146 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ransum Dengan Cemaran Inseictlsida Organofosfat Terhadap Aktivitas Ensim Kholin Esterase Dan Prestasi Itik

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    INTISARI Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cemaran diazinon suatu insektisida yang masuk dalam kelompok organofosfat terhadap aktivitas ensim kholin esterase pada itik. Karena gangguan aktivitas ensim dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme dalam tubuh maka diteliti pula pengaruhriya terhadap gambaran daralt, konsumsi, produksi telur dan komposisi kimia daging. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 24 ekor itik betina dewasa yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan ransum. Kelompok I itik memperoleb ransum dengan cemaran diazinon 0 ppm, kelompok II 0,03 ppm sedang kelompok DI 14 ppm. Pada awal penelitian diambil sampel darah dari 4 ekor itik untuk masing-masing kelompok perlakuan, kemudian ditentukan aktivitas kholin esterasenya. Disamping itu diambil juga darah dari 3 ekor itik .untuk dilihat gambaran darahnya yang meliputi kadar Hb, RBC, PCV, MCH dan MCHC serta kadar kholesterolnya. Setiap minggu sekali mulai hari ke-30 diambil sampel telur dari masing-masing kelompok untuk ditentukan kandungan kholesterolnya. Pada akhir penelitian diambil 3 ekor itik secara acak dari masing-masing kelompok untuk dipotong dan diambil sampel daging dari otot Pectoralis superfleialis (PS) dan Biceps femoris (BF) untuk ditentukan komposisi kimianya yang meliputi protein kasar, lemak kasar dan abu secara proksimat Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas kholin esterase rata-rata untuk kelompok I, II, 111 berturut-turut sebesar 2,117, 1,754 dan 2,268 KU/1, dengan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna. Jumlah RBC darah itik kelompok PI, PII, dan PIII berturut turut sebesar 2,60, 2,85 dan 2,80 x 1012/1, kadar Hb 9,1, 10,3 dan 8,9 01., PCV sebesar 36,3, 39,0 dan 37,0%. MCH sebesar 36,60, 36,83 dan 32,02 pg sedangkan MCHC sebesar 24,94, 26,53 dan 24,24 g/dl. Hasi1 penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna pada gambaran darah, konsumsi maupun produksi. Kadar kholesterol darah tidak terpengaruh secara bermakna oleh cemaran diazinon namun kadar kholesterol telur turun dari 279,82 menjadi 174,62 dan 128,39 mg/100 g laming telur (

    16s rRNA Identification of Pediococcus spp. from Broiler and Studies of Adherence Ability on Immobilized Mucus

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    The objectives of this research were to study taxonomical status of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from broiler and adherence ability on mucus in vitro. Molecular analysis was performed by analyzing 16S rRNA gene using universal primer. The adherence assay on mucus was carried out using microplate method with total plate count (TPC), absorbance (A550) and confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of this studies revealed that three of LAB isolates have closed relation to Pediococcus acidilactici (99.9%) species.Three isolates of P. acidilactici have adherence ability on broiler mucus higher than that on porcine mucin with an adherence percentage of 55.5% versus 50.8% and absorbance A550 of 0.061 versus 0.051, respectively. The highest adherence ability showed by P. acidilactici R02 with adherence percentage was 59.3% and absorbance A550 = 0.068. Adherence on mucus were affected by the addition of 3 g/l of gastric juice and 0.3% (b/v) of bile salt. Adherence analysis using SEM also showed that the adherence on broiler mucus was higher than the adherence on porcine mucin. Altogether this adherence studies, suggest that three isolates of P. acidilactici LAB were capable of colonizing host intestinal mucus in vitro as important property to be promising probiotic bacteria for broiler.Key words : adherence, broiler, Pediococcus, mucus, 16S rRN

    Pengaruh imbangan Pati-Lemak, Kalsium-Fosfor Dan Aras Protein Ransum Terhadap Performan Dan Status Mineral Ayam Broiler Yang Dipelihara Pada Kandang Litter Dan Baterai

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    INTISARI Tujuan penelitiin ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh imbangan pati-lemak, kalsium-fosfor dan an protein terhadap performan dan status mineral pada ayam broiler yang dipelihara dalam kandang dan baterai. Seratus enam puluh ekor broiler umur sehari dibagi nvanjadi dua kelompok perneliharaa yaitu litter dan baterai. Dan setiap kelompok pemeliharaan ayam diberi pakan dengan imbanga pati/lemak (3:1 dim 2:1), kalsium dan fosfor (2,5:1 dan 2:1) dan dua aras protein kassir (22 dan 20% Basil pmelitian menunjukkan konsumsi pakan den persentase karkas tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuai Kenaikan berat badan dan persentase lemak abdomen sangat nyata meningkat dipengaruhi oleh arc protein dan imbangan pati/lemak. Glukosa darah tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan, sedangkan kalsium plasma darah nyata dipengaruhi oleh tipe lantai pemeliharaan khususnya pada u:mur 7 minggi Fosfor plasma darah meningkat sangat nyata oleh imbangan Ca:P dan patilernak. Semantara itu kach kalsium tulang tibia nyata dipengaruhi oleh aras protein ransum, imbangan Ca:P dan tipe kandang. Kati fosfor dan abu tulang tibia nyata dipengaruhi oleh aras protein ransum. (Kata Kunci: Broiler, KalsiumlFosfor, Pati/Lernalc, Tipe Lantai, Aras Protein)

    Effect of The Combination of Protected and Non-Protected Soybean Oil (Glycine max L.) Supplementation on Characteristics of Rumen Fermentation, Nutrient Digestibility, and Nitrogen Balance in Garut Sheep

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    Soybean oil is a high source of unsaturated fatty acids which if given to sheep have the potential to accumulate in the meat. However, in the rumen unsaturated fatty acids undergoes biohydrogenation by rumen microbes, and the addition of fat in the feed has the potential to reduce fiber fermentation in the rumen which can have an impact on animal performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of the combination of protected and non-protected soybean oil supplementation on the characteristics of rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen balance of Garut sheep. Twelve male Garut lambs aged 13 months and weighing 29±3.23 kg were kept in a metabolic cage and divided into three groups. The basal diet of 60% King grass and 40% pollard bran was supplemented with protected and non-protected soybean oil with the ratio of 3%:0%, 1.5%:1.5%, and 0%:3%, respectively, based on the dry matter of ration. The data obtained were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA, followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that supplementation had no effect on rumen fatty acids profile, microbial protein, ammonia concentration, total volatile fatty acids, acetat, propionate, butirat, and pH. The digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fibre, and crude fat were not affected. Supplementation also had no effect on nitrogen balance. Hence supplementation of different levels of protected fats did not influence animal performance in Garut sheep

    Free Fatty Acid Concentration and Carboxy methyl cellulase Activity of Some Formulas of Protected Fat-proteins Tested In Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to determine the levels of free fatty acids and carboxymethylcellulase activity (cmc-ase) activity of some protected fat-proteins base on in vitro Tilley and Terry method. Two sources of fat, i.e. crude palm oil and fish oil and three sources of protein i.e. skim milk, soybean flour and soybean meal were used in the formulation of protected fat-protein, and thus there were six treatment combinations. The filtrate from the in vitro test was analyzed for the levels of free fatty acids and  cmcase activity. The result of this research indicates that different combinations of feed materials and fat give different content of free fatty acid in first stage and second stage in vitro, with the best results in the combination treatment of skim milk and palm oil that give the lowest result of  free fatty acid concentration in fisrt stage in vitro (0.168%) and the highest result free fatty acid concentration in second stage in vitro ( 4.312%) . The activity of CMC-ase was not influenced by different  sources of fat and protein. It can be concluded was that the protection of the combination between skim milk and CPO gives the highest protection results

    Free Fatty Acid Concentration and Carboxy methyl cellulase Activity of Some Formulas of Protected Fat-proteins Tested In Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to determine the levels of free fatty acids and carboxymethylcellulase activity (cmc-ase) activity of some protected fat-proteins base on in vitro Tilley and Terry method. Two sources of fat, i.e. crude palm oil and fish oil and three sources of protein i.e. skim milk, soybean flour and soybean meal were used in the formulation of protected fat-protein, and thus there were six treatment combinations. The filtrate from the in vitro test was analyzed for the levels of free fatty acids and  cmcase activity. The result of this research indicates that different combinations of feed materials and fat give different content of free fatty acid in first stage and second stage in vitro, with the best results in the combination treatment of skim milk and palm oil that give the lowest result of  free fatty acid concentration in fisrt stage in vitro (0.168%) and the highest result free fatty acid concentration in second stage in vitro ( 4.312%) . The activity of CMC-ase was not influenced by different  sources of fat and protein. It can be concluded was that the protection of the combination between skim milk and CPO gives the highest protection results

    Study of Local Herb Potency as Rumen Modifier: Red Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) Addition Effect on In Vitro Ruminal Nutrient Digestibility

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    Red ginger is herb that commonly used as part of traditional medicine due to its essential oil content. Some essential oil have proven as rumen fermentation modifier. Addition of red ginger in ruminant diet was studied using in vitro gas production technique to evaluate its effect on nutrient digestibility. Red ginger meal was added to meet essential oil level in fermentation medium of 0 mg/l as control, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/l. The diet consisted of Penisetum hybride, rice bran, wheat pollard in ratio 60:20:20 DM basis. Feed fermentation was incubated for 24 h at 39°C. At the end of incubation data of gas production volume was taken, and residual feed were collected for further nutrient analysis to calculate the digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF). Variance analysis was used to analysis collected data, followed by DMRT analysis.  Addition of red ginger increase total volume of gas production at level 50 mg/L and above. DM and OM digestibility did not affected by red ginger addition whereas CP digestibility were significantly decreased start at level 50 mg/l. In contrast, CF digestibility of treatment level of 50 mg/l significantly higher than control. In conclusion, addition of red ginger correspond to level essential oil of 50 to 100 mg/l improve ruminal nutrient fermentation

    Estimasi Sintesis Protein Mikrobia Rumen Menggunakan Ekskresi Derivat Purin dalam Urin dengan Teknik Spot Sampling pada Kambing Bligon dan Kambing Kejobong

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    This study were aimed to determine the correlation between concentration of purine derivatives (PD) in spot sample with PD total excretion in Bligon and Kejobong goats and determine the appropriate sampling time, in order to predicting microbial protein synthesis in both breeds. Six male Bligon goats and six male Kejobong goats with age range from 8 to 14 months and body weight from 16 to 21 kg were placed in metabolism cages. Peanut straw and water were given to both groups of goats through ad libitum feeding and drinking. The study was done in 14 days for adaptation, 3 days for collection. Sample of feeds, feed residues, and feces were collected and then analyzed to determine dry matter and organic matter content. Spot urine and the total daily urine samples were also collected. Samples collection of spot sampling technique was run by taking the urine periodically with 3 hours intervals at 24 hours. Urine samples were analyzed for the content of creatinine and PD which includes allantoin, uric acid, xanthine, and hypoxanthine. Data were tested for the correlation between concentration of PD spot urine sample with total PD daily excretion. It is known that the concentration of PD and creatinine (µmol/L) for Bligon were 1,418.40 and 202.85 respectively, while for Kejobong were 1,547.40 and 219.68 respectively. Total excretion of PD, allantoin, uric acid, xanthyne and hypoxanthine and creatinine (µmol/W0,75/day) for Bligon were 114.14, 95.86, 17.31, 0.97, and 16.40 respectively, with microbial protein synthesis efficiency was 4.61 g N/kg degraded of organic matter in rumen (DOMR). Total excretion of PD allantoin, uric acid, xanthyne and hypoxanthine and creatinine (µmol/W0,75/day) for Kejobong were 180.18, 158.17, 20.60, 1.40, and 24.87 respectively, with microbial protein synthesis efficiency was 6.90 g N/kg DOMR. Based on this study also known that the best time for spot sampling to determine the total excretion of PD in Bligon was in the range time of 11.00 am to 2.00 pm, with equation Y=1.474X+48.81, while Kejobong goat in the range of 2.00 to 5.00 pm, with equation Y=2.678X+5.692
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