7 research outputs found

    Um estudo de caso da aplica??o da IN 11/FATMA 2014 em uma propriedade suin?cola do Oeste Catarinense

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    The Brazilian pig farming has developed a lot in the last years, mainly in the Southern region, where the concentration of family farming is greater. This region is also characterized by rugged reliefs that limit other production systems. The use of pig manure as fertilizer or even as waste is a routine in these properties and is often considered the only source of nutrient applied to the soil. Successive applications have become a major environmental problem, altering soil and water quality. Due to this fact, environmental agencies are increasingly worried and constantly looking for specific forms of control, one of which is the monitoring of phosphorus (P) levels in the soil, possible source of water pollution. The Environmental Foundation of the State of Santa Catarina (FATMA) included in its regulations and technical recommendations, through the Normative Instruction (NI) No. 11 of 2014, the Critical Environmental Limit of P (CEL-P) in soils. This document is used as a reference in the monitoring of soil quality to express the maximum content of P in soils that receive pig manure. In this case study, carried out on a pig farm located in Western Santa Catarina, which applies liquid pig manure in an area of 3.8 ha to more than 25 years, 20 samples were collected, analyzed and evaluated according to the recommendations found in the NI 11. About 65% of all the samples had P levels 20% above the CEL-P, in which FATMA recommends prohibiting the application of any source of phosphorus; 30% of the samples were considered at a level up to 20% above the CEL-P, where it is still possible to carry out P applications, but these are limited; and 5% of the samples did not reach the CEL-P. The behavior of P levels in the area did not suffer great influence of the slope on the displacement of P, provided that the slope of the area does not end where the studies were carried out.A suinocultura brasileira tem se desenvolvido muito nos ?ltimos anos, principalmente na Regi?o Sul, onde h? uma concentra??o de propriedades com m?o de obra familiar. Esta regi?o tamb?m ? caracterizada por relevos acidentados que limitam os demais sistemas de produ??o. O uso dos dejetos de su?nos como fertilizante ou mesmo como descarte ? rotineiro e, ? considerado muitas vezes a ?nica fonte de nutriente aplicada no solo. As aplica??es sucessivas tem se constitu?do um problema ambiental de grandes propor??es alterando a qualidade do solo e das ?guas. Devido isto, os ?rg?os ambientais est?o cada vez mais preocupados e buscam formas de controle cada vez mais espec?ficas, sendo que uma delas ? o monitoramento dos n?veis de f?sforo no solo, poss?vel fonte de polui??o das ?guas. A Funda??o do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Santa Catarina incluiu em suas regulamenta??es e recomenda??es t?cnicas, atrav?s da Instru??o Normativa N? 11 de 2014, o Limite Cr?tico Ambiental de F?sforo que ? a refer?ncia no monitoramento de qualidade do solo para expressar o teor m?ximo do nutriente P em solos que recebem aplica??o de dejetos de su?nos. Neste estudo de caso realizado em uma propriedade suin?cola do Oeste de Santa Catarina que procede a aplica??o de dejetos l?quidos de su?nos em uma ?rea de 3,8 ha ? mais de 25 anos, 20 amostras foram coletadas, analisadas e avaliadas de acordo as recomenda??es das IN 11, sendo que 65% das amostras se encontram com teores de P a mais de 20% acima do LCA-P, no qual o ?rg?o regulador recomenda a proibi??o de aplica??o de qualquer fonte de f?sforo; 30% das amostras s?o consideradas em n?vel at? 20% acima LCA-P, onde permite que ainda sejam realizadas aplica??es de P, por?m que estas sejam limitadas; e 5% das amostras n?o atingiram o LCA-P. A observa??o do comportamento dos n?veis de P na ?rea n?o expressaram grande influ?ncia da declividade sobre o deslocamento do P na ?rea, visto que a declividade da ?rea termina no rio e n?o somente onde foram realizados os estudos

    Representaciones sociales sobre calidad de vida en estudiantes de la carrera de nutrici贸n

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    Introducci贸n: Las representaciones sociales son un producto sociocultural; tienen la particularidad de no s贸lo ser pensamiento constituido, sino tambi茅n pensamiento constituyente; reflejan la realidad, pero del mismo modo la construyen. Sirven como marco de interpretaci贸n, orientando la conducta, e intervienen en la construcci贸n de la realidad, transformando el escenario en el que los acontecimientos tienen lugar.\ud \ud Objetivos:\ud -Caracterizar las representaciones sociales de los alumnos de segundo a帽o de la carrera de nutrici贸n sobre la calidad vida.\ud -Tipificar las representaciones vinculadas a la calidad\ud de vida, de acuerdo a dimensiones diferenciadas.\ud \ud Metodolog铆a utilizada: Estudio de car谩cter descriptivo y transversal, cuali-cuantitativo. Muestra intencional de 90 alumnos. Encuesta semiestructurada de car谩cter proyectivo.\ud \ud Resultados y Discusi贸n: Las representaciones de los estudiantes en relaci贸n a los aspectos m谩s significativos para una calidad de vida se centran en torno a salud (86 %), familia (70 %), alimentaci贸n (64 %), educaci贸n (64%), vivienda ( 63 %), dinero (60 %).\ud \ud Conclusiones: Las representaciones sociales en el caso analizado aluden, en primer t茅rmino, a elementos que se suponen decisivos para el bienestar del sujeto, como la educaci贸n, la salud, la vivienda y la alimentaci贸n. En un segundo lugar aparece la dimensi贸n psicosocial, espec铆ficamente con el plano interpersonal de los sujetos; as铆 se considera la familia como un eje importante. En 煤ltimo lugar las representaciones refieren a elementos de 铆ndole sociopol铆tico, como la participaci贸n social, la seguridad personal y el acceso a la informaci贸n. El grupo etario, el nivel socioecon贸mico y la carrera de pertenencia determinan las representaciones sociales de los estudiantes con respecto a la calidad de vida

    Higher education system in Argentina and Bolivia: a comparative analysis

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    Se realiza un an谩lisis comparativo de las pol铆ticas p煤blicas de educaci贸n superior en Argentina y Bolivia.Lo pol铆tico se expresa a trav茅s de diferentes dimensiones: se establece entonces una comparaci贸n entre los aspectos normativos, la consecuente estructura organizativa del sistema de educaci贸n superior y la expansi贸n del mismo en ambos pa铆ses.El an谩lisis se realiza enfatizando la importancia del contexto en la determinaci贸n de las pol铆ticas, desde una perspectiva social, cultural, econ贸mica y pol铆ticaEl enfoque de educaci贸n comparada que se utiliza se centra en un abordaje desde la teor铆a del conflicto por consider谩rsela superadora del enfoque racional, al abordar la realidad desde su multidimensionalidad.El sistema de educaci贸n superior de la Rep煤blica Argentina es binario (educaci贸n universitaria y educaci贸n superior no universitaria); el del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia comprende en su estructura cuatro niveles (Formaci贸n de Maestras y Maestros; T茅cnica y Tecnol贸gica; Art铆stica y Universitaria).En el caso argentino la ley que lo normaliza es del a帽o 1994 (pese a que el contexto pol铆tico actual presenta notables diferencias con el a帽o de sanci贸n de la misma); en Bolivia se sanciona en el a帽o 2010 la Ley 070, que representa los valores del grupo en ejercicio del poder actual.We performed a comparative analysis of public policies for higher education in Argentina and Bolivia.The policies are expressed through different dimensions: the normative aspects, the consequent organizational structure of the higher education system, and its expansion in both countries.The comparative analysis is done by emphasizing the importance of the context in determining the policies from a social, cultural, economic, and political perspective. The used comparative education is approached from the theory of conflict, which is recognized as going beyond the rational approach since the former addresses the reality from its multidimensionality.The higher education system of the Argentina Republic is binary (university education and non-university higher education); the one corresponding to the Plurinational State of Bolivia comprises four levels in its structure (Teacher Training, Technical and Technological, Artistic, and University).In the Argentine case, the law normalizing the education system is from 1994 (although the current political context differs markedly with that of 1994). In the case of Bolivia the law 070 is from 2010, which represents the values of the group in exercise of the current power

    Child sexual abuse in southern Brazil and associated factors: a population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) in the population has been poorly described in developing countries. Population data on child sexual abuse in Brazil is very limited. This paper aims to estimate lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse and associated factors in a representative sample of the population aged 14 and over in a city of southern Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two-stage sampling strategy was used and individuals were invited to respond to a confidential questionnaire in their households. CSA was defined as non-consensual oral-genital, genital-genital, genital-rectal, hand-genital, hand-rectal, or hand-breast contact/intercourse between ages 0 and 18. Associations between socio-demographic variables and CSA, before and after age 12, were estimated through multinomial regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Complete data were available for 1936 respondents from 1040 households. Prevalence of CSA among girls (5.6% 95%CI [4.8;7.5]) was higher than among boys (1.6% 95%CI [0.9;2.6]). Boys experienced CSA at younger ages than girls and 60% of all reported CSA happened before age 12. Physical abuse was frequently associated with CSA at younger (OR 5.6 95%CI [2.5;12.3]) and older (OR 9.4 95%CI [4.5;18.7]) ages. CSA after age 12 was associated with an increased number of sexual partners in the last 2 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results suggest that CSA takes place at young ages and is associated with physical violence, making it more likely to have serious health and developmental consequences. Except for gender, no other socio-demographic characteristic identified high-risk sub-populations.</p

    Nutritional assessment in patients with cirrhosis

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    CONTEXT: Malnutrition in cirrhotic patients with end-stage disease is common, and the degree of nutritional debilitation can play an important role in the pathogenesis of complications and cause a negative impact on prognosis. However, it involves difficulties and controversies regarding the identification of the best nutritional assessment method. OBJECTIVE: To identify a method that provides a safe and effective nutritional diagnosis. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 129 cirrhotic patients. Anthropometric measurements, subjective global assessment, hand grip strength and bioelectrical impedance. RESULTS: Through phase angle of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method, significant associations with Child-Pugh (P = 0.008), age group and gender were observed. The ROC (receiver operator characteristic) curve was generated to determine the best cutoff point of the phase angle of cirrhotic patients, serving as one of the reference parameters for the nutritional assessment with bioimpedance in this study, considering the classification through Child-Pugh score as the reference standard for the clinical conditions of patients with cirrhosis. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment through bioelectrical impedance presented a statistically significant correlation with Child-Pugh score. The identification of phase angle of 5.44潞 is the new parameter suggested for the classification of the nutritional conditions of cirrhotic patients