20 research outputs found

    HIV-1 infection alters CD4+ memory T-cell phenotype at the site of disease in extrapulmonary tuberculosis

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    HIV-1-infected people have an increased risk of developing extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB), the immunopathogenesis of which is poorly understood. Here, we conducted a detailed immunological analysis of human pericardial TB, to determine the effect of HIV-1 co-infection on the phenotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)-specific memory T cells and the role of polyfunctional T cells at the disease site, using cells from pericardial fluid and blood of 74 patients with (n=50) and without (n=24) HIV-1 co-infection. The MTB antigen-induced IFN-γ response was elevated at the disease site, irrespective of HIV-1 status or antigenic stimulant. However, the IFN-γ ELISpot showed no clear evidence of increased numbers of antigen-specific cells at the disease site except for ESAT-6 in HIV-1 uninfected individuals (p=0.009). Flow cytometric analysis showed that CD4+ memory T cells in the pericardial fluid of HIV-1-infected patients were of a less differentiated phenotype, with the presence of polyfunctional CD4+ T cells expressing TNF, IL-2 and IFN-γ. These results indicate that HIV-1 infection results in altered phenotype and function of MTB-specific CD4+ T cells at the disease site, which may contribute to the increased risk of developing TB at all stages of HIV-1 infection

    TBVAC2020 : advancing tuberculosis vaccines from discovery to clinical development

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    TBVAC2020 is a research project supported by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission (EC). It aims at the discovery and development of novel tuberculosis (TB) vaccines from preclinical research projects to early clinical assessment. The project builds on previous collaborations from 1998 onwards funded through the EC framework programs FP5, FP6, and FP7. It has succeeded in attracting new partners from outstanding laboratories from all over the world, now totaling 40 institutions. Next to the development of novel vaccines, TB biomarker development is also considered an important asset to facilitate rational vaccine selection and development. In addition, TBVAC2020 offers portfolio management that provides selection criteria for entry, gating, and priority settings of novel vaccines at an early developmental stage. The TBVAC2020 consortium coordinated by TBVI facilitates collaboration and early data sharing between partners with the common aim of working toward the development of an effective TB vaccine. Close links with funders and other consortia with shared interests further contribute to this goal

    The Duration of Antigen-Stimulation Significantly Alters the Diversity of Multifunctional CD4 T Cells Measured by Intracellular Cytokine Staining

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    The assessment of antigen-specific T cell responses by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) has become a routine technique in studies of vaccination and immunity. Here, we highlight how the duration of in vitro antigen pre-stimulation, combined with the cytokine accumulation period, are critical parameters of these methods. The effect of varying these parameters upon the diversity and frequency of multifunctional CD4 T cell subsets has been investigated using a murine model of TB vaccination and in cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. We demonstrate a substantial influence of the duration of the antigen pre-stimulation period on the repertoire of the antigen-specific CD4 T cell responses. Increasing pre-stimulation from 2 to 6 hours amplified the diversity of the seven potential multifunctional CD4 T cell subsets that secreted any combination of IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF-α. However, increasing pre-stimulation from 6 to 16 hours markedly altered the multifunctional CD4 T cell repertoire to a dominant IFN-γ+ only response. This was observed in both murine and cattle models

    TBVAC2020: Advancing tuberculosis vaccines from discovery to clinical development

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    TBVAC2020 is a research project supported by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission (EC). It aims at the discovery and development of novel tuberculosis (TB) vaccines from preclinical research projects to early clinical assessment. The project builds on previous collaborations from 1998 onwards funded through the EC framework programs FP5, FP6, and FP7. It has succeeded in attracting new partners from outstanding laboratories from all over the world, now totaling 40 institutions. Next to the development of novel vaccines, TB biomarker development is also considered an important asset to facilitate rational vaccine selection and development. In addition, TBVAC2020 offers portfolio management that provides selection criteria for entry, gating, and priority settings of novel vaccines at an early developmental stage. The TBVAC2020 consortium coordinated by TBVI facilitates collaboration and early data sharing between partners with the common aim of working toward the development of an effective TB vaccine. Close links with funders and other consortia with shared interests further contribute to this goal

    Multi-centre testing and validation of current protocols for the identification of Gyrodactylus salaris (Monogenea)

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    Despite routine screening requirements for the notifiable fish pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris, no standard operating procedure exists for its rapid identification and discrimination from other species of Gyrodactylus. This study assessed screening and identification efficiencies under real-world conditions for the most commonly employed identification methodologies: visual, morphometric and molecular analyses. Obtained data were used to design a best-practice processing and decision-making protocol allowing rapid specimen throughput and maximal classification accuracy. True specimen identities were established using a consensus from all three identification methods, coupled with the use of host and location information. The most experienced salmonid gyrodactylid expert correctly identified 95.1% of G. salaris specimens. Statistical methods of classification identified 66.7% of the G. salaris, demonstrating the need for much wider training. Molecular techniques (internal transcribed spacer region-restriction fragment length polymorphism (ITS-RFLP)/cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequencing) conducted in the diagnostic laboratory most experienced in the analysis of gyrodactylid material, identified 100% of the true G. salaris specimens. Taking into account causes of potential specimen loss, the probabilities of a specimen being accurately identified were 95%, 87% and 92% for visual, morphometric and molecular techniques, respectively, and the probabilities of correctly identifying a specimen of G. salaris by each method were 81%, 58% and 92%. Inter-analyst agreement for 189 gyrodactylids assessed by all three methods using Fleiss' Kappa suggested substantial agreement in identification between the methods. During routine surveillance periods when low numbers of specimens are analysed, we recommend that specimens be analysed using the ITS-RFLP approach followed by sequencing of specimens with a "G. salaris-like" (i.e. G. salaris, Gyrodactylus thymalli) banding pattern. During periods of suspected outbreaks, where a high volume of specimens is expected, we recommended that specimens be identified using visual identification, as the fastest processing method, to select "G. salaris-like" specimens, which are subsequently identified by molecular-based techniques