176 research outputs found

    Women’s leader-member relationships during pregnancy and the return to work

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    Roads to recovery in remote working. Exploration of the perceptions of energy-consuming elements of remote work and self-promoted strategies toward psychological detachment

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    Purpose This paper examines an employee's recovery process in the remote-working context. It explores which elements of remote work are energy-consuming for employees and what action they can take to instigate the essential recovery strategy of psychological detachment. Design/methodology/approach The study adopts a qualitative research approach based on 89 semi-structured interviews with employees working from home with six large corporations from multiple industries. The data were interpreted using thematic analysis. Findings The study identifies a main theme – the energy-consuming elements of remote work – and three sub-themes: extended working hours, intensive working and reduced social support. Each theme incorporates elements controlled by individuals (internal) and those beyond their control (external). Second, the authors identified strategies that helped individuals to detach from work, and devised four sub-themes, the authors labeled cognitive controlling, physical disconnection from work, time-bound routines and non-work activities. Originality/value This is the first study to focus on recovery as a process in the context of remote working, and it contributes to the knowledge of psychological detachment and strategies for recovery and to the literature on contemporary remote working.© Heini Pensar and Liisa Mäkelä. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcodefi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Facing Uncertainty yet Feeling Confident: : Teenage Migrant Girls’ Agencies in Upper Secondary School Transitions

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    This article concentrates on the transition from comprehensive school to the upper secondary level from the viewpoint of migrant background girls. Emphasis is on understanding the bounded agency and the ways in which gender and family background are expressed in the modalities of the agency. Previous studies show that ethnic minorities have more difficulties in school, and they continue to higher education less frequently than the majority of students. We are interested in the aspirations of migrant background girls (n = 34) concerning their post-comprehensive transition. Our focus is on the experienced agency during the last year of comprehensive school. Our research questions are: What kinds of modalities do migrant background girls use when considering their educational choices? How do these modalities reflect their bounded agency? The study shows that although the experienced agency is universal among the age group, there are specific ethnic and gender connotations.Peer reviewe

    Be(com)ing other-oriented : Mindfulness-trained leaders’ experiences of their enhanced social awareness

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    The potential significance of mindfulness for social relations at work has been recognized in the recent management literature, yet a thorough investigation has been lacking into how mindfulness may help leaders tap into their other-orientation. In this study, we examine whether and how mindfulness training contributes to the development of leaders’ social awareness by studying the experiences of 62 leaders who participated in an 8-week-long mindfulness training program. Our study contributes to the literature on management learning and mindfulness in leadership in three ways. First, it identifies how the leaders who participated in mindfulness training see themselves developing toward becoming more socially aware in situations involving followers across the three interlinked domains of human functioning—the cognitive, affective, and behavioral—clarifying mindfulness as an interpersonal phenomenon. Second, it highlights mindfulness as a value-based developmental practice instead of merely a personal stress reduction and attention-enhancement technique. Third, it proposes mindfulness training as a viable approach to enhance leaders’ social awareness through a combination of a formal program and continuous self-development, departing from the views of mindfulness as a “quick fix.” It also provides a conceptual framework that illustrates the pathway with the potential to build social leadership capacity.© The Author(s) 2022. Article reuse guidelines: sagepub.com/journals-permissions, DOI: 10.1177/13505076221136923fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Opettajien kokemuksia työn tuunaamisesta koira-avusteisen pedagogiikan avulla : Tarkastelussa työn vaatimukset, työn voimavarat ja hyvinvointi työssä

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    Artikkelissa tutkitaan opetustyön tuunaamista ja sitä, miten opettajat kokevat sen vaikuttaneen työn vaatimuksiin ja voimavaroihin sekä hyvinvointiin. Työn tuunaamisen tapa on koira-avusteisen pedagogiikan hyödyntäminen opetustyössä. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 14 opettajaa, joilla oli kokemusta koira-avusteisesta työstä. Tulokset osoittivat, että työn tuunaamisella työn vaatimukset ja voimavarat sekä lisääntyivät että vähenivät. Pääosin opettajat kokivat muutokset myönteisinä. Vaikka esimerkiksi työn suunnittelu vaati aiempaa enemmän aikaa, koiran läsnäolo luokassa paransi ilmapiiriä, minkä kuvattiin lisänneen hyvinvointia. Kielteisiksi koettuja muutoksia oli vähän, mutta niiden vaikutukset olivat hyvin kielteisiä. Tilanteet koskivat sosiaalisia suhteita ja kielteisiä asenteita koira-avusteista työtä kohtaan. Koiran kanssa työskentely vaikutti positiivisesti opettajien hyvinvointiin muillakin tavoin, esimerkiksi koiran silittämisen koettiin laskevan stressiä. Työyhteisöissä tulisi suhtautua ennakkoluulottomasti erilaisiin työn tuunaamisen tapoihin, sillä näin työntekijän hyvinvointi voi merkittävästikin kohentua. Työn tuunaamisen reunaehdot ja vaikutukset sidosryhmiin tulisi selvittää, sillä epäonnistuessaan menetelmä voi aiheuttaa pettymystä ja työpaikan vaihtoajatuksia.                     &nbsp

    Linking Managerial Coaching and Leader-Member Exchange on Work Engagement and Performance

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    This study investigates how individual- and unit-level performance can be fostered by supervisors’ behavioural styles (managerial coaching) and the personal relationship between supervisor and subordinate (leader–member exchange, LMX). The JD-R model holds that good leadership serves as a job resource and triggers a motivational process that will lead through work engagement to good performance. This study first introduces and validates novel measurement instruments for managerial coaching, LMX, and self-rated performance. Then, the study utilizes multilevel methodology (MSEM) to investigate the connections between study variables at the individual- and unit-level. A sample from two organizations (N = 655) was utilized in the measurement validation and a sample from multiple organizations (N = 879) in the hypothesis testing. Samples using self-rating measurements were collected from different Finnish organizations between 2011 and 2012. The results show that, while managerial coaching was connected more to the unit-level performance, LMX had stronger effect to the individual performance and work engagement, which was connected with the unit-level performance. Analysing two leadership constructs at the same time suggests that there are different mechanisms driving managerial coaching and the LMX relationship in the motivational process and towards good performance as the JD-R model proposes. The study also contributes to literature by introducing and validating measurement instruments.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Work and non-work-related antecedents of expatriates' well-being : A meta-analysis

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    Studies show a reduction in expatriates' well-being while abroad which entails a risk of low performance or even termination of the assignment abroad. To extend the knowledge of antecedents of expatriates' well-being, this meta-analytic review combines the empirical results from 24 studies. Concerning the conservation of resources theory, we distinguish between work-related and non-work-related antecedents (resources) and expose their relationship with expatriates' work well-being and general well-being. The meta-analysis shows that work well-being is positively anteceded by organizational support, work adjustment, and spousal support, whereas job factors and work-family interference are associated with decreased work well-being. General well-being negatively relates to work-family interference factors. The antecedents with the highest relative effect size are job factors on the negative side (resource loss) and organizational support on the positive side (resource gain). Work-family interference has the broadest impact on both work well-being and general well-being.© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The author gratefully acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement No. 765355 (GLOMO, “Global Mobility of Employees”, https://glomo.eu/ ).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Satisfaction with an expatriate job : the role of physical and functional distance between expatriate and supervisor

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to focus on satisfaction with an expatriate job and how such satisfaction is linked to leadership. Specifically, this research examines how two different kinds of distances – physical distance and functional distance – between an expatriate and his/her supervisor are related to satisfaction with the expatriate job. Design/methodology/approach - The study was conducted among 290 Finnish expatriates. Moderated hierarchical regression analysis was conducted in order to test the research hypothesis. Findings - The results show that low functional distance with a supervisor is related to greater satisfaction with the expatriate job. The physical distance is not directly connected to expatriate job satisfaction, but the common effect of the two types of distance shows that among those whose functional distance is low, working in the same country with the leader is linked to greater expatriate satisfaction than recorded among those who were physically distant. Interestingly, expatriates with high functional distance are more satisfied with the expatriate job if they work in a different country to their supervisor. Originality/value - This study makes a contribution in three areas; first, it addresses the understudied phenomena of international work-specific job satisfaction, specifically satisfaction with an expatriate job. Second, it provides new knowledge on the outcomes of leader distance in the context of expatriation, a work situation that is inherently related to changes in physical location and to organizational relationships. Third, it contributes to leadership literature and highlights the importance of the conditions and the context in which leadership occurs.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Factors Contributing to Work/Life Conflicts and Enrichment Among Finnish Global Careerists

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    It has been argued (see, e.g., Haslberger and Brewster 2008; Lazarova, Westman, and Sheffer 2010; Mäkelä, Känsälä, and Suutari 2011; Mäkelä and Suutari 2011) that expatriates have difficulties balancing work with the rest of their lives. Our understanding of the issues and factors contributing to the work/non-work balance is limited. To increase our understanding of these issues, twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with Finnish global careerists, each of whom had spent most of their working lives outside their home country. The results of the study indicate that, besides facing conflicts, global careerists benefit from the interface of their work and non-work life. Several work-domain, non-work domain, and individual factors were identified. We argue that the literature regarding the work/life balance needs to take into account context-related factors and to put more emphasis on the perspective of enrichment.©2014 Journal of Finnish Studies, University of Illinois Press.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Do Relationships Matter? Investigating the Link Between Supervisor and Subordinate Dedication and Cynicism via the Quality of Leader–Member Exchange

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    Drawing on leader–member exchange and conservation of resources theories, we investigate the role of the quality of leader–member exchange in the relationships between supervisors’ and subordinates’ cynicism and dedication. Survey responses were collected from 104 supervisors and 971 subordinates nested within 104 work-units in five organizations in Finland. A multilevel structural equation model and cross-level mediation were utilized to test the hypotheses. The results show that the quality of leader–member exchange mediates the association between supervisor cynicism and subordinate cynicism and dedication. However, supervisor dedication does not appear to have an influence on leader–member exchange or subordinate cynicism and dedication. The findings related to the influence of supervisor cynicism on the cynicism and dedication of subordinates point toward the value of management interventions that directly address supervisor psychological well-being. Practical interventions might include training for supervisors and employees to enhance relationship-building skills, team-building activities, and leadership development. This empirical study is novel in its focus on how a supervisor’s cynicism and dedication may affect their relationships at work and how this, in turn, may have an effect on their subordinates.©2020 The Authors. The article is protected by copyright and reuse is restricted to non-commercial and no derivative uses. Users may also download and save a local copy of an article accessed in an institutional repository for the user's personal reference.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
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