1,342 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological Assessment of Buddhist Taiwanese Chanting

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    The psychophysiological responses and subjective experience correlates of Buddhist chanting were recorded from a 54 year-old female Buddhist monk who performed chanting for approximately 30 to 60 minutes twice daily for 25 years. The measutes included respiration rate from upper thorax, blood volume pulse (BVP) from left middle finger with heart rate derived from BVP, finger temperature from right index finger, skin conductance (SC) from the left index finger and the ring finger and sutface electromyographic (sEMG) from right trapezius and left sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM) and were recorded during normal chanting sequence which included reading sutra aloud with her eyes open (chanting "The Samanta-Mukha") and silent mental repetition of sutra with the eyes closed (chanting "The Heart Sutra" inside her mind). After chanting she reported feeling peaceful, more relaxation with a total focus of attention and "consciousness"-an experience that was similar to when she chanted in the temple with other monks. The most significant finding was that respiration rate changed from 7.2 br/min during pre-baseline, to 12.1 brlmin during reading sutra aloud, 5.7 brlmin during silent mental repetition of sutra and 7.5 brl/min during post-baseline. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was significantly higher during post-baseline than reading chanting and silent mental repetition of sutra. All physiological measures were significantly different for each condition. This study suggests that the subjective experience associated with chanting can not be attributed to increased RSA and slower breathing as it depends upon the style of chanting. The spiritual experience associated with chanting appears to be evoked through the focused attention on the sutra

    Nonlinear elasticity of stiff biopolymers connected by flexible linkers

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    Networks of the biopolymer actin, cross-linked by the compliant protein filamin, form soft gels. They can, however, withstand large shear stresses due to their pronounced nonlinear elastic behavior. The nonlinear elasticity can be controlled by varying the number of cross-links per actin filament. We propose and test a model of rigid filaments decorated by multiple flexible linkers that is in quantitative agreement with experiment. This allows us to estimate loads on individual cross-links, which we find to be less than 10 pN. © 2009 The American Physical Society

    Mapping QTL for sex and growth traits in Salt-Tolerant Tilapia (Oreochromis spp. X O. mossambicus)

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    In aquaculture, growth and sex are economically important traits. To accelerate genetic improvement in increasing growth in salt-tolerant tilapia, we conducted QTL mapping for growth traits and sex with an F2 family, including 522 offspring and two parents. We used 144 polymorphic microsatellites evenly covering the genome of tilapia to genotype the family. QTL analyses were carried out using interval mapping for all individuals, males and females in the family, respectively. Using all individuals, three suggestive QTL for body weight, body length and body thickness respectively were detected in LG20, LG22 and LG12 and explained 2.4% to 3.1% of phenotypic variance (PV). When considering only males, five QTL for body weight were detected on five LGs, and explained 4.1 to 6.3% of PV. Using only females from the F2 family, three QTL for body weight were detected on LG1, LG6 and LG8, and explained 7.9–14.3% of PV. The QTL for body weight in males and females were located in different LGs, suggesting that in salt-tolerant tilapia, different set of genes ‘switches’ control the growth in males and females. QTL for sex were mapped on LG1 and LG22, indicating multigene sex determination in the salt-tolerant tilapia. This study provides new insights on the locations and effects of QTL for growth traits and sex, and sets the foundation for fine mapping for future marker-assisted selection for growth and sex in salt-tolerant tilapia aquaculture

    Quantum Phase Transition of Spin-2 Cold Bosons in an Optical Lattice

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    The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian of spin-2 cold bosons with repulsive interaction in an optical lattice is proposed. After neglecting the hopping term, the site-independent Hamiltonian and its energy eigenvalues and eigenstates are obtained. We consider the hopping term as a perturbation to do the calculations in second order and draw the phase diagrams for different cases. The phase diagrams show that there is a phase transition from Mott insulator with integer number bosons to superfluid when the ratio c0/tc_0/t (c0c_0 is the spin-independent on-site interaction and tt the hopping matrix element between adjacent lattice sites) is decreased to a critical value and that there is different phase boundary between superfluid and Mott insulator phase for different Zeeman level component in some ground states. We find that the position of phase boundary for different Zeeman level component is related to its average population in the Mott ground state.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Entropic Interactions in Suspensions of Semi-Flexible Rods: Short-Range Effects of Flexibility

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    We compute the entropic interactions between two colloidal spheres immersed in a dilute suspension of semi-flexible rods. Our model treats the semi-flexible rod as a bent rod at fixed angle, set by the rod contour and persistence lengths. The entropic forces arising from this additional rotational degree of freedom are captured quantitatively by the model, and account for observations at short range in a recent experiment. Global fits to the interaction potential data suggest the persistence length of fd-virus is about two to three times smaller than the commonly used value of 2.2μm2.2 \mu {m}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRE rapid communication

    Polynomial kernels for 3-leaf power graph modification problems

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    A graph G=(V,E) is a 3-leaf power iff there exists a tree T whose leaves are V and such that (u,v) is an edge iff u and v are at distance at most 3 in T. The 3-leaf power graph edge modification problems, i.e. edition (also known as the closest 3-leaf power), completion and edge-deletion, are FTP when parameterized by the size of the edge set modification. However polynomial kernel was known for none of these three problems. For each of them, we provide cubic kernels that can be computed in linear time for each of these problems. We thereby answer an open problem first mentioned by Dom, Guo, Huffner and Niedermeier (2005).Comment: Submitte

    Universal relations in the finite-size correction terms of two-dimensional Ising models

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    Quite recently, Izmailian and Hu [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5160 (2001)] studied the finite-size correction terms for the free energy per spin and the inverse correlation length of the critical two-dimensional Ising model. They obtained the universal amplitude ratio for the coefficients of two series. In this study we give a simple derivation of this universal relation; we do not use an explicit form of series expansion. Moreover, we show that the Izmailian and Hu's relation is reduced to a simple and exact relation between the free energy and the correlation length. This equation holds at any temperature and has the same form as the finite-size scaling.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication

    Scaling of anisotropy flows in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions

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    Anisotropic flows (v1v_1, v2v_2 and v4v_4) of light nuclear clusters are studied by a nucleonic transport model in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. The number-of-nucleon scalings of the directed flow (v1v_1) and elliptic flow (v2v_2) are demonstrated for light nuclear clusters. Moreover, the ratios of v4/v22v_4/v_2^2 of nuclear clusters show a constant value of 1/2 regardless of the transverse momentum. The above phenomena can be understood by the coalescence mechanism in nucleonic level and are worthy to be explored in experiments.Comment: Invited talk at "IX International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions", Rio de Janeiro, Aug 28- Sept 1, 2006; to appear on the proceeding issue in Nuclear Physics

    Typicality versus thermality: An analytic distinction

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    In systems with a large degeneracy of states such as black holes, one expects that the average value of probe correlation functions will be well approximated by the thermal ensemble. To understand how correlation functions in individual microstates differ from the canonical ensemble average and from each other, we study the variances in correlators. Using general statistical considerations, we show that the variance between microstates will be exponentially suppressed in the entropy. However, by exploiting the analytic properties of correlation functions we argue that these variances are amplified in imaginary time, thereby distinguishing pure states from the thermal density matrix. We demonstrate our general results in specific examples and argue that our results apply to the microstates of black holes.Comment: 22 pages + appendices, 3 eps figure
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