78 research outputs found

    Fuentes y preservación de materia orgánica en sedimentos recientes del estuario del río Yangtze, China

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    The vertical distributions of bulk and molecular biomarker compositions in the samples from four sediment cores of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary were determined. The changes in the bulk and molecular compositions with depth suggest that there have been recent changes in the marine autogenic and terrigenous supply. In the site at the boundary of the turbidity maximum (Site 8) and the most southern site (Site 26), the autogenic and allochthonous inputs make almost the same contribution to sedimentary organic matter. In the site close to the river mouth (Site 11), the organic matter mainly comes from the terrestrial input carried by the Changjiang water, whereas, in the most eastern site (Site 17), the organic matter consists of a mixture of recent and ancient Changjiang delta sedimentary residues. Significant downcore fluctuations were observed in the patterns of the bulk and molecular compositions, as well as in several biomarker ratios, which also indicates the different anoxic conditions at different depths of the core besides the source variation. In addition, the distributions of molecular compounds show that the organic matter is a mixture of immature and mature in the sediments of the four cores, which further indicates that the microbial activity is active in anoxic conditions, especially in the surface sediment. The vertical distributions of molecular compounds also show that the autogenic marine organic matter is more easily degraded, and that the molecular compounds evolve from unstable steric configurations to stable ones in the early diagenetic processes.Este artículo analiza la distribución vertical de la composición mayoritaria y de biomarcadores moleculares en muestras de sedimentos de cuatro testigos obtenidos en el estuario del río Yangtze. Los cambios de composición en profundidad sugieren variaciones recientes de los aportes autógenos y terrígenos. En el máximo de turbidez y en sus limites (estación 8) y en la estación más al sur (estación 26), los aportes autógenos y alóctonos tienen casi la misma contribución a la materia orgánica sedimentaria. En la estación próxima a la desembocadura (estación 11), la materia orgánica procede principalmente de los aportes terrestres del río Yangtze, mientras que en la estación situada mas al Este (estación 17), la materia orgánica consiste en una mezcla de aportes recientes del río Yangtze y de residuos sedimentarios de un antiguo delta del mismo río. Fluctuaciones significantes de la composición mayoritaria y molecular, así como de biomarcadores, fueron observadas a lo largo de los testigos, lo cual indica también condiciones de anoxia diferentes a distintas profundidades, aparte de las diferencias en la procedencia de los sedimentos. Además, la distribución de compuestos moleculares muestra que la materia orgánica es una mezcla de sedimentos maduros e inmaduros en los cuatro testigos, lo cual indica que la actividad microbiana es activa en condiciones de anoxia, especialmente en los sedimentos superficiales. La distribución vertical de los compuestos moleculares también muestra que la materia orgánica marina autógena es más fácilmente degradable, y que los compuestos moleculares evolucionan desde configuraciones inestables estéricas a configuraciones estables en las primeras fases de la diagénesis

    Watermarking for Neural Radiation Fields by Invertible Neural Network

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    To protect the copyright of the 3D scene represented by the neural radiation field, the embedding and extraction of the neural radiation field watermark are considered as a pair of inverse problems of image transformations. A scheme for protecting the copyright of the neural radiation field is proposed using invertible neural network watermarking, which utilizes watermarking techniques for 2D images to achieve the protection of the 3D scene. The scheme embeds the watermark in the training image of the neural radiation field through the forward process in the invertible network and extracts the watermark from the image rendered by the neural radiation field using the inverse process to realize the copyright protection of both the neural radiation field and the 3D scene. Since the rendering process of the neural radiation field can cause the loss of watermark information, the scheme incorporates an image quality enhancement module, which utilizes a neural network to recover the rendered image and then extracts the watermark. The scheme embeds a watermark in each training image to train the neural radiation field and enables the extraction of watermark information from multiple viewpoints. Simulation experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method

    Papel de la bahía de Jiaozhou como una fuente/depósito de CO2 durante un ciclo estacional

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    The seasonal evolution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CO2 air-sea fluxes in the Jiaozhou Bay was investigated by means of a data set from four cruises covering a seasonal cycle during 2003 and 2004. The results revealed that DIC had no obvious seasonal variation, with an average concentration of 2035 µmol kg-1 C in surface water. However, the sea surface partial pressure of CO2 changed with the season. pCO2 was 695 µatm in July and 317 µatm in February. Using the gas exchange coefficient calculated with Wanninkhof’s model, it was concluded that the Jiaozhou Bay was a source of atmospheric CO2 in spring, summer, and autumn, whereas it was a sink in winter. The Jiaozhou Bay released 2.60 x 1011 mmol C to the atmosphere in spring, 6.18 x 1011 mmol C in summer, and 3.01 x 1011 mmol C in autumn, whereas it absorbed 5.32 x 1010 mmol C from the atmosphere in winter. A total of 1.13 x 1012 mmol C was released to the atmosphere over one year. The behaviour as a carbon source/sink obviously varied in the different regions of the Jiaozhou Bay. In February, the inner bay was a carbon sink, while the bay mouth and the outer bay were carbon sources. In June and July, the inner and outer bay were carbon sources, but the strength was different, increasing from the inner to the outer bay. In November, the inner bay was a carbon source, but the bay mouth was a carbon sink. The outer bay was a weaker CO2 source. These changes are controlled by many factors, the most important being temperature and phytoplankton. Water temperature in particular was the main factor controlling the carbon dioxide system and the behaviour of the Jiaozhou Bay as a carbon source/sink. The Jiaozhou Bay is a carbon dioxide source when the water temperature is higher than 6.6°C. Otherwise, it is a carbon sink. Phytoplankton is another controlling factor that may play an important role in behaviour as a carbon source or sink in regions where the source or sink nature is weaker.La evolución estacional del carbono inorgánico disuelto (DIC) y el intercambio de flujos de CO2 aire-mar en la bahía de Jiaozhou han sido investigados a partir de datos obtenidos en 4 campañas oceanográficas que cubren un ciclo estacional entre 2003 y 2004. Los resultados muestran que el DIC no presenta una clara variación estacional con una concentración promedio de 2035 μmol kg-1 C en el agua de superficie. No obstante la presión parcial de CO2 en el agua superficial cambiaba con la estación. La PCO2 era de 695 μatm en Julio y 317 μatm en febrero. Utilizando el coeficiente de intercambio de gases calculado con el modelo de Wanninkhof concluíamos que la bahía de Jiaozhou era una fuente de CO2 a la atmósfera en primavera, verano y otoño, mientras que era un depósito de CO2 en invierno. La bahía proporcionaba 2.60 × 1011 mmol C a la atmósfera en primavera, 6.18 × 1011 mmol C en verano, y 3.01 × 1011 mmol C in otoño, mientras absorbia 5.32 × 1010 mmol C desde la atmósfera en invierno. Un total de 1.13 × 1012 mmol C eran liberados a la atmósfera durante un año. El comportamiento como fuente/depósito de carbono, obviamente era diferente en las distintas regiones de la bahía de Jiaozhou. En Febrero, la parte interior de la bahía era un depósito para el carbono, mientras que la desembocadura y la parte exterior actuaba como fuente de carbono. En Junio y Julio, las partes interna y externa de la bahía eran fuentes de carbono, pero la intensidad era diferente, incrementando desde la parte interior a la exterior de la bahía. En Noviembre, la parte interior de la bahía era fuente de carbono, pero la desembocadura de la bahía se comportaba como depósito de carbono. El exterior de la bahía era una fuente poco importante de CO2. Estos cambios están controlados por muchos factores, siendo los mas importantes la temperatura y el fitoplancton. Especialmente, la temperatura del agua era el factor principal en el control del dióxido de carbono en el sistema y del comportamiento de la bahía de Jiaozhou como fuente/depósito de carbono. La bahía de Jiaozhou es una fuente de dióxido de carbono cuando la temperatura del agua es mas alta que 6.6ºC. Si no es así es un depósito de carbono. El fitoplancton es el otro factor de control que puede jugar un papel importante en el comportamiento como fuente o depósito de carbono en regiones donde el carácter de fuente o depósito es debil.

    Fast growth of monolayer organic 2D crystals and their application in organic transistors

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    Growth of monolayer 2D organic crystal has been an interesting topic in recent years owing to their promising properties. However, it is still a tough challenge to obtain the 2D organic crystal with precise thickness control and uniform morphology. Herein, we reported the fabrication of 2D crystals of alkane molecules C44H90 with only monolayer thickness and tunable size through the simple dip-coating process. Benefitted from the low solubility of the C44H90 and the isotropic Van der Waals interaction, quadrilateral-shape monolayer 2D crystals with size from several micrometers to nearly hundreds of micrometers can be achieved in the dip-coating process. Utilized the X-ray diffraction and high resolution atomic force microscopy, we obtained the clear packing mode of these monolayer crystals. In addition, these smooth 2D crystals show promising application in the thin film transistors by acting as a molecular template layer. It leads to an increment of about one magnitude on the charge mobility owing to the decreasing of both morphology defects and interface traps.</p

    Interactive Effects of Water and Fertilizer on Yield, Soil Water and Nitrate Dynamics of Young Apple Tree in Semiarid Region of Northwest China

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    Exploring the interactive effect of water and fertilizer on yield, soil water and nitrate dynamics of young apple tree is of great importance to improve the management of irrigation and fertilization in the apple-growing region of semiarid northwest China. A two-year pot experiment was conducted in a mobile rainproof shelter of the water-saving irrigation experimental station in Northwest A&F University, and the investigation evaluated the response of soil water and fertilizer migration, crop water productivity (CWP), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), partial factor productivity (PFP) of young apple tree to different water and fertilizer regimes (four levels of soil water: 75%–85%, 65%–75%, 55%–65% and 45%–55% of field capacity, designated W1, W2, W3 and W4, respectively; three levels of N-P2O5-K2O fertilizer, 30-30-10, 20-20-10 and 10-10-10 g plant−1, designated F1, F2 and F3, respectively). Results showed that F1W1, F2W1 and F3W1 had the highest average soil water content at 0~90 cm compared with the other treatments. When fertilizer level was fixed, the average soil water content was gradually increased with increasing irrigation amount. For W1, W2, W3 and W4, high levels of water content were mainly distributed at 50~80 cm, 40~70 cm, 30~50 cm and 10~30 cm, respectively. There was no significant difference in soil water content at all fertilizer treatments. However, F1 and F2 significantly increased soil nitrate-N content by 146.3%~246.4% and 75.3%~151.5% compared with F3. The highest yield appeared at F1W1 treatment, but there was little difference between F1W1 and F2W2 treatment. F2W2treatment decreased yield by 7.5%, but increased IWUE by 11.2% compared with F1W1 treatment. Meanwhile, the highest CWP appeared at F2W2 treatment in the two years. Thus, F2W2 treatment (soil moisture was controlled in 65–75% of field capacity, N-P2O5-K2O were controlled at 20-20-10 g·tree−1) reached the best water and fertilizer coupling mode and it was the optimum combinations of water and fertilizer saving

    Decomposition formula and stationary measures for stochastic Lotka-Volterra system with applications to turbulent convection

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    Motivated by the remarkable works of Busse and his collaborators in the 1980s on turbulent convection in a rotating layer, we explore the long-run behavior of stochastic Lotka-Volterra (LV) systems both in pull-back trajectories and in stationary measures. A decomposition formula is established to describe the relationship between the solutions of stochastic and deterministic LV systems and the stochastic logistic equation. By virtue of this formula, it can be verified that every pull-back omega limit set is an omega limit set of the deterministic LV system multiplied by the random equilibrium of the stochastic logistic equation. The formula is also used to derive the existence of a stationary measure, its support and ergodicity. We prove the tightness of stationary measures and that their weak limits are invariant with respect to the corresponding deterministic system and supported on the Birkhoff center. The developed theory is successfully utilized to completely classify three dimensional competitive stochastic LV systems into 37 classes. The expected occupation measures weakly converge to a strongly mixing measure and all stationary measures are obtained for each class except class 27 c). Among them there are two classes possessing a continuum of random closed orbits and strongly mixing measures supported on the cone surfaces, which weakly converge to the Haar measures of periodic orbits as the noise intensity vanishes. The class 27 c) is an exception, almost every pull-back trajectory cyclically oscillates around the boundary of the stochastic carrying simplex characterized by three unstable stationary solutions. The limit of the expected occupation measures is neither unique nor ergodic. These are consistent with symptoms of turbulence. (C) 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Chemical ordering suppresses large-scale electronic phase separation in doped manganites

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    For strongly correlated oxides, it has been a long-standing issue regarding the role of the chemical ordering of the dopants on the physical properties. Here, using unit cell by unit cell superlattice growth technique, we determine the role of chemical ordering of the Pr dopant in a colossal magnetoresistant (La1-yPry)1-xCaxMnO3 (LPCMO) system, which has been well known for its large length-scale electronic phase separation phenomena. Our experimental results show that the chemical ordering of Pr leads to marked reduction of the length scale of electronic phase separations. Moreover, compared with the conventional Pr-disordered LPCMO system, the Pr-ordered LPCMO system has a metal–insulator transition that is ~100 K higher because the ferromagnetic metallic phase is more dominant at all temperatures below the Curie temperature