1,091 research outputs found
A high-resolution pointing system for fast scanning platforms: The EBEX example
The E and B experiment (EBEX) is a balloon-borne telescope designed to
measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background with 8' resolution
employing a gondola scanning with speeds of order degree per second. In January
2013, EBEX completed 11 days of observations in a flight over Antarctica
covering 6000 square degrees of the sky. The payload is equipped with
two redundant star cameras and two sets of three orthogonal gyroscopes to
reconstruct the telescope attitude. The EBEX science goals require the pointing
to be reconstructed to approximately 10" in the map domain, and in-flight
attitude control requires the real time pointing to be accurate to
0.5 . The high velocity scan strategy of EBEX coupled to its float
altitude only permits the star cameras to take images at scan turnarounds,
every 40 seconds, and thus requires the development of a pointing system
with low noise gyroscopes and carefully controlled systematic errors. Here we
report on the design of the pointing system and on a simulation pipeline
developed to understand and minimize the effects of systematic errors. The
performance of the system is evaluated using the 2012/2013 flight data, and we
show that we achieve a pointing error with RMS=25" on 40 seconds azimuth
throws, corresponding to an error of 4.6" in the map domain.Comment: 14 pages, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conferenc
Implantation of bioresorbable scaffolds under guidance of optical coherence tomography: Feasibility and pilot clinical results of a systematic protocol
Background: Herein is hypothesised that a comprehensive optical coherence tomography (OCT)-guided implantation protocol for bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) can improve expansion and apposition, thus resulting in better clinical outcomes, particularly in reducing thrombotic events.Methods: Patients considered suitable for BRS therapy in de novo coronary lesions underwent OCT. The predominant type of plaque was classified as lipidic, fibrous or calcific. Accordingly they underwent tailored plaque preparation. After proper sizing, BRS was deployed and final OCT was acquired. Post-dilation was performed only in cases of suboptimal deployment. Procedural and 12 month clinical follow-up is reported.Results: Twenty nine patients (41 lesions) who were considered clinically and angiographically suitable for BRS were enrolled, including challenging clinical scenarios such as ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction or CTOs. The OCT-guided protocol was feasible in 90.2% of the lesions: 14 (37.8%) lipidic, 11 (29.7%) fibrous, and 12 (32.4%) calcific. Three (8%) lesions classified as calcific were changed to treatment with metallic stent. BRS were implanted in 34 (91.9%) lesions, thereof 30 (88.2%) with optimal deployment in OCT. One (3.6%) periprocedural MI occurred, resulting in 3.6% target vessel failure and 0% scaffold thrombosis of any kind after a 12 month follow-up.Conclusions: OCT-guided BRS implantation is feasible in 90.2% of de novo lesions and results in optimal expansion and apposition, correlating with 3.6% incidence of target vessel failure and 0% scaffold thrombosis at 12 m follow-up, probably due to better selection of lesions amenable for BRS treatment and to a possibility of tailoring intervention to the type of plaque. These encouraging pilot results require confirmation in larger clinical studies
Mesospheric Bore Evolution and Instability Dynamics Observed in PMC Turbo Imaging and Rayleigh Lidar Profiling over Northeastern Canada on 13 July 2018
Two successive mesospheric bores were observed over northeastern Canada on 13 July 2018 in high-resolution imaging and Rayleigh lidar profiling of polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) performed aboard the PMC Turbo long-duration balloon experiment. Four wide field-of-view cameras spanning an area of ~75x150 km at PMC altitudes captured the two evolutions occurring over ~2 hr and resolved bore and associated instability features as small as ~100 m. The Rayleigh lidar provided PMC backscatter profiling that revealed vertical displacements, evolving brightness distributions, evidence of instability character and depths, and insights into bore formation, ducting, and dissipation. Both bores exhibited variable structure along their phases, suggesting variable gravity wave (GW) source and bore propagation conditions. Both bores also exhibited small-scale instability dynamics at their leading and trailing edges. Those at the leading edges comprised apparent Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities that were advected downward and rearward beneath the bore descending phases extending into an apparently intensified shear layer. Instabilities at the trailing edges exhibited alignments approximately orthogonal to the bore phases that resembled those seen to accompany GW breaking or intrusions arising in high-resolution modeling of GW instability dynamics. Collectively, PMC Turbo bore imaging and lidar profiling enabled enhanced definition of bore dynamics relative to what has been possible by previous ground-based observations, and a potential to guide new, three-dimensional modeling of bore dynamics. The observed bore evolutions suggest potentially important roles for bores in the deposition of energy and momentum transported into the mesosphere and to higher altitudes by high-frequency GWs achieving large amplitudes
CCAT-prime: a novel telescope for submillimeter astronomy
The CCAT-prime telescope is a 6-meter aperture, crossed-Dragone telescope,
designed for millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength observations. It will be
located at an altitude of 5600 meters, just below the summit of Cerro
Chajnantor in the high Atacama region of Chile. The telescope's unobscured
optics deliver a field of view of almost 8 degrees over a large, flat focal
plane, enabling it to accommodate current and future instrumentation fielding
>100k diffraction-limited beams for wavelengths less than a millimeter. The
mount is a novel design with the aluminum-tiled mirrors nested inside the
telescope structure. The elevation housing has an integrated shutter that can
enclose the mirrors, protecting them from inclement weather. The telescope is
designed to co-host multiple instruments over its nominal 15 year lifetime. It
will be operated remotely, requiring minimum maintenance and on-site activities
due to the harsh working conditions on the mountain. The design utilizes
nickel-iron alloy (Invar) and carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials
in the mirror support structure, achieving a relatively temperature-insensitive
mount. We discuss requirements, specifications, critical design elements, and
the expected performance of the CCAT-prime telescope. The telescope is being
built by CCAT Observatory, Inc., a corporation formed by an international
partnership of universities. More information about CCAT and the CCAT-prime
telescope can be found at www.ccatobservatory.org.Comment: Event: SPIE Astronomical Telescope + Instrumentation, 2018, Austin,
Texas, USA; Proceedings Volume 10700, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes
VII; 107005X (2018
FIREBall-2: advancing TRL while doing proof-of-concept astrophysics on a suborbital platform
Here we discuss advances in UV technology over the last decade, with an
emphasis on photon counting, low noise, high efficiency detectors in
sub-orbital programs. We focus on the use of innovative UV detectors in a NASA
astrophysics balloon telescope, FIREBall-2, which successfully flew in the Fall
of 2018. The FIREBall-2 telescope is designed to make observations of distant
galaxies to understand more about how they evolve by looking for diffuse
hydrogen in the galactic halo. The payload utilizes a 1.0-meter class telescope
with an ultraviolet multi-object spectrograph and is a joint collaboration
between Caltech, JPL, LAM, CNES, Columbia, the University of Arizona, and NASA.
The improved detector technology that was tested on FIREBall-2 can be applied
to any UV mission. We discuss the results of the flight and detector
performance. We will also discuss the utility of sub-orbital platforms (both
balloon payloads and rockets) for testing new technologies and proof-of-concept
scientific ideasComment: Submitted to the Proceedings of SPIE, Defense + Commercial Sensing
Software systems for operation, control, and monitoring of the EBEX instrument
We present the hardware and software systems implementing autonomous
operation, distributed real-time monitoring, and control for the EBEX
instrument. EBEX is a NASA-funded balloon-borne microwave polarimeter designed
for a 14 day Antarctic flight that circumnavigates the pole. To meet its
science goals the EBEX instrument autonomously executes several tasks in
parallel: it collects attitude data and maintains pointing control in order to
adhere to an observing schedule; tunes and operates up to 1920 TES bolometers
and 120 SQUID amplifiers controlled by as many as 30 embedded computers;
coordinates and dispatches jobs across an onboard computer network to manage
this detector readout system; logs over 3~GiB/hour of science and housekeeping
data to an onboard disk storage array; responds to a variety of commands and
exogenous events; and downlinks multiple heterogeneous data streams
representing a selected subset of the total logged data. Most of the systems
implementing these functions have been tested during a recent engineering
flight of the payload, and have proven to meet the target requirements. The
EBEX ground segment couples uplink and downlink hardware to a client-server
software stack, enabling real-time monitoring and command responsibility to be
distributed across the public internet or other standard computer networks.
Using the emerging dirfile standard as a uniform intermediate data format, a
variety of front end programs provide access to different components and views
of the downlinked data products. This distributed architecture was demonstrated
operating across multiple widely dispersed sites prior to and during the EBEX
engineering flight.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes
and Instrumentation 2010; adjusted metadata for arXiv submissio
EBEX: A balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment
EBEX is a NASA-funded balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the
polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Observations will be
made using 1432 transition edge sensor (TES) bolometric detectors read out with
frequency multiplexed SQuIDs. EBEX will observe in three frequency bands
centered at 150, 250, and 410 GHz, with 768, 384, and 280 detectors in each
band, respectively. This broad frequency coverage is designed to provide
valuable information about polarized foreground signals from dust. The
polarized sky signals will be modulated with an achromatic half wave plate
(AHWP) rotating on a superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) and analyzed with a
fixed wire grid polarizer. EBEX will observe a patch covering ~1% of the sky
with 8' resolution, allowing for observation of the angular power spectrum from
\ell = 20 to 1000. This will allow EBEX to search for both the primordial
B-mode signal predicted by inflation and the anticipated lensing B-mode signal.
Calculations to predict EBEX constraints on r using expected noise levels show
that, for a likelihood centered around zero and with negligible foregrounds,
99% of the area falls below r = 0.035. This value increases by a factor of 1.6
after a process of foreground subtraction. This estimate does not include
systematic uncertainties. An engineering flight was launched in June, 2009,
from Ft. Sumner, NM, and the long duration science flight in Antarctica is
planned for 2011. These proceedings describe the EBEX instrument and the North
American engineering flight.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Conference proceedings for SPIE Millimeter,
Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V
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