487 research outputs found

    New PRGs for Unbounded-Width/Adaptive-Order Read-Once Branching Programs

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    A Novel Black Box Process Quality Optimization Approach based on Hit Rate

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    Hit rate is a key performance metric in predicting process product quality in integrated industrial processes. It represents the percentage of products accepted by downstream processes within a controlled range of quality. However, optimizing hit rate is a non-convex and challenging problem. To address this issue, we propose a data-driven quasi-convex approach that combines factorial hidden Markov models, multitask elastic net, and quasi-convex optimization. Our approach converts the original non-convex problem into a set of convex feasible problems, achieving an optimal hit rate. We verify the convex optimization property and quasi-convex frontier through Monte Carlo simulations and real-world experiments in steel production. Results demonstrate that our approach outperforms classical models, improving hit rates by at least 41.11% and 31.01% on two real datasets. Furthermore, the quasi-convex frontier provides a reference explanation and visualization for the deterioration of solutions obtained by conventional models

    A Simple yet Effective Self-Debiasing Framework for Transformer Models

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    Current Transformer-based natural language understanding (NLU) models heavily rely on dataset biases, while failing to handle real-world out-of-distribution (OOD) instances. Many methods have been proposed to deal with this issue, but they ignore the fact that the features learned in different layers of Transformer-based NLU models are different. In this paper, we first conduct preliminary studies to obtain two conclusions: 1) both low- and high-layer sentence representations encode common biased features during training; 2) the low-layer sentence representations encode fewer unbiased features than the highlayer ones. Based on these conclusions, we propose a simple yet effective self-debiasing framework for Transformer-based NLU models. Concretely, we first stack a classifier on a selected low layer. Then, we introduce a residual connection that feeds the low-layer sentence representation to the top-layer classifier. In this way, the top-layer sentence representation will be trained to ignore the common biased features encoded by the low-layer sentence representation and focus on task-relevant unbiased features. During inference, we remove the residual connection and directly use the top-layer sentence representation to make predictions. Extensive experiments and indepth analyses on NLU tasks show that our framework performs better than several competitive baselines, achieving a new SOTA on all OOD test sets

    Intelligent Scheduling Method for Bulk Cargo Terminal Loading Process Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant U1964201 and Grant U21B6001, the Major Scientific and Technological Special Project of Hei-longjiang Province under Grant 2021ZX05A01, the Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation under Grant LH2019F020, and the Major Scientific and Technological Research Project of Ningbo under Grant 2021Z040. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Sea freight is one of the most important ways for the transportation and distribution of coal and other bulk cargo. This paper proposes a method for optimizing the scheduling efficiency of the bulk cargo loading process based on deep reinforcement learning. The process includes a large number of states and possible choices that need to be taken into account, which are currently performed by skillful scheduling engineers on site. In terms of modeling, we extracted important information based on actual working data of the terminal to form the state space of the model. The yard information and the demand information of the ship are also considered. The scheduling output of each convey path from the yard to the cabin is the action of the agent. To avoid conflicts of occupying one machine at same time, certain restrictions are placed on whether the action can be executed. Based on Double DQN, an improved deep reinforcement learning method is proposed with a fully connected network structure and selected action sets according to the value of the network and the occupancy status of environment. To make the network converge more quickly, an improved new epsilon-greedy exploration strategy is also proposed, which uses different exploration rates for completely random selection and feasible random selection of actions. After training, an improved scheduling result is obtained when the tasks arrive randomly and the yard state is random. An important contribution of this paper is to integrate the useful features of the working time of the bulk cargo terminal into a state set, divide the scheduling process into discrete actions, and then reduce the scheduling problem into simple inputs and outputs. Another major contribution of this article is the design of a reinforcement learning algorithm for the bulk cargo terminal scheduling problem, and the training efficiency of the proposed algorithm is improved, which provides a practical example for solving bulk cargo terminal scheduling problems using reinforcement learning.publishersversionpublishe

    An Asymptotic-Preserving and Energy-Conserving Particle-In-Cell Method for Vlasov-Maxwell Equations

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    In this paper, we develop an asymptotic-preserving and energy-conserving (APEC) Particle-In-Cell (PIC) algorithm for the Vlasov-Maxwell system. This algorithm not only guarantees that the asymptotic limiting of the discrete scheme is a consistent and stable discretization of the quasi-neutral limit of the continuous model, but also preserves Gauss's law and energy conservation at the same time, thus it is promising to provide stable simulations of complex plasma systems even in the quasi-neutral regime. The key ingredients for achieving these properties include the generalized Ohm's law for electric field such that the asymptotic-preserving discretization can be achieved, and a proper decomposition of the effects of the electromagnetic fields such that a Lagrange multiplier method can be appropriately employed for correcting the kinetic energy. We investigate the performance of the APEC method with three benchmark tests in one dimension, including the linear Landau damping, the bump-on-tail problem and the two-stream instability. Detailed comparisons are conducted by including the results from the classical explicit leapfrog and the previously developed asymptotic-preserving PIC schemes. Our numerical experiments show that the proposed APEC scheme can give accurate and stable simulations both kinetic and quasi-neutral regimes, demonstrating the attractive properties of the method crossing scales.Comment: 21 pages, 30 figure

    Initial pore distribution characteristics and crack failure development of cemented tailings backfill under low impact amplitude

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    The stability of the cemented paste backfill is threatened by the dynamic disturbance during the excavation of the surrounding ore body. In this paper, the computerized tomography (CT) and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) tests were conducted to explore the initial pore distribution characteristics of the cemented tailings backfill (CTB) and the development of the crack under low impact amplitude. SHPB tests were conducted with impact amplitudes of 34, 37, and 39 mV, respectively. Results show that the initial pores of CTB were steadily distributed with the height of CTB. The CTB contained many initial pores with similar pore size distribution characteristics, and the largest number of pores is between 0.1 and 0.3 mm. Most of the cracks in CTB after low impact amplitude develop and expand along the initial pores, and the damage of CTB mainly exists in shear cracks. A dependence has been established that the dynamic uniaxial compressive strength of the CTB increases, the total crack volume first increases and then decreases, and the number of cracks increases as the impact amplitude increases. The research results can provide a valuable reference for the dynamic performance of CTB under low impact amplitude and the design of mining backfill

    Two-dimensional superconductivity at heterostructure of Mott insulating titanium sesquioxide and polar semiconductor

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    Heterointerfaces with symmetry breaking and strong interfacial coupling could give rise to the enormous exotic quantum phenomena. Here, we report on the experimental observation of intriguing two-dimensional superconductivity with superconducting transition temperature (TcT_c) of 3.8 K at heterostructure of Mott insulator Ti2_2O3_3 and polar semiconductor GaN revealed by the electrical transport and magnetization measurements. Furthermore, at the verge of superconductivity we find a wide range of temperature independent resistance associated with vanishing Hall resistance, demonstrating the emergence of quantum metallic-like state with the Bose-metal scenario of the metallic phase. By tuning the thickness of Ti2_2O3_3 films, the emergence of quantum metallic-like state accompanies with the appearance of superconductivity as decreasing in temperature, implying that the two-dimensional superconductivity is evolved from the quantum metallic-like state driven by the cooperative effects of the electron correlation and the interfacial coupling between Ti2_2O3_3 and polar GaN. These findings provide a new platform for the study of intriguing two-dimensional superconductivity with a delicate interplay of the electron correlation and the interfacial coupling at the heterostructures, and unveil the clues of the mechanism of unconventional superconductivity.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure