140 research outputs found

    Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the Lower Triassic on Norsel High, central Barents Sea

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    Master's thesis in Petroleum engineeringNorsel High is located in the southeastern part of the Bjarmeland Platform area, close to the southwestern margin of the Nordkapp Basin. There is one well located on Norsel High, exploration well 7226/11-1. The Lower Triassic, the Havert Formation, is very deeply buried and seems to be a prograding tide – dominated delta system, which very often have poor or challenging reservoir qualities, and therefore has been a bit challenging. The Havert Formation has been interpreted to be dominated by mixed – influenced delta systems with impacts from fluvial input, tidal action and drift currents. This interpretation is based on different sets of data. These different dataset are core description, detailed well interpretation, 2D – and 3D seismic interpretation. The first dataset is the core description of the Havert Formation from three core samples, combined with the second dataset, a detailed well interpretation, which has been interpreted in sequences and depositional environments. The third dataset is seismic interpretation, comprising of both 2D and 3D seismic interpretation. Integrating these datasets gives the Havert Formation a thorough interpretation. The main goal for this study is to provide a better understanding of the Lower Triassic on Norsel High, focusing on the stratigraphic and tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Lower Triassic basin-fill

    Utviklingen i norsk personalledelse og HR - motebølge eller havblikk?

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    Masteroppgave i personalledelse - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Regnskap i offentlig sektor: En komparativ studie med fokus på nåværende og forrige kommuneloven og forskriftene, illustrert med regnskap fra Utsira kommune

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    I Norge spiller den offentlige sektoren en betydelig rolle i forvaltningen av store ressurser på vegne av felleskapet. Lovgivningen som styrer kommunene, inkludert kommuneloven og tilhørende forskrifter, sikrer at kommunene forvalter økonomi og ressurser forsvarlig og effektivt, samtidig som de skal tilby innbyggerne best mulig tjenestetilbud over tid.  Kommunen styres gjennom demokratiske prosesser, der innbyggerne har mulighet til å påvirke og delta i beslutninger som angår dem. Endringer i offentlig sektor, som ofte tar form av reformer, påvirker også kommunenes økonomi og regelverk. Disse endringene kan være utfordrende å gjennomføre på grunn av ulike interesser og begrensninger, og må balansere motstridende hensyn og knappe ressurser.  Masteroppgaven vår tar sikte på å studere lov- og regnskapsreglene som gjelder for kommunene i Norge, spesielt med fokus på endringene som ble innført etter 2020, og hvordan disse endringene gjenspeiles i kommunenes årsregnskap. Vi har valgt å bruke Utsira kommune som et konkret eksempel. Den overordnede problemstillingen vi ønsker å besvare er: Har det vært endringer i kommuneregnskapet i 2020 sammenlignet med 2019, og kan disse endringene kvantifiseres ved hjelp av tall fra en spesifikk kommune? Masteroppgavens tittel er derfor: «En komparativ studie med fokus på nåværende og tidligere regnskapsforskrifter, illustrert med regnskap fra Utsira kommune.»  Gjennom oppgaven vår håper vi å bidra til en bedre forståelse av de aktuelle regnskapsforskriftene og deres påvirkning på kommuneregnskapet, samtidig som vi gir et innblikk i synspunktene til lokale aktører i kommunene.In Norway, the public sector plays a significant role in managing substantial resources on behalf of the community. The legislation governing municipalities, including the Municipal Act and related regulations, ensures that municipalities manage finances and resources responsibly and effectively while providing the best possible services to citizens over time. Municipalities are governed through democratic processes, where residents have the opportunity to influence and participate in decisions that affect them. Changes in the public sector, often in the form of reforms, also impact municipal finances and regulations. Implementing these changes can be challenging due to various interests and limitations, and they must balance conflicting considerations and limited resources. Our master's thesis aims to study the legal and accounting rules applicable to municipalities in Norway, specifically focusing on the changes implemented after 2020 and how these changes are reflected in municipalities' annual financial statements. We have chosen Utsira Municipality as a specific example. We aim to answer the overarching research question: Have there been changes in municipal accounting in 2020 compared to 2019, and can these changes be quantified using figures from a specific municipality? Therefore, the title of the master's thesis is: «A comparative study focusing on current and previous accounting regulations, illustrated with financial statements from Utsira Municipality. » Through our thesis, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the relevant accounting regulations and their impact on municipal accounting, while also providing insights into the perspectives of local stakeholders in municipalities

    Regnskap i offentlig sektor: En komparativ studie med fokus på nåværende og forrige kommuneloven og forskriftene, illustrert med regnskap fra Utsira kommune.

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    I Norge spiller den offentlige sektoren en betydelig rolle i forvaltningen av store ressurser på vegne av felleskapet. Lovgivningen som styrer kommunene, inkludert kommuneloven og tilhørende forskrifter, sikrer at kommunene forvalter økonomi og ressurser forsvarlig og effektivt, samtidig som de skal tilby innbyggerne best mulig tjenestetilbud over tid. Kommunen styres gjennom demokratiske prosesser, der innbyggerne har mulighet til å påvirke og delta i beslutninger som angår dem. Endringer i offentlig sektor, som ofte tar form av reformer, påvirker også kommunenes økonomi og regelverk. Disse endringene kan være utfordrende å gjennomføre på grunn av ulike interesser og begrensninger, og må balansere motstridende hensyn og knappe ressurser. Masteroppgaven vår tar sikte på å studere lov- og regnskapsreglene som gjelder for kommunene i Norge, spesielt med fokus på endringene som ble innført etter 2020, og hvordan disse endringene gjenspeiles i kommunenes årsregnskap. Vi har valgt å bruke Utsira kommune som et konkret eksempel. Den overordnede problemstillingen vi ønsker å besvare er: Har det vært endringer i kommuneregnskapet i 2020 sammenlignet med 2019, og kan disse endringene kvantifiseres ved hjelp av tall fra en spesifikk kommune? Masteroppgavens tittel er derfor: «En komparativ studie med fokus på nåværende og tidligere regnskapsforskrifter, illustrert med regnskap fra Utsira kommune.» Gjennom oppgaven vår håper vi å bidra til en bedre forståelse av de aktuelle regnskapsforskriftene og deres påvirkning på kommuneregnskapet, samtidig som vi gir et innblikk i synspunktene til lokale aktører i kommunene.In Norway, the public sector plays a significant role in managing substantial resources on behalf of the community. The legislation governing municipalities, including the Municipal Act and related regulations, ensures that municipalities manage finances and resources responsibly and effectively while providing the best possible services to citizens over time. Municipalities are governed through democratic processes, where residents have the opportunity to influence and participate in decisions that affect them. Changes in the public sector, often in the form of reforms, also impact municipal finances and regulations. Implementing these changes can be challenging due to various interests and limitations, and they must balance conflicting considerations and limited resources. Our master's thesis aims to study the legal and accounting rules applicable to municipalities in Norway, specifically focusing on the changes implemented after 2020 and how these changes are reflected in municipalities' annual financial statements. We have chosen Utsira Municipality as a specific example. We aim to answer the overarching research question: Have there been changes in municipal accounting in 2020 compared to 2019, and can these changes be quantified using figures from a specific municipality? Therefore, the title of the master's thesis is: «A comparative study focusing on current and previous accounting regulations, illustrated with financial statements from Utsira Municipality.» Through our thesis, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the relevant accounting regulations and their impact on municipal accounting, while also providing insights into the perspectives of local stakeholders in municipalities

    Intraspecific Correlations of Basal and Maximal Metabolic Rates in Birds and the Aerobic Capacity Model for the Evolution of Endothermy

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    The underlying assumption of the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy is that basal (BMR) and maximal aerobic metabolic rates are phenotypically linked. However, because BMR is largely a function of central organs whereas maximal metabolic output is largely a function of skeletal muscles, the mechanistic underpinnings for their linkage are not obvious. Interspecific studies in birds generally support a phenotypic correlation between BMR and maximal metabolic output. If the aerobic capacity model is valid, these phenotypic correlations should also extend to intraspecific comparisons. We measured BMR, Msum (maximum thermoregulatory metabolic rate) and MMR (maximum exercise metabolic rate in a hop-flutter chamber) in winter for dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis; Msum and MMR only), and black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus; BMR and Msum only) and examined correlations among these variables. We also measured BMR and Msum in individual house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in both summer, winter and spring. For both raw metabolic rates and residuals from allometric regressions, BMR was not significantly correlated with either Msum or MMR in juncos. Moreover, no significant correlation between Msum and MMR or their mass-independent residuals occurred for juncos or goldfinches. Raw BMR and Msum were significantly positively correlated for black-capped chickadees and house sparrows, but mass-independent residuals of BMR and Msum were not. These data suggest that central organ and exercise organ metabolic levels are not inextricably linked and that muscular capacities for exercise and shivering do not necessarily vary in tandem in individual birds. Why intraspecific and interspecific avian studies show differing results and the significance of these differences to the aerobic capacity model are unknown, and resolution of these questions will require additional studies of potential mechanistic links between minimal and maximal metabolic output

    Climatic regions as an indicator of forest coarse and fine woody debris carbon stocks in the United States

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coarse and fine woody debris are substantial forest ecosystem carbon stocks; however, there is a lack of understanding how these detrital carbon stocks vary across forested landscapes. Because forest woody detritus production and decay rates may partially depend on climatic conditions, the accumulation of coarse and fine woody debris carbon stocks in forests may be correlated with climate. This study used a nationwide inventory of coarse and fine woody debris in the United States to examine how these carbon stocks vary by climatic regions and variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean coarse and fine woody debris forest carbon stocks vary by Köppen's climatic regions across the United States. The highest carbon stocks were found in regions with cool summers while the lowest carbon stocks were found in arid desert/steppes or temperate humid regions. Coarse and fine woody debris carbon stocks were found to be positively correlated with available moisture and negatively correlated with maximum temperature.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It was concluded with only medium confidence that coarse and fine woody debris carbon stocks may be at risk of becoming net emitter of carbon under a global climate warming scenario as increases in coarse or fine woody debris production (sinks) may be more than offset by increases in forest woody detritus decay rates (emission). Given the preliminary results of this study and the rather tenuous status of coarse and fine woody debris carbon stocks as either a source or sink of CO<sub>2</sub>, further research is suggested in the areas of forest detritus decay and production.</p

    Environment, Migratory Tendency, Phylogeny and Basal Metabolic Rate in Birds

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    Basal metabolic rate (BMR) represents the minimum maintenance energy requirement of an endotherm and has far-reaching consequences for interactions between animals and their environments. Avian BMR exhibits considerable variation that is independent of body mass. Some long-distance migrants have been found to exhibit particularly high BMR, traditionally interpreted as being related to the energetic demands of long-distance migration. Here we use a global dataset to evaluate differences in BMR between migrants and non-migrants, and to examine the effects of environmental variables. The BMR of migrant species is significantly higher than that of non-migrants. Intriguingly, while the elevated BMR of migrants on their breeding grounds may reflect the metabolic machinery required for long-distance movements, an alternative (and statistically stronger) explanation is their occupation of predominantly cold high-latitude breeding areas. Among several environmental predictors, average annual temperature has the strongest effect on BMR, with a 50% reduction associated with a 20°C gradient. The negative effects of temperature variables on BMR hold separately for migrants and non-migrants and are not due their different climatic associations. BMR in migrants shows a much lower degree of phylogenetic inertia. Our findings indicate that migratory tendency need not necessarily be invoked to explain the higher BMR of migrants. A weaker phylogenetic signal observed in migrants supports the notion of strong phenotypic flexibility in this group which facilitates migration-related BMR adjustments that occur above and beyond environmental conditions. In contrast to the findings of previous analyses of mammalian BMR, primary productivity, aridity or precipitation variability do not appear to be important environmental correlates of avian BMR. The strong effects of temperature-related variables and varying phylogenetic effects reiterate the importance of addressing both broad-scale and individual-scale variation for understanding the determinants of BMR

    Ligand activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor 2 (AhR2) from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

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    Master's thesis in Environmental technologyPetroleum products are the major and most widespread class of contaminants in the marine environment. Anthropogenic sources are heavy contributors, like discharges of industrial and urban effluents, shipping, offshore oil drilling, oil refineries and accidental oil spills. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their metabolites are among the most toxic components of petroleum products, and are a cause of great concern in the marine environment, due to their toxicity and persistence in sediments. PAH compounds represents a high risk to aquatic organisms, and ultimately to humans through fish and shellfish consumption and have been regarded as high priority for environmental pollution monitoring. Cytochrome P450 (CYP1A) is an important enzyme in the biotransformation of PAHs, and is highly induced by the activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The metabolism of PAHs by CYP1A often causes an increase in toxicity, as reactive metabolites with the ability to cause crucial cellular damage are produced. Information about bioavailability of PAHs and biological responses is essential in order to assess the risk these contaminants pose to the environment and to advice adequate strategies for protection of biological resources, including those for human consumption. The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is an economically and ecologically important teleost species. Its genome was recently sequenced and annotated, making it an attractive model for analyzing the effects of environmental contaminants in the marine environment. The widespread distribution of Atlantic cod in the North Atlantic Ocean makes this species vulnerable to effluents from human activities. Luciferase reporter gene assays, like the UAS/GAL4-based system used in this thesis, is a common in vitro method used to study ligand activation of transcription factors, such as AhR. Seven PAHs were selected to see if they could bind to and activate the cod AhR2. These PAHs were unsubstituted chrysene, along with its alkylated compounds 1-, 2-, 3- and 6-methylchrysene and (1R,2R)-1,2-dihydrophenatrene-1,2-diol and (1R,2R)-1,2-dihydronaphtalene-1,2-diol, which are the trans-dihydrodiols of phenanthrene and naphthalene respectively. Alkylated PAH derivatives exist in various forms, and these alkylated forms have been reported to be more toxic than their unsubstituted congeners. Trans-dihydrodiols are the major PAH oxidation products formed and excreted to bile in fish. All ligands chosen proved to be able to activate cod AhR2 in vitro, especially the alkylated and oxidized PAHs, making them plausible to cause adverse effects in the marine environment
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