770 research outputs found

    Functional Dependencies Unleashed for Scalable Data Exchange

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    We address the problem of efficiently evaluating target functional dependencies (fds) in the Data Exchange (DE) process. Target fds naturally occur in many DE scenarios, including the ones in Life Sciences in which multiple source relations need to be structured under a constrained target schema. However, despite their wide use, target fds' evaluation is still a bottleneck in the state-of-the-art DE engines. Systems relying on an all-SQL approach typically do not support target fds unless additional information is provided. Alternatively, DE engines that do include these dependencies typically pay the price of a significant drop in performance and scalability. In this paper, we present a novel chase-based algorithm that can efficiently handle arbitrary fds on the target. Our approach essentially relies on exploiting the interactions between source-to-target (s-t) tuple-generating dependencies (tgds) and target fds. This allows us to tame the size of the intermediate chase results, by playing on a careful ordering of chase steps interleaving fds and (chosen) tgds. As a direct consequence, we importantly diminish the fd application scope, often a central cause of the dramatic overhead induced by target fds. Moreover, reasoning on dependency interaction further leads us to interesting parallelization opportunities, yielding additional scalability gains. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation of our chase-based algorithm and an experimental study aiming at gauging its scalability with respect to a number of parameters, among which the size of source instances and the number of dependencies of each tested scenario. Finally, we empirically compare with the latest DE engines, and show that our algorithm outperforms them

    Solusi Teknologi Informasi untuk Proses Bisnis Perusahaan Ikan dalam Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi pada PT Nusantara Alam Bahari

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    Solusi Teknologi Informasi untuk Proses Bisnis Perusahaan Ikan dalam Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi pada PT Nusantara Alam Bahari. Dewasa ini tuntutan untuk membuat sebuah kegiatan bisnis yang makin terintegrasi semakin tinggi, ini disebabkan oleh makin kompleksnya proses bisnis dan kegiatan USAha yang makin berkembang. Aliran data dan proses bisnis harus cepat mengalir dari satu bagian ke bagian yang lain yang mempunyai kepentingan akan proses dan data tersebut, misalnya kegiatan penjualan mengalirkan data dari bagian penjualan, ke bagian persediaan barang, kemudian ke bagian keuangan, kemudian ke bagian pembelian dan pengadaan barang, dan berakhir hingga ke tangan pembeli barang. Setiap Perusahaan mencoba untuk menerapkan teknologi informasi agar dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efesiensi dalam proses bisnis, hal ini bertujuan agar mampu memberikan nilai tambah yaitu berupa competitive advantage dalam persaingan bisnis.Untuk itu penerapan teknologi informasi adalah sangat penting dalam mendukung proses bisnis dalam Perusahaan. Rencana strategis Perusahaan adalah suatu rencana jangka panjang yang bersifat menyeluruh, memberikan rumusan ke mana Perusahaan akan diarahkan, dan bagaimana sumberdaya dialokasikan untuk mencapai tujuan selama jangka waktu tertentu dalam berbagai kemungkinan keadaan lingkungan sehingga lebih efektif dalam menggunakan sumberdaya. Untuk itu perlu adanya perencanaan strategis teknologi informasi pada PT Nusantara Alam Bahari Jakarta

    Pathophysiology of Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    Role of gastrointestinal multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the oral absorption of methadone in horses

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    Methadone is a mu-opioid receptor agonist which is a very effective analgesic used to treat moderate to severe acute and chronic pain in humans. Due to methadone’s minimal undesirable side-effects in people, we believed it could be of use in horses as an analgesic agent. As found with the majority of lipophilic drugs, absorption of methadone occurs primarily in the small intestine via transcellular transport and its absorption is regulated by P-glycoprotein. P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane transporter protein encoded by the multidrug resistance gene, which is constitutively expressed in the apical membrane of enterocytes of various species. This protein may impair the therapeutic efficacy of oral opioids including methadone, by decreasing absorption through the small intestinal mucosa and altering drug’s pharmacokinetics. The overall hypothesize was that the expression of P-glycoprotein in the equine small intestine affects absorption and bioavailability of methadone after oral administration to horses. In Vivo and in vitro studies presented here investigated the oral pharmacokinetics of methadone, expression of the multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene, and the role of intestinal P-glycoprotein on methadone flux or transport in equine jejunal mucosa. The contribution of this protein to in vivo absorption of this opioid drug after oral administration in horses is evaluated. Oral administration of methadone hydrochloride to healthy horses showed rapid absorption, reaching high serum concentrations without typical undesirable opioid-induced side effects. Drug absorption appears to be limited in the small intestine, supported by the observed low drug serum concentrations, low area under the drug serum concentration vs. time curve, and low drug bioavailability after intragastric administration. In addition, methadone was absorbed by oral mucosa and may be an important way that methadone gains entrance into equine plasma. Multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene expression was determined in several different tissues including those of the small intestine of horses. High MDR1 mRNA levels mainly in the duodenum and jejunum of horses may explain, at least in part, the limited intestinal absorption of methadone in vivo. P-glycoprotein, located in the apical membrane of epithelial intestinal cells of jejunum in horses impairs the flux of methadone across the intestinal mucosa and its drug efflux activity is minimized by verapamil HCl, a P-glycoprotein inhibitor. Therefore, these studies confirmed that the expression of P-glycoprotein in the equine small intestine affects absorption and bioavailability of methadone after oral administration to horses

    Prediction Markets: Alternative Mechanisms for Complex Environments with Few Traders

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    Double auction prediction markets have proven successful in large-scale applications such as elections and sporting events. Consequently, several large corporations have adopted these markets for smaller-scale internal applications where information may be complex and the number of traders is small. Using laboratory experiments, we test the performance of the double auction in complex environments with few traders and compare it to three alternative mechanisms. When information is complex we find that an iterated poll (or Delphi method) outperforms the double auction mechanism. We present five behavioral observations that may explain why the poll performs better in these settings

    Kepuasan Masyarakat Surabaya Dalam Menonton Tayangan Stasiun Dangdut Di JTV

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    Dewasa ini salah satu penyampai informasi yang efektif adalah media massa, yang salah satunya adalah televisi. Televisi sangat digemari oleh masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan menonton televisi, manusia dapat memahami dan mengerti informasi yang disampaikan. Seperti halnya fenomena atau tren di banyak stasiun televisi salah satunya program musik. Stasiun Dangdut adalah sebuah program musik yang banyak digemari oleh pemirsanya, termasuk pemirsa di Surabaya. Dengan rating tertinggi sebesar 0,4 dan waktu penayangan lebih dari 10 tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasan pemirsa dalam menonton program Stasiun Dangdut. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dan jenis penelitian eksplanatif. Respondennya adalah pemirsa Surabaya usia 17-40 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya kesenjangan hasil kepuasan yang diperoleh pemirsa Surabaya yaitu antara motif (Gratification Sought) dan kepuasan yang diperoleh (Gratification Obtained). Hasil dari penelitian kepuasan pemirsa dalam menonton tayangan Stasiun Dangdut adalah pada indikator model sosial