13,540 research outputs found

    Tabletop Role-Playing Games and Social Skills in Young Adults

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    This paper explores the relationship between playing tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) and the creativity, self-efficacy, and social skills of the players. Eighty-five people ages 18-25 were surveyed on their perceived levels of these three variables, as well as how often they played TTRPGs. Responses of those who did play TTRPGs were compared with results of those who did not play TTRPGs. A statistically significant positive correlation was identified in all participants between creativity and self-efficacy, creativity and social skills, and self-efficacy and social skills. Participants who played TTRPGs scored statistically significantly higher in measures of creativity than participants who did not play TTRPGs. There was no statistically significant difference in the two groups in terms of self-efficacy or social skills. These findings, along with previous studies concentrating on possible benefits of TTRPGs, suggest that there is a strong relationship between creativity and playing TTRPGs, and further investigation into ways TTRPGs could be implemented in the treatment of autistic patients are warranted

    Linfield College: Study Abroad in Ecuador

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    This letter from returnee Lily Niland explains the value of studying abroad in Ecuador

    Forest edges enhance mate-finding in the European gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar

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    Understanding movement capabilities of individuals within a landscape is essential to identifying the effects of habitat boundaries on species abundances, ranges, and spread rates. Movement barriers due to habitat fragmentation may reduce mate-finding ability in some species, particularly in heterogeneous landscapes containing low-density populations. This study focuses on the effects of habitat type and edge on mate-finding in an invasive defoliator, the European gypsy moth. Adult European gypsy moth males locate mates by following pheromones released by flightless females. Reduced mate-finding was expected in fields and near forest edges based on geographic variation in invasion rates and pheromone plume dynamics. A male release-recapture experiment using female-baited traps in fields, at forest edges, and in the forest interior showed that mate-finding was highest at forest edges, reduced in fields, and lowest within the forest interior. This suggests that forest edges and moderate habitat fragmentation enhance mate-finding in the gypsy moth


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    MAGISTER EPIDEMIOLOGI KONSENTRASI EPIDEMIOLOGI KESEHATAN PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO SEMARANG 2008 ABSTRAK LILY KRESNOWATI FAKTOR-FAKTOR INTERNAL DAN EKSTERNAL YANG MEMPENGARUHI KETIDAKBERHASILAN PENGENDALIAN STATUS GLIKEMIK PADA DM TIPE II (STUDI KASUS DI TPK YAKES TELKOM AREA JATENG DAN DIY) Latar Belakang : Pengendalian status glikemik pada diabetisi yang tidak adekuat sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan mayor di berbagai negara, bahkan Amerika (AS) sekalipun. Yang dimaksud dengan pengendalian status glikemik adalah kadar HbA1c berada dalam batas yang ditentukan oleh konsensus yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi ketidakberhasilan pengendalian status glikemik. Metode penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan studi epidemiologi observasional analitik dengan desain kasus-kontrol. Kasus adalah pasien rawat jalan di TPK dan TPK Khusus yang telah didiagnosis dokter sebagai pasien DMT2 dengan hasil pemeriksaan HbA1c rata-rata 6 bulan terakhir, tergolong status glikemik tak terkendali (HbA1c > 8%). Adapun kontrol adalah penderita DMT2 dengan status glikemik terkendali (HbA1c < 8 %). Analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 15.0 meliputi analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan uji X2 (Chi-Square) dan X2 linier for trends, serta analisis multivariat dengan uji Multiple Logistic Regression metode Backward Conditional. Hasil Penelitian : Analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap ketidakberhasilan pengendalian status glikemi, yaitu : Edukasi Dokter/Internist yang tidak adekuat (OR Adjusted = 8,35 ; 95% CI : 2,72 – 25,61), Sikap yang negatif (OR = 7,28 ; 95% CI : 2,01 – 26,32), Praktik yang tidak baik (OR = 4,55; 95% CI : 1,60– 12,93), dan Kebiasaan Olah Raga yang Tidak Baik (OR = 8,90; 95% CI : 3,17 – 24,99). Individu dengan faktor-faktor tersebut di atas memiliki probabilitas untuk tidak berhasil mengendalikan status glikemik sebesar 99,23 %. Adapun faktor-faktor yang tidak terbukti mempengaruhi ketidakberhasilan pengendalian status glikemik adalah Tingkat Pendidikan, Status Sosioekonomi, Edukasi Ahli Gizi, Pengetahuan, Pengaturan Diet, Obesitas, Pola Minum Obat dan Depresi. Kesimpulan : Edukasi Dokter/Internist yang tidak adekuat , Sikap yang negatif, Praktik yang tidak baik dan Kebiasaan Olah Raga yang tidak baik terbukti mempengaruhi ketidakberhasilan pengendalian status glikemik Kata Kunci : Studi Kasus-Kontrol, Status glikemik, Pengendalian Kepustakaan : 73 (1990-2008) PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com MASTER’S DEGREE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY CONSENTRATION OF HEALTH EPIDEMIOLOGY POST GRADUATE PROGRAM OF DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY SEMARANG 2008 ABSTRACT LILY KRESNOWATI INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS THAT AFFECTING UNSUCCESFUL GLYCEMIC CONTROL IN TYPE II DM (CASE STUDY AT TPK YAKES TELKOM AREA JATENG & DIY) Background : Inadequacy of glycemic control in diabetes still becoming major health problems in many country, even in United States of America (US). Controlled glycemic status means that the level of HbA1c is within boundaries set by Consensus on Diabetes. This research is aimed to find out what are internal and external factors that affecting glycemic control in type II diabetes. Methods : This research is observational analytic epidemiological study using Case-Control design. Cases are outpatients in TPK and TPK Khusus which had been diagnosed as Type II diabetician with average HbA1c of the last 6 months classified as uncontrolled (HbA1c > 8%), and Controls are those with average HbA1c controlled (HbA1c < 8%). Datas are analyzed by SPSS Program version 15.0 including univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using X2 (Chi-Square test) and X2 linier for trends, and multivariate analysis using Multiple logistic regression with Backward conditional method. Results : Multivariate analysis shows that factors which proved to affect glycemic control are : Inadequate Education from Doctor/Internist (OR Adjusted = 8,35 ; 95% CI : 2,72 – 25,62), Negative Attitude (OR = 7,28; 95% CI : 2,02 – 26,31), Bad Practice (OR = 4,55; 95% CI: 1,60 – 12,93), and Inadequate Exercises (OR = 8,90; 95% CI : 3,17 – 24,99). Individual with those factors has probability to unsuccesful glycemic control up to 99,23%. Factors which are not proved to affect glycemic control are : Level of Education, Socioeconomic status, Education from Nutritionist, Knowledge, Dietetic Arrangements, Drug-taking Patterns, Obesity, and Depression. Conclusion : Factors that proved to affect unsuccessful glycemic control are : Inadequate Education from Doctor/Internist, Negative Attitude, Bad Practice, and Inadequate Exercises. Keywords : Case-Control, Glycemic status, Control Bibliography : 73 (1990 – 2008) PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.co

    Letter from the Editor

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    A summary of the first issue of New and Dangerous Ideas

    Farm to Restaurant: Exploring the Availability of Locally Grown Food and Obstacles to Its Use in Seacoast New Hampshire Restaurants

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    The United States is among the top agricultural producers in the world in total revenue, behind onlyChina and India. As of recently there has been an important trend toward buying and using locally grown food in New England. This project focuses on local food use in restaurants in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire. The research takes into account theperspectives of all members of the marketing chain and seeks to identify what information these individuals are missing about the availability of local food products as well as the purchasing habits of restaurants. To carry out our research my research partner and I conducted an interview-based survey of local restaurants. The results showed a wide range of behavior across restaurants in regards to purchasing decisions. We hope our findings will facilitate better communication between all members of the marketing chain and make local food more available to consumers at restaurants
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