4 research outputs found

    Computational modelling of voice propagation around the human head using finite element method

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    V první části diplomové práce je stručně uvedena biomechanika tvorby lidského hlasu a přehled doposud publikovaných výpočtových modelů vokálního traktu a šíření akustických vln okolo hlavy člověka. Druhá část práce se zabývá vytvořením výpočtového modelu šíření akustických vln vokálním traktem a dále do prostoru okolo hlavy při fonaci české samohlásky /a:/. Vokální trakt je buzen v místě hlasivek harmonickým signálem. Na povrchu vokálního traktu, části hlavy zahrnující vlasy a kůži je definována akustická absorpce. Je detailně zmapováno šíření akustických vln ve vokálním traktu, v blízkém poli v okolí úst, v prostoru okolo hlavy a v bodech na tvářích. Šíření akustických vln je analyzováno v bodech, ve kterých bývají umisťovány mikrofony pro snímání řeči. Jsou získány závislosti akustického tlaku na frekvenci, přenosové funkce mezi definovanými body a amplitudy akustických tlaků v závislosti na vzdálenosti od úst. Pozoruje se zejména frekvenční zkreslení spekter v uvedených bodech. Dále je vyhodnocena vyzařovací impedance v oblasti úst. Získané výsledky jsou srovnány s doposud publikovanými výsledky experimentálního měření a mohou sloužit pro potřeby přesného měření lidského hlasu nebo pro frekvenční korekci mikrofonů při snímání řeči a zpěvu umístěných v analyzovaných bodech.In the first part of this master's thesis there is briefly presented the biomechanics of the human voice creation and an overview of the hitherto published computational models of the vocal tract and dissemination of the acoustic waves around the human head. The second part of the thesis deals with the creation of the computational model of a dissemination of the acoustic waves through vocal tract and further into a space around the head during the pronouncing of the Czech vowel /a:/. The vocal tract is excited by a harmonic signal in the place of vocal chords. On the surface of the vocal tract and the part of the head including hair and skin there is defined an acoustic absorption. The dissemination of the acoustic waves in the vocal tract, in the near field around the mouth, in the area around the head and in the points on the cheeks is detailed mapped. The dissemination of the acoustic waves is analyzed in the points where the speech microphones are placed. Acoustic pressure dependence on frequency, transmission functions between defined points and the acoustic pressure amplitudes depending on the distance from the mouth are obtained. In particular, the frequency distortion of the spectra is observed at the points indicated. Furthermore, the radiation impedance in the mouth area is evaluated. The results obtained are compared with the results of the hitherto published experimental measurements and can be used for the exact measurement of human voice or for the frequency correction of the microphones during the scann of the speech and sing placced in the analyzed points.

    Prevalence of Low Back Pain and Associated Factors in Older Adults: Amazonia Brazilian Community Study

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    To investigate the prevalence of low back pain (LBP) and associated factors in the older adult Amazonia Brazilian community, a cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate 700 participants that were ≥60 years old. Pain intensity and functional disability were assessed using the Numerical Pain Scale and the Roland Morris Questionnaire, respectively, and their sociodemographic, clinical, and behavior variables were collected, i.e., age, sex, education level, socioeconomic level, anthropometric measurements, physical activity, health perception, and emotional state. The punctual prevalence rates of LBP were 42.4% (95% CI: 38.2–46.6%), and for the last 365 days, these prevalence rates were 93.7% (95% CI: 91.3–95.6%), the mean pain and functional disability scores were 6.17 ± 2.13 and 11.30 ± 6.07, and the moderate-to-severe disability was 39.7%. Pain and functional disability were associated with sex, chronic diseases, body mass index (BMI), physical activity level, health perception, and emotional level. In conclusion, the prevalence of LBP was high (for both punctual and the last 365 days), but the variables associated with being female, fewer years of schooling, sedentary behavior, diseases related to diet and the cardiovascular system, and impaired emotional levels had a higher level LBP, even though they considered themselves in good health. These findings can aid with coordinated efforts from government and health professionals to help manage and promote the prevention of LBP by considering the older adult population’s needs in the state of Amazonas

    A pintura corporal como recurso metodológico para o ensino da anatomia humana para estudantes de medicina da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil

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    The teaching of human anatomy has under gone many changes, mainly in alternative advent of perspective to reduce the use of formaldehyde in practical classes. The objective of this study is to report the experience of a teacher of the Federal University of Amazonas, on the use of body painting as a methodological resource for teaching human anatomy to medical students. The similarities between body art and the anatomical structures were significant because the students had to take into account the actual proportions of the structures, the origins and path ways of nerves, muscles and vessels. The making of this material takes into account the academic insight into the relationship knowing the structure with its topographical location. The proposed explanation also required indepth study of the content. It is expected that the results may contribute to the process of knowledge construction combined with medical practice.O ensino de anatomia humana tem passado por muitas transformações, principalmente, na perspectiva do advento de alternativas para diminuir o uso do formol nas aulas práticas. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência de um docente da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, sobre a utilização da pintura corporal como recurso metodológico para o ensino da anatomia humana para os estudantes de medicina. As semelhanças entre a arte corporal e as estruturas anatômicas foram significativas, pois os estudantes tiveram que levar em consideração as reais proporções das estruturas, as origens e os trajetos dos nervos, músculos e vasos. A confecção desse tipo de material leva em consideração a perspicácia do acadêmico em saber relacionar a estrutura com sua localização topográfica. A proposta da explicação também exigiu o estudo aprofundado do conteúdo. Esperase que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir para o processo de construção do conhecimento aliado a prática médica