93 research outputs found

    Analysis of Obstacles and Difficulties in the Process of Implementing Learning for Students Based on the Learning Management System (LMS)

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    Indonesia is among the world's largest archipelagic regions, with thousands of tiny islands. So many people may not obtain a decent education, such as attending advanced learning. To conquer this circumstance, particularly in light of the unreleased impact of COVID-19 and the global scale crisis, which undoubtedly impacts education in general. Each method for adjusting to shifts in higher education employs a Learning Management System (LMS). This descriptive study uses secondary data and a phenomenological approach to analyze how lecturers prepare lecture material using LMS. This study approach indicates that not all lecturers have scheduled material that students can download at any time via LMS. Because it is necessary to prepare lecturers and support structures that can be easily accessed per applicable regulations to organize the LMS, efforts that can be made to overcome obstacles to the LMS implementation include requiring each lecturer to prepare lecture materials in a structured and timely manner, as well as monitoring. Students can then repeat material that they might have already missed. This is one ideal solution for shutting the achievement gap

    Modul Bahan Ajar Studi Kasus

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    Mata Kuliah : Perkembangan Peserta Didik

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    Professionalism of the Female Teacher at Riau Palm Oil Plantation Sumatera Indonesia

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    This research shows professionalism of the female teachers at palm oil plantation’s school which belongs to Astra Agro Lestari Company 18% of the Astra Agro Lestary company’s employees is female, and some of them work as a teacher. Teacher’s professionalism is considered important to be investigated because by professionalism, teachers can perform their best to serve the need of education for their students. Individually, female teacher holds double tasks as a mother in their family and as a female teacher professionally. Research method of this research is descriptive quantitative with the total of the sample is 48 female teacher. In collecting the data, researcher used questionnaire. The result of the research shows that female teachers in the Astra Agro Lestary company’s palm oil plantation has worked professionally according to their tasks. Focus Group Discussion result and based on the data analysis, the researcher found out that female teacher who hasn’t married yet shows a dynamic behavior on technology development in teaching compares to the one who has married. Female teacher owns a primary task as a teacher and an additional task, helping the company in assisting the society internally and externally. The additional task is training and assisting maternal and child health services workers, introducing the central trash disposal to the society, assisting the community, assisting the day care workers, doing an assistance to the parents about the importance of breast milk feeding, and stimulating the mothers in following the family welfare programme activities


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    Konselor profesional berkontribusi terhadap pengembangan potensi peserta didik. Namun kenyataannya, tidak mudah merelaisasikannya karena terjadi tarik menarik antara kemajuan digital dengan peran konselor yang masih dianggap konvensional dalam memberikan pelayanan. Dampak digital terhadap pengembangan potensi diri peserta didik dan tidak dapat dihindari. Saat siswa mampun mengendalikan diri dan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi untuk pengembangan diri ke arah yang positif adalah hal yang sangat diharapkan, namun tidak dapat dipungkiri dampak negatif juga dapat terjadi dan berdampak terhadap diri siswa. Untuk itu, konselor sebagai tenaga profesional yang mengetahui tugas dan tahap pengembangan diri siswa memperhatikan dan mengikuti kemajuan yang sedang melanda kehidupan generasi milenial. Upaya apa yang dapat dilakukan konselor mengambil bagian dalam proses perubahan yang terjadi, sehingga konselor tetap memiliki peran dan terlibat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap perubahan yang terjadi dalan diri siswa. Karena yang diharapkan adalah pengembangan diri yang mempberikan peluang bagi siswa tetap pada koridor yang memiliki kapasitas serta mampun mengembangkan dirinya, tanpa harus larut dalam perubahan yang terjadi. Konselor dapat mengambil bagian dengan memberikan contoh dan tindakan yang dapat memotivasi siswa, memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan konseling, serta dapat menjadi bagian dari perubahan dan kemajuan teknologi sehingga siswa menyadari bahwa hidup di dunia nyata, berkarya, mengembangkan kapasitas diri sebagai konselor profesional


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    Characteristics of education and students who are in a unique educational environment on the estate. Is unique because the schools tend to be isolated, away from the crowds, lack of teachers, lack of teachers in the field subjeck matter, distribution of teachers and and almost no special teachers for guidance and counseling. Dependence of students to teachers is very strong, as most parents of students who worked on the plantation started working from dawn until noon. So teachers tend dual role as a teacher and as a parent substitute findings are based on observations and field trips for the past 4 years, but it is very difficult to convince growers to provide opportunities for teachers to guidance counseling one of the teachers at the school, because teachers focus on equipping -teachers from the field of study. The teachers are not only teaching subjects as studies teachers or classroom teachers, they must also be able to handle problems facing the students. teachers to think about the formula or the condition of guidance and counseling studies teachers/classroom teachers have basic competence on guidance and counseling in accordance with the conditions of the students in the palm oil plantation

    Hubungan Loyalitas Dosen dengan Kepuasan Kerja dan Pemahaman Misi UKI

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini  untuk melihat hubungan  antara kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas dosen dengan menggunakan variabel pemahaman visi organisasi. Subjek penelitian  dosen yang telah disertifikasi di lingkungan Universitas Kristen Indonesia dengan teknik sampel purposif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara (1) kepuasan kerja  loyalitas dosen; (2)  pemahaman misi organisasi dengan loyalitas dosen. Berikutnya ada korelasi  antara   kepuasan kerja dengan loyalitas dosen dengan variabel control pemahaman misi organisasi.  Upaya  meningkatkan loyalitas dosen melalui supervisi dan program pelatihan keterampilan


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    Technology becomes the drive force in carrying out multicultural professional counselor services. When the use of technology is out of place, multicultural issues can become the triggers that harm individuals or groups. For this reason, professional counselors are prepared to understand the differences and respect every uniqueness. Professional counselors should equip themselves and be open to the changes that take place. They should use technology as a complementary enrichment and work force that has positive values to counselor services in the current digital era