40 research outputs found

    Dialogic approach to the analysis of the meaning-making process in a blended setting

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    This paper analyses meaning-making processes in a blended setting—face-to-face interaction and web forum—purposely created for collaborative learning activity. The analysis focuses on one pair out of 14 dyads. The dyad comprises two female students aged 17 and 18 who attended a Brazilian third-year state secondary school. We envisioned intertextuality in a seamless thematic flux using a single theme—about everyday problems in the culture—by two different problem-solving tasks. Task#1 required discussing two polemic reports published in an online newspaper: one in favour of using digital technologies in class, the other against it. Task#2 involved perspective-taking, where students should imagine the school in 20 years. Afterwards, the pair participated in an episodic interview focusing on their participation in both tasks. The interactions were video recorded. To map the meaning-making processes, we applied the dialogic thematic analysis looking for centripetal and centrifugal forces. A semantic map was drawn and discussed. Altogether, the paired and grouped collaborative activities in blended learning promoted authorial production. Our dyad achieved reflective meta-analysis when they compared their viewpoints with the perspective of their colleagues by using justifications and explanations grounded in their production, generating reflexivity and agency in dialogue

    MODEL PCC: constructive participation and collaborative online

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    Este trabajo describe un modelo de didáctica online para del desarrollo de cursos, con el fin de obtener una participación activa y constructiva por parte de estudiantes universitarios. El modelo, denominado Participación Constructiva y Colaborativa (PCC), considera el aprendizaje como una co-construcción del conocimiento y tiene como objetivo acercar a los estudiantes para elaborar nuevas ideas mediante la realización de productos ya sea individuales o de grupo. A tal fin, se prevee una alternancia de actividades individuales y de grupo, siempre con el objetivo de hacer construir productos. De este modo se aprovecha el potencial de interacción colaborativa y contructiva de la red y de las diferentes posibilidades del trabajo online. El modelo ha sido elaborado en el ámbito diferentes cursos universitarios. Será presentado describiendo en primer lugar las teorías tomadas como inspiración, luego las actividades realizadas en linea y, por último, algunos análisis que demuestran su eficacia.This paper describes a model for developing online teaching courses in order to obtain an active and constructive participation by college students. The model, named Constructive and Collaborative Participation (CCP) considers learning as a co-construction of knowledge and intends to bring students closer to develop new ideas by performing products either individual or group work. For that purpose, it is envisaged to do alternative individual and group activities, always with the aim of making build products. In that way, the potential of collaborative and constructive interaction of network and the different possibilities of online work is used. The model has been created in different college courses. Firstly, it will be presented describing the theories taken as inspiration; then, the online activities and, finally, some analyzes that demonstrate its effectiveness

    El modelo PCC: participación constructiva y colaborativa online

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    This paper describes a model for developing online teaching courses in order to obtain an active and constructive participation by college students. The model, named Constructive and Collaborative Participation (CCP) considers learning as a co-construction of knowledge and intends to bring students closer to develop new ideas by performing products either individual or group work. For that purpose, it is envisaged to do alternative individual and group activities, always with the aim of making build products. In that way, the potential of collaborative and constructive interaction of network and the different possibilities of online work is used. The model has been created in different college courses. Firstly, it will be presented describing the theories taken as inspiration; then, the online activities and, finally, some analyzes that demonstrate its effectiveness.Este trabajo describe un modelo de didáctica online para del desarrollo de cursos, con el fin de obtener una participación activa y constructiva por parte de estudiantes universitarios.  El modelo, denominado Participación Constructiva y Colaborativa (PCC), considera el aprendizaje como una co-construcción del conocimiento y tiene como objetivo acercar a los estudiantes para elaborar nuevas ideas mediante la realización de productos ya sea individuales o de grupo. A tal fin, se prevee una alternancia de actividades individuales y de grupo, siempre con el objetivo de hacer construir productos. De este modo se aprovecha el potencial de interacción colaborativa y contructiva de la red y de las diferentes posibilidades del trabajo online. El modelo ha sido elaborado en el ámbito diferentes cursos universitarios. Será presentado describiendo en primer lugar las teorías tomadas como inspiración, luego las actividades realizadas en linea y, por último, algunos análisis que demuestran su eficacia

    Profili identitari e metafore per capire le potenzialità educative dei Social Network

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    Analizzare i Social Network (SN) può aiutare a capire le loro potenzialità a supporto dell’apprendimento. Partendo da un quadro teorico socio costruttivista e utilizzando concettualizzazioni relative agli artefatti culturali, ai posizionamenti identitari e alle metafore, questa ricerca si propone di delineare dei profili degli utenti dei SN allo scopo di individuare modalità d’uso in contesti educativi. Un apposito questionario, composto da 28 domande che indagano quattro aree tematiche (informazioni personali, orientamento e preferenze, modalità di utilizzo, metafore), è stato compilato da 327 partecipanti, la maggior parte di età compresa tra i 16 e i 27 anni. Dall’analisi dei dati emergono tre profili (Interdipendenza / Socialità, Dipendenza, Individualità) che permettono di superare i tre livelli elaborati da Wartofsky, prospettando l’emergere di un nuovo quarto livello, caratterizzato da artefatti che permettono di costruire mondi personali entro mondi collettivi astratti e simbolici. Infine, si propongono alcuni principi guida per un’eventuale progettazione di attività educative supportate da artefatti di quarto livello

    Lessons learnt from CSCL to enrich E-Learning

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    Computer Supported Collaborative learning (CSCL) is nowadays well mature and it is able to set guide-lines to enrich e-learning. On its side, e-learning does not fully exploit its potentialities yet. Suggestions from CSCL could be useful to empower the presence on the elearning on the market and would foster a vision of learning as not a simple further "commercial product". The European Commission funded many projects involving several countries, numerous students, teachers and researchers, and a variety of software. During the presentation a few European projects, considered as best practices, will be shortly discussed. Through the results gathered, guide-lines are drawn to improve e-learning, concerning: a) understanding of the users; b) blended learning; c) learners' empowerment