807 research outputs found

    Evidence for anisotropic dielectric properties of monoclinic hafnia using high-resolution TEM valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy and ab initio time-dependent density-functional theory

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    The effect of nanocrystal orientation on the energy loss spectra of monoclinic hafnia (m-HfO2_2) is measured by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and valence energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS) on high quality samples. For the same momentum-transfer directions, the dielectric properties are also calculated ab initio by time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT). Experiments and simulations evidence anisotropy in the dielectric properties of m-HfO2_2, most notably with the direction-dependent oscillator strength of the main bulk plasmon. The anisotropic nature of m-HfO2_2 may contribute to the differences among VEELS spectra reported in literature. The good agreement between the complex dielectric permittivity extracted from VEELS with nanometer spatial resolution, TDDFT modeling, and past literature demonstrates that the present HRTEM-VEELS device-oriented methodology is a possible solution to the difficult nanocharacterization challenges given in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    LiSET: A framework for early-stage life cycle screening of emerging technologies

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    While life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool often used to evaluate the environmental impacts of products and technologies, the amount of data required to perform such studies make the evaluation of emerging technologies using the conventional LCA approach challenging. The development paradox is such that the inputs from a comprehensive environmental assessment has the greatest effect early in the development phase, and yet the data required to perform such an assessment are generally lacking until it is too late. Previous attempts to formalize strategies for performing streamlined or screening LCAs were made in the late 1990s and early 2000s, mostly to rapidly compare the environmental performance of product design candidates. These strategies lack the transparency and consistency required for the environmental screening of large numbers of early‐development candidates, for which data are even sparser. We propose the Lifecycle Screening of Emerging Technologies method (LiSET). LiSET is an adaptable screening‐to‐LCA method that uses the available data to systematically and transparently evaluate the environmental performance of technologies at low readiness levels. Iterations follow technological development and allow a progression to a full LCA if desired. In early iterations, LiSET presents results in a matrix structure combined with a “traffic light” color grading system. This format inherently communicates the high uncertainty of analysis at this stage and presents numerous environmental aspects assessed. LiSET takes advantage of a decomposition analysis and data not traditionally used in LCAs to gain insight to the life cycle impacts and ensure that the most environmentally sustainable technologies are adopted

    Directed differentiation of rhesus monkey ES cells into pancreatic cell phenotypes

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    Embryonic stem cells (ES) can self-replicate and differentiate into all cell types including insulin-producing, beta-like cells and could, therefore, be used to treat diabetes mellitus. To date, results of stem cell differentiation into beta cells have been debated, largely due to difficulties in defining the identity of a beta cell. We have recently differentiated non-human primate (rhesus) embryonic stem (rES) cell lines into insulin producing, beta-like cells with the beta cell growth factor, Exendin-4 and using C-peptide as a phenotype marker. Cell development was characterized at each stage by gene and protein expression. Insulin, NKX6.1 and glucagon mRNA were expressed in stage 4 cells but not in early undifferentiated cells. We concluded that rES cells could be differentiated ex vivo to insulin producing cells. These differentiated rES cells could be used to develop a non-human primate model for evaluating cell therapy to treat diabetes. To facilitate the identification of beta-like cells and to track the cells post-transplantation, we have developed a marker gene construct: fusing the human insulin promoter (HIP) to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. This construct was transfected into stage 3 rES derived cells and subsequent GFP expression was identified in C-peptide positive cells, thereby substantiating endogenous insulin production by rES derived cells. Using this GFP detection system, we will enrich our population of insulin producing rES derived cells and track these cells post-transplantation in the non-human primate model

    The Role of Reference Points in Machine-Learned Atomistic Simulation Models

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    This paper introduces the Chemical Environment Modeling Theory (CEMT), a novel, generalized framework designed to overcome the limitations inherent in traditional atom-centered Machine Learning Force Field (MLFF) models, widely used in atomistic simulations of chemical systems. CEMT demonstrated enhanced flexibility and adaptability by allowing reference points to exist anywhere within the modeled domain and thus, enabling the study of various model architectures. Utilizing Gaussian Multipole (GMP) featurization functions, several models with different reference point sets, including finite difference grid-centered and bond-centered models, were tested to analyze the variance in capabilities intrinsic to models built on distinct reference points. The results underscore the potential of non-atom-centered reference points in force training, revealing variations in prediction accuracy, inference speed and learning efficiency. Finally, a unique connection between CEMT and real-space orbital-free finite element Density Functional Theory (FE-DFT) is established, and the implications include the enhancement of data efficiency and robustness. It allows the leveraging of spatially-resolved energy densities and charge densities from FE-DFT calculations, as well as serving as a pivotal step towards integrating known quantum-mechanical laws into the architecture of ML models

    L’intégration des services sur une base locale : acquis et limites

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    Cet article rend compte d'une expérience locale d'intégration des services auprès d'une clientèle souffrant de troubles mentaux. L'expérience s'est déroulée dans une région rurale entre 1998 et 2001 et a été financée par le Fonds pour l'adaptation des services de santé (FASS). Les auteurs décrivent le contexte particulier de l'expérimentation, le modèle d'intervention qui, fait particulier, comprend une intégration des services de santé au niveau populationnel ainsi que des interventions spécifiques pour la clientèle de la santé mentale. Les auteurs procèdent ensuite à l'évaluation de cette expérimentation et plus particulièrement son implantation en s'appuyant sur le concept de partenariat. Les relations dyadiques entre les acteurs institutionnels, non institutionnels et les personnes utilisatrices sont ainsi examinées. Après avoir mis en évidence les avantages d'une telle expérimentation locale, ils discutent des limites et des enjeux particuliers de ce projet dans le contexte de la santé mentale.Service integration on a local basis : advantages and limits This article describes an experience of integration of services to people with mental health disorders on a local basis. The experience took place in a rural region between 1998 and 2001 and was funded by the Fonds pour l'adaptation des services de santé (FASS). The authors describe th specific context of the experience, the intervention model which includes integration of health services on a population level as well as specific interventions for mental health patients. The authors then evaluate the experience and more particularly, its implementation on the basis of the concept of partnership. Dyadic relationships between institutional, non institutional protagonists and consumers are examined. After emphasizing the advantages of such an experience, the authors discuss the limits and particular stakes of such a project in the context of mental health.La integración de servicios sobre una base local: adquiridos y limites Este artículo da cuenta de una experiencia local de integración de servicios con personas que padecen de problemas mentales. La experiencia se efectuó en una región rural entre 1998 y 2001 y ha sido financiada por el Fondos para la adaptación de servicios de salud (FASS). Los autores describen el contexto particular de la experimentación, el modelo de intervención, cual, hecho particular, incluye una integración de servicios de salud al nivel poblacional aisi que de intervenciones específicas para la clientela de salud mental. Los autores proceden despues a una evaluación de esta experimentación y más particularmente, su establecimiento, apoyandose sobre el concepto de colaboración. Las relaciones dyadicas entre los actores institucionales, non institucionales y las personas utilizadoras estan examinadas. Ponen en evidencia las ventajas de tal experimentación local y discuten de las limites y de cuestiones particulares de este proyecto en el contexto de la salud mental.Integração dos serviços prestados localmente: conquistas e limites Este artigo trata de uma experiência local de integração dos serviços prestados junto a uma clientela que sofre de problemas mentais. A experiência foi realizada em uma região rural entre 1998 e 2001 e foi financiada pelo Fundo para Adaptação dos Serviços de Saúde (FASS). Os autores descrevem o contexto específico da experiência, o modelo da atuação que, especificamente neste caso, inclui uma integração dos serviços de saúde em nível popular e as atuações específicas da clientela de saúde mental. Os autores fazem em seguida uma avaliação desta experiência e, mais especificamente, de sua implantação, apoiando-se no conceito de parceria. Eles examinam as relações diádicas entre os atores institucionais, não institucionais e os usuários. Depois de evidenciar as vantagens desta experiência local, eles discutem sobre os limites e as questões específicas deste projeto no contexto da saúde mental

    Estrogen receptor β2 and β5 are associated with poor prognosis in prostate cancer, and promote cancer cell migration and invasion

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    Estrogens play a pivotal role in the development and progression of prostate cancer (PCa). Their actions are mediated by estrogen receptors (ERs), particularly ERβ in the prostate epithelium. With the discovery of ERβ isoforms, data from previous studies that focused principally on the wild-type ERβ (ERβ1) may not be adequate in explaining the still controversial role of ERβ(s) in prostate carcinogenesis. In this study, using newly generated isoform-specific antibodies, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on a tumor microarray comprised of 144 specimens. IHC results were correlated with pathological and clinical follow-up data to delineate the distinct roles of ERβ1, ERβ2, and ERβ5 in PCa. ERβ2 was commonly found in the cytoplasm and was the most abundant isoform followed by ERβ1 localized predominantly in the nucleus, and ERβ5 was primarily located in the cytoplasm. Logistic regression analyses demonstrated that nuclear ERβ2 (nERβ2) is an independent prognostic marker for prostate specific antigen (PSA) failure and postoperative metastasis (POM). In a Kaplan–Meier analysis, the combined expression of both nERβ2 and cytoplasmic ERβ5 identified a group of patients with the shortest POM-free survival. Cox proportional hazard models revealed that nERβ2 predicted shorter time to POM. In concordance with IHC data, stable, ectopic expression of ERβ2 or ERβ5 enhanced PCa cell invasiveness but only PCa cells expressing ERβ5 exhibited augmented cell migration. This is the first study to uncover a metastasis-promoting role of ERβ2 and ERβ5 in PCa, and show that the two isoforms, singularly and conjointly, have prognostic values for PCa progression. These findings may aid future clinical management of PCa

    Laboratory measurement of displacement on shallow foundation in uniform sand using particle image velocimetry technique

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    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is one of the non-intrusive techniques recently being utilized for measuring soil displacement in geotechnical engineering. The work discussed in this paper focuses on the application of an image processing tool known as MatPIV, a freeware readily available to the general users. The test programmes involved measurement and visualization of the behavior of displaced soil under various type of loadings and sizes of the foundation plate. Prior to testing, validation test was performed to study on the validity of measurements produced by MatPIV by comparing its measurements with the actual. Boundary analysis was also performed to justify on the configuration chosen for the model box used in both validation and experimental set-ups. In addition, a set of 70 displacement data was also studied in the validation test and a further statistical analysis on the data showed an acceptable accuracy of 98.8% for the MatPIV analysis when compared to the actual measured displacement. Hence, further test programmes which consisted of various soil-structure interaction conditions were performed. This comprehensive analysis showed that the diameter of loading rods and the sizes of foundation plate do affect the behavior of soil displacement under centric structural loading and was shown successfully via MatPI