55 research outputs found

    Harmonic analysis of oscillators through standard numerical continuation tools

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    In this paper, we describe a numerical continuation method that enables harmonic analysis of nonlinear periodic oscillators. This method is formulated as a boundary value problem that can be readily implemented by resorting to a standard continuation package - without modification - such as AUTO, which we used. Our technique works for any kind of oscillator, including electronic, mechanical and biochemical systems. We provide two case studies. The first study concerns itself with the autonomous electronic oscillator known as the Colpitts oscillator, and the second one with a nonlinear damped oscillator, a non-autonomous mechanical oscillator. As shown in the case studies, the proposed technique can aid both the analysis and the design of the oscillators, by following curves for which a certain constraint, related to harmonic analysis, is fulfilled.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Codimension-two homoclinic bifurcations underlying spike adding in the Hindmarsh-Rose burster

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    The well-studied Hindmarsh-Rose model of neural action potential is revisited from the point of view of global bifurcation analysis. This slow-fast system of three paremeterised differential equations is arguably the simplest reduction of Hodgkin-Huxley models capable of exhibiting all qualitatively important distinct kinds of spiking and bursting behaviour. First, keeping the singular perturbation parameter fixed, a comprehensive two-parameter bifurcation diagram is computed by brute force. Of particular concern is the parameter regime where lobe-shaped regions of irregular bursting undergo a transition to stripe-shaped regions of periodic bursting. The boundary of each stripe represents a fold bifurcation that causes a smooth spike-adding transition where the number of spikes in each burst is increased by one. Next, numerical continuation studies reveal that the global structure is organised by various curves of homoclinic bifurcations. In particular the lobe to stripe transition is organised by a sequence of codimension-two orbit- and inclination-flip points that occur along {\em each} homoclinic branch. Each branch undergoes a sharp turning point and hence approximately has a double-cover of the same curve in parameter space. The sharp turn is explained in terms of the interaction between a two-dimensional unstable manifold and a one-dimensional slow manifold in the singular limit. Finally, a new local analysis is undertaken using approximate Poincar\'{e} maps to show that the turning point on each homoclinic branch in turn induces an inclination flip that gives birth to the fold curve that organises the spike-adding transition. Implications of this mechanism for explaining spike-adding behaviour in other excitable systems are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figures, submitted to SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System

    Correlation transfer by layer 5 cortical neurons under recreated synaptic inputs in vitro

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    Correlated electrical activity in neurons is a prominent characteristic of cortical microcircuits. Despite a growing amount of evidence concerning both spike-count and subthreshold membrane potential pairwise correlations, little is known about how different types of cortical neurons convert correlated inputs into correlated outputs. We studied pyramidal neurons and two classes of GABAergic interneurons of layer 5 in neocortical brain slices obtained from rats of both sexes, and we stimulated them with biophysically realistic correlated inputs, generated using dynamic clamp. We found that the physiological differences between cell types manifested unique features in their capacity to transfer correlated inputs. We used linear response theory and computational modeling to gain clear insights into how cellular properties determine both the gain and timescale of correlation transfer, thus tying single-cell features with network interactions. Our results provide further ground for the functionally distinct roles played by various types of neuronal cells in the cortical microcircuit

    Inertia Estimation Through Covariance Matrix

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    This work presents a technique to estimate on-line the inertia of a power system based on ambient measurements. The proposed technique utilizes the covariance matrix of these measurements and solves an optimization problem that fits such measurements to the synchronous machine classical model. We show that the proposed technique is adequate to accurately estimate the actual inertia of synchronous machines and also the virtual inertia provided by the controllers of converter-interfaced generators that emulate the behavior of synchronous machines. We also show that the proposed approach is able to estimate the equivalent damping of the classical synchronous machine model. This feature is exploited to estimate the droop of grid-following converters, which has a similar effect of the swing equation equivalent damping. The technique is comprehensively tested on a modified version of the IEEE 39-bus system as well as on a dynamic 1479-bus model of the all-island Irish transmission system

    High Bandwidth Synaptic Communication and Frequency Tracking in Human Neocortex

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    Neuronal firing, synaptic transmission, and its plasticity form the building blocks for processing and storage of information in the brain. It is unknown whether adult human synapses are more efficient in transferring information between neurons than rodent synapses. To test this, we recorded from connected pairs of pyramidal neurons in acute brain slices of adult human and mouse temporal cortex and probed the dynamical properties of use-dependent plasticity. We found that human synaptic connections were purely depressing and that they recovered three to four times more swiftly from depression than synapses in rodent neocortex. Thereby, during realistic spike trains, the temporal resolution of synaptic information exchange in human synapses substantially surpasses that in mice. Using information theory, we calculate that information transfer between human pyramidal neurons exceeds that of mouse pyramidal neurons by four to nine times, well into the beta and gamma frequency range. In addition, we found that human principal cells tracked fine temporal features, conveyed in received synaptic inputs, at a wider bandwidth than for rodents. Action potential firing probability was reliably phase-locked to input transients up to 1,000 cycles/s because of a steep onset of action potentials in human pyramidal neurons during spike trains, unlike in rodent neurons. Our data show that, in contrast to the widely held views of limited information transfer in rodent depressing synapses, fast recovering synapses of human neurons can actually transfer substantial amounts of information during spike trains. In addition, human pyramidal neurons are equipped to encode high synaptic information content. Thus, adult human cortical microcircuits relay information at a wider bandwidth than rodent microcircuits

    Accurate and Fast Simulation of Channel Noise in Conductance-Based Model Neurons by Diffusion Approximation

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    Stochastic channel gating is the major source of intrinsic neuronal noise whose functional consequences at the microcircuit- and network-levels have been only partly explored. A systematic study of this channel noise in large ensembles of biophysically detailed model neurons calls for the availability of fast numerical methods. In fact, exact techniques employ the microscopic simulation of the random opening and closing of individual ion channels, usually based on Markov models, whose computational loads are prohibitive for next generation massive computer models of the brain. In this work, we operatively define a procedure for translating any Markov model describing voltage- or ligand-gated membrane ion-conductances into an effective stochastic version, whose computer simulation is efficient, without compromising accuracy. Our approximation is based on an improved Langevin-like approach, which employs stochastic differential equations and no Montecarlo methods. As opposed to an earlier proposal recently debated in the literature, our approximation reproduces accurately the statistical properties of the exact microscopic simulations, under a variety of conditions, from spontaneous to evoked response features. In addition, our method is not restricted to the Hodgkin-Huxley sodium and potassium currents and is general for a variety of voltage- and ligand-gated ion currents. As a by-product, the analysis of the properties emerging in exact Markov schemes by standard probability calculus enables us for the first time to analytically identify the sources of inaccuracy of the previous proposal, while providing solid ground for its modification and improvement we present here

    Application of Envelope-Following Techniques to the Shooting Method

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    We consider circuits driven by two or more signals with very different periods and propose a method to determine their steady state solution in the time domain. We present a new version of the shooting method based on the envelope following technique. We show how to use the envelope following method as the new engine to efficiently determine the trajectory of the circuit starting from the new guess of the initial conditions. It substitutes the less efficient time domain analysis used in the conventional implementation of the shooting method. We show that it is well suited to circuits where the ratio between the periods of the slow and fast behaviour is particularly high and characterised by strong non-linearities. The numerical properties at the basis of the proposed method are presented. Its features are shown by simulating different types of slow-fast circuits

    BAL: a library for the brute-force analysis of dynamical systems

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    This paper describes the functionality and usage of bal, a C/C++ library with a Python front-end for the brute-force analysis of continuous-time dynamical systems described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). bal provides an easy-to-use wrapper for the efficient numerical integration of ODEs and, by detecting intersections of the trajectory with appropriate Poincar\ue9 sections, allows to classify the asymptotic trajectory of a dynamical system for bifurcation analysis. Some examples of application are discussed, concerning two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents and finite-time Lyapunov exponents, basins of attraction, simulation of switching ODE systems, and integration with AUTO, a software package for continuation analysis
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