14 research outputs found

    Evaluación isocinética de los músculos de la rodilla en jugadores de fútbol : análisis discriminante

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    Introdução: a atividade muscular em jogadores de futebol pode ser medida por meio do dinamômetro isocinético, que é um instrumento confiável para avaliação do desempenho humano. Objetivos: conduzir análises isocinéticas e discriminar quais variáveis diferenciam a categoria sub-17 (S17) da profissional (PRO).Métodos:Trinta e quatro jogadores de futebol (n=17 para cada categoria) foram avaliados. As variáveis isocinéticas utilizadas para a análise de extensão-flexão do joelho foram: pico de torque (Nm), trabalho total (J), potência média (W), ângulo de pico de torque (graus), razão agonista/antagonista (%), testadas em três velocidades (60°/s, 120°/s e 300°/s), com cada série contendo cinco repetições. Três análises discriminantes foram feitas usando o método Wilk's Lambda para identificar quais variáveis fariam uma discriminação significativa entre as duas categorias. Resultados: as variáveis discriminantes a 60°/s na categoria PRO foram: pico de torque extensores, trabalho total flexores, potência média de extensores e razão agonista/antagonista; e para os S17 foram: trabalho total de extensores, pico de torque de flexores e potência média de flexores. A 120°/s para a categoria PRO as variáveis discriminantes foram: pico de torque de flexores e potência média de extensores; para os S17 foram: trabalho total de extensores e potência média de flexores. A 300°/s, as variáveis encontradas para as categorias PRO e S17 foram, respectivamente: potência média de extensores e trabalho total de extensores. Conclusão: as variáveis isocinéticas para os músculos do joelho flexores e extensores foram capazes de fazer uma discriminação significativa entre jogadores de futebol PRO e S17.Introduction: muscle activity in soccer players can be measured by isokinetic dynamometer, which is a reliable tool for assessing human performance. Objectives: to perform isokinetic analyses and to determine which variables differentiate the under-17 (U17) soccer category from the professional (PRO). Methods: thirty four players were assessed (n=17 for each category). The isokinetic variables used for the knee extension-flexion analysis were: peak torque (Nm), total work (J), average power (W), angle of peak torque (deg.), agonist/ antagonist ratio (%), measured for three velocities (60°/s, 120°/s and 300°/s), with each series containing five repetitions. Three Wilks' Lambda discriminant analyses were performed, to identify which variables were more significant for the definition of each of the categories. Results: the discriminative variables at 60°/s in the PRO category were: extension peak torque, flexion total work, extension average power and agonist/antagonist ratio; and for the U17s were: extension total work, flexion peak torque and flexion average power. At 120°/s for the PRO category the discriminant variables were: flexion peak torque and extension average power; for the U17s they were: extension total work and flexion average power. Finally at 300°/s, the variables found in the PRO and U17 categories respectively were: extension average power and extension total work. Conclusion: isokinetic variables for flexion and extension knee muscles were able to significantly discriminate between PRO and U17 soccer players.Introducción: la actividad muscular en jugadores de fútbol puede ser medida por medio del dinamómetro isocinético, que es un instrumento confiable para evaluación del desempeño humano. Objetivos: conducir análisis isocinéticos y discriminar qué variables diferencian la categoría sub-17 (S17) de la profesional (PRO). Métodos: fueron evaluados treinta y cuatro jugadores de fútbol (n=17 para cada categoría). Las variables isocinéticas utilizadas para el análisis de extensión-flexión de la rodilla fueron: pico de torque (Nm), trabajo total (J), potencia media (W), ángulo de pico de torque (grados), razón agonista/antagonista (%), probadas en tres velocidades (60°/s, 120°/s y 300°/s), con cada serie conteniendo cinco repeticiones. Fueron realizados tres análisis discriminantes usando el método Wilk's Lambda para identificar qué variables harían una discriminación significativa entre las dos categorías. Resultados: las variables discriminantes a 60°/s en la categoría PRO fueron: pico de torque extensores, trabajo total flexores, potencia media de extensores y razón agonista/antagonista; y para los S17 fueron: trabajo total de extensores, pico de torque de flexores y potencia media de flexores. A 120°/s para la categoría PRO las variables discriminantes fueron: pico de torque de flexores y potencia media de extensores; para los S17 fueron: trabajo total de extensores y potencia media de flexores. A 300°/s, las variables encontradas para las categorías PRO y S17 fueron, respectivamente: potencia media de extensores y trabajo total de extensores. Conclusión: las variables isocinéticas para los músculos de la rodilla flexores y extensores fueron capaces de hacer una discriminación significativa entre jugadores de fútbol PRO y S17

    Generation of a Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Line Producing Recombinant Human Glucocerebrosidase

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    Impaired activity of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCR) results in the inherited metabolic disorder known as Gaucher disease. Current treatment consists of enzyme replacement therapy by administration of exogenous GCR. Although effective, it is exceptionally expensive, and patients worldwide have a limited access to this medicine. In Brazil, the public healthcare system provides the drug free of charge for all Gaucher's patients, which reaches the order of $ 84million per year. However, the production of GCR by public institutions in Brazil would reduce significantly the therapy costs. Here, we describe a robust protocol for the generation of a cell line producing recombinant human GCR. The protein was expressed in CHO-DXB11 (dhfr(-)) cells after stable transfection and gene amplification with methotrexate. As expected, glycosylated GCR was detected by immunoblotting assay both as cell-associated (similar to 64 and 59 kDa) and secreted (63-69 kDa) form. Analysis of subclones allowed the selection of stable CHO cells producing a secreted functional enzyme, with a calculated productivity of 5.14 pg/cell/day for the highest producer. Although being laborious, traditionalmethods of screening high-producing recombinant cellsmay represent a valuable alternative to generate expensive biopharmaceuticals in countries with limited resources.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientificoe Tecnologico)CNPQ(Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico)Fundacao ButantanFundacao Butanta

    Isokinetic evaluation of knee muscles in soccer players: discriminant analysis [Avaliação isocinética dos músculos do joelho em jogadores de futebol: análise discriminante]; [Evaluación isocinética de los músculos de la rodilla en jugadores de fútbol: análisis discriminante]

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    Introduction: Muscle activity in soccer players can be measured by isokinetic dynamometer, which is a reliable tool for assessing human performance. Objectives: To perform isokinetic analyses and to determine which variables differentiate the under-17 (U17) soccer category from the professional (PRO). Methods: Thirty four players were assessed (n=17 for each category). The isokinetic variables used for the knee extension-flexion analysis were: peak torque (Nm), total work (J), average power (W), angle of peak torque (deg.), agonist/ antagonist ratio (%), measured for three velocities (60°/s, 120°/s and 300°/s), with each series containing five repetitions. Three Wilks' Lambda discriminant analyses were performed, to identify which variables were more significant for the definition of each of the categories. Results: The discriminative variables at 60°/s in the PRO category were: extension peak torque, flexion total work, extension average power and agonist/antagonist ratio; and for the U17s were: extension total work, flexion peak torque and flexion average power. At 120°/s for the PRO category the discriminant variables were: flexion peak torque and extension average power; for the U17s they were: extension total work and flexion average power. Finally at 300°/s, the variables found in the PRO and U17 categories respectively were: extension average power and extension total work. Conclusion: Isokinetic variables for flexion and extension knee muscles were able to significantly discriminate between PRO and U17 soccer players. RESUMO Introdução: A atividade muscular em jogadores de futebol pode ser medida por meio do dinamômetro isocinético, que é um instrumento confiável para avaliação do desempenho humano. Objetivos: Conduzir análises isocinéticas e discriminar quais variáveis diferenciam a categoria sub-17 (S17) da profissional (PRO). Métodos: Trinta e quatro jogadores de futebol (n=17 para cada categoria) foram avaliados. As variáveis isocinéticas utilizadas para a análise de extensão-flexão do joelho foram: pico de torque (Nm), trabalho total (J), potência média (W), ângulo de pico de torque (graus), razão agonista/antagonista (%), testadas em três velocidades (60°/s, 120°/s e 300°/s), com cada série contendo cinco repetições. Três análises discriminantes foram feitas usando o método Wilk's Lambda para identificar quais variáveis fariam uma discriminação significativa entre as duas categorias. Resultados: As variáveis discriminantes a 60°/s na categoria PRO foram: pico de torque extensores, trabalho total flexores, potência média de extensores e razão agonista/antagonista; e para os S17 foram: trabalho total de extensores, pico de torque de flexores e potência média de flexores. A 120°/s para a categoria PRO as variáveis discriminantes foram: pico de torque de flexores e potência média de extensores; para os S17 foram: trabalho total de extensores e potência média de flexores. A 300°/s, as variáveis encontradas para as categorias PRO e S17 foram, respectivamente: potência média de extensores e trabalho total de extensores. Conclusão: As variáveis isocinéticas para os músculos do joelho flexores e extensores foram capazes de fazer uma discriminação significativa entre jogadores de futebol PRO e S17. RESUMEN Introducción: La actividad muscular en jugadores de fútbol puede ser medida por medio del dinamómetro isocinético, que es un instrumento confiable para evaluación del desempeño humano. Objetivos: Conducir análisis isocinéticos y discriminar qué variables diferencian la categoría sub-17 (S17) de la profesional (PRO). Métodos: Fueron evaluados treinta y cuatro jugadores de fútbol (n=17 para cada categoría). Las variables isocinéticas utilizadas para el análisis de extensión-flexión de la rodilla fueron: pico de torque (Nm), trabajo total (J), potencia media (W), ángulo de pico de torque (grados), razón agonista/antagonista (%), probadas en tres velocidades (60°/s, 120°/s y 300°/s), con cada serie conteniendo cinco repeticiones. Fueron realizados tres análisis discriminantes usando el método Wilk's Lambda para identificar qué variables harían una discriminación significativa entre las dos categorías. Resultados: Las variables discriminantes a 60°/s en la categoría PRO fueron: pico de torque extensores, trabajo total flexores, potencia media de extensores y razón agonista/antagonista; y para los S17 fueron: trabajo total de extensores, pico de torque de flexores y potencia media de flexores. A 120°/s para la categoría PRO las variables discriminantes fueron: pico de torque de flexores y potencia media de extensores; para los S17 fueron: trabajo total de extensores y potencia media de flexores. A 300°/s, las variables encontradas para las categorías PRO y S17 fueron, respectivamente: potencia media de extensores y trabajo total de extensores. Conclusión: Las variables isocinéticas para los músculos de la rodilla flexores y extensores fueron capaces de hacer una discriminación significativa entre jugadores de fútbol PRO y S17

    Síndrome CINCA: um diagnóstico diferencial da artrite idiopática juvenil CINCA syndrome: a differential diagnosis of the juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    A síndrome CINCA (crônico-infantil-neurológica-cutâneaarticular) é uma enfermidade inflamatória multissistêmica rara, de início no período neonatal e caracterizada por febre, exantema cutâneo, envolvimento articular e do sistema nervoso central. É também conhecida pela literatura médica norte-americana como NOMID (doença multissistêmica inflamatória de início neonatal). Relatamos o caso de uma criança de 3 anos de idade admitida em nosso serviço com história de febre e exantema cutâneo desde o período neonatal. Apresentou crises convulsivas no sexto mês de vida e artrite simétrica de joelhos desde o nono mês. Na admissão, mostrava-se toxemiada, pálida, com um exantema maculopapular generalizado e artrite de joelhos e tornozelos. Apresentava ainda retardo de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Achados laboratoriais incluíram anemia, leucocitose, trombocitose, níveis elevados de proteína C reativa e meningite asséptica no exame do liquor. Os outros exames foram negativos. Os achados radiográficos dos joelhos, quadris e tornozelos foram anormais. A criança recebeu tratamento com antiinflamatório não hormonal, corticosteróide e metotrexato, com melhora apenas da dor e da febre. A etiologia da síndrome CINCA permanece desconhecida e nenhum tratamento tem se mostrado eficaz. Essa doença deve ser distinguida da forma sistêmica da artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ), o principal diagnóstico diferencial.<br>CINCA syndrome (chronic-infantile-neurological-cutaneousarticular) is a rare multisystemic inflammatory disease with neonatal onset characterized by fever, skin rash, articular, and central nervous system involvement. This syndrome is known in the North American medical literature as infantile onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID). We describe the case of a 3-yearold child admitted in our service with fever and skin rash since the neonatal period. She presented seizures at 6 months-old and bilateral arthritis of the knees since her 9 months. On admission she looked sick, pale and presented generalized erythematosus maculopapular rash, arthritis of the knees and ankles. She presented growth and mental retardation too. Laboratory Endings included anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, elevated C-reactive protein levels and the examination Endings from the cerebrospinal fluid showed an aseptic meningitis. Other test results were negative. Radiographs of the knees, hips and ankles revealed abonrmalities. The child received treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and methotrexate, with partial response to treatment, leading to improvement in pain and fever defervescence. The etiology of CINCA syndrome remains unknown and no single treatment has been found to be effective. This disease should be distinguished from systemic onset juvenile idiophatic arthritis (JIA), the main differential diagnosis


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    INTRODUÇÃO: O déficit de rotação medial glenoumeral é um problema significativo em atletas arremessadores e tem sido associado a lesões secundárias no ombro. Apesar de sua importância, esse dado ainda não foi avaliado em atletas de handebol brasileiros. OBJETIVO: avaliar a amplitude de movimento de rotação medial (RM) e lateral (RL) do ombro dominante e não-dominante de atletas da seleção brasileira de handebol masculino por meio de imagens digitais. MÉTODO: Participaram do ISSN 0103-5150 Fisioter. Mov., Curitiba, v. 22, n. 4, p. 527-535, out./dez. 2009 Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Fisioter Mov. 2009 out/dez;22(4):527-535 528 estudo 21 atletas (18,85 ± 1,27 anos) dos quais foram captadas as imagens das RM e RL ativas (RM ATIVA, RL ATIVA), seguidas pela passiva de ambos os ombros (RM PASSIVA, RL PASSIVA). Posteriormente, essas imagens foram analisadas pelo software de avaliação SAPo (v.0.67). A análise estatística utilizou o teste t de Student e o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r), considerando pelt;0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças significativas para a RL PASSIVA e ATIVA entre os membros, com o ombro dominante apresentando maiores valores (102,25 ± 8,75 para RL ATIVA; 122,63 ± 8,92 para RL PASSIVA) quando comparado ao não-dominante (95,3 ± 8,77 para RL ATIVA; 114,6 ± 12,09 para RL PASSIVA). Para RM ATIVA e PASSIVA, os atletas não apresentaram diminuição significativa da amplitude de movimento entre os ombros. CONCLUSÃO: Atletas de handebol da categoria juvenil e júnior da seleção brasileira masculina apresentam ganho de RL no ombro dominante, sem a perda significativa de RM. Os resultados sugerem que o alongamento de cápsula posterior pode não ser o fator mais importante para prevenção de lesões nesses atletas

    Characterization of a Mouse Model of Emphysema Induced by Multiple Instillations of Low-Dose Elastase

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    Many experimental models have been proposed to study the pathophysiological features of emphysema, as well as to search for new therapeutic approaches for acute or chronically injured lung parenchyma. We aimed to characterize an emphysema model induced by multiple instillations of elastase by tracking the changes in inflammation, remodeling, and cardiac function after each instillation. Forty-eight C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned across 2 groups. Emphysema (ELA) animals received 1, 2, 3, or 4 intratracheal instillations of pancreatic porcine elastase (PPE, 0.2 IU) with a 1-week interval between them. Controls (C) received saline following the same protocol. Before and after implementation of the protocol, animals underwent echocardiographic analysis. After the first instillation of PPE, the percentage of mononuclear cells in the lung parenchyma was increased compared to C (p = 0.0001). The second instillation resulted in hyperinflated alveoli, increased mean linear intercept, and reduced elastic fiber content in lung parenchyma compared to C (p=0.0197). Following the third instillation, neutrophils and collagen fiber content in alveolar septa and airways were increased, whereas static lung elastance was reduced compared to C (p=0.0094). After the fourth instillation, the percentage of M1 macrophages in lungs; levels of interleukin-1beta, keratinocyte-derived chemokine, hepatocyte growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor; and collagen fiber content in the pulmonary vessel wall were increased compared to C (p=0.0096). At this time point, pulmonary arterial hypertension was apparent, with increased diastolic right ventricular wall thickness. In conclusion, the initial phase of emphysema was characterized by lung inflammation with predominance of mononuclear cells, whereas at the late stage, impairment of pulmonary and cardiovascular functions was observed. This model enables analysis of therapies at different time points during controlled progression of emphysema. Accordingly, early interventions could focus on the inflammatory process, while late interventions should focus on restoring cardiorespiratory function


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    Obesity is associated with bioenergetic dysfunction of peripheral muscles; however, little is known regarding the impact of obesity on the diaphragm. We hypothesized that obesity would be associated with diaphragm dysfunction attributable to mitochondrial oxygen consumption and structural and ultrastructural changes. Wistar rat litters were culled to 3 pups to induce early postnatal overfeeding and consequent obesity. Control animals were obtained from unculled litters. From postnatal day 150, diaphragm ultrasonography, computed tomography, high-resolution respirometry, immunohistochemical, biomolecular and ultrastructural histological analyses were performed. The diaphragms of obese animals, compared to those of controls, exhibited presented changes in morphology as increased thickening fraction, diaphragm excursion and diaphragm dome height, as well as increased mitochondrial respiratory capacity coupled to ATP synthesis and maximal respiratory capacity. Fatty acid synthase expression was also higher in obese animals, suggesting a source of energy for the respiratory chain. Myosin heavy chain-IIA was increased, indicating shift from glycolytic toward oxidative muscle fiber profile. Diaphragm tissue also exhibited ultrastructural changes, such as compact, round, and swollen mitochondria with fainter cristae and more lysosomal bodies. Dynamin-1 expression in the diaphragm was reduced in obese rats, suggesting decreased mitochondrial fission. Furthermore, gene expressions of peroxisome gamma proliferator-activated receptor co-activator-1\u3b1 and superoxide dismutase-2 were lower in obese animals than in controls, which may indicate a predisposition to oxidative injury. In conclusion, in the obesity model used herein, muscle fiber phenotype was altered in a manner likely associated with increased mitochondrial respiratory capability, suggesting respiratory adaptation to increased metabolic demand