Příspěvek byl vytvořen v rámci projektu SGS-2020-026 "Ekonomická a digitální transformace
v kontextu digitální společnosti".The basic principle of the Industry 4.0 is the close interconnection of the real and virtual word
through the modern technologies. There are still various opinions on what the technologies, which will play
decisive role in this interconnection, are. Nevertheless, there is a set of technologies called “The Nine Pillars
of Industry 4.0”, which is generally considered to be the key-stones in this field. This paper presents results
of the research, which dealt with the current state of use of selected technologies from the “Nine Pillars” list,
which are relevant to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, in the manufacturing companies in
the Czech Republic. System integration, big data, and cloud computing were identified as the pillars
relevant to the ERP systems. Based on the previous research of the authors, Automatic Identification and
Data Capture (AIDC) technology was added to them, as the fourth investigated technology. Questionnaire
survey was conducted among the medium and large manufacturing companies in the Czech Republic. The
survey investigated not only to what extent are these technologies used, but also in which fields of
operations do they serve and what are the most important obstacles preventing companies from using them
more intensively. The survey shows that the intercompany system integration is the most used technology,
which usually serves so as to integrate data from sales, production and intercompany logistics areas.
Technology of big data and their analysis is frequently used as well, mainly for analysing large amounts of
data from the production and intercompany logistics