkar omöjlig att nĂ„ med nuvarande insatser. Under de senaste Ă„ren har miljöns tillstĂ„nd pĂ„verkats av den ekonomiska krisen. Effekterna har varit bĂ„de positiva och negativa. Å ena sidan har lĂ„gkonjunkturen minskat anvĂ€ndningen av naturresurser och annan belastning av miljön. Å andra sidan har den bromsat pĂ„ ett antal miljöpolitiska processer, sĂ„som det internationella klimatskyddet. EU:s medlemsstater Ă€r enligt miljödirektiven förpliktade att erbjuda sina medborgare information om miljöns tillstĂ„nd. Den hĂ€r publikationen Ă€r en del av denna uppgörelse.This publication is a compact review of the state of the environment in Finland 2013. It brings together the most important indicators, which can be used to assess the state of the Finnish environment, reveal trends and evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken. The indicators represent eight different themes: Natural resources, Climate change and energy, Urban form, Air pollutants, Fresh waters and the sea, Biodiversity, Chemicals and hazardous substances and Green economy. Many of the presented indicators show that the state of the environment in Finland is improving. Emissions into the air and water have clearly reduced over the last few decades. Many goals set for environmental pressures have either already been met or it seems likely that the pursued reductions can be achieved by the targeted years. However, some environmental status indicators show a worrying trend with the most severe problems – climate change and loss of biodiversity – remaining unsolved. For these, there also appear to be the most difficulties in achieving goals. Halting the loss of biodiversity has been a set target in Finland for several years, but so far the goal has always been necessary to move forward. On climate change, a common aim is to restrict the increase of the global temperature to a maximum of two degrees by 2100. With existing policies, it seems almost impossible to achieve this limitation. In recent years, the state of the environment has been affected by the economic crisis starting in 2008. The effects have been both positive and negative; on one hand the recession has reduced the use of natural resources and other environmental pressures, on the other hand it has also slowed down a number of environmental policy processes, such as the international climate protection. European Union Environmental Information Directive requires member states to provide the public with information of the state of the environment. This publication is part of that settlement
