48 research outputs found

    On linear power corrections in certain collider observables

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    We study linear power corrections O(ΛQCD_{QCD}/Q) to certain collider observables. We present arguments that prove that such corrections cannot appear in observables that are inclusive with respect to QCD radiation, such as total cross sections as well as rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of color-neutral particles. Although our calculations are carried out in a simplified framework, our arguments and conclusions are applicable, with some reservations, to processes both at lepton and hadron colliders. We also show how an improved understanding of the origin of linear power corrections allows us to simplify their calculation. As an application, we compute the leading non-perturbative corrections to the C-parameter and the thrust in e+^{+}e−^{-} annihilation in a generic three-jet configuration

    Linear power corrections to e+^+e–^– shape variables in the three-jet region

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    We use an abelian model to study linear power corrections which arise from infrared renormalons and affect event shapes in e+^+e−^− annihilation into hadrons. While previous studies explored power corrections in the two-jet region, in this paper we focus on the three-jet region, which is the most relevant one for the determination of the strong coupling constant. We show that for a broad class of shape variables, linear power corrections can be written in a factorised form, that involves an analytically-calculable function, that characterises changes in the shape variable when a soft parton is emitted, and a constant universal factor. This universal factor is proportional to the so-called Milan factor, introduced in earlier literature to describe linear power corrections in the two-jet region. We find that the power corrections in the two-jet and in the three-jet regions are different, a result which is bound to have important consequences for the determination of the strong coupling constant from event shapes. As a further illustration of the power of the approach developed in this paper, we provide explicit analytic expressions for the leading power corrections to the C-parameter and the thrust distributions in the N -jet region for arbitrary N, albeit in the abelian model

    Linear power corrections to e+e−e^+e^- shape variables in the three-jet region

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    We use an abelian model to study linear power corrections which arise from infrared renormalons and affect event shapes in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation into hadrons. While previous studies explored power corrections in the two-jet region, in this paper we focus on the three-jet region, which is the most relevant one for the determination of the strong coupling constant. We show that for a broad class of shape variables, linear power corrections can be written in a factorised form, that involves an analytically-calculable function, that characterises changes in the shape variable when a soft parton is emitted, and a constant universal factor. This universal factor is proportional to the so-called Milan factor, introduced in earlier literature to describe linear power corrections in the two-jet region. We find that the power corrections in the two-jet and in the three-jet regions are different, a result which is bound to have important consequences for the determination of the strong coupling constant from event shapes. As a further illustration of the power of the approach developed in this paper, we provide explicit analytic expressions for the leading power corrections to the CC-parameter and the thrust distributions in the NN-jet region for arbitrary NN, albeit in the abelian model.Comment: 44 pages + 4 appendices, 3 figure

    Enriched environment reduces glioma growth through immune and non-immune mechanisms in mice

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    Mice exposed to standard (SE) or enriched environment (EE) were transplanted with murine or human glioma cells and differences in tumour development were evaluated. We report that EE exposure affects: (i) tumour size, increasing mice survival; (ii) glioma establishment, proliferation and invasion; (iii) microglia/macrophage (M/Mφ) activation; (iv) natural killer (NK) cell infiltration and activation; and (v) cerebral levels of IL-15 and BDNF. Direct infusion of IL-15 or BDNF in the brain of mice transplanted with glioma significantly reduces tumour growth. We demonstrate that brain infusion of IL-15 increases the frequency of NK cell infiltrating the tumour and that NK cell depletion reduces the efficacy of EE and IL-15 on tumour size and of EE on mice survival. BDNF infusion reduces M/Mφ infiltration and CD68 immunoreactivity in tumour mass and reduces glioma migration inhibiting the small G protein RhoA through the truncated TrkB.T1 receptor. These results suggest alternative approaches for glioma treatment

    Natural killer cells modulate motor neuron-immune cell cross talk in models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

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    In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), immune cells and glia contribute to motor neuron (MN) degeneration. We report the presence of NK cells in post-mortem ALS motor cortex and spinal cord tissues, and the expression of NKG2D ligands on MNs. Using a mouse model of familial-ALS, hSOD1G93A, we demonstrate NK cell accumulation in the motor cortex and spinal cord, with an early CCL2-dependent peak. NK cell depletion reduces the pace of MN degeneration, delays motor impairment and increases survival. This is confirmed in another ALS mouse model, TDP43A315T. NK cells are neurotoxic to hSOD1G93A MNs which express NKG2D ligands, while IFNγ produced by NK cells instructs microglia toward an inflammatory phenotype, and impairs FOXP3+/Treg cell infiltration in the spinal cord of hSOD1G93A mice. Together, these data suggest a role of NK cells in determining the onset and progression of MN degeneration in ALS, and in modulating Treg recruitment and microglia phenotype

    An Interacting Galaxy Pair at the Origin of a Light Echo

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    In a low-density region of the Shapley supercluster we identified an interacting galaxy pair at redshift z = 0.04865 in which the Seyfert 2 nucleus of the main galaxy (ShaSS 073) is exciting an extended emission line region (EELR, ∼170 kpc^2) in the disk of the less massive companion (ShaSS 622). New integral-field spectroscopy and the multiband data set, spanning from far-ultraviolet to far-infrared and radio wavelengths, allowed us to obtain a detailed description of the ShaSS 622-073 system. The gas kinematics shows hints of interaction, although the overall velocity field shows a quite regular rotation in both galaxies, thus suggesting that we are observing their first encounter as confirmed by the estimated distance of 21 kpc between the two galaxy centers. The detected ∼ 2-3 kpc active galactic nucleus (AGN) outflow and the geometry of the EELR in ShaSS 622 support the presence of a hollow bicone structure. The status and sources of the ionization across the whole system have been analyzed through photoionization models and a Bayesian approach that prove a clear connection between the AGN and the EELR. The luminosity of the AGN (2.4×10^44 erg/s) is a factor of 20 lower than the power needed to excite the gas in the EELR (4.6 ×10^45 erg/s), indicating a dramatic fading of the AGN in the past 3×10^4 yr. ShaSS 073-622 provides all the ingredients listed in the recipe of a light echo where a highly-ionized region maintains memory of a preceding more energetic phase of a now-faded AGN. This is the first case of a light echo observed between two galaxies

    Chiral indolylarylsulfone non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors as new potent and broad spectrum anti-HIV-1 agents

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    We designed and synthesized a series of chiral indolyarylsulfones (IASs) as new HIV-1 NNRTIs. The new IASs 8–37 showed potent inhibition of the HIV-1 WT NL4-3 strain and of the mutant K103N, Y181C, Y188L, and K103N–Y181C HIV-1 strains. Six racemic mixtures, 8, 23–25, 31, and 33, were separated at semipreparative level into their pure enantiomers. The (R)-8 enantiomer bearing the chiral (α-methylbenzyl) was superior to the (S)-counterpart. IAS derivatives bearing the (S) alanine unit, (S)-23, (S,R)-25, (S)-31, and (S)-33, were remarkably more potent than the corresponding (R)-enantiomers. Compound 23 protected hippocampal neuronal cells from the excitotoxic insult, while efavirenz (EFV) did not contrast the neurotoxic effect of glutamate. The present results highlight the chiral IASs as new NNRTIs with improved resistance profile against the mutant HIV-1 strains and reduced neurotoxic effects

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: The Fornax Deep Survey with the VST. IX. (Cantiello+, 2020)

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    We derive ugri photometry of ~1.7 million sources over the ~21 square degree area of the Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) centered on the bright galaxy NGC1399 (fds.dat). For a wider area, of ~27 square degrees extending in the direction of NGC1316, we provide gri photometry for ~3.1 million sources (fdsex.dat). The identification of compact sources, globular clusters (GC) and ultra compact dwarf galaxies (UCD), is obtained from a combination of photometric and morphometric selection criteria taking as reference the properties of confirmed GCs and UCDs in the literature. The master tables of GC and UCD are also provided. (4 data files)

    Microglia modulates hippocampal synaptic transmission and sleep duration along the light/dark cycle

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    Microglia, the brain's resident macrophages, actively contributes to the homeostasis of cerebral parenchyma by sensing neuronal activity and supporting synaptic remodeling and plasticity. While several studies demonstrated different roles for astrocytes in sleep, the contribution of microglia in the regulation of sleep/wake cycle and in the modulation of synaptic activity in the different day phases has not been deeply investigated. Using light as a zeitgeber cue, we studied the effects of microglial depletion with the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor antagonist PLX5622 on the sleep/wake cycle and on hippocampal synaptic transmission in male mice. Our data demonstrate that almost complete microglial depletion increases the duration of NREM sleep and reduces the hippocampal excitatory neurotransmission. The fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 plays a relevant role in these effects, because cx3cr1GFP/GFP mice recapitulate what found in PLX5622-treated mice. Furthermore, during the light phase, microglia express lower levels of cx3cr1 and a reduction of cx3cr1 expression is also observed when cultured microglial cells are stimulated by ATP, a purinergic molecule released during sleep. Our findings suggest that microglia participate in the regulation of sleep, adapting their cx3cr1 expression in response to the light/dark phase, and modulating synaptic activity in a phase-dependent manner.Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscienc