34 research outputs found

    Strategic Corporate Performance Management: A Customer- Oriented Approach

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    The contemporary world is characterized by enormous development of globalization on the basis of fast spread of information enabled by modern information technologies. The development of the last decades is very difficult to predict. Under these conditions, the society’s paradigm is changing as for the corporate economy management. The significance of non-financial indicators grows, they, in connection with the financial ones, can identify conditions much better and influence corporate performance indicators. An important role is played by the interdisciplinary holistic approach to corporate management, responding to rapid changes in production related to the individualization of the products according to customer requirements and shortening its life cycle. Under these conditions, the most important factor for market success becomes a customer, whose satisfaction and loyalty to the company must be measured to be able to create conditions for stable growth corporate performance. The great attention is also given to the theoretical basis on which corporate performance management is created. The most important part of customer-oriented management is data acquisition from the measurement of customer experience. The questionnaire survey was the basis for gaining of the primary data source for the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty measurements on the net promoter score (NPS) principle


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    The importance of Industry 4.0 technologies when selecting an ERP system – An empirical study

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    The paper deals with the issue of the impact of the “Industry 4.0” concept on the process of selection of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Firstly, review of the literature regarding the ERP system selection is presented, with the emphasis on the role of the new technologies in such selection. Secondly, the content of the term “Industry 4.0” is discussed, and put into context with the nature of ERP systems. The main part of the article then presents the results of the survey conducted among the medium and large industrial companies in the Czech Republic. Employees in the position of decision makers in the matter of selecting an ERP system were asked to participate. The survey used the form of questionnaire with close-ended questions with five-point scales, and investigated the attitude of the Czech manufacturing companies to the selected technologies of “Industry 4.0” and the importance of particular criteria for the selection of new ERP system. Investigated criteria were divided into 9 groups, where 5 of them were derived from previous research on the topic of ERP systems selections, and dealt with system price, portability, modularity, user experience and security. The remaining 4 groups were aimed at the selected technologies of “Industry 4.0” – big data, system integration, cloud computing and automatic identification and data capture. Kruskal-Wallis test and Neményi method of post-hoc analysis were used to compare the importance of particular criteria expressed by the respondents. The results show that although the companies are aware of the future challenges raised by the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” in the selection of ERP systems they still emphasise mostly the previously used criteria such as price or modularity. As for the criteria connected to “Industry 4.0,” the ability of a system to deal with big data was assessed as the most important one

    Marketing 4.0 – A systematic review

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    Industry 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are buzzwords which frequently appear in the discussion about the economy of the future. From the extensions of their principles to the field of marketing the term Marketing 4.0 originated. According to its inventor, Marketing 4.0 should by characterized by the connection of real and virtual world. Nevertheless, unlike Industry 4.0, Marketing 4.0 appears in the current discussion much rarely. The systematic review of professional literature based on the Web of Science and Scopus databases was therefore conducted so as to assess the current state of Marketing 4.0 and to find out how it is understood by the relevant professionals. Relevant papers were analyzed both from the time and geographical perspective and from the perspective of their content. Based on this analysis we can conclude that the use of Marketing 4.0, even if not very frequent, has been slightly growing lately, mostly in the European countries. On the other hand, most of the papers dealing with Marketing 4.0 concentrate mainly on the e-commerce and virtual world, and therefore do not fully implement the definition of Marketing 4.0

    Fields and obstacles of the use of industry 4.0 technologies relevant to the ERP systems in business practice

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    Příspěvek byl vytvořen v rámci projektu SGS-2020-026 "Ekonomická a digitální transformace v kontextu digitální společnosti".The basic principle of the Industry 4.0 is the close interconnection of the real and virtual word through the modern technologies. There are still various opinions on what the technologies, which will play decisive role in this interconnection, are. Nevertheless, there is a set of technologies called “The Nine Pillars of Industry 4.0”, which is generally considered to be the key-stones in this field. This paper presents results of the research, which dealt with the current state of use of selected technologies from the “Nine Pillars” list, which are relevant to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, in the manufacturing companies in the Czech Republic. System integration, big data, and cloud computing were identified as the pillars relevant to the ERP systems. Based on the previous research of the authors, Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technology was added to them, as the fourth investigated technology. Questionnaire survey was conducted among the medium and large manufacturing companies in the Czech Republic. The survey investigated not only to what extent are these technologies used, but also in which fields of operations do they serve and what are the most important obstacles preventing companies from using them more intensively. The survey shows that the intercompany system integration is the most used technology, which usually serves so as to integrate data from sales, production and intercompany logistics areas. Technology of big data and their analysis is frequently used as well, mainly for analysing large amounts of data from the production and intercompany logistics

    Малые и средние предприятия сферы услуг в условиях Индустрии 4.0 и Общества 4.0: опыт Юго-Западной Чехии

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    В статье представлены результаты изучения адаптации малых и средних предприятий (МСП) сферы услуг к технологическим, экономическим, социальным и экологическим условиям Индустрии 4.0 и Общества 4.0. Цель исследования — анализ текущего состояния, мотивации и потребностей предприятий в сфере наукоемких услуг, а также оценка возможности своевременного и эффективного внедрения методов и инструментов Индустрии 4.0 на Юго-Западе Чехии. Совмещение методов позволило сочетать различные качественные и количественные подходы, такие как кабинетное исследование, методы объяснения и интерпретации, анкетный опрос, полуструктурированное интервью и оценка данных. Полученные результаты демонстрируют высокую потребность в повышении знаний и инновационного потенциала МСП, изменении организации и содержания труда, формировании новых компетенций сотрудников в условиях роботизации, автоматизации и цифровизации деловых процессов. Выявлены препятствия для доступа к необходимым внутренним и внешним финансовым ресурсам. Показано, что МСП заинтересованы в сотрудничестве как с академическим сектором, так и с региональными органами власти для разработки методологических инструментов адаптации к новым социальным условиям в интересах устойчивого развития этих предприятий. Цель дальнейших исследований –создание методологии адаптации малых и средних предприятий к условиям Индустрии 4.0 и Общества 4.0


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    Artificial Intelligence in Society 4.0

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    Článek prezentuje umělou inteligenci jako dynamicky se rozvíjející a interdisciplinární obor. Vývoj systémů umělé inteligence nastoluje i nezodpovězené otázky z oblasti filosofie, etiky, managementu a také rizik zneužití. V současné době přináší umělá inteligence množství benefitů do všech oborů lidské činnosti, od internetových start-upů přes strojírenství, logistiku, marketing, medicínu, farmacii a jiné. Automatizace, robotizace a umělá inteligence vstupují i do účetní profese a mění charakter práce v této profesi.The paper presents artificial intelligence as a dynamically developing and interdisciplinary field. The development of artificial intelligence systems also raises unanswered questions about philosophy, ethics, management, and abuse risks. Currently, artificial intelligence brings a number of benefits to all fields of human activity, from internet start-ups through engineering, logistics, marketing, medicine, pharmacy and others. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence also enter the accounting profession and change the nature of work in this profession