215 research outputs found

    Will [email protected] get the Job Done? An Analysis of Employees\u27 Email Usernames, Turnover, and Job Performance

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    The job application process is changing, so personal identifiers, such as email usernames are becoming a potential source of information on job applicants. Previous research presented in this paper shows people do not randomly choose their email, but it is a reflection of their personality. Blackhurst, Congemi, Meyer, and Sachau (2011) found email usernames could also explain some differences in pre-employment assessment measures. The present study coded 16,258 email usernames using the coding scheme developed by Blackhurst et al. (2011). Using tenure, termination, and job performance data provided by a large multinational customer service organization, the present study would examine the relationship between email usernames, tenure, voluntary termination, and performance. There was no significant relationship between email username and performance or tenure; however, participants with unprofessional usernames were more likely to leave the company for a negative reason than if there was no relationship between the variables

    Den profesjonelle førskolelærer

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    Forskningsresultater fra USA sier at hvordan selve overgangen fra barnehage til skole blir gjennomført, har betydning for barnets videre skolegang. Slike overganger som dette betegnes som sårbare faser som legger føringer for barnets selvbilde og mestring videre. (Berge, Alvestad, 2007). Når forskning viser til at barn ofte kan være sårbare i overgangen til skole, synes jeg det er viktig at barnehagen fokuserer på å forberede barnet godt. Jeg har valgt temaet fordi det er en veldig viktig del av barnehagens arbeid. Barnet trenger god forberedelse til det skal begynne på skolen og det at barnet føler at det er en sammenheng mellom 4 barnehage og skole kan bidra til å gi barna en trygghetsfølelse. På bakgrunn av at barnet trenger å forberede seg til overgangen til skole har jeg kommet fram til problemstillingen ”Hvordan oppfatter førskolelærere sitt ansvar i overgangen fra barnehage til skole? Hvordan legges det til rette for å forberede barna på overgangen?

    Development of a nutrition knowledge questionnaire for obese adults

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    The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire for assessing nutritional knowledge among overweight adults. The questionnaire should reveal knowledge about current dietary recommendations, sources of nutrients, everyday food choices, and conditions related to overweight.The first draft of the nutrition knowledge questionnaire (113 items) was based on literature review. To ensure content validity and expert-assessed face validity, an expert panel examined the questionnaire. Thereafter, the questionnaire was tested for user friendliness and ambiguity by five students. The questionnaire was pilot tested in a group of obese adults, similar to the target group. The results were analyzed for item difficulty and internal consistency and comments made by respondents were taken into account. Two student groups, differing in nutritional expertise, answered the questionnaire on two occasions to test construct validity and test–retest reliability. After the retest, a total overview of the questionnaire was made by the expert panel. The final questionnaire consisted of 91 items.The pilot study was conducted in obese adults waiting for a gastric bypass operation (n=33). Construct validity (n=34) and test–retest reliability (n=27) was tested in two student groups: public health nutrition students and construction students.Results from the pilot study showed that internal consistency of the three first sections together was 0.84, measured by Cronbach's α. Test of construct validity showed that public health nutrition students scored significantly better than construction students (p<0.001 for all sections), and test–retest reliability for all sections together was 0.82 (Pearson's r).The knowledge questionnaire had reasonable content-, face-, and construct validities and overall good reliability. The questionnaire can be a useful tool for measuring nutrition knowledge among obese adults

    Evaluation of a short food frequency questionnaire used among Norwegian children

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate a short food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) against a four-day precoded food diary (PFD) with regard to frequency of food intake among Norwegian 9- and 13-year-olds.A total of 733 9-year-olds and 904 13-year-olds completed first a short FFQ and one to two weeks later a four-day PFD. The short FFQ included questions about 23 food items, including different drinks, fruits, vegetables, bread, fish, pizza, sweets, chocolate and savoury snacks. The PFD covered the whole diet.When comparing mean intake from the PFD with comparable food items in the FFQ, all food items showed that increasing intake measured with the PFD corresponded with increasing intake with the short FFQ. However, participants reported a significantly higher frequency of intake for most foods with the short FFQ compared with PFD, except for soft drinks with sugar and sweets. The median Spearman correlation coefficient between the two methods was 0.36 among the 9-year-olds and 0.32 among the 13-year-olds. Often eaten foods such as fruits and vegetables had higher correlations than seldom eaten foods such as pizza and potato chips. The median correlation coefficients for drinks alone were higher (r=0.47) for both age groups.Results indicate that the short FFQ was able to identify high and low consumers of food intake and had a moderate capability to rank individuals according to food intake. Drinks, fruits and vegetables had better correlations with the PFD than infrequently eaten food items

    Human dietary exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs through the consumption of Atlantic herring from fishing areas in the Norwegian Sea and Baltic Sea

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    The concentrations of dioxins [polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)], and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) in Atlantic herring depend on the fishing area. These substances originate from various anthropogenic sources and accumulate in the environment and in food. The influence of country-specific contaminant concentrations on human dietary exposure was studied exemplary for herring to show the influence of fish origin. PCDD/F and DL-PCB concentrations in herring from the Norwegian Sea and the Baltic Sea were combined with country-specific herring consumption. Herring concentrations showed geographical variation. For herring consumers, the 50th percentile dietary exposure to the total sum of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs amounted to 1.2 and 8.9 pg WHO-2005-TEQ/kg BW/week for Norway and Germany, respectively. The different exposure was mainly related to higher concentrations in herring from the Baltic Sea, rather than in herring from the Norwegian Sea. If contaminant concentrations are influenced by geographical origin, this should be integrated into the dietary exposure assessments. For herring, relevant fishing areas should be integrated into the sampling strategy to generate concentration data. The usage of country-specific data could refine exposure assessments.publishedVersio

    Assessment of dietary intake of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in relation to tolerable upper intake levels. Opinion of the Panel on Nutrition, Dietetic Products, Novel Food and Allergy of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. VKM report 2017:27

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    The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) has,at the request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet; NFSA), assessed the intake of niacin in the Norwegian population. NFSA has also requested that VKM conduct scenario calculations to illustrate the consequences of establishing separate maximum limits for nicotinic acid(1, 4, 8 or 10 mg/day)and nicotinamide (100, 500, 700 or 900mg/day)in food supplements, by assessing these scenarios against existing tolerable upper intake levels (ULs).The current maximum limit for niacin added to food supplements is 32mg/day, including nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and inositol hexanicotinate.publishedVersio