54 research outputs found

    Leadership in Swedish Public Organizations: A Research Review in Education and Care

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    This article is a review of recent Swedish leadership research in two large public-sector areas: education and care. By comparing and contrasting research in these areas, we unveil the specifics and commonalities of research in public-sector leadership. We reviewed research articles from 2018 to 2020 and analyzed theories used, data-gathering methods employed, and topics researched. The results show some fundamental differences between the two areas. Compared to research on education, research on care is to a larger extent non-theoretical and is often focused on change management, quality assurance, and leaders’ roles in employee health. Conversely, studies on education are theory driven and mostly focused on leaders’ roles in learning and shared leadership. We discuss the state of Swedish public leadership research and make suggestions for mutual learning and moving forward in this research field

    Движение газов в ротационных наклоняющихся печах

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    Представлены результаты исследований движения газов и процессов тепломассообмена в ротационных наклоняющихся печах (РНП) при термообработке дисперсных материалов. Исследования выполняли с помощью численного моделирования с использованием прикладных программных пакетов ANSYS CFX и Solid Works Flow Simulation. Полученные результаты были использованы при разработке РНП различной мощности и назначения и позволили повысить их технико-экономические характеристики

    Can we use meat inspection data for animal health and welfare surveillance?

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    Ante- and post-mortem inspections at abattoir were originally introduced to provide assurance that animal carcasses were fit for human consumption. However, findings at meat inspection can also represent a valuable source of information for animal health and welfare surveillance. Yet, before making secondary use of meat inspection data, it is important to assess that the same post-mortem findings get registered in a consistent way among official meat inspectors across abattoirs, so that the results are as much independent as possible from the abattoir where the inspection is performed. The most frequent findings at official meat inspections of pigs and beef cattle in Sweden were evaluated by means of variance partitioning to quantify the amount of variation in the probabilities of these findings due to abattoir and farm levels. Seven years of data (2012-2018) from 19 abattoirs were included in the study. The results showed that there was a very low variation between abattoirs for presence of liver parasites and abscesses, moderately low variation for pneumonia and greatest variation for injuries and nonspecific findings (e.g., other lesions). This general pattern of variation was similar for both species and implies that some post-mortem findings are consistently detected and so are a valuable source of epidemiological information for surveillance purposes. However, for those findings associated with higher variation, calibration and training activities of meat inspection staff are necessary to enable correct conclusions about the occurrence of pathological findings and for producers to experience an equivalent likelihood of deduction in payment (independent of abattoir)

    Smittad av den moderna pesten : Att vara smittbärare av meticillinresistenta staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    Historiskt sett har personer med smittsamma infektioner uteslutits från samhället. Personerna har setts med avsky och rädsla från omgivningen med risk för att överföra smittan. Multiresistenta bakterier (MRB) är ett ökande problem världen över och orsakar stort lidande för patienter. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka patienters upplevelse av att vara smittbärare av meticillinresistenta staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Litteraturstudiens resultat baseras på nio vetenskapliga artiklar, där resultatet utföll i två kategorier. I kategorin känslan av att vara smittsam framkom underkategorierna att vara smutsig, skuld och skam samt rädsla och oro. I kategorin känslan av att vara annorlunda framkom underkategorierna känna sig kränkt, ilska och frustration samt känna sig stigmatiserad. För att patienter med MRSA-smitta ska få en god vård krävs det att vårdpersonalen har evidensbaserad kunskap. Därför skulle det vara av stort intresse att forskning i framtiden fokuserar på patienters upplevelse av att vara smittbärare. Ytterligare forskning behövs inom området på grund av ett ökat globalt problem med MRB.Historically, people with contagious infections has been excluded from society. The characters have been seen with disgust and fear from the environment with the risk of transmitting the infection. Multi-drug resistant bacteria (MRB) is a growing problem worldwide and causes great suffering for patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' experience of being carriers of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Literature study results are based on nine scientific articles, which precipitated the result of two categories. In the category of feeling of being contagious emerged subcategories to be dirty, guilt and shame and fear and anxiety. In the category of the feeling of being different subcategories emerged feel hurt, anger and frustration, and feel stigmatized. For patients with MRSA infection should get good care requires that health professionals have evidence-based knowledge. Therefore, it would be of great interest to future research focusing on patient experience of being contaminated. Further research is needed in this area because of the increasing global problem of MRB

    The Enactment of Professional Boundary Work: A Case Study of Crime Investigation

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    Professional boundary takes place as actors negotiate occupational boundaries and division of labour. In this article, we examine the conditions of defensive, accommodating, and configurational boundary work in the context of crime investigation. We analyse how professional boundaries are negotiated as civilian investigators become involved with policing. The article is based on 71 interviews with civilian and police crime investigators from a variety of investigation units in Sweden. Findings show how policing as a professional field is shifted as civilians from a wide variety of backgrounds and with varying motivations enter the occupation. Defensive boundary work that devalued civilians was widely occurring. However, boundary work that focused on learning, collaboration, and training was also occurring in high-status units. The discussion focuses on how power asymmetries impact boundary work when professions are undergoing change. This study exemplifies how organizational actors navigate, defend, and challenge their positions as professional boundaries are negotiated