1,386 research outputs found

    Redshift constraints for RGB 0136+391 and PKS 0735+178 from deep optical imaging

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    We present the results of deep I-band imaging of two BL Lacerate objects, RGB 0136+391 and PKS 0735+178, during an epoch when the optical nucleus was in a faint state in both targets. In PKS 0735+178 we find a significant excess over a point source, which, if fitted by the de Vaucouleurs model, corresponds to a galaxy with I = 18.64 +- 0.11 and r_eff = 1.8 +- 0.4 arcsec. Interpreting this galaxy as the host galaxy of PKS 0735+178 we derive z = 0.45 +- 0.06 using the host galaxy as a "standard candle". We also discuss the immediate optical environment of PKS 0735+178 and the identity of the MgII absorber at z = 0.424. Despite of the optimally chosen epoch and deep imaging we find the surface brightness profile of RGB 0136+391 to be consistent with a point source. By determining a lower limit for the host galaxy brightness by simulations, we derive z > 0.40 for this target.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Synchrotron flaring behaviour of CygnusX-3 during the February-March 1994 and September 2001 outbursts

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    Aims: In this paper we study whether the shock-in-jet model, widely used to explain the outbursting behaviour of quasars, can be used to explain the radio flaring behaviour of the microquasar Cygnus X-3. Method: We have used a method developed to model the synchrotron outbursts of quasar jets, which decomposes multifrequency lightcurves into a series of outbursts. The method is based on the Marscher & Gear (1985) shock model, but we have implemented the modifications to the model suggested by Bjornsson & Aslaksen (2000), which make the flux density increase in the initial phase less abrupt. We study the average outburst evolution as well as specific characteristics of individual outbursts and physical jet properties of Cyg X-3. Results: We find that the lightcurves of the February-March 1994 and September 2001 outbursts can be described with the modified shock model. The average evolution shows that instead of the expected synchrotron plateau, the flux density is still increasing during the synchrotron stage. We also find that high frequency peaking outbursts are shorter in duration than the ones peaking at lower frequencies. Finally, we show that the method can be used, complementary to radio interferometric jet imaging, for deriving the physical parameters such as the magnetic field strength and the energy density of relativistic electrons in the jet of Cyg X-3.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    MAGIC observations of Mkn 421 in 2008, and related optical/X-ray/TeV MWL study

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    The HBL-type blazar Markarian 421 is one of the brightest TeV gamma-ray sources of the Northern sky. From December 2007 until June 2008 it was intensively observed in the VHE (E>100 GeV) band by the MAGIC gamma-ray telescope. The source showed intense and prolonged activity during the whole period. In some nights the integral flux rose up to 3.6 Crab units (E>200 GeV). Intra-night rapid flux variations were observed. We compared the optical (KVA) and X-ray (RXTE-ASM, Swift-XRT) data with the MAGIC VHE data, investigating the correlations between different energy bands.Comment: 4 pages,4figures, Contribution to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland, July 200

    Usability issues in the operating room - Towards contextual design guidelines for medical device design

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    Most usability assessments of medical devices describe the problems of individual devices in detail, but few account for the real context of use or provide designers with actionable guidelines for improvement. To fill this gap, this paper reports the results of a case study on the usability of operating room technologies and documents the creation of contextual design guidelines for operating room device design. We spent 64 h in a gynecological operating unit conducting interviews with staff and observing device use during surgery. With qualitative analysis methods and based on existing usability principles, we created 21 design guidelines for the operating room context. The new guidelines highlight interactions between multiple devices, staff members, as well as other contextual factors. While the guidelines require further validation, they can potentially support the creation of more safe, ergonomic, and intuitive medical devices.Peer reviewe

    Opacity effects and shock-in-jet modelling of low-level activity in Cygnus X-3

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    We present simultaneous dual-frequency radio observations of Cygnus X-3 during a phase of low-level activity. We constrain the minimum variability timescale to be 20 minutes at 43 GHz and 30 minutes at 15 GHz, implying source sizes of 2 to 4 AU. We detect polarized emission at a level of a few per cent at 43 GHz which varies with the total intensity. The delay of approximately 10 minutes between the peaks of the flares at the two frequencies is seen to decrease with time, and we find that synchrotron self-absorption and free-free absorption by entrained thermal material play a larger role in determining the opacity than absorption in the stellar wind of the companion. A shock-in-jet model gives a good fit to the lightcurves at all frequencies, demonstrating that this mechanism, which has previously been used to explain the brighter, longer-lived giant outbursts in this source, is also applicable to these low-level flaring events. Assembling the data from outbursts spanning over two orders of magnitude in flux density shows evidence for a strong correlation between the peak brightness of an event, and the timescale and frequency at which this is attained. Brighter flares evolve on longer timescales and peak at lower frequencies. Analysis of the fitted model parameters suggests that brighter outbursts are due to shocks forming further downstream in the jet, with an increased electron normalisation and magnetic field strength both playing a role in setting the strength of the outburst.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 9 figure

    Design of an electron microscope phase plate using a focused continuous-wave laser

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    We propose a Zernike phase contrast electron microscope that uses an intense laser focus to convert a phase image into a visible image. We present the relativistic quantum theory of the phase shift caused by the laser-electron-interaction, study resonant cavities for enhancing the laser intensity, and discuss applications in biology, soft materials science, and atomic and molecular physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Polymer-coated bioactive glass S53P4 increases VEGF and TNF expression in an induced membrane model in vivo

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    The two-stage induced-membrane technique for treatment of large bone defects has become popular among orthopedic surgeons. In the first operation, the bone defect is filled with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), which is intended to produce a membrane around the implant. In the second operation, PMMA is replaced with autograft or allograft bone. Bioactive glasses (BAGs) are bone substitutes with bone-stimulating and angiogenetic properties. The aim of our study was to evaluate the inductive vascular capacity of BAG-S53P4 and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA)-coated BAG-S53P4 for potential use as bone substitutes in a single-stage induced-membrane technique. Sintered porous rods of BAG-S53P4, PLGA-coated BAG-S53P4 and PMMA were implanted in the femur of 36 rabbits for 2, 4 and 8 weeks. The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) in the induced membranes of implanted materials was analyzed with real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and compared with histology. Both uncoated BAG-S53P4 and PLGA-coated BAG-S53P4 increase expression of VEGF and TNF, resulting in higher amounts of capillary beds, compared with the lower expression of VEGF and less capillary beads observed for negative control and PMMA samples. A significantly higher expression of VEGF was observed for PLGA-coated BAG-S53P4 than for PMMA at 8 weeks (p <0.036). VEGF and TNF expression in the induced membrane of BAG-S53P4 and PLGA-coated BAG-S53P4 is equal or superior to PMMA, the "gold standard" material used in the induced-membrane technique. Furthermore, the VEGF and TNF expression for PLGA-coated BAG-S53P4 increased during follow-up.Peer reviewe

    Opacity effects and shock-in-jet modelling of low-level activity in Cygnus X-3

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    We present simultaneous dual-frequency radio observations of Cygnus X-3 during a phase of low-level activity. We constrain the minimum variability time-scale to be 20 min at 43 GHz and 30 min at 15 GHz, implying source sizes of 2-4 au. We detect polarized emission at a level of a few per cent at 43 GHz which varies with the total intensity. The delay of ∼10 min between the peaks of the flares at the two frequencies is seen to decrease with time, and we find that synchrotron self-absorption and free-free absorption by entrained thermal material play a larger role in determining the opacity than absorption in the stellar wind of the companion. A shock-in-jet model gives a good fit to the light curves at all frequencies, demonstrating that this mechanism, which has previously been used to explain the brighter, longer lived giant outbursts in this source, is also applicable to these low-level flaring events. Assembling the data from outbursts spanning over two orders of magnitude in flux density shows evidence for a strong correlation between the peak brightness of an event, and the time-scale and frequency at which this is attained. Brighter flares evolve on longer time-scales and peak at lower frequencies. Analysis of the fitted model parameters suggests that brighter outbursts are due to shocks forming further downstream in the jet, with an increased electron normalization and magnetic field strength both playing a role in setting the strength of the outburs