12 research outputs found


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    Penentuan daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) yang tepat akan meningkatkan efisiensi operasi penangkapan ikan serta tetap menjaga kelestarian sumber daya ikan. Pendugaan peta DPI selama ini masih mengandalkan pada parameter oseanografi saja sehingga tingkat akurasinya masih rendah dan sulit digunakan oleh nelayan kecil. Penentuan peta pendugaan DPI selayaknya mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek yang berpengaruh pada sistem pemetaan DPI. Penelitian ini bertujuan memodelkan sistem pemetaan DPI untuk digunakan nelayan tonda di Perairan Prigi Jawa Timur sehingga mampu melengkapi peta prakiraan DPI yang sudah tersedia. Pemodelan sistem pemetaan DPI dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan Struktural Equation Modeling (SEM). Berdasarkan identifikasi aspek kebutuhan nelayan, penambahan alat, bahan, rumpon dan cahaya memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap keberhasilan operasi penangkapan ikan. Elemen teknologi alat penangkapan ikan memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang di Perairan Prigi sebesar 95 %. Pemodelan sistem pemetaan DPI di Perairan Prigi lebih membutuhkan aspek teknologi alat penangkapan dan alat bantu penangkapan ikan jika dibandingkan dengan aspek oseanografi. Determining the right fishing grounds will increase the efficiency of fishing operations while maintaining the sustainability of fish resources. Estimating fishing grounds maps relies on oceanographic parameters resulting in low accuracy levels and difficulties for small fishers. Determination of fishing grounds estimation maps should take into account various aspects that impact the fishing grounds mapping system. This study aims to create a fishing grounds mapping system model for use by local trolling line fishery in Parigi Waters to complement the existing fishing grounds forecast maps. The fishing grounds mapping system modeling was analyzed descriptively using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Aspects of fishermen's needs, the addition of tools, materials, FADs, and light have major influences on the success of fishing operations. Technological elements of fishing gear affect the catch of skipjack in Parigi Waters by 95%. Modeling the fishing grounds mapping system in Parigi Waters requires more technical aspects such as fishing gear and fishing aids compared to oceanographic aspects


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    Perairan Kabupaten Tangerang memiliki potensi sumber daya ikan yang cukup besar. Saat ini, pengaruh kegiatan pesisir dan pola penangkapan telah mengakibatkan terjadinya dinamika penangkapan ikan yang mempengaruhi jumlah hasil tangkapan nelayan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis keragaan perikanan tangkap seperti sebaran jumlah alat tangkap, jumlah kapal penangkap ikan, dan daerah penangkapan ikan di perairan Kabupaten Tangerang. Data keragaan perikanan tangkap dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan pemetaan spasial dianalisis menggunakan sistem informasi geografis kelautan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah alat penangkapan ikan di Kabupaten Tangerang sekitar 22.495 unit yang didominasi alat tangkap bubu sekitar 18.750 unit. Sebaran alat penangkapan ikan terbanyak tedapat di Desa Dadap, Ketapang dan Tanjung Kait. Jumlah kapal penangkap ikan di Kabupaten Tangerang sekitar 3.212 kapal yang didominasi kapal berukuran <5 GT yaitu sekitar 2.125 kapal, berukuran 5 – 10 GT sekitar 905 kapal, dan berukuran 10 – 30 GT sekitar 182 kapal. Sebagian besar kapal terdapat di Pusat Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kronjo, PPI Cituis, dan Desa Dadap. Daerah penangkapan ikan utama kapal <5 GT mengalami pergeseran ke arah timur laut Kabupaten Tangerang. Daerah penangkapan ikan utama kapal > 5 GT berada di Pulau Lancang, Pulau Laki, Pulau Bokor, dan Pulau Pari. The waters of Tangerang Regency have considerable potential for fish resources. At present, the influence of coastal activities and fishing patterns has resulted in fishing dynamics that affect the amount of fishermen’s catch. The research objective is to analyze the fisheries performance, such as the distribution of the number of fishing gears, the number of fishing vessels, and the fishing grounds in Tangerang Regency waters. Capture fisheries performance data were analyzed descriptively, and spatial mapping was analyzed using a marine geographic information system. The results showed that the number of fishing gear in Tangerang Regency was around 22,495 units, dominated by around 18,750 units of traps. The largest distribution of fishing gear is in the villages of Dadap, Ketapang, and Tanjung Kait. The number of fishing vessels in Tangerang Regency around 3,212 vessels, dominated by <5 GT boats size, namely 2,125 boats, 5-10 GT around 905 boats, and 10-30 GT around 182 boats. Most of the vessels were based in PPI Kronjo, PPI Cituis, and Dadap Village. The main fishing grounds for vessels <5 GT has shifted to the northeast of Tangerang Regency. The main fishing grounds for vessels over 5 GT are on Lancang Island, Laki Island, Bokor Island, and Pari Island.

    Exploration of Skipjack Fishing Ground Through Sea Surface Temperature and Catches Composition Analyzes in Palabuhanratu Bay Waters

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    Fishing ground condition is usually affected by oceanographic parameters. One of the oceanographic parameter that had been used in forecasting the availability of pelagic species such as skipjack is sea surface temperature (SST). Skipjack fish is the main target for boat seine net fishery in Palabuhanratu Bay from June to October 2007. Information on skipjack fishing ground availability is very important in order to optimize fishing operation. The purposes of the study are: to determine the SST distribution, to analyze the catch composition of skipjack, to determine the relationship between SST and skipjack catch, and to forecast the skipjack fishing ground in Palabuhanratu Bay from August to October 2007. The research consist of two stages. The first stage was conducted in Palabuhanratu Bay waters in August-October 2007, using survey method, with ten samples of boat seine net (payang). The second stage conducted on December 2007 to collect the SST data, which downloaded from the internet. The range of SST in Palabuhanratu Bay waters ranged from 22oC - 29oC in August 2007, 21oC - 27oC in September 2007 and 20oC - 31oC in October 2007. The SST had no significant effect on catch volume of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during August until October 2007, but gave effect to the size distribution. The big skipjack distributed at the wide range of SST, but the small skipjack distributed at the narrow range of SST. The potential fishing ground of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during September 2007 was found at Teluk Ciletuh, Ujung Karangbentang, Cimaja, Teluk Cikepuh, Ujung Genteng, and Gedogan waters


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    Perairan Kronjo memiliki potensi ikan Sardinella gibbosa yang cukup besar dan bernilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Tingginya permintaan ikan tembang menyebabkan semakin meningkatnya upaya penangkapan. Pengawasan penangkapan perlu dilakukan untuk melihat kondisi habitat ikan agar tidak terjadi growth overfishing. Penelitian mengenai aspek biologi ikan tembang untuk menggambarkan kondisi habitat daerah penangkapan ikan di perairan Kabupaten Tangerang masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek biologi ikan tembang serta status habitat ikan tembang di perairan Kronjo. Penelitian dilakukan pada September sampai Desember 2021 di PPI Kronjo. Jumlah ikan yang diukur panjang dan beratnya sekitar 1.188 ekor. Analisis data menggunakan regresi power untuk hubungan panjang berat, uji khi kuadrat untuk menentukan nisbah kelamin, dan fungsi logistik untuk menentukan ukuran pertama kali ikan tertangkap. Ikan S. gibbosa yang ditangkap di perairan Kronjo berukuran 11,6 – 17,2 cm dan berat tubuh ikan berkisar antara 10,7 – 41,8 gr. Ikan S. gibbosa betina lebih dominan tertangkap dengan nisbah kelamin 2,01:1 terhadap ikan jantan. Panjang total S. gibbosa pertama kali tertangkap di perairan Kronjo adalah 14,7 cm dengan pola pertumbuhan bersifat allometrik negatif. Panjang infinity ikan S. gibbosa adalah 18,85 cm sedangkan nilai faktor kondisi sebesar 1,08. Status sumber daya ikan S. gibbosa di perairan Kronjo masih dalam kondisi cukup baik (potensial) dan keberkelanjutan namun diperlukan pengaturan intensitas penangkapan.Kronjo waters have a large potential for Sardinella gibbosa and high economic value. The high demand for S. gibbosa has led to increased fishing efforts. Fishing supervision needs to be carried out to see the condition of the fishing grounds so that growth overfishing does not occur. Research on the biological aspects of S. gibbosa to describe the conditions of fishing grounds in the waters of Tangerang Regency is still very limited. This study aimed to analyze the biological aspects of S. gibbosa and the status of the habitat of S. gibbosa in Kronjo waters. The research was conducted from September to December 2021 at Kronjo fishing base. There were 1,188 fish measured and weighed. Data analysis used power regression for the relationship between length and weight, the chi-square test to determine the sex ratio, and logistic functions to determine the length at first capture. The total length of S. gibbosa ranged from 11.6 – 17.2 cm, and the body weight of fish ranged from 10.7 – 41.8 g. The female S. gibbosa was more dominantly caught with a sex ratio of 2.01:1 to the male fish. Length at first capture in Kronjo waters was 14.7 cm with a negative allometric growth pattern. The infinity length of S. gibbosa is 18.85 cm, while the condition factor value is 1.08. The resource status of S. gibbosa in Kronjo waters is still in reasonably good condition (potential) and sustainable, but it is necessary to regulate fishing intensity


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    Perubahan daerah penangkapan ikan karena rusaknya habitat akan berdampak terhadap hasil tangkapan nelayan yang cenderung menurun. Rusaknya habitat dapat terjadi karena menurunnya mutu air laut serta pengaruh aktivitas penangkapan ikan. Penggunaan alat penangkapan ikan yang tidak ramah lingkungan akan merusak habitat sehingga berdampak terhadap ekosistem dan stok sumber daya ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis alat penangkapan ikan yang ramah lingkungan, dan memetakan pengoperasian alat penangkapan ikan secara spasial di perairan Teluk Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan analisis deskriptif melalui skoring 9 kriteria berdasarkan Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF). Analisis sistem informasi geografis kelautan dilakukan untuk memetakan sebaran spasial. Alat penangkapan ikan yang ditemukan di Teluk Banten yaitu jaring insang, payang, bagan tancap, bagan perahu, bubu, jaring arad, sero, pancing ulur, dan jaring rajungan. Alat penangkapan ikan yang tergolong tidak ramah lingkungan yaitu jaring arad. Alat penangkapan ikan yang tergolong ramah lingkungan adalah payang, bagan tancap, sero, dan jaring rajungan. Alat penangkapan ikan yang tergolong sangat ramah lingkungan yaitu jaring insang, bagan perahu, bubu, dan pancing ulur. Luas perairan Teluk Banten sekitar 221 km2, di mana 98 km2 (44,3%) masih berada status sangat baik jika dilihat dari aspek pengoperasian alat penangkapan ikan yang sangat ramah lingkungan, kemudian 78 km2 (35,3%) termasuk kategori ramah lingkungan. Wilayah perairan yang sudah rusak karena penggunaan alat penangkapan ikan yang tidak ramah lingkungan sekitar 45 km2 atau 20,4% dari luas perairan Teluk Banten.Changes in fishing areas due to habitat destruction will reduce fishermen's catches. Habitat destruction occurs due to declining sea water quality and the influence of fishing activities. The use of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly will damage the habitat, ecosystem and stock of fish resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze environmentally friendly fishing gear, and map the operation of fishing gear spatially in the waters of Banten Bay. The method used in this research is a survey method with descriptive analysis based on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and a marine geographic information system is used to map the spatial distribution. Fishing gear found in Banten Bay are gillnet, seine net, lift net, boat lift net, trap, mini bottom trawl, set net, hand line, and crab net. Fishing gear classified as not-environmentally friendly is mini bottom trawl; those classified as environmentally friendly are seine net, lift net, set net, and crab nets; which are classified as very environmentally friendly, namely gillnets, boat lift nets, traps, and handlines. The area of Banten Bay waters is about 221 km2 of which 98 km2 (44.3%) are still in very good status when viewed from the aspect of operating fishing gear which is very environmentally friendly, then 78 km2 (35.3%) are included in the environmentally friendly category. The water area that has been damaged due to the use of non-environmentally friendly fishing gear is around 45 km2 or 20.4% of the total waters of Banten Bay


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    Keterbatasan data yang tersedia di Kabupaten Brebes menyebabkan sulitnya menduga potensi dan status stok sumber daya udang. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menduga status sumber daya udang dan strategi pengelolaannya adalah dengan pendekatan aspek biologi dan rasio potensi pemijahan. Sampel udang dogol yang ditangkap menggunakan jaring arad diambil di Kabupaten Brebes selama 2 bulan. Panjang karapas udang dogol yang diukur berjumlah 1.004 ekor dengan menggunakan jangka sorong. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat komposisi hasil tangkapan, ukuran pertama kali tertangkap, serta rasio potensi pemijahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan jaring arad di perairan Brebes didominasi hasil tangkapan sampingan (80,10%), hasil tangkapan utama (16,98%), dan hasil tangkapan lainnya yang dibuang ke laut (discard) sebanyak 2,92%. Hasil tangkapan utama yang paling banyak tertangkap adalah udang dogol dengan kisaran panjang karapas sekitar 30,1 – 56,0 mmCL. Ukuran karapas pertama kali tertangkap udang dogol berada di atas ukuran pertama kali matang gonad. Selektivitas alat tangkap jaring arad yang digunakan untuk menangkap udang dogol sekitar 40,87 mmCL. Status sumber daya udang dogol berdasarkan nilai rasio potensi pemijahan tergolong baik sehingga penangkapan udang dogol dengan jaring arad masih berkelanjutan

    Predicting Student Academic Performance Based on Psychological Test using Machine Learning

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    It is essential to consider the psychological aspect of selecting new students to determine the success of prospective students. The psychological aspect is measured by a psychological test that shows the level of prospective students' abilities in social, emotional, personality, and potential to live at university. This paper proposes an approach to predicting student performance based on their psychological test scores using the Decision Tree and Random Forest algorithms. The dataset used in this study was taken from the student academic record at Institut Teknologi Del, which includes years of psychological test scores and the Grade Point Average (GPA) from studying at the Institute. More specifically, the dataset used includes the 2019, 2020, and 2021 class years. However, there are gaps in the dataset used, including missing values and psychological test attributes such as TIU, TIU Category, Work Achievement, Work Tempo, Accuracy, and Consistency, which are unavailable in other datasets. This is shown in the correlation heatmap, which shows the level of correlation for each attribute, which is still classified as a very weak correlation. Therefore, we came up with two approaches. The first approach is to use as many records as possible (Analysis on records), and the opposite of the second is to take advantage of more features (Analysis based on features). The two approaches are compared to determine which performs better for the classification model. Our results show that studies that emphasize the use of records produce slightly better performance than analyses that emphasize features. In more detail, the random forest algorithm produces the best performance compared to the decision tree algorithm in each Analysis, the RMSE value is 0.4552, and the MAE value is 0.3514. Moreover, none of the psychological test attributes strongly correlate to GPA and hence do not guarantee student performance


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    Tangerang's green mussel farms are expanding. Green mussels grow swiftly and easily, thus many people plant them. Boatmen, divers, bamboo and rope sellers, clam shell peelers, clam boilers, stroller-selling clam sellers, and rice stalls that serve green clam delicacies all work hard on green mussel farms. Green mussel growers and other coastal towns rely heavily on sales. To make a life, farmers need excellent financial arrangements because yields can vary. This prompted financial management coaching for green mussel fisherman in Ketapang Village, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency. The activity took place from April to August 2022. Green mussel farmers should be able to run their enterprises and manage their money to enhance them. Counseling participants are mostly employed, according to their earnings. Most counseling clients don't know much about food-industry green mussels. Counseling changed everything. The counseling findings demonstrate participants' financial literacy. Managing revenue and expenses, borrowing tactics from financial institutions, or learning about business growth budgets.

    Degradation of fishing grounds in North Waters of Banten Province, Indonesia

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    The high level of fishing activity with small fishing vessels has resulted in relatively high utilization of marine space in coastal areas, manifesting changes in fishing grounds. Thus, this research aimed to analyze water quality, fishing intensity and to determine the level of degradation of fishing grounds in the northern waters of Banten Province. This research was conducted from June to August 2023 in the northern waters of Banten Province. Data collection was carried out using survey, remote sensing, and interview methods. Water quality data consisting of sea surface temperature, brightness, salinity, light attenuation coefficient, total suspended solids, and chlorophyll-a were analyzed descriptively. Eco-friendly capture fisheries data were taken directly from 120 fishermen and analyzed based on the CCRF criteria. Degradation status was determined by combining weight of water quality conditions and eco-friendly capture fisheries. Based on the research results, the northern waters of Banten Province is in good condition for biota life. Fishing equipment is dominated by eco-friendly fishing gear. Nevertheless, several parts of northern waters in Banten Province have experienced light degradation of fishing areas (18.28%) and the heavy degradation (7.71%). The use of marine space for capture fisheries in the northern waters of Banten Province is relatively high, around 50 units of fishing gear for 1 hectare of water. Keywords: Environment Fishing intensity Fishing gear Spatial mapping Water qualit

    Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living

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    Dalam buku ini, dibahas mengenai perkembangan tren kajian dalam sains dan teknologi yang mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan untuk mewujudkan kehidupan berkelanjutan. Pembangunan berkelanjutan mempunyai prinsip pembangunan yang bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan generasi saat ini tetapi tidak mengurangi ataupun mengorbankan kemampuan generasi selanjutnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan mereka; sehingga kehidupan yang baik akan terus berlanjut dalam waktu yang lama. Pembangunan berkelanjutan saat ini berfokus pada tiga hal, yaitu pembangunan keberlanjutan ekonomi dan sosial, serta perlindungan terhadap lingkungan untuk generasi mendatang. Ketiganya saling berhubungan dan mendukung dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan serta stabilitas lingkungan dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, keseimbangan yang baik dalam aspek lingkungan,ekonomi, dan sosial harus dicapai untuk membentuk kehidupan berkelanjutan