142 research outputs found

    Aviation weather service requirements, 1980 - 1990

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    Future aviation weather needs are discussed. Priority weather requirements and deficiencies existing for weather observations and forecast services in terminal areas are presented. Needs in en route operations up to 30 km are addressed with emphasis on turbulence, presence of suspended ice and water particles, SST to supersonic speeds, solar radiation, ozone, and sonic booms. Some conclusions are drawn and recommendations are presented

    A Blush Rose : Flower Song

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    Your rights at the credit bureau (1993)

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    Speak up! Writing to policymakers (1993)

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    Romance In A

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    Shopping for consumer credit

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    "File: Family Economics and Management, 6/82/8M""Credit means buying now and paying later. Credit also means becoming indebted to someone for something. With credit you may use a product, a service, or money and pay for it later. By so doing, you incur a debt which must be paid. Whenever you become indebted you are charged an additional amount for the use of that product, the service, or money before you pay for it. This additional charge is called the finance charge."--First paragraph.Eunice Lieurance (Family Economics and Management Specialist

    Your rights at the credit bureau

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    "File: 11/81/6M""A credit bureau is a reporting agency that maintains credit reports on individuals in the community who have ever used on applied for credit. This information is reported to subscribing credit grantors when consumers apply for credit. Credit bureaus do not make the decision on whether or not a creditor should extend credit to a consumer. Nor do they make any judgements as to whether or not he is a good or bad risk. Credit bureaus compile information and make it available to creditors. The creditor makes the final decision based on his standards and the credit history contained in the file."--First paragraphEunice Lieurance (State Family Economics and Management Specialist)Includes bibliographical reference

    Keeping records

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    "6/88/5M""A good record keeping system is essential to operating a successful home-based business. Would you believe you could save more than 112anhourbykeepinggoodrecords?Supposeyouhada112 an hour by keeping good records? Suppose you had a 20 business expense that you forgot to record. This oversight, in effect, raises your business's net income by 20.Using1988figures,overstatingnetincomeby20. Using 1988 figures, overstating net income by 20 causes (1) your social security tax to go up 2.60(2.60 (20 times 13.01 percent for a self-employed person); (2) your federal income tax to go up 5.60(assumingyouwereinthe28percentfederalincometaxbracket);and(3)yourstateincometaxesgoupto5.60 (assuming you were in the 28 percent federal income tax bracket); and (3) your state income taxes go up to 1.20 (assuming a 6 percent state tax)."--First paragraphEunice Lieurance (Extension Family Economics and Management Specialist at the University of Missouri--Columbia)

    By The Waters Of Minnetonka : An Indian Love Song

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    Individual retirement accounts

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    Date taken from stamp on front page."File: Family Economics and Management""Retirement poses many uncertainties, the largest of which may be financial security. In light of several years of high inflation which erodes retirement funds, the uncertainty of financial security in retirement has been heightened. For many decades, the thought of retirement has been provided by Social Security benefits. In recent times, there has been concern about the continued capacity of the Social Security system to provide the benefit levels that are currently projected. How can families deal with the uncertainties of financial security during retirement?"--First paragraph.Includes bibliographical reference