37 research outputs found

    PPARs Mediate Lipid Signaling in Inflammation and Cancer

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    Lipid mediators can trigger physiological responses by activating nuclear hormone receptors, such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs, in turn, control the expression of networks of genes encoding proteins involved in all aspects of lipid metabolism. In addition, PPARs are tumor growth modifiers, via the regulation of cancer cell apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation, and through their action on the tumor cell environment, namely, angiogenesis, inflammation, and immune cell functions. Epidemiological studies have established that tumor progression may be exacerbated by chronic inflammation. Here, we describe the production of the lipids that act as activators of PPARs, and we review the roles of these receptors in inflammation and cancer. Finally, we consider emerging strategies for therapeutic intervention

    Functions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) in skin homeostasis

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    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) are ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. Three isotypes (PPARα, PPARβ or δ, and PPARγ) with distinct tissue distributions and cellular functions have been found in vertebrates. All three PPAR isotypes are expressed in rodent and human skin. They were initially investigated for a possible function in the establishment of the permeability barrier in skin because of their known function in lipid metabolism in other cell types. In vitro studies using specific PPAR agonists and in vivo gene disruption approaches in mice indeed suggest an important contribution of PPARα in the formation of the epidermal barrier and in sebocyte differentiation. The PPARγ isotype plays a role in stimulating sebocyte development and lipogenesis, but does not appear to contribute to epidermal tissue differentiation. The third isotype, PPARβ, regulates the late stages of sebaceous cell differentiation, and is the most effective isotype in stimulating lipid production in these cells, both in rodents and in humans. In addition, PPARβ activation has pro-differentiating effects in kera-tinocytes under normal and inflammatory conditions. Finally, preliminary studies also point to a potential role of PPAR in hair follicle growth and in melanocyte differentiation. By their diverse biological effects on cell proliferation and differentiation in the skin, PPAR agonists or antagonists may offer interesting oppotunities for the treatment of various skin disorders characterized by inflammation, cell hyperproliferation, and aberrant differentiatio

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ activation inhibits hypertrophy in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

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    Objective: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) is the predominant PPAR subtype in cardiac cells and plays a prominent role in the regulation of cardiac lipid metabolism. However, the role of PPARβ/δ activators in cardiac hypertrophy is not yet known. Methods and Results: In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, the selective PPARβ/δ activator L-165041 (10 μmol/L) inhibited phenylephrine (PE)-induced protein synthesis ([3H]leucine uptake), induction of the fetal-type gene atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and cardiac myocyte size. Induction of cardiac hypertrophy by PE stimulation also led to a reduction in the transcript levels of both muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase (50%, P<0.05) and pyruvatedehydrogenase kinase 4 (30%, P<0.05), and these changes were reversed in the presence of the PPARβ/δ agonist L-165041. Stimulation of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with PE and embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enhanced the expression of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB-target gene monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1). The induction of MCP-1 was reduced in the presence of L-165041, suggesting that this compound prevented NF-κB activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that L-165041 significantly decreased LPS-stimulated NF-κB binding activity in H9c2 myotubes. Finally, coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that L-165041 strongly enhanced the physical interaction between PPARβ/δ and the p65 subunit of NF-κB, suggesting that increased association between these two proteins is the mechanism responsible for antagonizing NF-κB activation by PPARβ/δ activators. Conclusion: These results suggest that PPARβ/δ activation inhibits PE-induced cardiac hypertrophy and LPS-induced NF-κB activatio

    Impaired skin wound healing in peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPAR)α and PPARβ mutant mice

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    We show here that the α, β, and γ isotypes of peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPAR) are expressed in the mouse epidermis during fetal development and that they disappear progressively from the interfollicular epithelium after birth. Interestingly, PPARα and β expression is reactivated in the adult epidermis after various stimuli, resulting in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation such as tetradecanoylphorbol acetate topical application, hair plucking, or skin wound healing. Using PPARα, β, and γ mutant mice, we demonstrate that PPARα and β are important for the rapid epithelialization of a skin wound and that each of them plays a specific role in this process. PPARα is mainly involved in the early inflammation phase of the healing, whereas PPARβ is implicated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation. In addition and very interestingly, PPARβ mutant primary keratinocytes show impaired adhesion and migration properties. Thus, the findings presented here reveal unpredicted roles for PPARα and β in adult mouse epidermal repair

    Identification of a novel PPARβ/δ/miR-21-3p axis in UV-induced skin inflammation.

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    Although excessive exposure to UV is widely recognized as a major factor leading to skin perturbations and cancer, the complex mechanisms underlying inflammatory skin disorders resulting from UV exposure remain incompletely characterized. The nuclear hormone receptor PPARβ/δ is known to control mouse cutaneous repair and UV-induced skin cancer development. Here, we describe a novel PPARβ/δ-dependent molecular cascade involving TGFβ1 and miR-21-3p, which is activated in the epidermis in response to UV exposure. We establish that the passenger miRNA miR-21-3p, that we identify as a novel UV-induced miRNA in the epidermis, plays a pro-inflammatory function in keratinocytes and that its high level of expression in human skin is associated with psoriasis and squamous cell carcinomas. Finally, we provide evidence that inhibition of miR-21-3p reduces UV-induced cutaneous inflammation in ex vivo human skin biopsies, thereby underlining the clinical relevance of miRNA-based topical therapies for cutaneous disorders

    Regulation of epithelial–mesenchymal IL-1 signaling by PPARβ/δ is essential for skin homeostasis and wound healing

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    Skin morphogenesis, maintenance, and healing after wounding require complex epithelial–mesenchymal interactions. In this study, we show that for skin homeostasis, interleukin-1 (IL-1) produced by keratinocytes activates peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) expression in underlying fibroblasts, which in turn inhibits the mitotic activity of keratinocytes via inhibition of the IL-1 signaling pathway. In fact, PPARβ/δ stimulates production of the secreted IL-1 receptor antagonist, which leads to an autocrine decrease in IL-1 signaling pathways and consequently decreases production of secreted mitogenic factors by the fibroblasts. This fibroblast PPARβ/δ regulation of the IL-1 signaling is required for proper wound healing and can regulate tumor as well as normal human keratinocyte cell proliferation. Together, these findings provide evidence for a novel homeostatic control of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation mediated via PPARβ/δ regulation in dermal fibroblasts of IL-1 signaling. Given the ubiquitous expression of PPARβ/δ, other epithelial–mesenchymal interactions may also be regulated in a similar manner

    Targeting Vascular NADPH Oxidase 1 Blocks Tumor Angiogenesis through a PPARα Mediated Mechanism

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    Reactive oxygen species, ROS, are regulators of endothelial cell migration, proliferation and survival, events critically involved in angiogenesis. Different isoforms of ROS-generating NOX enzymes are expressed in the vasculature and provide distinct signaling cues through differential localization and activation. We show that mice deficient in NOX1, but not NOX2 or NOX4, have impaired angiogenesis. NOX1 expression and activity is increased in primary mouse and human endothelial cells upon angiogenic stimulation. NOX1 silencing decreases endothelial cell migration and tube-like structure formation, through the inhibition of PPARα, a regulator of NF-κB. Administration of a novel NOX-specific inhibitor reduced angiogenesis and tumor growth in vivo in a PPARα dependent manner. In conclusion, vascular NOX1 is a critical mediator of angiogenesis and an attractive target for anti-angiogenic therapies

    The Role of Lipid Mediators in the Phathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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    Guiding ligands to nuclear receptors.

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    Retinoic acid-the active metabolite of vitamin A-influences biological processes by activating the retinoic acid receptor (RAR). In this issue, Schug et al. (2007) demonstrate that retinoic acid also activates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta). Remarkably, retinoic acid signaling through RAR or PPARbeta/delta-which depends on cytoplasmic retinoic acid transporters-commits the cell to opposite fates, apoptosis or survival, respectively