18,280 research outputs found

    Entre experiencia y estructura : sufrimiento social, identidades colectivas y justicia en Iris Marion Young

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    This paper analyzes the role of phenomenology in Iris Marion Young's model of critical theory through a discussion of the different strategies she mobilizes in articulating the notions of identity and social collectivities in Justice and the Politics of Difference (1990) and Inclusion and Democracy (2000). By reconstructing the debate Young had with Nancy Fraser during the 1990s, we seek to demonstrate that, although Fraser mischaracterizes Justice and Politics of Difference as representative of the “cultural turn” in social theory, her criticisms can illuminate some of the tensions and shortcomings of the text. Moreover, we argue that the emphasis in a structural-analytical strategy of argumentation, characteristic of Young's later work, can be traced back to the contentions formulated by Fraser. Nonetheless, it is sustained in a final step that Young never completely abdicated the phenomenological approach as a tool for social criticism. Although the argument of Inclusion and Democracy is developed primarily in a structural way, Young repeatedly mobilizes the experiences of social suffering and the demands for justice voiced by social movements as the basis of her large scale democratic proposals.Este artículo analiza el papel de la fenomenología en el modelo de la teoría crítica de Iris Marion Young a través de una discusión de las diferentes estrategias que utiliza para articular las nociones de identidad y colectividades sociales en La justicia y la política de la diferencia (1990) y en Inclusion and Democracy (2000). Al reconstruir el debate que Young tuvo con Nancy Fraser durante la década de los 90, buscamos demostrar que, aunque Fraser malinterpreta La justicia y la política de la diferencia como representante del “giro cultural” en la teoría social, sus críticas pueden iluminar algunas de las tensiones y defectos del texto. Además, sostenemos que el énfasis en una estrategia estructural-analítica de la argumentación, característica del trabajo posterior de Young, puede rastrearse hasta los argumentos formulados por Fraser. Sin embargo, se sostiene en un paso final que Young nunca abdicó completamente del enfoque fenomenológico como herramienta para la crítica social. Aunque el argumento de Inclusion and Democracy es desarrollado principalmente de manera estructural, Young utiliza repetidamente las experiencias de sufrimiento social y las demandas de justicia expresadas por movimientos sociales como base de sus propuestas democráticas a gran escala

    SKot: A web-based Structured Code Editor for introductory programming in Kotlin

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    The use of Structured Code Editors such as Scratch for introduction to programing, especially at a younger age is prevalent in modern education systems. Transitioning to text-based editors sometimes proves to be challenging for beginners especially when it comes to learning the syntax of a modern language. This work goes into the research on Structured Code Editors and delves into the implementation of a Projectional Editor that presents the code to the user as it would appear in a text-based editor in a modern programing language such as Kotlin, while preserving syntactical correctness during edits. A web-based editor, named SKot for Structured Kotlin was implemented using JavaScript (JSON, React and Redux). A technique for implementing the Projectional Editor using these technologies is described in detail. Then, SKot is compared to other modern code editors and further work is proposed to improve it.O uso de Editores Estruturados de Código como o Scratch para introdução à programação, especialmente em idades mais jovens, é prevalente nos sistemas de educação modernos. A transição para editores de código baseados em texto pode ser desafiante para iniciantes, principalmente no que diz respeito à aprendizagem da sintaxe de uma linguagem moderna. Este trabalho explora a investigação atual sobre Editores Estruturados de Código e explica a implementação de um Editor Projecional que apresenta o código ao utilizador com a mesma aparência que teria num editor de texto numa linguagem de programação moderna, como Kotlin, enquanto preserva a correção sintática durante edições. Um editor no web browser, chamado SKot (Structured Kotlin), foi implementado usando JavaScript (JSON, React e Redux). Uma técnica para implementar o Editor Projecional usando estas tecnologias é descrita em detalhe. Por fim, o SKot é comparado com outros editores de código modernos e descreve-se trabalho futuro relativo a melhoramentos no mesmo

    Impacts of neonicotinoids to soil invertebrates

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    Polaron dynamics with impurities in conjugated polymers

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    We study the charge transport by polarons in conjugated polymers in the presence of impurities. The effects on the polaron motion due to the symmetry of the chain is considered. The polaron dynamics in doped conjugated polymers is numerically studied using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model combined with the Pariser-Parr- Pople (PPP) model modified to include an external electric field and the Brazovskii-Kirova (BK) symmetry breaking interaction. The time dependent Hartree-Fock approximation is used. The electric field is used to accelerate the polaron in a polymer chain. Polaron trapped by the impurity and polaron-impurity collisions are considered. When the polaron-structure is around the impurity site a charge oscillation can be observed. Nevertheless, when there are collisions between the polaron and the impurity, the polaron-structure can pass, be trapped or be reflected. These effects are determined by the strength of the radical parameter and by the electric field intensity. The effects on the polaron are analyzed and an effective potential is determined. Therefore, the effective potential determines the polaron behavior for each case, as the polaron pass, or it is trapped or reflected by an impurity

    The Role of Information Systems in Human Resource Management

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    Over the last years, human resource management (HRM) has experienced significant transformations. The focus has passed from the administrative management tasks to becoming a strategic partner of the overall organization strategy, largely with the strong support of information technologies’ evolution in this field of knowledge area. The extended use of information systems has a deep effect in the way HRM is managed nowadays. It boosted a major transformation of human resources (HR) processes and practices within organizations, namely on how they collect, store, use, and share information. Several HRM processes have become more efficient and the impact of this service level improvement allowed a greater involvement of HR in the business strategy. This new role in business strategy adds significant changes to HR function and to its professionals. Along this chapter, we discuss the effects of information systems in HRM, considering the existing literature on the topic, and describe the benefits and possible limitations of using them. We also provide an overview of some applications of technology in functional areas of HRM, within organizations