7 research outputs found

    Strategic actions to regulatory change : How banks adapt to PSD2

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    PSD2 is an EU directive implemented 1st May 2018 that forces banks to share information related to account information and payment initiations to third-party providers. The aim of the directive is mainly to increase integration, effectivity and competition on the European payment market.  With increased competition for banks, revenues are expected to decrease and previous literature on PSD2 are consistent with the fact that strategic actions beyond compliance have to be made. However, there is no previous studies on how banks are strategically adapting to PSD2.  The purpose of this thesis was to examine how banks are adapting strategically to PSD2, this to provide a better understanding about how banks are adapting to new regulatory changes.  The research question "What strategic actions are being performed within banks due to PSD2?" was answered through a qualitative research by conducting semi-structured interviews with the four largest banks in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis approach.  Five main implications could be concluded: (1) strategically, the researched banks are doing more than merely complying to PSD2, (2) some of the researched banks are planning to provide services that goes beyond PSD2, (3) the researched banks are creating digital platforms through open APIs, (4) innovation in the researched banks increases due to PSD2 and (5) collaborations in the researched banks increases due to PSD2

    ÖvergĂ„ngsarbetet mellan lĂ„g- och mellanstadiet i Sverige : - Vikten av lĂ€rarsamarbete gĂ€llande EngelskĂ€mnet.

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    This study has a fourfold focus. Firstly, the study aims to fill a gap in research regarding teachers and principals’ perceptions on transition work and collaboration in school years K-3 and 4-6 in the subject of English. Secondly, the study explores how these views affect students' academic achievement in the subject. Thirdly, the gathered data is compared to previous research and Swedish national governing documents and guidelines on the matter. Lastly, the study collected suggestions for improvements with regards to transition work and collaboration based on previous research and our respondents’ views.    The basis for the study is data collected from 42 teacher and 10 school principal respondents who answered qualitative and quantitative questions regarding the issue. The findings indicate that teachers and principals' views do not always align regarding transition work. The study shows a great discrepancy in how Swedish schools collaborate around transition, where some Swedish teachers report well-functioning transition work and collaboration and some report the complete opposite. Furthermore, the findings indicate that students' academic performance is affected by the quality of teachers transition and collaboration work. Lastly, the study identifies some key factors that are necessary for well-functioning transition and collaboration work to transpire. Denna studie har ett fyrfaldigt fokus. Först Ă€mnar den att fylla ett hĂ„l i forskning som behandlar lĂ€rares och rektorers uppfattningar om övergĂ„ngsarbete och samarbete mellan skolĂ„ren F-3 och 4-6 i EngelskĂ€mnet. Sedan utforskar studien hur dessa uppfattningar pĂ„verkar elevers akademiska prestationer i Ă€mnet. I tredje hand jĂ€mförs den samlade datan med vad tidigare forskning, Svenska styrdokument och riktlinjer sĂ€ger i frĂ„gan. Till sist sammanstĂ€ller studien förslag pĂ„ förbĂ€ttringar pĂ„ övergĂ„ngsarbetet och samarbetet baserat pĂ„ respondenternas bidrag och tidigare forskning. Forskningsunderlaget utgörs av data som samlats frĂ„n 42 lĂ€rare och 10 rektorer som svarat pĂ„ kvalitativa sĂ„ vĂ€l som kvantitativa frĂ„gor om Ă€mnet. Fynden indikerar att lĂ€rares och rektorers syn pĂ„ övergĂ„ngsarbete inte alltid överensstĂ€mmer. Studien visar vidare en grav diskrepans mellan svenska skolor i hur de samarbetar kring elevers övergĂ„ng mellan lĂ„g- och mellanstadiet, dĂ€r nĂ„gra av lĂ€rarna rapporterar ett vĂ€l fungerande samarbete och andra det helt motsatta. Fynden indikerar Ă€ven att elevers akademiska prestationer kan pĂ„verkas av kvalitĂ©n pĂ„ lĂ€rarnas samarbete och övergĂ„ngsarbete. Slutligen identifierar studien nĂ„gra nyckelfaktorer som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för att skapa ett vĂ€l fungerande övergĂ„ngsarbete och sammarbete.

    Strategic actions to regulatory change : How banks adapt to PSD2

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    PSD2 is an EU directive implemented 1st May 2018 that forces banks to share information related to account information and payment initiations to third-party providers. The aim of the directive is mainly to increase integration, effectivity and competition on the European payment market.  With increased competition for banks, revenues are expected to decrease and previous literature on PSD2 are consistent with the fact that strategic actions beyond compliance have to be made. However, there is no previous studies on how banks are strategically adapting to PSD2.  The purpose of this thesis was to examine how banks are adapting strategically to PSD2, this to provide a better understanding about how banks are adapting to new regulatory changes.  The research question "What strategic actions are being performed within banks due to PSD2?" was answered through a qualitative research by conducting semi-structured interviews with the four largest banks in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis approach.  Five main implications could be concluded: (1) strategically, the researched banks are doing more than merely complying to PSD2, (2) some of the researched banks are planning to provide services that goes beyond PSD2, (3) the researched banks are creating digital platforms through open APIs, (4) innovation in the researched banks increases due to PSD2 and (5) collaborations in the researched banks increases due to PSD2

    En bortprioriterad grupp : En kvalitativ studie kring de biologiska barnens betydelse i familjehem utifrÄn familjehemssekreterarnas arbete.

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    The purpose of this study is to illustrate how family home secretaries are discussing the conditions and importance of the biological children in foster families. Through this we want to gain an understanding of the subject and contribute with knowledge that can generate further research. Previous research shows that biological children are under prioritized in foster care. We were curious about what foster care secretary’s actually do for this group of individuals in their work. To get this information we interviewed six social workers who works with foster care. Our six informants were located in different municipalities in southern Sweden. The theoretical perspective we used were the norm of the core family, from private to public and the last theory we used were risk- and protection factors. The qualitative method for the study was semi- structured interviews that we transcribed and coded for our results. The results shows that the biological children gets often overridden due to the lack of resources and that the different municipalities argue differently about the need to support the biological children. The biological children in fosterfamilies has an important roll and meaning for the fosterchildren’s wellbeeing. Another result show that familychanges affects the biological children but the social workers dont’t reflect about that

    The impact of age when learning English as a second language in the early school years

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    Denna studie undersöker om tidig Ă„lder anses vara den framgĂ„ngsrika faktorn för hur man lyckas utveckla ett andrasprĂ„k. Enligt Muñoz (2008) hĂ€vdar hon att andrasprĂ„ksutveckling frĂ€mst beror pĂ„ barnets biologiska mognadsprocess, hjĂ€rnutveckling, talförmĂ„ga och hörsel. Att lĂ€ra sig ett andrasprĂ„k pĂ„verkas ocksĂ„ starkt av hur ofta elever kommer i kontakt och fĂ„r anvĂ€nda andrasprĂ„ket. Baserat pĂ„ detta betyder Muñoz (2008) att det inte Ă€r Ă„ldern som avgör hur vĂ€l en individ lĂ€r sig ett andrasprĂ„k, men det Ă€r de nĂ€mnda faktorerna som spelar en roll för Ă„ldern. DĂ€rför tyckte vi att detta var ett mycket intressant och extremt diskuterat omrĂ„de att utforska. VĂ„ra resultat visar att mer forskning behöver göras för att besvara frĂ„gan om en tidig Ă„lder anses vara faktorn för hur man lyckas utveckla ett andrasprĂ„k. Andersson (2017) sĂ€ger att vuxna lĂ€r sig ett andrasprĂ„k snabbare Ă€n ett barn, men barn kommer sĂ„ smĂ„ningom att bli överlĂ€gsna andrasprĂ„ks anvĂ€ndare. NĂ„gra av resultaten i vĂ„r forskning visar att den bĂ€sta tiden att lĂ€ra sig ett andrasprĂ„k Ă€r före 17.4 (Hartshorne, Tenenbaum & Pinker, 2018). Vissa sĂ€ger att det Ă€r mellan Ă„ldern 7-13 och vissa av forskarnas pĂ„stĂ„enden att det Ă€r troligt att det Ă€r omöjligt att faststĂ€lla ett resultat till detta forskningsomrĂ„de, för sĂ„ lĂ€nge du inte har sett en ung elevs utveckling sida vid sida med en vuxna personer, och inte följt av protokoll, kan du inte dra nĂ„gon slutsats till denna frĂ„ga (Muñoz, 2008). Utöver detta har den forskning vi har funnit visat att det inte Ă€r omöjligt att lĂ€ra sig ett andrasprĂ„k flytande som vuxen, Ă€ven om vissa sĂ€ger att det krĂ€ver mycket mer anstrĂ€ngning. Andra sĂ€ger att det till och med kan skada inlĂ€rningsresultaten. McLaughlin (2012) hĂ€vdar att försök att lĂ€ra sig ett andra sprĂ„k som vuxen kan skada inlĂ€rningsresultatet eftersom vuxna har en överlĂ€gsen kognitiv funktion (McLaughlin, 2012).Abstract This study investigates if early age is considered to be the factor on how to successfully developing an L2. According to Muñoz (2008), she claims that L2 development primarily depends on the child's biological maturation process, brain development, speech ability, and hearing. Learning the L2 is also greatly influenced by how often pupils come into contact and are allowed to use the L2 language. Based on this, Muñoz (2008) means that it is not the age that determines how well an individual learns an L2, but it is the aforementioned factors that play a role in concerning age. Thus, we found this to be a very interesting and extremely debated area to explore. Our findings show that more research needs to be done to answer the question if an early age is considered to be the factor in how to successfully develop an L2. Andersson (2017) states that adults learn an L2 faster than a child, but children will eventually become superior L2 users. Some of the findings in our research show that the best time of learning an L2 is before the age of 17.4 (Hartshorne, Tenenbaum & Pinker, 2018). Some states it’s between the years of 7-13 and some of the researchers’ claims that pinpointing a result to this area of research is most likely to be impossible, because as long as you have not seen a young pupil’s development side by side with an adult person's, and not followed it by protocol, you cannot draw any conclusion to this question (Muñoz, 2008). Additional to this, the research we have found has shown that it is not impossible to learn an L2 as an adult fluently, although some say it requires a lot more effort, some states that it even could harm the learning outcomes. McLaughlin (2012) claims that trying to learn a second language as an adult could harm the learning outcome since adults have a superior cognitive function (McLaughlin, 2012)

    Strategic actions to regulatory change : How banks adapt to PSD2

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    PSD2 is an EU directive implemented 1st May 2018 that forces banks to share information related to account information and payment initiations to third-party providers. The aim of the directive is mainly to increase integration, effectivity and competition on the European payment market.  With increased competition for banks, revenues are expected to decrease and previous literature on PSD2 are consistent with the fact that strategic actions beyond compliance have to be made. However, there is no previous studies on how banks are strategically adapting to PSD2.  The purpose of this thesis was to examine how banks are adapting strategically to PSD2, this to provide a better understanding about how banks are adapting to new regulatory changes.  The research question "What strategic actions are being performed within banks due to PSD2?" was answered through a qualitative research by conducting semi-structured interviews with the four largest banks in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis approach.  Five main implications could be concluded: (1) strategically, the researched banks are doing more than merely complying to PSD2, (2) some of the researched banks are planning to provide services that goes beyond PSD2, (3) the researched banks are creating digital platforms through open APIs, (4) innovation in the researched banks increases due to PSD2 and (5) collaborations in the researched banks increases due to PSD2