524 research outputs found

    Assessment of Swedish snus for tobacco harm reduction: an epidemiological modelling study

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    BACKGROUND: Swedish snus is a smokeless tobacco product that has been suggested as a tobacco harm reduction product. Our aim was to assess the potential population health effects of snus. METHODS: We assessed the potential population health effects of snus in Australia with multistate life tables to estimate the difference in health-adjusted life expectancy between people who have never been smokers and various trajectories of tobacco use, including switching from smoking to snus use; and the potential for net population-level harm given different rates of snus uptake by current smokers, ex-smokers, and people who have never smoked. FINDINGS: There was little difference in health-adjusted life expectancy between smokers who quit all tobacco and smokers who switch to snus (difference of 0.1-0.3 years for men and 0.1-0.4 years for women). For net harm to occur, 14-25 ex-smokers would have to start using snus to offset the health gain from every smoker who switched to snus rather than continuing to smoke. Likewise, 14-25 people who have never smoked would need to start using snus to offset the health gain from every new tobacco user who used snus rather than smoking. INTERPRETATION: Current smokers who switch to using snus rather than continuing to smoke can realise substantial health gains. Snus could produce a net benefit to health at the population level if it is adopted in sufficient numbers by inveterate smokers. Relaxing current restrictions on the sale of snus is more likely to produce a net benefit than harm, with the size of the benefit dependent on how many inveterate smokers switch to snus

    Masters in Serious Games Curriculum Framework

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    Thin, A. G., Lim, T., Louchart, S., De Gloria, A., Mayer, I., Kickmeier-Rust, M., Klamma, R., VeltKamp, R., Arnab, S., Bellotti, F., Boyle, L., Prada, R., Westera, W., Nadolski, R., & Abbas Petersen, S. (2013). Masters in Serious Games Curriculum Framework. Deliverable 5.3 of the Games and Learning Alliance Network of Excellence. Available at http://www.seriousgamessociety.org/download/SGMastersFwk.pdf.This report outlines a European Masters of Science programme on serious gaming.This report is a deliverable of the GALA project, which is sponsored by the the FP7 Programme of the European Commissio

    Assessment of Swedish snus for tobacco harm reduction: technical appendix

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    This technical appendix details the methods used in an assessment of the potential of snus for tobacco harm reduction using simulation modelling

    The global burden attributable to low bone mineral density

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    Introduction: The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 estimated the worldwide health burden of 291 diseases and injuries and 67 risk factors by calculating disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Osteoporosis was not considered as a disease, and bone mineral density (BMD) was analysed as a risk factor for fractures, which formed part of the health burden due to falls. Objectives: To calculate (1) the global distribution of BMD, (2) its population attributable fraction (PAF) for fractures and subsequently for falls, and (3) the number of DALYs due to BMD. Methods: A systematic review was performed seeking population-based studies in which BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the femoral neck in people aged 50 years and over. Age- and sex-specific mean ± SD BMD values (g/cm2) were extracted from eligible studies. Comparative risk assessment methodology was used to calculate PAFs of BMD for fractures. The theoretical minimum risk exposure distribution was estimated as the age- and sex-specific 90th centile from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Relative risks of fractures were obtained from a previous meta-analysis. Hospital data were used to calculate the fraction of the health burden of falls that was due to fractures. Results: Global deaths and DALYs attributable to low BMD increased from 103 000 and 3 125 000 in 1990 to 188 000 and 5 216 000 in 2010, respectively. The percentage of low BMD in the total global burden almost doubled from 1990 (0.12%) to 2010 (0.21%). Around one-third of falls-related deaths were attributable to low BMD. Conclusions: Low BMD is responsible for a growing global health burden, only partially representative of the real burden of osteoporosis

    La política antidrogas: nuevos horizontes de cambio en el control de la oferta y la demanda

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    96 p.De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, 1994) una sustancia o droga psicoactiva es aquella que, al ingerirse, afecta procesos mentales, como la cognición o la memoria. El término es asemejado generalmente con el de psicotrópico y ambas expresiones refieren al grupo de sustancias, legales e ilegales, de interés para la política en materia de drogas. En general, la literatura refiere con el término psicotrópico, a medicamentos utilizados principalmente en el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales, como los ansiolíticos, sedantes, antidepresivos, anti maníacos y neurolépticos. Bajo la categoría de sustancias psicotrópicas se encuentran los estupefacientes, acepción utilizada para referirse a sustancias cuya acción sedante, analgésica, narcótica y euforizante puede conducir al acostumbramiento y a la toxicomanía, por lo cual tienen un elevado potencial de abuso y / o dependencia psíquica/física. Entre ellos, se cuentan los estimulantes -cocaína, cafeína, nicotina-, los alucinógenos -Peyote y Psilocybes, los opiáceos -morfina, heroína-, y los sedantes/hipnóticos -alcohol- (OMS, 1994).Prólogo Introducción Capítulo 1. El panorama global: evolución reciente del fenómeno del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas Capítulo 2. La junta internacional de fiscalización de estupefacientes y la eficacia de la política antidrogas: el caso colombiano Capítulo 3. Hacia nuevos horizontes del análisis de política antidrogas Conclusiones Bibliografí