109 research outputs found

    A State-of-the-Science Review of Arsenic's Effects on Glucose Homeostasis in Experimental Models.

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has more than doubled since 1980. Poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity are among the primary risk factors. While an estimated 70% of cases are attributed to excess adiposity, there is an increased interest in understanding the contribution of environmental agents to diabetes causation and severity. Arsenic is one of these environmental chemicals, with multiple epidemiology studies supporting its association with T2D. Despite extensive research, the molecular mechanism by which arsenic exerts its diabetogenic effects remains unclear.ObjectivesWe conducted a literature search focused on arsenite exposure in vivo and in vitro, using relevant end points to elucidate potential mechanisms of oral arsenic exposure and diabetes development.MethodsWe explored experimental results for potential mechanisms and elucidated the distinct effects that occur at high vs. low exposure. We also performed network analyses relying on publicly available data, which supported our key findings.ResultsWhile several mechanisms may be involved, our findings support that arsenite has effects on whole-body glucose homeostasis, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, hepatic glucose metabolism, and both adipose and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction.DiscussionThis review applies state-of-the-science approaches to identify the current knowledge gaps in our understanding of arsenite on diabetes development. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4517

    Inclusive Education and UDL Professional Development for Teachers in Sweden and India

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    In education, the factors involved in a successful inclusive education classroom are diverse and multidimensional, with a growing research base. Universal design for learning (UDL) can help educators address the varied needs of students through diversification of the design of instructional methods, materials, and assessments. Global interest in UDL has driven the need for more teacher training opportunities. This chapter contributes to the literature base on professional development in UDL cases by presenting two examples from two national contexts, Sweden and India. The authors ground the two cases in the literature on teacher training, inclusive education, and UDL, concluding with a discussion on the contextual impact and insights stemming from the cases

    World report on violence and health

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    This report examines the types of violence that are present worldwide, in the everyday lives of people, and that constitute the bulk of the health burden imposed by violence. Accordingly, the information has been arranged in nine chapters, covering the following topics: 1. Violence – a global public health problem 2. Youth violence 3. Child abuse and neglect by parents and other caregivers 4. Violence by intimate partners 5. Abuse of the elderly 6. Sexual violence 7. Self-directed violence 8. Collective violence 9. The way forward: recommendations for action; Because it is impossible to cover all types of violence fully and adequately in a single document, each chapter has a specific focus. For example, the chapter on youth violence examines interpersonal violence among adolescents and young adults in the community. The chapter on child abuse discusses physical, sexual and psychological abuse, as well as neglect by parents and other caregivers; other forms of maltreatment of children, such as child prostitution and the use of children as soldiers, are covered in other parts of the report. The chapter on abuse of the elderly focuses on abuse by caregivers in domestic and institutional settings, while that on collective violence discusses violent conflict. The chapters on intimate partner violence and sexual violence focus primarily on violence against women, though some discussion of violence directed at men and boys is included in the chapter on sexual violence. The chapter on self-directed violence focuses primarily on suicidal behaviour. The chapter is included in the report because suicidal behaviour is one of the external causes of injury and is often the product of many of the same underlying social, psychological and environmental factors as other types of violence. The chapters follow a similar structure. Each begins with a brief discussion of definitions for the specific type of violence covered in the chapter, followed by a summary of current knowledge about the extent of the problem in different regions of the world. Where possible, country-level data are presented, as well as findings from a range of research studies. The chapters then describe the causes and consequences of violence, provide summaries of the interventions and policy responses that have been tried, and make recommendations for future research and action. Tables, figures and boxes are included to highlight specific epidemiological patterns and findings, illustrate examples of prevention activities, and draw attention to specific issues. The report concludes with two additional sections: a statistical annex and a list of Internet resources. The statistical annex contains global, regional and country data derived from the WHO mortality and morbidity database and from Version 1 of the WHO Global Burden of Disease project for 2000. A description of data sources and methods is provided in the annex to explain how these data were collected and analysed. The list of Internet resources includes web site addresses for organizations involved in violence research, prevention and advocacy. The list includes metasites (each site offers access to hundreds of organizations involved in violence research, prevention and advocacy), web sites that focus on specific types of violence, web sites that address broader contextual issues related to violence, and web sites that offer surveillance tools for improving the understanding of violence

    An Innovative Partnership between National and Regional Partnerships: STARS Meets McPIE

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    The Students & Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) Computing Corps is a nationally-connected system of regional partnerships among higher education, K-12 schools, industry and the community, with a mission to broaden the participation of women, under-represented minorities and persons with disabilities in computing (BPC). With support from National Science Foundation funding, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte founded the STARS Alliance (now the STARS Computing Corps) which includes 44 universities, each with its own “constellation” of local and regional partnerships. McClintock Partners in Education (McPIE) is a partnership between a middle school, a church, and their surrounding community. This paper describes how a STARS-McPIE “partnership between partnerships” has impacted both the middle school students and their college student mentors

    El informe mundial sobre la violencia y la salud.

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    In 1996, the World Health Assembly declared violence a major public health issue. To follow up on this resolution, on October 3 this year, WHO released the first World Report on Violence and Health. The report analyses different types of violence including child abuse and neglect, youth violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, elder abuse, self-directed violence, and collective violence. For all these types of violence, the report explores the magnitude of the health and social effects, the risk and protective factors, and the types of prevention efforts that have been initiated. The launch of the report will be followed by a 1-year Global Campaign on Violence Prevention, focusing on implementation of the recommendations. This article summarises some of the main points of the world report.En 1966, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró la violencia como uno de los principales problemas de salud pública. Para dar seguimiento a dicha resolución, el 3 de octubre de este año, la OMS publicó el primer Informe mundial sobre la violencia y la salud, el cual analiza los diferentes tipos de violencia, incluidos el maltrato y abandono de menores, la violencia entre los jóvenes, la violencia contra la pareja, la violencia sexual, el maltrato a ancianos, la violencia autoinfligida y la violencia colectiva. Para todos estos tipos de violencia, el informe explora la magnitud de sus efectos en la salud y en la sociedad, los factores de riesgo y protección y los esfuerzos de prevención que se han desplegado. El lanzamiento del informe dará inicio a una Campaña Global de Prevención de la Violencia que durante un año se centrará en la aplicación de sus recomendaciones. Este artículo resume algunos de los puntos más importantes del informe mundial

    Global development and diffusion of outcome evaluation research for interpersonal and self-directed violence prevention from 2007 to 2013: A systematic review

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    © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Through a global review, we identified gaps in the geographical distribution of violence prevention evidence outcome evaluation studies and the types of violence addressed. Systematic literature searches identified 355 articles published between 2007 and 2013 that evaluated programs to prevent interpersonal or self-directed violence; focused on universal or selected populations; and reported outcomes measuring violence or closely related risk factors. The number of studies identified increased annually from 2008 (n = 37), reaching 64 in 2013. Over half (n = 203) of all studies focused on youth violence yet only one on elder maltreatment. Study characteristics varied by year and violence type. Only 9.3% of all studies had been conducted in LMICs. These studies were less likely than those in high income countries (HICs) to have tested established interventions yet more likely to involve international collaboration. Evaluation studies successfully established in LMIC had often capitalized on other major regional priorities (e.g. HIV). Relationships between violence and social determinants, communicable and non-communicable diseases, and even economic prosperity should be explored as mechanisms to increase the global reach of violence prevention research. Results should inform future research strategies and provide a baseline for measuring progress in developing the violence prevention evidence-base, especially in LMICs

    The Mental Vitality @ Work study: design of a randomized controlled trial on the effect of a workers' health surveillance mental module for nurses and allied health professionals

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    Employees in health care service are at high risk for developing mental health complaints. The effects of mental health complaints on work can have serious consequences for the quality of care provided by these workers. To help health service workers remain healthy and productive, preventive actions are necessary. A Workers' Health Surveillance (WHS) mental module may be an effective strategy to monitor and promote good (mental) health and work performance. The objective of this paper is to describe the design of a three arm cluster randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of a WHS mental module for nurses and allied health professionals. Two strategies for this WHS mental module will be compared along with data from a control group. Additionally, the cost effectiveness of the approaches will be evaluated from a societal perspective. The study is designed as a cluster randomized controlled trial consisting of three arms (two intervention groups, 1 control group) with randomization at ward level. The study population consists of 86 departments in one Dutch academic medical center with a total of 1731 nurses and allied health professionals. At baseline, after three months and after six months of follow-up, outcomes will be assessed by online questionnaires. In both intervention arms, participants will complete a screening to detect problems in mental health and work functioning and receive feedback on their screening results. In cases of impairments in mental health or work functioning in the first intervention arm, a consultation with an occupational physician will be offered. The second intervention arm offers a choice of self-help e-mental health interventions, which will be tailored based on each individual's mental health state and work functioning. The primary outcomes will be help-seeking behavior and work functioning. Secondary outcomes will be mental health and wellbeing. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness in both intervention arms will be assessed, and a process evaluation will be performed. When it is proven effective compared to a control group, a WHS mental module for nurses and allied health professionals could be implemented and used on a regular basis by occupational health services in hospitals to improve employees' mental health and work functioning. NTR278
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