121 research outputs found

    Auditor Perceptions Of SAS 99: Do Two Expectation Gaps Still Exist?

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    In 1988, the Auditing Standards Board released nine standards intended to narrow the previously identified “expectation gap”—a gap between the expectations of financial statement users and certified public accountants (“Expectation Gap I”).  A 1992 study of auditor perceptions of two of those standards dealing with errors, irregularities, and illegal acts of clients, revealed that there existed a second expectation gap, one between the standard setters and practicing CPAs (“Expectation Gap II”). Since then, the ASB has released two successor statements intended to address the issue of auditors’ responsibility to consider fraud in a financial statement audit.  This study examines auditor perceptions of the more recent pronouncement and reveals general skepticism among respondents regarding its effectiveness in promoting Congressional and public confidence in the auditing profession; i.e., little confidence that it will serve to reduce Expectation Gap I.  It also reveals the continued existence of Expectation Gap II. &nbsp

    Welche Kompetenzen befähigen zur landwirtschaftlichen Diversifizierung?

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    Agricultural diversification might be an answer to structural change in farming and demographic change in rural areas. Findings from empirical research highlight specific competences that enable farmers to successfully implement diversification strategies such as direct sales, social farming, or agro tourism. The identified competences are categorized as professional and personal competences based on the taxonomy of the National Qualifications Framework for Germany. The findings could serve as a guideline for designing courses that enable farmers to implement diversification strategies

    Von Kompetenzbedarfen in der Sozialen Landwirtschaft zur Konzeption einer wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung

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    Social farming combines agricultural production with additional social services such as providing disadvantaged groups a possibility for inclusion. A special requirement of social farming activities is the combination of two professional knowledge systems, the agricultural and the social education knowledge system. Starting from the research question, which competences are in need to offer social farming activities, this paper continues to transform these findings in an innovative academic course. It addresses people with prior education in agriculture or social education and contributes to the general idea of lifelong learning

    The Economy of Communion Model A Spirituality-Based View of Global Sustainability and its Application to Management Education

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    This paper describes recent concerns with management education and offers the Economy of Communion (EoC) Model as an example that maybe used in management education programs to illustrate a spirituality-based approach to sustainability. With its foundation in Catholic social teaching, the EoC model gives priority to the development of relationships among internal and external stakeholders, with profits regarded as an outcome of sustainable practices that respect both people and planet

    Reductions in microfilaridermia by repeated ivermectin treatment are associated with lower Plasmodium-specific Th17 immune responses in Onchocerca volvulus-infected individuals

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    Background: 37 million individuals are currently infected with Onchocerca volvulus (O. volvulus), a parasitic nematode that elicits various dermal manifestations and eye damage in man. Disease control is primarily based on distributing ivermectin in mass drug administration (MDA) programmes which aim at breaking transmission by eliminating microfilariae (MF), the worm's offspring. The majority of infected individuals present generalized onchocerciasis, which is characterized by hyporesponsive immune responses and high parasite burden including MF. Recently, in areas that have been part of MDA programmes, individuals have been identified that present nodules but are amicrofilaridermic (a-MF) and our previous study showed that this group has a distinct immune profile. Expanding on those findings we determined the immune responses of O. volvulus-infected individuals to a Plasmodium-derived antigen MSP-1 (merozoite surface protein-1), which is required by the parasite to enter erythrocytes. Methods: Isolated PBMCs from O. volvulus-infected individuals (164 MF+ and 46 a-MF) and non-infected volunteers from the same region (NEN), were stimulated with MSP-1 and the resulting supernatant screened for the presence of IL-5, IL-13, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17A and IL-10. These findings were then further analyzed following regression analysis using the covariates MF, ivermectin (IVM) and region. The latter referred to the Central or Ashanti regions of Ghana, which, at the time sampling, had received 8 or 1 round of MDA respectively. Results: IL-5, IL-13 and IFN-γ responses to MSP-1 were not altered between NEN and O. volvulus-infected individuals nor were any associations revealed in the regression analysis. IL-10, IL-6 and TNF-α MSP-1 responses were, however, significantly elevated in cultures from infected individuals. Interestingly, when compared to a-MF individuals, MSP-induced IL-17A responses were significantly higher in MF+ patients. Following multivariable regression analysis these IL-10, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-17A responses were all dominantly associated with the regional covariate. Conclusions: Consequently, areas with a lowered infection pressure due to IVM MDA appear to influence bystander responses to Plasmodium-derived antigens in community members even if they have not regularly participated in the therapy

    Macrofilaricidal Activity in Wuchereria bancrofti after 2 Weeks Treatment with a Combination of Rifampicin plus Doxycycline

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    Infection with the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti can lead to lymphedema, hydrocele, and elephantiasis. Since adult worms cause pathology in lymphatic filariasis (LF), it is imperative to discover macrofilaricidal drugs for the treatment of the infection. Endosymbiotic Wolbachia in filariae have emerged as a new target for antibiotics which can lead to macrofilaricidal effects. In Ghana, a pilot study was carried out with 39 LF-infected men; 12 were treated with 200 mg doxycycline/day for 4 weeks, 16 were treated with a combination of 200 mg doxycycline/day + 10 mg/kg/day rifampicin for 2 weeks, and 11 patients received placebo. Patients were monitored for Wolbachia and microfilaria loads, antigenaemia, and filarial dance sign (FDS). Both 4-week doxycycline and the 2-week combination treatment reduced Wolbachia load significantly. At 18 months posttreatment, four-week doxycycline resulted in 100% adult worm loss, and the 2-week combination treatment resulted in a 50% adult worm loss. In conclusion, this pilot study with a combination of 2-week doxycycline and rifampicin demonstrates moderate macrofilaricidal activity against W. bancrofti

    Efficacy of 5-week doxycycline treatment on adult Onchocerca volvulus.

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    The effects of 5-week doxycycline treatment on the depletion of Wolbachia endobacteria from Onchocerca volvulus, on the interruption of embryogenesis and on microfilariae production, and with regard to macrofilaricidal activity were studied. In 2003, in an endemic area in Ghana, 22 onchocerciasis patients received 100 mg/day doxycycline for 5 weeks. Two years after the start of the study, 20 treated and ten untreated patients were nodulectomized and skin microfilariae were counted. The onchocercomas were examined by immunohistology for the presence of Wolbachia, embryogenesis, and vitality of adult filariae. The latter two parameters were further assessed by alternating logistic regression analysis, taking into account the dependency of worms and nodules in patients. Doxycycline resulted in depletion of Wolbachia and in complete interruption of embryogenesis in all worms that were assumed to have been present during treatment. In the treated patients, only 51% of the female worms were alive, compared to 84% in the untreated patients, indicating a moderate but distinct macrofilaricidal activity of doxycycline at this dose. It is concluded that, in areas with ongoing transmission, doxycycline cannot replace regular ivermectin mass treatment because new infections would require repeated rounds of doxycycline. However, doxycycline can be used for the treatment of individuals outside transmission areas, in foci where ivermectin resistance may occur, and in countries where onchocerciasis and loiasis are co-endemic

    Emotional burnout of specialists in socio-occupational professions: contemporary views on the problem

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    Представлено сучасні підходи до проблеми вигорання у представників соціономічних професій у контексті емоційної праці, емоційного і когнітивного дисонансу. Проаналізовано й узагальнено наукову літературу з питань вигорання, визначено три основні його компоненти: емоційне і/або фізичне виснаження, зниження продуктивності праці і надмірна деперсоналізація. На основі аналізу визначень вигорання встановлено його зв’язок з емоційною працею (регуляцією і вираженням емоційних станів). Обстоюється думка, що фахівці соціономічних професій особливо вразливі до вигорання, оскільки тривалий час перебувають у стані, коли необхідно постійно контролювати свої емоції, брати на себе відповідальність і відчувати невизначеність, працюючи з іншими людьми. Емоційну працю розглянуто як предиктор вигорання у фахівців соціономічних професій. На основі аналізу літератури, присвяченої проблемам вигорання та емоційного дисонансу, висловлено припущення, що вимоги щодо емоційної праці зумовлюють різноманітність проявів синдрому виго-рання (у тому числі виснаження, цинізму, зниження продуктивності праці та погіршення самопочуття), а знання симптомів вигорання дало б змогу фахівцям соціономічних професій запобігти виникненню та загостренню цього стану.This article deals with the modern approaches to the problem of burnout of helping professionals in the context of emotional labor, emotional and cognitive dissonance. The burnout literature is reviewed, compared, and summarized. The definition of burnout is proposed including three components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, lowered work productivity, and excessive depersonalization. Based on an analysis of the definitions of burnout, the paper focuses on the connec-tion of burnout and emotional work (regulation of feelings and emotional expression). It is also maintained a fact that helping professionals are especially vulnerable to burnout because of the necessity to control own emotions for a long time, to take responsibilities, and to feel uncertainties they encounter while working with others. The current study discussed emotional labor as a predictor of burnout of helping professionals. On the basis of the literature on burnout and emotional dissonance, the author of this article hypothesized that emotional job demands would explain variances of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism). Knowledge of abovementioned syndromes would help socionomy professionals to avoid emergence and aggravation of emotional burnout.Представлены современные подходы к проблеме выгорания у представителей социономических профессий в контексте эмоциональной труда, эмоционального и когнитивного диссонанса. Проанализированы и обобщены научную литературу по вопросам выгорания, определены три основные его компоненты: эмоциональное и / или физическое истощение, снижение производительности труда и чрезмерная деперсонализация. На основе анализа определений выгорания установлена ​​его связь с эмоциональной трудом (регуляцией и выражением эмоциональных состояний). Отстаивается мнение, что специалисты социономических профессий особенно уязвимы к выгоранию, поскольку длительное время находятся в состоянии, когда необходимо постоянно контролировать свои эмоции, брать на себя ответственность и чувствовать неопределенность, работая с другими людьми. Эмоциональный труд рассмотрен как предиктор выгорания у специалистов социономических профессий. На основе анализа литературы, посвященной проблемам выгорания и эмоционального диссонанса, высказано предположение, что требования по эмоциональной труда обусловливают разнообразие проявлений синдрома выгорания (в том числе истощения, цинизма, снижение производительности труда и ухудшение самочувствия), а знание симптомов выгорания позволило бы специалистам социономических профессий предотвратить возникновение и обострение этого состояния