52 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a considerably new kind of photochemotherapeutic treatment in medical field. It combines the use of three components, which are a photosensitizer, light and oxygen. Photosensitizer is a compound Bctivated by light. The application can be oral, topical or intravenous. It usually member of porphyrin group with ampiphilic characteristics. Photosensitizercan be of genemtion I, /I or III, each generation step.develops more specificity, selectivity and deeper tissue application. This.review will discuss photosensitizer development consecutively, with its benefit and lackness. The light used is usually on red region, while the oxygen is involved in reactive oxygen species genera\u27tion. Its mechanism action can go through either in type I or type 1/ reaction. This kind of therapy is usually being used in oncology, especially in superficial and in-lining cancers, dermatology and ophthalmology field. This therapy can be safely given to patients with complication and has distinct advantages compare with other treatment such as chemotherapy and surgery. It also considerably has lesser side effects and risks. Broader application is being developed through various experimentsand photosensitizer modificat


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    ABSTRACT Research on bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a and its derivatives had been conducted to determine the coordination state and the aggregation process in acetone-water and methanol-water. The results showed that there were mainly two absorption peaks in BChl a and its derivatives, namely: Oxand Oythat were very sensitive to coordination state and aggregation process. The coordination state of pigment could be determined base" on Ox absorption peak that wasinfluencedby solvents.In addition,the donornumber(DN)and taft parameters({3and TT*)from each sovents could also be used to determine the coordination state. One or two of axial coordination toward center metal of BChl a and its derivatives have to be filled by donor electron as a foreign nucleophile. Mg-BChl was exist as fivecoordinate complexes in acetone but as six-coordinate complexes in methanol. Five-coordinate complexes of Zn- BChl was occurred either in acetone or methanol. Cu-BChl was exist as four-coordinate complexes in acetone but altered to five-coordinate complexes in methanol. The agregation process was influenced by the existence of water added in pigment solution. The order of Mg-BChl a and its derivatives abilities to form new aggregate in acetonewater and methanol-water, in regard of water-addition percentage was as follow: Cu-BChl > Zn-BChl > Mg-BChl. Methanol was the solvent that could form aggregate of Mg-BChl and its derivatives at lower water-addition percentage compared to acetone

    Photodegradation and antioxidant activity of Chlorophyll a from Spirulina (Spirulina sp.) Powder=Fotdegradasi dan aktivitas klorofil a dari serbuk spirulina (Spirulina sp.)

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    Research on chlorophyll a from Spirulina (Spirulina sp.) powder has been done in order to determine chlorophyll a content, to compare degradation pattern and kinetics degradation of chlorophyll a and crude extract as well as to investigate the difference of antioxidant activity of chlorophyll a with or without irradiation. Chlorophyll a content in spirulina powder was calculated by using Porra\u27s equation. Irradiation and recovel}\u27 ability of chlorophyll a were measured by using volpi light (Intralux 6100) equipped with daylight filter. The antioxidant activity of chlorophyU a was determined by using DPPH method. The results showed that chlorophyll a content was 2.886 pg/g dl}\u27 weight Chlorophyll a has the higher stability than crude extract against 60 minutes irradiation at room temperature. Kinetics degradation of chlorophyll a was based on second order while crude extract based on first order. Chlorophyll a and crude extract have recovel}\u27 ability. The results also showed that antioxidant activity of chlorophyll a was increased after 60 minutes of irradiation. Keywords: antioxidant activity, chlorophyll a, photodegradation, spirulin

    Uji Antioksidan Antosianin Buah Murbei dengan Ekstraksi Sonikasi dan Maserasi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan optimasi proses ekstraksi antosianin buah murbei sehingga diperoleh kondisi optimum yang dapat menghasilkan kadar antosianin tinggi, efi siensi proses ekstraksi dan menerapkan pengujian kadar antosianin dan antioksidan, sehingga nilai ekonomi tanaman meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan ekstraksi secara maserasi dan ultrasonik. Waktu yang digunakan dalam proses ekstraksi adalah antara 5 ā€“ 40 menit. Ekstraksi antosianin dengan cara ultrasonik memberikan hasil 99,91 mg/L dalam waktu 5 menit sedangkan dengan cara maserasi didapatkan kandungan antosianin tertinggi sebesar 95,85 mg/L dalam waktu 20 menit. Hasil uji antioksidan dengan DPPH, uji vitamin C, dan H2O2 menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi setelah proses maserasi berturut turut adalah 86,47%, 19,36%, dan 28,79%. Sedangkan dengan cara sonikasi berturutturut adalah 98,33%, 21,12%%, dan 58,79%


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    Research on chlorophyll a from Spirulina (Spirulina sp.) powder has been done in order to determine chlorophyll a content, to compare degradation pattern and kinetics degradation of chlorophyll a and crude extract as well as to investigate the difference of antioxidant activity of chlorophyll a with or without irradiation. Chlorophyll a content in spirulina powder was calculated by using Porra's equation. Irradiation and recovery ability of chlorophyll a were measured by using volpi light (Intralux 6100) equipped with daylight filter. The antioxidant activity of chlorophyll a was determined by using DPPH method. The results showed that chlorophyll a content was 2.886 Ī¼g/g dry weight. Chlorophyll a has the higher stability than crude extract against 60 minutes irradiation at room temperature. Kinetics degradation of chlorophyll a was based on second order while crude extract based on first order. Chlorophyll a and crude extract have recovery ability. The results also showed that antioxidant activity of chlorophyll a was increased after 60 minutes of irradiation. Ā  Keywords: antioxidant activity, chlorophyll a, photodegradation, spirulina powde

    Chloroplast Pigments: Structure, Function, Assembly and Characterization

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    Chlorophyll and carotenoid are vital components that can be found in the intrinsic part of chloroplast. Their functions include light-harvesting, energy transfer, photochemical redox reaction, as well as photoprotection. These pigments are bound non-covalently to protein to make pigment-protein supercomplex. The exact number and stoichiometry of these pigments in higher plants are varied, but their compositions include chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl b, lutein, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin and Ī²-carotene. This chapter provides introduction to the structure and photophysical properties of these pigments, how they assemble as pigment-protein complexes and how they do their functions. Various common methods for isolation, separation and identification of chlorophylls and carotenoid are also discussed

    Reconstitution Approach to Tune Spectral Features of Light Harvesting Complexes for Improved Light Absorption and Energy Transfer

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    AbstractLight harvesting complexes developed by living organisms render themselves as an excellent system for understanding basic physical and chemical processes behind the conversion of sunlight energy. Although light harvesting complexes are pretty robust, biochemical reconstitution and genetic modifications have proven the flexibility to tailor their absorption spectra and energy transfer. Importantly, the refolding of the protein and the exchanging of the pigment in micellar media results in very similar pigment arrangement within the native complexes. Here, we show reconstitution approaches with different pigments that have been carried out in PCP, LHCII, and LHI complexes. Monitoring on the spectral changes and energy transfer has also been described


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    AbstrakKelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) merupakan tanaman yang mengandung karotenoid tinggi pada mesokarp yang merupakan bagian dari buah. Cahaya dan suhu dalam proses fotosintesis memberi pengaruh bagi kestabilan dan ketidakstabilan karotenoid dan klorofil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas fotostabilitas dan termostabilitas ekstrak karotenoid mesokarp terhadap klorofil-a yang diiradiasi dengan lampu volpi (intralux 4100) daylight pada intensitas cahaya 31960 lux, 47040 lux dan 76640 lux dalam seri waktu penyinaran 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, dan 30 menit serta dipanaskan pada suhu 25, 50, 65, dan 90 Ā°C dengan seri waktu pemanasan 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, dan 24 jam. Pengukuran spektrum serapan tiap perlakuan diukur menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Tampak pada panjang gelombang 300ā€“800 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karotenoid tidak melakukan fungsi proteksi dengan baik pada perlakuan pemanasan 65 Ā°C dan 90 Ā°C selama 24 jam, serta perlakuan iradiasi hingga 30 menit pada ketiga intensitas cahaya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah klorofil-a murni lebih stabil pada perlakuan pemanasan dan iradiasi. Kemampuan proteksi karotenoid terhadap kestabilan klorofil-a yaitu pada suhu di bawah 50 Ā°C dan pada intensitas cahaya di bawah 31960 lux.Abstract Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a plant that contains high carotenoids in its mesocarp which is part of the fruit. Light and temperature in photosynthesis may affect the stability and instability of carotenoid and chlorophyll. The aim of this research was to examine the thermostability and photostability activities of the carotenoids in mesocarp extract on chlorophyll which were irradiated by Volpi lamp (4100 intralux) daylight at light intensity of 31960 lux, 47040 lux and 76640 lux in series of time radiation 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes and heated at 25, 50, 65, and 90Ā°C with series of heating time 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 24 hours. Measurement of the absorption spectrum of each treatment was measured using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer at a wavelength range of 300ā€“800 nm. The results showed the protective function of carotenoids did not perform well at the heating treatments of 65Ā°C and 90Ā°C in 24 hours and at the irradiation for 30 minutes in all the light intensities. In conclusion, pure chlorophyll-a is more stable in heating and irradiation treatments. Carotenoid protection ability against chlorophyll-a is at temperatures below 50 Ā°C and at a light intensity below 31960 lux

    A Focus Group Discussion on the Beneļ¬ts of Bio-pigment in Preventing Stunting and Obesity with RPTRA Administrators in South Jakarta

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    The problem of stunting in Indonesia has recently been getting worse and has become in the top three positions in Southeast Asia due to the lack of public understanding, one of which is about nutrition. Currently in Jakarta, to reach mothers, RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak/Child-friendly Integrated Public Space) administrators can assist in providing information about nutrition, especially those that can overcome the problem of stunting more broadly. This activity was carried out to provide more understanding of stunting prevention nutrition for RPTRA administrators. After receiving seminar and workshop materials, a Focus Group Discussion was held for RPTRA administrators regarding the beneļ¬ts of biopigments in preventing Stunting and Obesity. Each group was given a question related to their knowledge of changes about biopigments beneļ¬ts in fruits and vegetables. FGD data was analysed by using three methods of coding (open, axial, and selective coding). Eighty per cent of the answers from RPTRA administrators were still limited to sources of nutrition that were commonly used on a daily basis, even though their level of understanding about nutritional sources had increased after the seminars and workshops. The main reason for this was because there was still a view that other sources of nutrition that they had just discovered were considered expensive or diļ¬ƒcult to ļ¬nd
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