1,773 research outputs found

    Salt land survey, 1962 : report of a survey of soil salinity in the agricultural areas of Western Australia

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    IN Western Australia there are within the agricultural areas about one million acres of salt land, largely within the 14-25 inch rainfall area used for cereal and wool production. In March, 1962, farmers in 68 shires in the agricultural areas of Western Australia estimated that on their properties 305,270 acres of land previously cropped or sown to pasture had become salt affected. Of this total, 59,203 acres had gone salt in the seven years immediately before the survey

    Three minimum tile paths from bacterial artificial chromosome libraries of the soybean (Glycine max cv. 'Forrest'): tools for structural and functional genomics

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    BACKGROUND: The creation of minimally redundant tile paths (hereafter MTP) from contiguous sets of overlapping clones (hereafter contigs) in physical maps is a critical step for structural and functional genomics. Build 4 of the physical map of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. 'Forrest') showed the 1 Gbp haploid genome was composed of 0.7 Gbp diploid, 0.1 Gbp tetraploid and 0.2 Gbp octoploid regions. Therefore, the size of the unique genome was about 0.8 Gbp. The aim here was to create MTP sub-libraries from the soybean cv. Forrest physical map builds 2 to 4. RESULTS: The first MTP, named MTP2, was 14,208 clones (of mean insert size 140 kbp) picked from the 5,597 contigs of build 2. MTP2 was constructed from three BAC libraries (BamHI (B), HindIII (H) and EcoRI (E) inserts). MTP2 encompassed the contigs of build 3 that derived from build 2 by a series of contig merges. MTP2 encompassed 2 Gbp compared to the soybean haploid genome of 1 Gbp and does not distinguish regions by ploidy. The second and third MTPs, called MTP4BH and MTP4E, were each based on build 4. Each was semi-automatically selected from 2,854 contigs. MTP4BH was 4,608 B and H insert clones of mean size 173 kbp in the large (27.6 kbp) T-DNA vector pCLD04541. MTP4BH was suitable for plant transformation and functional genomics. MTP4E was 4,608 BAC clones with large inserts (mean 175 kbp) in the small (7.5 kbp) pECBAC1 vector. MTP4E was suitable for DNA sequencing. MTP4BH and MTP4E clones each encompassed about 0.8 Gbp, the 0.7 Gbp diploid regions and 0.05 Gbp each from the tetraploid and octoploid regions. MTP2 and MTP4BH were used for BAC-end sequencing, EST integration, micro-satellite integration into the physical map and high information content fingerprinting. MTP4E will be used for genome sequence by pooled genomic clone index. CONCLUSION: Each MTP and associated BES will be useful to deconvolute and ultimately finish the whole genome shotgun sequence of soybean

    Micromegas operation in high pressure xenon: charge and scintillation readout

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    The operational characteristics of a Micromegas operating in pure xenon at the pressure range of 1 to 10 bar are investigated. The maximum charge gain achieved in each pressure is approximately constant, around 4x10^2, for xenon pressures up to 5 bar and decreasing slowly above this pressure down to values somewhat above 10^2 at 10 bar. The MM presents the highest gains for xenon pressures above 4 bar, when compared to other micropattern gaseous multipliers. The lowest energy resolution obtained for X-rays of 22.1 keV exhibits a steady increase with pressure, from 12% at 1bar to about 32% at 10 bar. The effective scintillation yield, defined as the number of photons exiting through the MM mesh holes per primary electron produced in the conversion region was calculated. This yield is about 2x10^2 photons per primary electron at 1 bar, increasing to about 6x10^2 at 5 bar and, then, decreasing again to 2x10^2 at 10 bar. The readout of this scintillation by a suitable photosensor will result in higher gains but with increased statistical fluctuations.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    HST/ACS Images of the GG Tauri Circumbinary Disk

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    Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the young binary GG Tauri and its circumbinary disk in V and I bandpasses were obtained in 2002 and are the most detailed of this system to date. The confirm features previously seen in the disk including: a "gap" apparently caused by shadowing from circumstellar material; an asymmetrical distribution of light about the line of sight on the near edge of the disk; enhanced brightness along the near edge of the disk due to forward scattering; and a compact reflection nebula near the secondary star. New features are seen in the ACS images: two short filaments along the disk; localized but strong variations in disk intensity ("gaplets"); and a "spur" or filament extending from the reflection nebulosity near the secondary. The back side of the disk is detected in the V band for the first time. The disk appears redder than the combined light from the stars, which may be explained by a varied distribution of grain sizes. The brightness asymmetries along the disk suggest that it is asymmetrically illuminated by the stars due to extinction by nonuniform circumstellar material or the illuminated surface of the disk is warped by tidal effects (or perhaps both). Localized, time-dependent brightness variations in the disk are also seen.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Diversity of animal communities on southwestern rangelands: Species patterns, habitat relationships, and land management

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    The rangelands of the southwestern United States comprise a mosaic of biome types, including deserts, grasslands, chaparral, woodlands, forests, subalpine meadows, and alpine tundra. Taken together, these ecosystems support exceptionally high numbers of vertebrate and invertebrate animal species. Biogeographic patterns of mammal, bird, and reptile species across North America show trends of increasing species numbers for these vertebrate groups, and some invertebrate groups, occur in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, especially in the border region with Mexico. Underlying causes of the region\u27s high biodiversity are related to (1) the elevational variability inherent in the basin-and-range topography, with its concomitant range of climate conditions, (2) the diverse biogeographic history of the region, particularly with respect to the merging of major faunal groups during glacier retreats, and (3) the architectural variations in vegetation structure across the region\u27s component ecosystems. Climate dynamics and disturbance also play major roles in maintaining a habitat mosaic, promoting greater regional faunal diversity. Disturbances affect animal diversity at many scales, from individuals\u27 home ranges to continental species\u27 distributions. Human activities have generated new suites of disturbances (livestock grazing, timber harvesting, mining, agriculture, prescribed fires, construction of roads and buildings), many of which contribute to the habitat patchiness of the landscape. Studies have shown that these disturbances prove beneficial to some species and detrimental to others. Hence, local increases in biodiversity can be orchestrated by creating or maintaining habitat diversity and disturbance regimes. Such management strategies can be scaled up to regional landscapes, in which areas of intensive human land use and disturbance are interspersed with regions of little or no human interference. Historically, this has been accomplished at local or state levels on an ad hoc bases (i.e., crisis management), with little evidence of long-term, large-scale, regional planning or coordination. If faunal biodiversity is to be preserved and enhanced on southwestern rangelands, human activities must be managed in a fashion that integrates faunal biology, resource requirements, and movement patterns with landscape scale attributes. Therefore, the task of the modern land manager will be to balance carefully the various scales and intensities of human activities, for the purpose of promoting sustainable use of natural resources and assuring the maintenance or enhancement of biodiversity. Future regional planning for biodiversity attributes will clearly require extensive communication and close cooperation among concerned citizens, private landowners, scientists, and government land managers

    The fidelity of synaptonemal complex assembly is regulated by a signaling mechanism that controls early meiotic progression

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    © 2014 Elsevier Inc.Proper chromosome segregation during meiosis requires the assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC) between homologous chromosomes. However, the SC structure itself is indifferent to homology, andpoorly understood mechanisms that depend on conserved HORMA-domain proteins prevent ectopic SC assembly. Although HORMA-domain proteins are thought to regulate SC assembly as intrinsic components of meiotic chromosomes, here we uncover a key role for nuclear soluble HORMA-domain protein HTP-1 in the quality control of SC assembly. We show that a mutant form of HTP-1 impaired in chromosome loading provides functionality of an HTP-1-dependent checkpoint that delays exit from homology search-competent stages until all homolog pairs are linked by the SC. Bypassing of this regulatory mechanism results in premature meiotic progression and licensing of homology-independent SC assembly. These findings identify nuclear soluble HTP-1 as a regulator of early meiotic progression, suggesting parallels with the mode of action of Mad2 in the spindle assembly checkpoint

    Structural phase transitions in the kagome lattice based materials Cs2-xRbxSnCu3F12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)

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    The solid solution Cs2-xRbxSnCu3F12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) has been investigated crystallographically between 100 and 300 K using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and, in the case of x = 0, neutron powder diffraction.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Carbon and nitrogen isotopic variability in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) with watering regime.

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    RATIONALE: Carbonised plant remains are analysed for reconstruction of past climates and agricultural regimes. Several recent studies have used C4 plants to address related questions, and correlations between modern C4 plant δ13 C values and rainfall have been found. The millets were important food crops in prehistoric Eurasia, yet little is known about causes of isotopic variation within millet species. Previous research has shown there to be significant isotopic variation between millet accessions. Here we compare isotope ratios from plants grown under different watering regimes. This allows for a consideration of whether or not Setaria italica is a good proxy for environmental reconstruction. METHODS: We compare stable isotope ratios of Setaria italica plants grown in a controlled environment chamber with different watering regimes. We compare the carbon isotope ratios of leaves and grains, and the nitrogen isotope ratios of grains, from 12 accessions of Setaria italica. RESULTS: We find significant isotopic variability between watering regimes. Carbon isotope ratios are positively correlated with water availability, and on average vary by 1.9‰ and 1.7‰ for leaves and grains, respectively. Grain nitrogen isotope ratios also vary with watering regime; however, the highest isotope ratios are found with the 130-mL watering regime. CONCLUSIONS: The carbon isotope ratios of Setaria italica are strongly correlated with water availability. However, the correlation is the opposite to that seen in studies of C3 plants. The difference in isotopic ratio due to watering regime is comparable with that seen between different accessions; thus distinguishing between changing varieties of Setaria italica and changing climate is problematic. In terms of grain nitrogen isotope ratios, the highest δ15 N values were not associated with the lowest watering regime. Again, δ15 N variation is comparable with that which would be expected from an aridity effect or a manuring effect, and thus distinguishing between these factors is probably problematic