66 research outputs found

    Pathwise Sensitivity Analysis in Transient Regimes

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    The instantaneous relative entropy (IRE) and the corresponding instanta- neous Fisher information matrix (IFIM) for transient stochastic processes are pre- sented in this paper. These novel tools for sensitivity analysis of stochastic models serve as an extension of the well known relative entropy rate (RER) and the corre- sponding Fisher information matrix (FIM) that apply to stationary processes. Three cases are studied here, discrete-time Markov chains, continuous-time Markov chains and stochastic differential equations. A biological reaction network is presented as a demonstration numerical example

    A differential equation for a class of discrete lifetime distributions with an application in reliability: A demonstration of the utility of computer algebra

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    YesIt is shown that the probability generating function of a lifetime random variable T on a finite lattice with polynomial failure rate satisfies a certain differential equation. The interrelationship with Markov chain theory is highlighted. The differential equation gives rise to a system of differential equations which, when inverted, can be used in the limit to express the polynomial coefficients in terms of the factorial moments of T. This then can be used to estimate the polynomial coefficients. Some special cases are worked through symbolically using Computer Algebra. A simulation study is used to validate the approach and to explore its potential in the reliability context

    Statistical and probabilistic models in reliability

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    Asymmetric Synthesis of Saturated Hydroxy Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acids

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    The recent discovery of a novel class of endogenous lipids, named Fatty Acid esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acids (FAHFAs), that present antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities, has attracted the interest on hydroxy fatty acids (HFAs) and their derivatives. We present herein the development of a convenient and general methodology for the asymmetric synthesis of HFAs and FAHFAs. The enantioselective organocatalytic synthesis of asymmetric terminal epoxides starting from monoprotected α,ω-diols and their subsequent ring opening by a Grignard reagent are the key-steps for our methodology, allowing the introduction of the hydroxy group at different positions of the long chain by proper selection of the starting diol and the Grignard reagent. MacMillan's third generation imidazolidinone organocatalyst has been employed for the epoxide formation, ensuring products in high enantiomeric purity. Furthermore, an approach for the synthesis of deuterated HFAs and FAHFAs was developed, leading to deuterated derivatives, which can be useful in biological studies and in mass spectrometry studies as internal standards. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Autotaxin inhibitors: a patent review (2012-2016)

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    Introduction: Autotaxin (ATX) is a secreted enzyme that hydrolyzes lysophosphatidylcholine to lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and choline. The ATX/LPA axis has received increasing interest in recent years because both the enzyme ATX and the bioactive lipid LPA are involved in various pathological conditions such as tumor progression and metastasis, fibrotic diseases, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, chronic hepatitis, obesity and impaired glucose homeostasis. Thus, a great effort has been devotd in developing synthetic ATX inhibitors as new agents to treat various diseases including cancer and fibrotic diseases. Areas covered: This review article summarizes the autotaxin inhibitors presented in patent literature from October 2012 to August 2016 and their biological evaluation, discussing their activities in vitro and in vivo. Expert opinion: During the recent years, there has been an intensive effort on the discovery of potent and selective ATX inhibitors. Although various synthetic inhibitors have been developed, only limited studies for their in vivo activity have been reported so far. A decade after the first claim of synthetic ATX inhibitors in 2006, one inhibitor has been in clinical trials for idiopapthic pulmonary fibrosis. The use of ATX inhibitors seems an attractive strategy to produce novel medicinal agents, for example anticancer agents. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 inhibitors: a patent review

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    Introduction: Microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) catalyzes the terminal step of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) generation. It is strongly upregulated in inflamed tissues and overexpressed in tumors and it has been recognized as a key enzyme in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, stroke and cancer. Thus, a great effort has been devoted in developing synthetic mPGES-1 inhibitors as novel anti-inflammatory agents. Areas covered: This review article summarizes the mPGES-1 inhibitors presented in patent literature from 2000 to August 2016 and their biological evaluation, discussing their activities in vitro and in vivo. Expert opinion: The side effects of NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors on the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system showcase the urgent need for the discovery of novel potent and safe anti-inflammatory drugs. mPGES-1 inhibitors may present superior safety in comparison to existing anti-inflammatory drugs. The first synthetic inhibitor of mPGES-1 was reported in 2001 and up to now a variety of structurally different inhibitors has been developed. However, only recently two inhibitors entered clinical trials and none has reached yet the market. More preclinical and clinical studies on mPGES-1 inhibitors are needed to realize if indeed they may become novel agents for the treatment of inflammation and cancer. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Enantioselective organocatalysis-based synthesis of 3-hydroxy fatty acids and fatty γ-lactones

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    3-Hydroxy fatty acids have attracted the interest of researchers, since some of them may interact with free fatty acid receptors more effectively than their non-hydroxylated counterparts and their determination in plasma provides diagnostic information regarding mitochondrial deficiency. We present here the development of a convenient and general methodology for the asymmetric synthesis of 3-hydroxy fatty acids. The enantioselective organocatalytic synthesis of terminal epoxides, starting from long chain aldehydes, is the key-step of our methodology, followed by ring opening with vinylmagnesium bromide. Ozonolysis and subsequent oxidation leads to the target products. MacMillan’s third generation imidazolidinone organocatalyst has been employed for the epoxide formation, ensuring products in high enantiomeric purity. Furthermore, a route for the incorporation of deuterium on the carbon atom carrying the hydroxy group was developed allowing the synthesis of deuterated derivatives, which may be useful in biological studies and in mass spectrometry studies. In addition, the synthesis of fatty γ-lactones, corresponding to 4-hydroxy fatty acids, was also explored. © 2019 by the author