16 research outputs found


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    The objective of research was to determine utilization level of organic mineral both macro (Ca, Mg) and micro (Zn, Cu, Cr, Se) mineral by in vitro method. The research had two steps, the first, determine utilization level of micro organic mineral.The research used completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments were arranged i.e: basic rations (30% forage+70% concentrate); basic rations +0.5 times recomendation of organic micro mineral, basic rations + 1 times recomendation of organic micro mineral, basic rations + 1.5 times recomendation of organic micro mineral, and basic rations+2 times recomendation of organic micro mineral. Secondly, the research had done to determine utilization level of macro organic mineral. The research used completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 6 replications The treatments were arranged i.e: basic rations (30% forage + 70% concentrate); basic rations +0.5 times recomendation of organic macro mineral, basic rations+1 times recomendation of organic macro mineral, basic rations +1.5 times recomendation of organic macro mineral, and basic rations+2 times recomendation of organic macro mineral. The parameters consisted i.e: containing of volatil fatty acid, ammonia, dry matter digestibility, and organic matter digestibility. The result showed (1) based on dry matter digestibility, and organic matter digestibility, the best level of utilization of organic macro mineral was 1 times recomendation of NRC (1985) based on organic matter digestibility, the best level of utilization of organic micro mineral was 1.5 times recomendation of NRC

    Improvement Nutrient Digestibility and Production Performance of Cattle Through Restricted Amino Acid and Organic Minerals Addition on Fermented Palm Oil Waste-Based Feed

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of branched-chain amino acid and organic mineral addition on fermented palm oil waste based-feed to the nutrients digestibility and cattle performance. The research was done using nine Ongole crossbred cattle by applying randomized block design with three treatments and three replications. The first treatment (R0) was fermented palm oil waste-based feed; and the second treatment (R1) was R0 with 13% cassava leaves addition; and the third treatment (R2) was R1 with organic minerals (40 ppm Zn; 10 ppm Cu; 0.1 ppm Se; and 0.3 ppm Cr) addition. The result showed that R2 gave a significant effect (P<0.05) on crude protein, crude fiber, and ether extract digestibility, but showed no significant effect on dry matter and organic matter digestibility and cattle production parameters. The research concluded that fermented palm oil waste-based feed with 13% cassava leaves and organic minerals addition gave the best result based on the digestibility and cattle production parameters

    Kapasitas Peningkatan Populasi Ternak Ruminansia Berdasarkan Potensi Limbah Tanaman Pangan sebagai Pakan Ternak di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    The purpose of this research was to observe the potential of crop residues as the alternative forage feed to development of ruminant livestock in South Lampung Regency.This research was carried out in South Lampung Regency on December 2015 until April 2016.This research used survey method with Purposive Sampling. Edible Porpotion or portion that can be consumed based on the calculation of this research, the total production of crop residues based on dry maatter of the three materials was 611.257 tons per year. The result of this research showed that the carrying capacity in 17 subdistricts located in South Lampung regency based on Animal Unit (AU) were 268.095,00 AU. The Concentration Index Livestock based on the calculation in South Lampung Regency has a range valeu from 0,15 until 2,49 by the average valeu was 1,00. Based on the calculation of ruminant livstock population increase capacityobtained the highest grade in Palas Subdistrict of 25.351 AU, but there was four of subdistricts that has value minus is Jati Agung, Merbau Mataram, Sidomulyo and Rajabasa Subdistrict so it was not potential to increase number of ruminant livestock if only rely on carring capacity from residues crops

    Pengaruh Lama Fermentasi Trametes SP. Terhadap Kadar Bahan Kering, Kadar Abu, Dan Kadar Serat Kasar Daun Nenas Varietas Smooth Cayene

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    The main problem in developing of ruminant production in Indonesia is the difficulty in fulfillingthe availability of feed continually, either the quality or the quantity. The abundant pineappleleaves are potensial to be feed stuff. However, the crude fiber content of pineapple leaves is high.Therefore, the pineapple leaves will be fermented by day treatment to reduce the high crude fibercontent. The aimed of the study to determine the effect of the best fermentation duration and todetermine the effect of Trametes sp. on dry metter, ash content, and crude fiber content ofpineapple leaves of Smooth cayene variety.This study was done in the Laboratory of Animal Feed, Department of Animal Husbandry, Facultyof Agriculture, University of Lampung. The treatments were arranged by using CompletelyRandomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and four replications. The treatment consisted ofstorage during 0 day, 2 days, 4 days, 6 days. The dates of observation was analyzed by usingvariance analysis with significant level of 5% and or 1%. The polynomial orthogonal was usedafter the variance analysis showed the significant result.The result of this study showed that the treatment of storage duration of 0 day, 2 days, 4 days, 6days were significantly different (P<0,01) on dry matter content, ash content, and crude fibercontent. The duration of Trametes sp. Fermentation was significantly different to the content ofdry matter, crude fiber, ash. Longer duration of fermentation, more decrease the content of drymatter, crude fiber, and ash. According to the regresion equality of dry matter Y=12,11-0,61x(R2=0,84, r=0,92), crude fiber content Y=26,08-1,81x (R2=0,69, r=0,83), and ash content Y=7,39-0,47x (R2=0,73, r=0,85)


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    This research intended to determine the effect of palm oil tree shade and mixed planting on grass and leguminous on productivity.  This research has been done on March—June 2018 in Tanjung Agung Area, Katibung District, Kalianda, South Lampung. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with split plot design method.  The treatment was implemented in this research is (1) shading, consist of two levels, which are N0 (without shade) and N1 (palm oil tree shade) and (2) mixed plant species, consist of two variations; which is A1 (elephant grass and purple bush bean) and A2 (dwarf elephant grass and purple bush bean).  The data which obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance on 5% significant level, then if the result significantly difference, it were analyzed with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT).  The results showed that palm oil shading has not significant effect on grass productivity. there is an interaction between the type of grass and oil palm shade on the number of elephant grass and odot grass tillers. The dry matter of grass on mixed planting on land without shade was significantly different with dry matter of grass on mixed planting in palm oil shade.  However, it has tendency to increase organic matter of grasss on palm oil shade. Keywords: Palm Oil Shade, Elephant Grass, Dwarf Elephant Grass, Mixing Grass, Productivit


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    The aims of the research to determine the carrying capacity of waste by product and livestock based agriculture waste as feed for ruminants in District Pringsewu . This study used a survey method. The survey method used in this research is purposive sampling. Potential feed material is calculated based on the production of feed material multiplied by the area harvested and expressed in dry matter (DM ) , crude protein (CP ) and total digestible nutrients ( TDN ) . Forage samples obtained from taking snippets / tiling agricultural waste. The results showed that the production of waste in dry matter by BK , PK , and TDN respectively is 170 420 tonnes , 13 296 tonnes and 86 600 tonnes . Then the carrying capacity (DDLP ) based BK , PK , and TDN  is 74 672 UT , UT 5519 and UT 55 195 . Total population of ruminants in District Pringsewu ( 20 804 UT ) can be met the needs of feed based on availability BK , and TDN . Keywords : District Pringsewu , Waste Production , Livestock Ruminant , Carrying Food Wast

    Physical and Chemical Quality of Corn Husks with Ammoniation, Biofermentation and Ammonia Fermentation Processing

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    This study aimed to evaluate the processing of ammoniated, biofermented and amorphous corn husks on physical quality, dry matter, ash content, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), and nitrogen free extract (NFE). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given were P1: untreated corn husks (control), P2: ammoniated corn husks (2% urea), P3: fermented corn husks (5% Aspergillus niger), and P4: amofered corn husks (2% urea + 5% Aspergillus niger). The variables observed included physical quality and nutrient content (dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, and nitrogen free extract). The data obtained  analyzed using Analysis of Variety and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of the study had a significant effect on the physical quality, dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract (P0,05) on the ash content. Amopheric processing has the best effect on physical quality, crude protein and crude fiber content of corn husks. Fermentation processing gives the best effect on ether extract and nitrogen free extract