9 research outputs found

    The Use of Co-marketing Strategies, Coopetition and Destination Marketing Through Social Media Instagram in Pandemic Period

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    [Resumo] Objetivo do estudo: Com o surgimento do vírus Covid-19, medidas de prevenção para controlar seu avanço foram tomadas por todo o mundo, acarretando impactos significativos no setor turístico e obrigando as empresas a replanejarem suas ações. Neste artigo buscou-se identificar de que forma os meios de hospedagem em atuação no destino turístico de Jericoacoara têm realizado marketing digital durante a pandemia, descobrindo se existem estratégias de gestão Co-Marketing e Coopetição. Metodologia/abordagem: Para tanto, utilizou-se para isso a metodologia de trabalho com imersão na internet com cunho qualitativo. Originalidade/Relevância: É relevante neste momento de recuperação pensar em estratégias coletivas entre as empresas com possíveis realizações de parcerias para divulgação dos produtos e/ou serviços, como o co-marketing e a coopetição. Principais resultados: Entende-se como a primeira tomada de decisão importante, a busca por inovação no uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação para realização do marketing digital, para mantimento do relacionamento com os clientes, sabendo que o contato físico se encontra proibido. Encontrou-se que, as estratégias de co-marketing e coopetição são realizadas, porém em escala bem reduzida, diferente do marketing de destino que já é utilizado como ação por parte dos estabelecimentos em Jijoca de Jericoacoara-Ceará. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Discussão e apresentação de coopetição e co-marketing para estudos no turismo em tempos que o mercado pede por soluções rápidas e eficazes em destinações por vezes afetadas pela baixa demanda turística.[Abstract] Objective of the study: With the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, preventive measures to control its progress have been taken worldwide, causing significant impacts on the tourism sector and forcing companies to replan their actions. In this article we sought to identify how the lodging facilities operating in the tourist destination of Jericoacoara have been conducting digital marketing during the pandemic, discovering if there are management strategies Co-Marketing and Coopetition. Methodology / approach: To this end, we used the methodology of work with immersion in the internet with a qualitative nature. Originality/Relevance: It is relevant in this moment of recovery to think about collective strategies between companies with possible realizations of partnerships for the dissemination of products and / or services, such as co-marketing and coopetition. Main results: It is understood as the first important decision making, the search for innovation in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to carry out digital marketing, to maintain the relationship with customers, knowing that physical contact is prohibited. It was found that the comarketing and coopetition strategies are carried out, but on a very small scale, different from the destination marketing that is already used as an action by the establishments in Jijoca de JericoacoaraCeará. Theoretical/methodological contributions: Discussion and presentation of coopetition and comarketing for studies in tourism in times when the market asks for quick and effective solutions in destinations sometimes affected by low tourist demand.[Resumen] Objetivo del estudio: Con la aparición del virus Covid-19, se han tomado medidas preventivas para controlar su avance en todo el mundo, provocando importantes impactos en el sector turístico y obligando a las empresas a replantear sus acciones. En este artículo intentamos identificar cómo las instalaciones de hospedaje que operan en el destino turístico de Jericoacoara han estado realizando marketing digital durante la pandemia, descubriendo si existen estrategias de gestión de Co-Marketing y Coopetición. Metodología / enfoque: Para ello se utilizó la metodología de trabajo con inmersión en internet de carácter cualitativo. Originalidad/Relevancia: Es relevante en este momento de recuperación pensar en estrategias colectivas entre empresas con posibles realizaciones de alianzas para la difusión de productos y / o servicios, como el co-marketing y la cooperación. Principales resultados: Se entiende como la primera toma de decisiones importantes, la búsqueda de la innovación en el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para realizar marketing digital, para mantener la relación con los clientes, sabiendo que el contacto físico está prohibido. Se constató que las estrategias de co-marketing y coopetición se llevan a cabo, pero a muy pequeña escala, diferente al marketing de destino que ya es utilizado como acción por los establecimientos de Jijoca de Jericoacoara-Ceará. Aportes teóricos/metodológicos: Discusión y presentación de la coopetición y el co-marketing para estudios en turismo en tiempos en los que el mercado pide soluciones rápidas y efectivas en destinos en ocasiones afectados por baja demanda turística

    Platonia insignis

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    Platonia insignis Mart., popularly known as “bacurizeiro,” is used in traditional medical practices based on its diverse biological properties. This study was aimed at evaluating the antileishmanial effects of the ethanol extract (EtOH-Ext), hexane fraction (Hex-F), and its main isolated Lupeol obtained from stem barks of P. insignis against Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, as well as their cytotoxicity and possible mechanisms of action. The EtOH-Ext, Hex-F, and Lupeol inhibited the growth of L. amazonensis promastigote forms at IC50 of 174.24, 45.23, and 39.06 µg/mL, respectively, as well as L. amazonensis axenic amastigote forms at IC50 of 40.58, 35.87, and 44.10 µg/mL, respectively. The mean cytotoxic concentrations for macrophages (CC50) were higher than those for amastigotes (341.95, 71.65, and 144.0 µg/mL, resp.), indicating a selective cytotoxicity towards the parasite rather than the macrophages. Interestingly, all treatments promoted antileishmanial effect against macrophage-internalized amastigotes at concentrations lower than CC50. Furthermore, increases of lysosomal volume of macrophages treated with EtOH-Ext, Hex-F, and Lupeol were observed. On the other hand, only Lupeol stimulated increase of phagocytic capability of macrophages, suggesting this compound might be characterized as the biomarker for the antileishmanial effect of P. insignis stem bark, as well as the involvement of immunomodulatory mechanisms in this effect

    A influência do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de covid-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Introduction: With the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) pandemic in Brazil, especially in the city of São Paulo, there was a need to apply social isolation policies associated with testing, covering all municipalities. The Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Centro Universitário FMABC was one of the first laboratories to receive certification and qualification to perform RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase reaction followed by polymerase chain reaction) tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Objective: Aim to analyze the influence of adopting social isolation on the incidence of positivity in COVID-19 tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: a descriptive study carried out from March to May 2020, epidemiological data were collected from each unit served and organized by the data controllership team of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of FMABC. Epidemiological, demographic, and laboratory data were extracted from the Matrix® outpatient data management system. Clinically suspected cases and confirmed by laboratory tests (RT-PCR and serological tests) were entered. The tests were divided into serological tests using the RT-PCR molecular test, on samples of nasopharyngeal mucosal scrapings collected with sterile Swab. Results: It were evaluated PCR test and antibody presence (IgA, IgM and IgG) in blood samples of 16.297 patients. 22.718 tests were performed for the diagnosis of COVID-19, both RT-PCR (10.410 tests) and serological tests to detect anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, IgA, IgM and IgG, a total of 16.297 patients were assessed, 63% women and 37% men. It was observed that the social isolation policies adopted during this period contained the massive expansion of contamination, at least while the social isolation rates were above 55%. Conclusion: The data of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of social isolation in containing the positive contamination of SARS-CoV-2 in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, at least for the first three months.Introdução: com a chegada da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave) ao Brasil, especialmente na cidade de São Paulo, houve a necessidade de aplicar medidas de distanciamento social associado a testagem, que abrangesse todos os municípios. A região metropolitana de São Paulo compreende 39 municípios e possui uma rede de laboratórios habilitados a realizar a testagem para a detecção do coronavírus, tanto testes sorológicos quanto moleculares. O Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Centro Universitário ABC/FMABC foi um dos primeiros laboratórios a receber a certificação e habilitação para realizar os testes RT-PCR (reação da transcriptase reversa seguida pela reação em cadeia da polimerase) na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Objetivo: analisar a influência da adoção do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de COVID-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Método: estudo descritivo realizado no período de março a maio de 2020, os dados epidemiológicos foram coletados de cada unidade atendida e organizada pela equipe de controladoria de dados do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas da FMABC. Os dados epidemiológicos, demográficos e laboratoriais foram extraídos do sistema Matrix® de gerenciamento de dados ambulatoriais. Foram inseridos os casos clinicamente suspeitos e confirmados por testes de laboratório (RT-PCR e testes sorológicos). Os testes foram divididos em testes sorológicos no teste molecular RT-PCR, em amostras de raspado de mucosa nasofaríngea coletada com Swab estéril. Resultados: foram avaliados o teste de RT-PCR e a presença de anticorpos (IgA, IgM e IgG) em amostras de sangue de 16.297 pacientes. Foram realizados 22.718 testes para o diagnóstico de COVID-19, tanto RT-PCR (10.410 testes), quanto testes sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos anti-SARS-CoV-2, IgA, IgM e IgG, um total de 16.297 pacientes foram avaliados, 63% mulheres e 37% homens. Observou-se que as políticas de isolamento social adotadas nesse período continham a expansão massiva da contaminação, pelo menos enquanto as taxas de isolamento social eram superiores a 55%. Conclusão: nossos dados demonstraram a efetividade do isolamento social na retenção da positividade da contaminação do SARS-CoV-2 nas cidades contempladas pelo serviço de testagem do Centro Universitário Saúde ABC, pelo menos nos três primeiros meses

    The inventory of geological heritage of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Methodological basis, results and perspectives

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    An inventory of geological sites based on solid and clear criteria is a first step for any geoconservation strategy. This paper describes the method used in the geoheritage inventory of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and presents its main results. This inventory developed by the geoscientific community aimed to identify geosites with scientific value in the whole state, using a systematic approach. All 142 geosites representative of 11 geological frameworks were characterised and quantitatively evaluated according to their scientific value and risk of degradation, in order to establish priorities for their future management. An online database of the inventory is under construction, which will be available to be easily consulted and updated by the geoscientific community. All data were made available to the State Geological Institute as the backbone for the implementation of a future state geoconservation strategy.The authors acknowledge the Science Without Borders Programme, Process 075/2012, which supported this study and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Process 2011/17261-6. We also thanks C. Mazoca for his help with maps and figures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    14-Week exercise training modifies the DNA methylation levels at gene sites in non-Alzheimer's disease women aged 50 to 70 years

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    Exercise training emerges as a key strategy in lifestyle modification, capable of reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) due to risk factors such as age, family history, genetics and low level of education associated with AD. We aim to analyze the effect of a 14-week combined exercise training (CT) on the methylation of genes associated with AD in non-alzheimer's disease women. CT sessions lasted 60 min, occurring three times a week for 14 weeks. Forty non-Alzheimer's disease women aged 50 to 70 years (60.7 ± 4.1 years) with a mean height of 1.6 ± 0.1 m, mean weight of 73.12 ± 9.0 kg and a mean body mass index of 29.69 ± 3.5 kg/m2, underwent two physical assessments: pre and post the 14 weeks. DNA methylation assays utilized the EPIC Infinium Methylation BeadChip from Illumina. We observed that 14 weeks of CT led to reductions in systolic (p = 0.001) and diastolic (p = 0.017) blood pressure and improved motor skills post-intervention. Among 25 genes linked to AD, CT induced differentially methylated sites in 12 genes, predominantly showing hypomethylated sites (negative β values). Interestingly, despite hypomethylated sites, some genes exhibited hypermethylated sites (positive β values), such as ABCA7, BDNF, and WWOX. A 14-week CT regimen was adequate to induce differential methylation in 12 CE-related genes in healthy older women, alongside improvements in motor skills and blood pressure. In conclusion, this study suggest that combined training can be a strategy to improve physical fitness in older individuals, especially able to induce methylation alterations in genes sites related to development of AD. It is important to highlight that training should act as protective factor in older adults.</p

    Quantitative characteristics of carcass and meat quality of ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen and Saanen goat kids fed diets with dry yeast Características quantitativas de carcaça e de qualidade da carne de cabritos ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen e Saanen alimentados com rações contendo levedura seca

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    Twenty-seven carcasses of non-castrated confined goat kids, (18 ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen and nine Saanen) with slaughtered weight of 30.1 ± 0.27 kg were used to evaluate quantitative characteristics of the carcass and qualitative characteristics of the loin and shoulder. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (breed group × diet). The diets consisted of inclusion of dry yeast, as follows: soybean meal, soybean meal + dried yeast or dried yeast. The other ingredients of the diets were oat hay (30% DM), ground corn and mineral mixture. Hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, weight loss by cooling, true carcass yield and carcass compactness index were not influenced by the inclusion of dry yeast nor by racial group. Saanen goats presented the highest carcass commercial yield of carcass, but they needed 15 days more to reach the slaughter weight. The cut yields were not affected, but a significant interaction for shoulder yield occurred. Dry yeast and breed group did not influence the measurements of the loin, the muscle:bone ratio, the cooking losses, the shear force and composition. There was a significant interaction between the inclusion of dry yeast in the diets and the breed group for the muscle proportion on loin, which was higher in the ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen group. For the shoulder, inclusion of dry yeast and breed group did not alter the proportions of muscle, fat, protein and ash. However, in Saanen goats, the proportion of bone and moisture content were higher and total lipid content was lower. The ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen groups showed higher precocity. Dry yeast is an alternative protein source that can be included in diets for goat kids.<br>Foram utilizadas 27 carcaças de cabritos machos não-castrados, confinados, sendo 18 ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen e nove Saanen com peso de abate de 30,1 ± 0,27 kg, para avaliar as características quantitativas da carcaça e qualitativas do lombo e da paleta. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 2 × 3 (grupo racial × rações). As rações foram constituídas pela inclusão de levedura seca, sendo: farelo de soja, farelo de soja + levedura seca ou levedura seca. Os demais ingredientes das rações foram o feno de aveia (30% da MS), milho moído e mistura mineral. Os pesos de carcaça quente e de carcaça fria, as perdas de peso por resfriamento, o rendimento verdadeiro de carcaça e o índice de compacidade de carcaça não foram influenciados pela inclusão da levedura seca nem pelo grupo racial. O grupo Saanen apresentou maior rendimento comercial de carcaça, porém 15 dias a mais de idade para atingir o peso de abate. Os rendimentos de cortes não foram influenciados, porém ocorreu interação significativa para rendimento de paleta. A levedura seca e o grupo racial não influenciaram as medidas do lombo, a razão músculo:osso, as perdas de peso por cocção, a força de cisalhamento e a composição centesimal. Houve interação significativa entre a inclusão da levedura seca nas rações e o grupo racial para a proporção de músculo do lombo, que foi maior no grupo ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen. Na paleta, a inclusão de levedura seca e o grupo racial não alteraram as proporções de músculo, gordura, teor de proteína e cinzas. Entretanto, no grupo Saanen, a proporção de osso e o teor de umidade foram maiores e teor de lipídios totais menor. O grupo ¾ Boer + ¼ Saanen apresentou maior precocidade. A levedura seca é uma fonte proteica alternativa que pode ser incluída em rações para cabritos