3 research outputs found
Differences in collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase assembly between two Caenorhabditis nematode species despite high amino acid sequence identity of the enzyme subunits
The collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) are
essential for proper extracellular matrix
formation in multicellular organisms. The
vertebrate enzymes are α2β2 tetramers, in
which the β subunits are identical to protein
disulfide isomerase (PDI). Unique P4H forms
have been shown to assemble from the
<i>Caenorhabditis</i> <i>elegans</i> catalytic α subunit
isoforms PHY-1 and PHY-2 and the β subunit
PDI-2. A mixed PHY-1/PHY-2/(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub>
tetramer is the major form, while PHY-1/PDI-
2 and PHY-2/PDI-2 dimers are also assembled
but less efficiently. Cloning and
characterization of the orthologous subunits
from the closely related nematode
<i>Caenorhabditis</i> <i>briggsae</i> revealed distinct
differences in the assembly of active P4H
forms in spite of the extremely high amino
acid sequence identity (92-97%) between the
<i>C. briggsae</i> and <i>C. elegans</i> subunits. In
addition to a PHY-1/PHY-2(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub> tetramer
and a PHY-1/PDI-2 dimer, an active (PHY-
2)<sub>2</sub>(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub> tetramer was formed in <i>C.
briggsae</i> instead of a PHY-2/PDI-2 dimer.
Site-directed mutagenesis studies and
generation of inter-species hybrid polypeptides
showed that the N-terminal halves of the
<i>Caenorhabditis</i> PHY-2 polypeptides
determine their assembly properties. Genetic
disruption of <i>C. briggsae phy-1</i> (<i>Cb-dpy-18</i>)
via a <i>Mos1</i> insertion resulted a small (short)
phenotype that is less severe than the dumpy
(short and fat) phenotype of the corresponding
<i>C. elegans</i> mutants (<i>Ce-dpy-18</i>). <i>C. briggsae</i>
<i>phy-2</i> RNA interference produced no visible
phenotype in the wild type nematodes but
produced a severe dumpy phenotype and larval
arrest in <i>phy-1</i> mutants. Genetic
complementation of the <i>C. briggsae</i> and <i>C.
elegans</i> <i>phy-1</i> mutants was achieved by
injection of a wild type <i>phy-1</i> gene from either
Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase:characterization of a novel vertebrate isoenzyme and the main <em>Caenorhabditis elegans</em> enzyme forms, and effect of inactivation of one of the two catalytic sites in the enzyme tetramer
Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases catalyze the hydroxylation of proline residues in collagens. The vertebrate enzymes are α2β2 tetramers in which the β subunit is identical to protein disulphide isomerase (PDI). Two isoforms of the catalytic α subunit have been identified in vertebrates, forming type I [α(I)]2β2 and type II [α(II)]2β2 collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase tetramers.
This thesis reports on the cloning and characterization of a third vertebrate α subunit isoform, α(III). The recombinant human α(III) isoform associates with PDI to form an active type III collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase tetramer, and its Km values for the cosubstrates are very similar to those of the type I and II enzymes, those for a peptide substrate and an inhibitor being found to lie between the two. The α(III) mRNA is expressed in all tissues studied but at much lower levels than the α(I) mRNA.
A novel mixed tetramer PHY-1/PHY-2/(PDI-2)2 was found to be the main collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase form produced in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in vivo and in vitro. However, mutant nematodes can compensate for the lack of the mixed tetramer by increasing the assembly of PHY-1/PDI-2 and PHY-2/PDI-2 dimers, these forms also being unique. The catalytic properties of the recombinant mixed tetramer were characterized, and it was shown by the analysis of mutant worms that PHY-1 and PHY-2 represent the only catalytic subunits needed for the hydroxylation of cuticular collagens.
The roles of the two catalytic sites in a collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase tetramer were studied by using the C. elegans mixed tetramer and a hybrid C. elegans PHY-1/human PDI dimer. An increase in the chain length of the peptide substrate led to an identical decrease in the Km values in both enzyme forms. It is thus clear that two catalytic sites are not required for efficient hydroxylation of long peptides, and their low Km values most probably result from more effective binding to the peptide-substrate-binding domain. Inactivation of one catalytic site in the mixed tetramer reduced the activity by more than 50%, indicating that the remaining wild-type subunit cannot function fully independently
Kokemuksen tutkimuksen ulottuvuudet
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kokemuksellisuutta ja sen ulottuvuuksia, kokemuksen tutkimista ja siihen liittyviä erilaisia lähestymistapoja.
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun ja Oulun yliopiston välillä on tehty monivuotista yhteistyötä kokemuksen tutkimuksen saralla, jossa kokemuksellisuuden haastavat kysymykset on otettu sekä tieteellisen, taiteellisen että yhteiskunnallisen tarkastelun kohteeksi.
Yhteistyöstä on kehkeytynyt useita toteutettuja seminaareja ja tieteellisiä konferensseja. Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun ja Oulun yliopiston yhteistyö on tiivistynyt viime vuosina Kokemuksen tutkimuksen Instituutiksi, joka järjestää Oulun ammattikorkeakoulussa 16–17.4.2015 Kuudennen Kokemuksen tutkimuksen seminaarin