31 research outputs found

    Predicting rut depth induced by an 8-wheeled forwarder in fine-grained boreal forest soils

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    Key message Rut depth in fine-grained boreal soils induced by an 8-wheeled forwarder is best predicted with soil moisture content, cumulative mass of machine passes, bulk density and thickness of the humus layer. Context Forest machines are today very heavy and will cause serious damage to soil and prevent future growth if forest operations are carried out at the wrong time of the year. Forest operations performed during the wettest season should therefore be directed at coarse-grained soils that are not as prone to soil damage. Aims The study aimed at investigating the significance of the most important soil characteristics on rutting and developing models that can be utilized in predicting rutting prior to forest operations. Methods A set of wheeling tests on two fine-grained mineral soil stands in Southern Finland were performed. The wheeling experiments were conducted in three different periods of autumn in order to get the largest possible variation in moisture content. The test drives were carried out with an 8-wheeled forwarder. Results Soil moisture content is the most important factor affecting rut depth. Rut depth of an 8-wheeled forwarder in fine-grained boreal soil is best predicted with soil moisture content, cumulative mass of machine passes, bulk density and thickness of the humus layer. Conclusion The results emphasize the importance of moisture content on the risk of rutting in fine-grained mineral soils, especially with high moisture content values when soil saturation reaches 80%. The results indicate that it is of high importance that soil type and soil wetness can be predicted prior to forest operations.Peer reviewe

    Modelling soil moisture - soil strength relationship of fine-grained upland forest soils

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    The strength of soil is known to be dependent on water content but the relationship is strongly affected by the type of soil. Accurate moisture content - soil strength models will provide forest managers with the improved ability to reduce soil disturbances and increase annual forest machine utilization rates. The aim of this study was to examine soil strength and how it is connected to the physical properties of fine-grained forest soils; and develop models that could be applied in practical forestry to make predictions on rutting induced by forest machines. Field studies were conducted on two separate forests in Southern Finland. The data consisted of parallel measurements of dry soil bulk density (BD), volumetric water content (VWC) and penetration resistance (PR). The model performance was logical, and the results were in harmony with earlier findings. The accuracy of the models created was tested with independent data. The models may be regarded rather trustworthy, since no significant bias was found. Mean absolute error of roughly 20% was found which may be regarded as acceptable taken into account the character of the penetrometer tool. The models can be linked with mobility models predicting either risks of rutting, compaction or rolling resistance.Peer reviewe

    Decision Support Tool for Tree Species Selection in Forest Regeneration Based on Harvester Data

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    Precision forestry—i.e., the division of a stand to smaller units and managing of the stand at a micro-stand level—provides new possibilities to increase forest growth, arrange forest stand structure and enhance forest health. In the regeneration phase by adjusting the tree species selection, soil preparation, intensity of regeneration measures (method, planting density, and material), and young stand management procedures according to precise information on soil properties (e.g., site fertility, wetness, and soil type) and microtopography will inevitably lead to an increase in growth of the whole stand. A new approach to utilizing harvester data to delineate micro-stands inside a large forest stand and to deciding the tree species to plant for each micro-stand was piloted in central Finland. The case stands were situated on Finsilva Oyj forest property. The calculation of the local growth (m3/ha/year) for each 16 × 16-m grid cell was based on the height of the dominant trees and the stand age of the previous tree generation. Tree heights and geoinformation were collected during cutting operation as the harvester data, and the dominant height was calculated as the mean of the three largest stems in each grid cell. The stand age was obtained from the forest management plan. The estimated local growth (average of nine neighboring grid cells) varied from 3 to 14 m3/ha/year in the case stands. When creating micro-stands, neighboring grid cells with approximately the same local growth were merged. The minimum size for an acceptable micro-stand was set to 0.23 ha. In this case study, tree species selection (Scots pine or Norway spruce) was based on the mean growth of each micro-stand. Different threshold values, varying from 6 to 8 m3/ha/year, were tested for tree species change, and they led to different solutions in the delineation of micro-stands. Further stand development was simulated with the Motti software and the net present values (NPVs (3%)) for the next rotation were estimated for different micro-stand solutions. The mixed Norway spruce–Scots pine stand structure never produced a clearly economically inferior solution compared to the single species stand, and in one case out of six, it provided a distinctly better solution in terms of NPV (3%) than the single species option did. Our case study showed that this kind of method could be used as a decision support tool at the regeneration phase

    Decision Support Tool for Tree Species Selection in Forest Regeneration Based on Harvester Data

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    Precision forestry—i.e., the division of a stand to smaller units and managing of the stand at a micro-stand level—provides new possibilities to increase forest growth, arrange forest stand structure and enhance forest health. In the regeneration phase by adjusting the tree species selection, soil preparation, intensity of regeneration measures (method, planting density, and material), and young stand management procedures according to precise information on soil properties (e.g., site fertility, wetness, and soil type) and microtopography will inevitably lead to an increase in growth of the whole stand. A new approach to utilizing harvester data to delineate micro-stands inside a large forest stand and to deciding the tree species to plant for each micro-stand was piloted in central Finland. The case stands were situated on Finsilva Oyj forest property. The calculation of the local growth (m3/ha/year) for each 16 × 16-m grid cell was based on the height of the dominant trees and the stand age of the previous tree generation. Tree heights and geoinformation were collected during cutting operation as the harvester data, and the dominant height was calculated as the mean of the three largest stems in each grid cell. The stand age was obtained from the forest management plan. The estimated local growth (average of nine neighboring grid cells) varied from 3 to 14 m3/ha/year in the case stands. When creating micro-stands, neighboring grid cells with approximately the same local growth were merged. The minimum size for an acceptable micro-stand was set to 0.23 ha. In this case study, tree species selection (Scots pine or Norway spruce) was based on the mean growth of each micro-stand. Different threshold values, varying from 6 to 8 m3/ha/year, were tested for tree species change, and they led to different solutions in the delineation of micro-stands. Further stand development was simulated with the Motti software and the net present values (NPVs (3%)) for the next rotation were estimated for different micro-stand solutions. The mixed Norway spruce–Scots pine stand structure never produced a clearly economically inferior solution compared to the single species stand, and in one case out of six, it provided a distinctly better solution in terms of NPV (3%) than the single species option did. Our case study showed that this kind of method could be used as a decision support tool at the regeneration phase

    Spatio-temporal prediction of soil moisture using soil maps, topographic indices and SMAP retrievals

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    Milder winters and extended wetter periods in spring and autumn limit the amount of time available for carrying out ground-based forest operations on soils with satisfactory bearing capacity. Thus, damage to soil in form of compaction and displacement is reported to be becoming more widespread. The prediction of trafficability has become one of the most central issues in planning of mechanized harvesting operations. The work presented looks at methods to model field measured spatio-temporal variations of soil moisture content (SMC, [%vol]) – a crucial factor for soil strength and thus trafficability. We incorporated large-scaled maps of soil characteristics, high-resolution topographic information – depth-to-water (DTW) and topographic wetness index – and openly available temporal soil moisture retrievals provided by the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive mission. Time-series measurements of SMC were captured at six study sites across Europe. These data were then used to develop linear models, a generalized additive model, and the machine learning algorithms Random Forest (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB). The models were trained on a randomly selected 10% subset of the dataset. Predictions of SMC made with RF and XGB attained the highest R2 values of 0.49 and 0.51, respectively, calculated on the remaining 90% test set. This corresponds to a major increase in predictive performance, compared to basic DTW maps (R2 = 0.022). Accordingly, the quality for predicting wet soils was increased by 49% when XGB was applied (Matthews correlation coefficient = 0.45). We demonstrated how open access data can be used to clearly improve the prediction of SMC and enable adequate trafficability mappings with high spatial and temporal resolution. Spatio-temporal modelling could contribute to sustainable forest management.publishedVersio

    Soil disturbance by cut-to-length machinery on midgrained soils

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    Article id 10134201

    Impacts of timber forwarding on physical properties of forest soils in southern Finland

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    Forest harvesting activities can cause soil damage and disturbance through soil compaction, rut formation and soil mixing. These affect the soil structure and functions and forest productivity. Soil compaction results for instance in increased bulk density and decreased porosity, affecting soil moisture, water infiltration and aeration. The effects of timber forwarding on soil physical properties have gained little attention in boreal forests. These issues will become more important in the future since harvesting operations on unfrozen soils are getting more common due to the anticipated climate warming. In this study, changes of forest soil physical properties (bulk density, moisture content and porosity) after 1-10 forwarder passes on two fine-grained mineral soil sites in southern Finland were analysed. Penetration resistance and rut formation were also measured. The measurements were performed in three periods with different soil moisture conditions. The test drives were carried out with a conventional 8-wheeled forwarder with total mass of 29.8 tons. Soil bulk density increased and porosity decreased after the machinery passes. However, soil moisture content increased on one site and mainly decreased on another. The first three passes caused the greatest compaction and rutting, the first pass having the strongest impact. After the first and third pass 34-55% and over 70% of the total mean rut depth was formed, respectively. Further passes caused only minor rutting. The compaction and changes of soil physical properties appeared to be greater in dry conditions. Rut formation and soil mixing were greater in moist conditions. The results are, however, site-specific, and more research is needed to achieve a better understanding of the relationships between different factors affecting impacts of timber forwarding on soil.Peer reviewe

    Ohjeita kosteusindeksikarttojen käyttöön metsätaloudessa

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    Kosteusindeksikartat osoittavat kosteiden alueiden sijainnin purojen, norojen, lampien ja järvien läheisyydessä. Maaperän kosteus mallinnetaan pääosin laskemalla maaperän topografian perusteella kosteusindeksejä. Eri kosteusindeksit tuottavat tarkkuudeltaan erilaisia karttoja, mutta niiden kaikkien avulla on tunnistettavissa huomattavasti enemmän noroja kuin perinteisiltä kartoilta. Nämä ohjeet havainnollistavat, kuinka ympäristötekijöitä voidaan ottaa paremmin huomioon metsätaloudessa kosteusindeksikarttojen avulla. Ohjeet on tuotettu metsäsuunnittelijoiden, koneenkuljettajien, metsänomistajien sekä metsä- ja ympäristöviranomaisten käyttöön.202