12,091 research outputs found

    The Role of Experience in Gender Differences in Spatial Aptitude

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    Spatial reasoning predicts college students’ pursuit of science and math careers, in which women are typically underrepresented (Blair, 2011). Previous research has found gender differences in preschool children’s spatial skills (e.g., mental rotation; Levine et al., 1999), with boys typically outperforming girls. This sex difference in spatial reasoning remains prevalent in adulthood. Explanations for sex differences in one type of spatial ability-wayfinding (i.e., navigation) - include higher levels of spatial anxiety in women compared to men (Lawton, 1994). Because spatial skills take time to develop through the interaction of brain development (e.g., the hippocampus) and spatial experience (e.g., navigation, block/puzzle design), the basis for sex differences in spatial aptitude is still debated. The purpose of this study is to determine whether self-reported spatial anxiety, childhood wayfinding experience, and use of particular wayfinding strategies mitigate or enhance sex differences in performance on different kinds of spatial tasks. One hundred eight undergraduate psychology students from FIU reported their anxiety levels, childhood wayfinding experience, and wayfinding strategies, and performed a variety of spatial memory tests. Preliminary analyses revealed significant, predictable gender differences in spatial anxiety (t(105)=-2.116; p\u3c.05), spatial orientation (t(105)= 2.071; p\u3c.05), and mental rotation (t(105)=2.252; p\u3c.05), with women reporting higher levels of spatial anxiety and men scoring higher on both spatial tasks. Furthermore, although non-significant, predictable patterns of gender differences emerged in which men reported higher levels of past wayfinding experience and the use of orientation wayfinding strategies, while women reported higher levels of route wayfinding strategies. The current findings corroborate previous research on sex differences in spatial reasoning, while providing some potential explanations for these differences. Namely, sex differences in past wayfinding experiences, spatial anxiety, and wayfinding strategies may help us understand why men and women perform differently on spatial tasks

    Consumer-oriented business models in Spanish

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    La viabilidad de los cibermedios y los modelos de negocio que la sustenten son ya un tema  clásico  de  la  literatura  académica  y  profesional  en  el  ámbito  del  periodismo  electrónico. Consideramos relevante examinar las estrategias de ingresos orientadas al consumidor  de  los  cibermedios  españoles  en  un  contexto  de  madurez  de  la  prensa  digital que contrasta con la aguda crisis económica que vive en estos momentos el país.  Las  conclusiones  de  nuestro  estudio  señalan  la  convivencia  de  dos  modelos  de  negocio diametralmente distintos entre los cibermedios más vistos y de referencia en Internet en España y el establecimiento de estrategias de ‘suma de valor’ en aquellos cibermedios que han establecido sistemas de pago por consumo de contenidos.The feasibility of cybermedia and the business models that underpin them are now a classic theme of academic and professional literature within broadcast journalism. We believe  it  is  important  to  examine  revenue  strategies  aimed  at  the  consumer  of  Spanish cybermedia in a context of maturity at digital journalism that contrasts with the sharp economic crisis this country is currently going through. The insights of our study highlight the coexistence of two diametrically opposed business models between the most popular and reference cybermedia in Spain and the establishment of ‘value-­‐added’ strategies in those cybermedia that have established pay per view systems

    Impact of the Filling Medium on the Colour and Sensory Characteristics of Canned European Eels (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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    [EN] The different vegetable oils used in canned fish as a filling medium have a preserving effect and contribute to the palatability of the product. In this study, the colour of European eels and the filling medium (sunflower oil, olive oil or spicy olive oil) was measured at different steps of the canning process. The sensorial characteristics of canned eels packed in the different oils were also evaluated. Colour scores (CieLab values) were higher in canned eels packed in sunflower and spicy olive oil than in canned eels packed in olive oil. The changes in colour parameters depended on the type of oil, the stage of the process and the storage time. Colour changes in canned eels packed in olive oil were highest during the sterilization process. Spicy olive oil was the filling medium in which the colour change was greatest, probably due to the migration of some of the spice components into the oil. Organoleptic properties were directly related to the type of oil used as the filling medium. The canned eels packed in sunflower oil were those awarded the highest scores in consumer tests, although the preferences varied depending on the age and gender of the consumersSIThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, Spain (CITACA Strategic Partnership), grant number ED431E 2018/0

    “I’ll Sing with My Buddies” – Fostering the Possible Selves of Male Choral Singers

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    The stories of three high school boys about their experiences in school-based choral music provide the framework for a discussion of the role music educators can play in retaining male singers. The “possible selves” construct (Markus & Nurius, 1986) is explored alongside research-based implications about specific steps toward developing boys’ identities as choral musicians. Possible selves are future conceptions of the self that are either positive (hoped-for) or negative (feared). The changing adolescent male voice occurs at approximately the same time as major social, academic, and other physical changes. It is thought that these issues coincide in a manner that discourages boys from participation in choral music (Freer, 2007). Drawing upon a successful non-musical model, the author proposes a variant of the “Possible Selves Program” (Hock, Deshler, & Schumaker, 2006) for use in music settings

    Friends with Benefits: Other Regard in Epicurean Ethics

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    Friendship and hedonism are both major components of Epicureanism. I attempt to relieve the tension that seems to follow from endorsing both of these. I argue that Epicurean friendships require valuing a friend’s well-being in the same way as one’s own and that embarking on such friendships is what David Schmidtz terms a maieutic end – one that is achieved by taking on a new set of ends. This conception fits with other-regarding concern that is espoused throughout the Epicurean texts discussing friendship and, as I argue, remains consistent with other psychological and ethical commitments of Epicureanism

    Hair Matters: African American Women and the Natural Hair Aesthetic

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    This thesis addresses the negative cultural and social connotations of natural hair for African American women. This issue is examined throughout history from slavery to present day with a visual analysis of hair care advertisements. Presently, natural hair is gaining more positive implications; which can be affected by creating more positive images with natural hair. Using art as the vehicle for social change and using research to inform art has a positive impact on teaching and learning in the art classroom


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    Tanpa disadari kebutuhan sehari-hari senantiasa ikut berkembang mengikuti zaman baik dari kebutuhan pokok hingga sekunder yang menjadi salah satu peluang bagi banyaknya organisasi atau perusahaan pembiayaan dalam menawarkan kredit kepada masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Dalam proses pengajuan kredit, organisasi atau perusahaan pembiayaan akan melakukan pengecekan untuk dapat memastikan kekuatan finansial dari pengaju kredit sebelum menerima pengajuan kredit tersebut. Pengecekan ini dilakukan oleh surveyor dengan melakukan survei secara langsung ke lokasi rumah, usaha, atau tempat kerja dari pengajunya. Salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan kredit di Indonesia, Astra Credit Companies menyadari bahwa pentingnya teknologi dalam mendukung proses bisnisnya terutama dalam proses survei lokasi yang dilakukan oleh surveyor sehingga dilakukanlah pengembangan terhadap aplikasi AMOS. Namun, kualitas aplikasi tersebut masih belum diketahui apakah sudah memenuhi standar pengukuran ISO 9126 pada aspek functionality, usability, dan efficiency dari sisi surveyor selaku pengguna. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang didapatkan dari data pengguna, karakteristik functionality mendapatkan persentase kelayakan sebesar 81.98%, karakteristik usability mendapatkan persentase kelayakan sebesar 77.63%, dan karakteristik efficiency mendapatkan persentase kelayakan sebesar 75.54%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi AMOS yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi standar ISO 9126 pada karakteristik tersebut dan terdapat beberapa rekomendasi seperti penambahan data pada fungsi Informasi Pelanggan, meminimalisir pengguna resources, menetapkan standarisasi perangkat, dan melakukan maintenance

    Expression, Purification, and Characterization of the SIAA M79A Protein

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    Some pathogenic bacteria derive significant amounts of iron heme from their hosts. In this study we investigated SiaA, a heme binding protein from Streptococcus pyogenes. The wildtype methionine79 putative axial ligand was mutated to alanine. SiaA M79A was expressed in E. coli in three production runs, lysed by sonication or French press, and purified by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Nickel affinity FPLC was found to give much purer SiaA when 30 mM imidazole was added to the binding buffer. The protocol using extensive sonication resulted in SiaA weighing 30464 Da. The protocol using French press resulted in SiaA weighting 33358 Da. Despite the difference in masses, the two forms of SiaA interacted with heme similarly