345 research outputs found

    FeAs-based superconductivity: a case study of the effects of transition metal doping on BaFe2As2

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    The recently discovered FeAs-based superconductors are a new, promising set of materials for both technological as well as basic research. They offer transition temperatures as high as 55 K as well as essentially isotropic and extremely large upper, superconducting critical fields in excess of 40 T at 20 K. In addition they may well provide insight into exotic superconductivity that extends beyond just FeAs-based superconductivity, perhaps even shedding light on the still perplexing CuO-based high-Tc materials. Whereas superconductivity can be induced in the RFeAsO (R = rare earth) and AEFe2As2 (AE = Ba, Sr, Ca)) families by a number of means, transition metal doping of BaFe2As2, e.g. Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2, offers the easiest experimental access to a wide set of materials. In this review we present an overview and summary of the effect of TM doping (TM = Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, and Rh) on BaFe2As2. The resulting phase diagrams reveal the nature of the interaction between the structural, magnetic and superconducting phase transitions in these compounds and delineate a region of phase space that allows for the stabilization of superconductivity.Comment: edited and shortened version is accepted to AR:Condensed Matter Physic

    Complex spectral evolution in a BCS superconductor, ZrB12

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    We investigate the electronic structure of a complex conventional superconductor, ZrB12 employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy and ab initio band structure calculations. The experimental valence band spectra could be described reasonably well within the local density approximation. Energy bands close to the Fermi level possess t2g symmetry and the Fermi level is found to be in the proximity of quantum fluctuation regime. The spectral lineshape in the high resolution spectra is complex exhibiting signature of a deviation from Fermi liquid behavior. A dip at the Fermi level emerges above the superconducting transition temperature that gradually grows with the decrease in temperature. The spectral simulation of the dip and spectral lineshape based on a phenomenological self energy suggests finite electron pair lifetime and a pseudogap above the superconducting transition temperature

    Linear magnetoresistance in commercial n-type silicon due to inhomogeneous doping

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    Free electron theory tells us that resistivity is independent of magnetic field. In fact, most observations match the semiclassical prediction of a magnetoresistance that is quadratic at low fields before saturating. However, a non-saturating linear magnetoresistance has been observed in exotic semiconductors such as silver chalcogenides, lightly-doped InSb, N-doped InAs, MnAs-GaAs composites, PrFeAsO, and epitaxial graphene. Here we report the observation of a large linear magnetoresistance in the ohmic regime in commonplace commercial n-type silicon wafer. It is well-described by a classical model of spatially fluctuating donor densities, and may be amplified by altering the aspect ratio of the sample to enhance current-jetting: increasing the width tenfold increased the magnetoresistance at 8 T from 445 % to 4707 % at 35 K. This physical picture may well offer insights into the large magnetoresistances recently observed in n-type and p-type Si in the non-ohmic regime.Comment: submitted to Nature Material

    Finite temperature phase transition for disordered weakly interacting bosons in one dimension

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    It is commonly accepted that there are no phase transitions in one-dimensional (1D) systems at a finite temperature, because long-range correlations are destroyed by thermal fluctuations. Here we demonstrate that the 1D gas of short-range interacting bosons in the presence of disorder can undergo a finite temperature phase transition between two distinct states: fluid and insulator. None of these states has long-range spatial correlations, but this is a true albeit non-conventional phase transition because transport properties are singular at the transition point. In the fluid phase the mass transport is possible, whereas in the insulator phase it is completely blocked even at finite temperatures. We thus reveal how the interaction between disordered bosons influences their Anderson localization. This key question, first raised for electrons in solids, is now crucial for the studies of atomic bosons where recent experiments have demonstrated Anderson localization in expanding very dilute quasi-1D clouds.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral tunneling and the Klein paradox in graphene

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    The so-called Klein paradox - unimpeded penetration of relativistic particles through high and wide potential barriers - is one of the most exotic and counterintuitive consequences of quantum electrodynamics (QED). The phenomenon is discussed in many contexts in particle, nuclear and astro- physics but direct tests of the Klein paradox using elementary particles have so far proved impossible. Here we show that the effect can be tested in a conceptually simple condensed-matter experiment by using electrostatic barriers in single- and bi-layer graphene. Due to the chiral nature of their quasiparticles, quantum tunneling in these materials becomes highly anisotropic, qualitatively different from the case of normal, nonrelativistic electrons. Massless Dirac fermions in graphene allow a close realization of Klein's gedanken experiment whereas massive chiral fermions in bilayer graphene offer an interesting complementary system that elucidates the basic physics involved.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Critical change in the Fermi surface of iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity

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    The phase diagram of a correlated material is the result of a complex interplay between several degrees of freedom, providing a map of the material's behavior. One can understand (and ultimately control) the material's ground state by associating features and regions of the phase diagram, with specific physical events or underlying quantum mechanical properties. The phase diagram of the newly discovered iron arsenic high temperature superconductors is particularly rich and interesting. In the AE(Fe1-xTx)2As2 class (AE being Ca, Sr, Ba, T being transition metals), the simultaneous structural/magnetic phase transition that occurs at elevated temperature in the undoped material, splits and is suppressed by carrier doping, the suppression being complete around optimal doping. A dome of superconductivity exists with apparent equal ease in the orthorhombic / antiferromagnetic (AFM) state as well as in the tetragonal state with no long range magnetic order. The question then is what determines the critical doping at which superconductivity emerges, if the AFM order is fully suppressed only at higher doping values. Here we report evidence from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) that critical changes in the Fermi surface (FS) occur at the doping level that marks the onset of superconductivity. The presence of the AFM order leads to a reconstruction of the electronic structure, most significantly the appearance of the small hole pockets at the Fermi level. These hole pockets vanish, i. e. undergo a Lifshitz transition, at the onset of superconductivity. Superconductivity and magnetism are competing states in the iron arsenic superconductors. In the presence of the hole pockets superconductivity is fully suppressed, while in their absence the two states can coexist.Comment: Updated version accepted in Nature Physic

    Quantum oscillations from Fermi arcs

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    When a metal is subjected to strong magnetic field B nearly all measurable quantities exhibit oscillations periodic in 1/B. Such quantum oscillations represent a canonical probe of the defining aspect of a metal, its Fermi surface (FS). In this study we establish a new mechanism for quantum oscillations which requires only finite segments of a FS to exist. Oscillations periodic in 1/B occur if the FS segments are terminated by a pairing gap. Our results reconcile the recent breakthrough experiments showing quantum oscillations in a cuprate superconductor YBCO, with a well-established result of many angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) studies which consistently indicate "Fermi arcs" -- truncated segments of a Fermi surface -- in the normal state of the cuprates.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator surface state

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    Topological insulators are characterized by an insulating bulk with a finite band gap and conducting edge or surface states, where charge carriers are protected against backscattering. These states give rise to the quantum spin Hall effect without an external magnetic field, where electrons with opposite spins have opposite momentum at a given edge. The surface energy spectrum of a threedimensional topological insulator is made up by an odd number of Dirac cones with the spin locked to the momentum. The long-sought yet elusive Majorana fermion is predicted to arise from a combination of a superconductor and a topological insulator. An essential step in the hunt for this emergent particle is the unequivocal observation of supercurrent in a topological phase. Here, we present the first measurement of a Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator. Direct evidence for Josephson supercurrents in superconductor (Nb) - topological insulator (Bi2Te3) - superconductor e-beam fabricated junctions is provided by the observation of clear Shapiro steps under microwave irradiation, and a Fraunhofer-type dependence of the critical current on magnetic field. The dependence of the critical current on temperature and length shows that the junctions are in the ballistic limit. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in magnetic fields up to 30 T reveal a topologically non-trivial two-dimensional surface state. We argue that the ballistic Josephson current is hosted by this surface state despite the fact that the normal state transport is dominated by diffusive bulk conductivity. The lateral Nb-Bi2Te3-Nb junctions hence provide prospects for the realization of devices supporting Majorana fermions

    Evaluation of classical precipitation descriptions for γ′′(Ni3Nb−D022) in Ni-base superalloys

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    The growth/coarsening kinetics of γ′′(Ni3Nb−D022) precipitates have been found by numerous researchers to show an apparent correspondence with the classical (Ostwald ripening) equation outlined by Lifshitz, Slyozov and (separately) Wagner for a diffusion controlled regime. Nevertheless, a significant disparity between the actual precipitate size distribution shape and that predicted by LSW is frequently observed in the interpretation of these results, the origin of which is unclear. Analysis of the literature indicates one likely cause for this deviation from LSW for γ′′ precipitates is the “encounter” phenomenon described by Davies et al. (Acta Metall 28(2):179–189, 1980) that is associated with secondary phases comprising a high volume fraction. Consequently, the distributions of both γ′′ precipitates described in the literature (Alloy 718) and measured in this research in Alloy 625 are analysed through employing the Lifshitz–Slyozov-Encounter-Modified (LSEM) formulation (created by Davies et al.). The results of the LSEM analysis show good far better agreement than LSW with experimental distributions after the application of a necessary correction for what is termed in this research as “directional encounter”. Moreover, the activation energy for γ′′ coarsening in Alloy 625 shows conformity with literature data once the effect of heterogeneous (on dislocations) precipitate nucleation at higher temperatures is accounted for